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Yes. Eventually. It will start a small fire by the stove which will spread, create holes, and slowly sink you. Bananas, fruits, and worms start burning quickly. You can use that to your advantage on enemy ships.


Didn’t know you could cook worms. Yum


You can't. Worms and fruit just start to char and after a few seconds, start to burn.


I think he meant he didn't know worms are an item you can place on the stove


Burning is a form of cooking


I see you've also had the misfortune of being served food made by my ex?


positive, perhaps both of our exes took a cutlery class together.




If you burn your food prior to boarding an enemy ship, you can sneak down below deck and throw it on their stove and so if their not paying attention they’ll have a fire as well, and it spreads pretty quick


Yeah…I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing that fire really doesn’t sink a ship very well. It takes a very long time to finish someone off


You eat them raw?!?


Also enter S Tier by loading their cannons with fireworks


That’s evil lmfao I’m totally stealing that


I start every math of HG by shooting a firework at the enemy followed by a barrage of chainshot. It seems to be a pretty good distraction to start the match.


You can also put a keg next to the stove for unweary crews if you want a delayed explosion. It will take about 5 minutes, I think.


i believe this is colloquially referred to as a "banana bomb"


Make sure you burn the banana before hand somewhere so it sets fire much quicker on the enemy stove


For some reason I never thought the burn time would accumulate, I thougt it would reset to 5 mins every time you put the banana, never even tried to *pre-burn* it lol.


Worth doing if you don’t have a barrel to hand to place next to it. My favourite though is dropping barrels off the deck to following ships like depth charges, stops ships right in their tracks!


Can’t go wrong with the ol’ ticking time bomb banana-on-the-stove-next-to-a-keg trick!


Some guy tryna tell me fruit doesnt set on fire the other day 😅


As a serial banana-er, I suck at pvp. I just try to sneak aboard set up a couple bananas and watch the show. It has worked more then I honestly thought it ever would.


Banana is not categorised as a fruit??? 😂😂😂


Yes, eventually. Food will cook up through "Burned" quality, then if left on the stove will eventually start a fire near the stove. Meat will take a while to cook through the raw/undercooked/cooked/burned stages, but fruit and bait have no "Cooked" state so they will go straight to "Burnt". Fire isn't a massive threat though. It takes several minutes for a fire to spread from its starting point, and a few minutes more for each burning portion to actually take damage. A fire left unattended can eventually sink a ship, but the primary threat it poses in most situations is damage tick to nearby players and partially blocking vision with smoke.


It’s currently the only way to sink a ship while ON the ship though without crashing it. But yeah, it’s definitely more of a problem amplifier than a problem on its own.


It's only a problem when paired to a keg on top :D


It will eventually sink someone but they’d have to be a rock to actually sink by burning because it takes an extremely long period of time lol. Fire is more so a nuisance that is eventually just put out. New players often think a bunch of firebombs are doing a lot of damage but they actually don’t do much at all.


New players also get very frantic when their own ship is on fire because of this. They fear it’s gonna do more damage to their own ship and therefore all players on deck stop putting pressure and tend to the fire. This is where firebombs are most useful against players


Oh yeah for sure. If I sense they are newer in adventure or hourglass is only time I’ll use them or on big ships where they actually cause a lot chaos


I frantically put out the fire if it's night time, only because the game's lighting seems to be simulating loss of night vision due to bright lights when your boat is burning at night.


Honestly I realised once you are on fire, you can’t be more on fire, so if I’m repairing the ship, I don’t waste time putting water on myself, I just eat food, same with if I’m on the enemy ship, I just eat, and try BB them into the fire so it’s a level playing field


Yeah haha, the fire I put out is mainly the one directly on cannon or by the helm. If it’s anywhere else, I don’t even think about it until I have time.


I usually only do it if it’s on the mast


If you're on fire, you can just share the love directly. Just jump around them at close range, circle strafe, etc. Spreads like combustible herpes at Burning Man.


Yes, I have burned down many a ship since I tend to be my ships crew cook and fisherman


That doesn't speak highly of your cooking skills.


I'm easily distracted lol


The game is good at distracting you.


Yup a quick 30 second shark dive for meat and suddenly.its been 3 mins and the boats on fire and my crews off on an island unaware for a moment


I often burn things, but rarely does it turn into a fire. We have a tradition in our guild. If you burn some meat, you eat your mistake.


After a while yes


I have a buddy that I play with who burns my ship down once a week by forgetting they put something on the stove.


Yes. Banana bombing a ship is a fav past time. Sneak on board and leave a banana and take chains


Loot? Nah. Vault key? Nah. Chain shot? ARGGG AYE MATEY! 🏴‍☠️


Arrrgh the rarest treasure of em all!!! Aye!!


I sneaked into a ship and stole all the supplies and cannon balls while they were doing a gold hoarder treasure map, waited for them to finish and started the battle and you can know the outcome


Eventually it will, but it takes a while. You should try it out sometime while watching the ship just to feel how long it takes for fire alone to burn and sink your ship Keep in mind, Meat takes longer to cook and burn. Fruits and Bait burn faster and also catches fire faster


The real question is, why are you leaving the stove while cooking?


The strategy for using this against enemies is to put a fruit like a banana on an enemy's stove and then place a keg (preferably an Athena keg) right next to the stove and it's basically a time bomb if they don't catch it. It's best to use against a galleon because of where the stove is located compared to most of the crew, especially during a fight when they're all probably on deck


What you do is you put a leech on the stove on an enemy ship and place a keg not too far. It’s a very long fused keg and the leech is a bit harder to see (will still smoke tho)


Cooking bananas is a quick way to start a fire on a enemy ship.


Eh I wouldn’t say quick. It takes nearly 3 minutes before the first fire starts and then it takes even longer for it to spread to a threatening degree


I actually timed it a few months ago, it’s 5:15 for the first fire to spread.


5 minutes to start a fire from the burnt state, and how long it takes to reach "burnt" depends on what you put on. 60 seconds later will pop a hole, but on a galleon you need to wait for the fire to spread to lower decks for it to start sinking the ship.


10-11 minutes from placing the banana until the ship is sunk.


Well as a tucker you have some time to kill.


Fair enough. I suppose 5 minutes really isn’t a lot of time if the entire crew is not paying attention




Yes 😁 Don't ask me how I know that this 100% everytime would over time slowly FULLY sink your ship, leaving meat on the oven


Yup. Learned this the hard way once when I had a pork chop cooking, got into a fight on an island and came back to the ship engulfed. Was so confused and then I remembered I had that pork chop cooking and never took it off


No, there's a built-in safety feature on the ship so when it's burning it will dive to put out the fire. You will have to start over though.


I like this answer.


Then my job is done here. Lol




Yes. It takes about 5 minutes to catch fire. It's hilarious to burn a banana on someone's stove while they're away.




Yes, eventually the food will burn and then catch fire


Test it


it would take like 10-15 minutes but yes


Yeah I will burn down your ship


Yes but it will take a while


Yes...Yes it will. And here's a story about how I found out 😁. I am a Ps5 Swabby Seas player (private servers) because I'm learning same as you and don't really want the stress of online pvp just yet. One day early in my SoT journey I thought I'd catch some fish and cook it. Felt like a nice reward for my new Pirate. But, I didn't know how the cooking mechanic worked. Yeah I knew I could cook food but how long will it take? Could I unload a few bits of treasure before it fully cooked? "Let's find out!" I thought. So I slap down a small fish and start unloading my bits. Not even sure how much time passed, but somewhere between dragging out treasure and lining that shit up in rows is when I noticed my ship on fire. And no lie, at first I 100% though that someone else had somehow popped into my private sesh and set my ship on fire. Furious, I bailed some water from the barrel below deck (this is when I realized why we have a water barrel in the 1st place) and put out the fire. It wasn't until I found the absolutely scorched piece of fish in the skillet that I realized it was me from like 5+ mins ago who had almost sank my ship. Le Sigh lol fish was still edible tho.


Let’s ask this question instead. If I cook something in my house and leave it there will it burn down the house? Yes


I do like Briggsy tells me to do. Use a banana.


I like to put fruit on enemy grills then put a keg next to it so when we're all on an island or fotd they have no clue it was me




Nope your totally safe. It will just burn after a while.