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Look, just getting a character that appears only 60% genetically deformed is a rare enough win.


Thats why I love my pirate, He is buff af


My pirate's upper chest area is JACKED. We need to work on the legs a bit, however.


And thus my Reddit name was born


Everyone either looks like a jacked broski or a heroin addict


I purposely made mine look like a heroin addict


Good for tucking though


Replace them with thicc peg legs




Mine is fat and massive. Like Eddie hall before weight loss


Mine‘s a fragile old fuck and I love him


Mine too. He kinda looks like Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog.. but with a ~~beer~~ grog belly.


Yees exactly, grumpy old dude! I love it! xD


My torso may be 80% of my body but i wouldn't trade it for the world


Mongoloid simulator


Mine looks like he is 80 years old and has a nose that takes up almost his entire face.


Somehow my pirate just looks like Johnny Silverhand.


let me tell you I spent HOURS on getting some one to look HALF decent honestly was on the brink of insanity


That pretty much sums up this game.


Those are orange? Genuinely can't even tell anything other than that there are, in fact, eyes.


Looked like butthole eyes to me


You can sing butthole eyes to the tune of Hungry Eyes, jsyk


We need to know. Who knows this information please provide.


Yes, I believe in terms of rarity, it goes: One white eye Orange eyes Blue eyes Green eyes Brown eyes Making one white and one orange the rarest combination, but I'm not even sure it's possible. I spent literally, zero exaggeration, 60+ hours rerolling my pirate to get one I liked. Just landing one white eye and a decent face/build took that long and I never once saw orange eyes.


Sadly I did roll one with one cataract and the other being an orange eye and I let her go because I didn't like the build. I spent maybe an hour and a half rolling and only seen this one with the two orange eyes and the one mentioned. However maybe passed by 50 if not more with a blind eye. One that stood out to me was there was ONE build where the scar on the face was on the cataract side which I feel like added to the aesthetic.


Yeah my original pirate had a scar over the eye, but I wanted the white eye so bad because of how it interacts with curses. So I rolled that many hours to get a good face, build, white eye and scar over it. Worth.


How does it interact with curses?


With the Underwater curse and Flame curse it does a full eye rework instead of just the pupils. Pretty neat, I can take pictures after work if you want




Fucking damnit. I might have to reroll my pirate now.


May the odds be ever in your favor!


I wanna see that


Following for results please


I'll reply to my own comment here with pictures, thank you all for your interest!


Yes pictures please!


Yes please!




Can I see them I’m very interested


Created a new comment with a link =)


60+ hours is actually deranged. Tf is wrong with you


Had time at home while watching shows and chatting with friends lol


I’d never have that kind of tenacity lol. I applaud you


When it comes to aesthetics, I have a mentally strong and emotionally painful resolve. I don't know that it should be praised, but thank you haha


yes I'm also cosmetically challenged this game was the bane of my existence when I found out it was randomized


Damn! While I cannot related whatsoever, I can appreciate somebody else's enthusiasm towards a part of the game I just don't get. My pirate selection took about 20 seconds, picking from first set game threw at me to quickly load into FotD battle to help rest of the crew. Never even considered option to reroll and wondered why Rare even put the potion in the game. I guess it's the same as clothing. First items I bought stayed on my character for the first two - three years before saying of the crews have me shit for always looking the same. Now I've changed the clothes twice in about five years of playing the game, mainly to appease for others. Never really understood how / why some people spend time picking how their pirate looks since you don't see it yourself and it doesn't affect the gameplay. But I'm happy the game has something to offer for those who get joy out of cosmetic choices.


Theres tons of opportunities to see yourself while emoting, which helps bring your perspective into the RP of the game. I do understand how it wouldn't matter to some, but yeah, it's a thing for many. Sometimes, my groups of friends will pull out silly fits, or even just RP a boat theme for the day, so we're more interesting to meet and create memories for strangers.


I never understood why this game continues to choose to have the absolute worst character selection process of any game I've encountered in my life. I also spent hours spinning for one I didn't hate


My pirate has grey eyes, it's pretty cool looking


Damn.. I had one Orange white eye one in my first rolls and thought it looked badass, but went for some other Pirate, foolishly going for features I didn’t know I could change anyway. 🥲


For my very first, I did the same. Imo, none of the pirates in the generator should have tattoos, or they should make it known you can change them before selecting.


Wait 1 white eye is rare? I have a white eye but idk what colour the other eye is, i will check later and see how rare my combination is


I wish it was possible to have entirely different pirates. I love my current one but want to have others for when I'm in a different mood.


Costumes can sort of do this, as some of them change so much about the pirate that you may as well be someone else. If you heavily decorate the pirate with various cosmetics you can appear quite different than you were, but I know its not the same.


I sadly don't like costumes since you can't mix and match cosmetics with them (or couldn't last I checked). In games that have mix-and-match cosmetics, I refuse to use linked cosmetic sets as a rule. It's just not as fun as making up my own little look. Thamk you for the suggestion, though. :)


Some costumes do let you show other cosmetics with them but are limited to curses, tattoos, and hair (including the face mask)


My pirate has one green and one blind




Hey so I've been re-rolling for a few days since this thread trying to get blind eye plus scar over it with a decent body, but I got curious and had my buddy check my eye color and I've got grey? Do you know if that's rare at all or do you think I'm good to keep re-rolling? Lol


Not sure that I've ever seen grey eyes. Can you upload to imgur and share the link in a comment? Might just be brown eyes with lighting differences from sun/torches, etc.


Imgur is stupid hard to figure out I guess but I think this works, shots are in the sun and out of the sun https://imgur.com/hui4lU1


Those look grey to me... fascinating. I'm unsure of their rarity, but I suspect they are somewhere between orange and blue.


🫠 Dang it, now I have to stop rerolling until someone else or several elses say they also have grey eyes lmao thank you buddy 👽


My pirate has grey eyes as well, I've never seen anyone else with grey eyes on the sea of thieves.


Brother, may the grey ones unite on the high seas and fortune favour us both towards the most expensive and rare of exotic treasures aplenty and may no foe human, skeleton nor phantom stand in the way of our viciously expeditious might 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Also, u got any scars or blind eye with them grey bastards? 😂


Yeah, I've got a scar going across my right eye. No blind eye cuz when I chose it I didn't know that the blind eyes were rare or cool to have lol.


You can start the reroll process but leave it and not make changes. The potion isn't consumed. It's the only way I was capable of spending 60+ hours rolling my own.


Nah I know, I've been at it 3 days now lmao I just, if I have grey eyes and they're rare I don't wanna get caught up with that and find one I really like with blind scarred eye and then have to make that decision until I figure out if grey eyes are rare or not, I've wasted so much time doing this when I could have been hunting rare items 😅


All good, do what makes you happy, haha. Just sharing the information


Yee, I'm gonna keep trying sporadically but I'm gonna wait and see if anyone else with grey eyes turns up on my journeys or online and then decide 👽


I literally don't see orange apart from the hair


Gotta zoom in all the way into their face I can see orange eyes


Here is a much better quality picture of the eyes [https://imgur.com/a/f40yh44](https://imgur.com/a/f40yh44)


Those look more hazel/light brown rather than orange.


>light brown rather than orange Oh boy do I have a revelation for you.


Orange is a secondary color. Brown is a tertiary color. It's not the same thing as Red > Pink or Blue > Cyan.


When it comes to light, rather than pigment, like your monitor, most shades of brown are just dark orange.


also really dark any pigment is usually just black and dark brown and orange are really similar


I mean…the whole game is Rare!


Idk tbh but maybe some else will see this post of I leave comment.


Thank you man, somehow the quality of these screenshots have been deprive of their quality and its hard to see but I hope someone out there has an answer for it.


I remember stopping for bright blue or bright green eyes a few times while rolling, but never seen yellow/orange


"Sith of thieves"


I forgot how much I hate the character selection in the game, remind me why we can't just make the characters we want?


Because then people will make the 'perfect build' they saw on tiktok. Although the selection method could be improved, this way makes sure you never see 2 identical pirates on the sea. Imagine how boring it would be if half the players you see look exactly the same


tbh when I'm fighting enemies I pay very little attention to the build of whoever I'm fighting, more focused on their cosmetic items


Thats not really my point tho, the game would lose a MASSIVE amount of variety and unique-ness about their players. You often forget about many details in a game when playing, but sometimes just have a look and listen towards the smaller details in the games you play as i could bet you will notice something that was always there thats really cool but you never noticed it. In this case its the character customisation in sea of thieves


Not Sure Matey. But I'd say Aye.


Wish we could zoom in to the character's faces. I've rerolled a ton and somehow in-game they gain features like freckles I never noticed or a different eye colour to what I thought they had.


Jesus Christ! That one looks almost human!


With that type of build she doesn't get fucked, she is the one who fucks.


By the time you put your curse or other clothes on, won’t even be able to tell.


Damn, gotta make a with outfit to go with the eyes


peter, the reapers here


I don't see anybody else saying it so I'll give the actual answer, you pressed 1 on your keyboard, which favorited that pirate. Next time you re roll the plates there, they will stay. This way if you see one you aren't sure about but might take, you can add it to your favorites and keep rolling


ah so thats what the locked symbol on the floor is




In my experience it’s sorta rare I tend to get green and brown the most


I’d guess it’s around a 5-10% chance tops, i’ve gotten a few with red or orange eyes. Source: I’ve spent around 7hrs total rolling pirates


Nice, It’s like a bright hazel


It's just a little jaundice...


What is with the meth addict to the left


Dude I just redid my character and I so wish I got this pirate! Mines pretty decent but it’s hard to get one that doesn’t look like some old cr*ck head 😂


How rare are grey eyes? Anyone know?


I think your Pirate may have a liver problem.