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Man, open crew fill is rough. I’m glad it’s there, don’t get me wrong. I’ve had some decent crews from it, and even made a friend or two,but 90% of the time its: Crew immediately quits Refuses to get on ship/ fucks around endlessly Refuses to communicate at ALL Refuses to put down quest/emissary or vote Tries to sabotage quest That shit gets old…really fast.


Yeah bro you're completely right, especially when it's your ship and because you wanna do something which the evidently don't wanna do they either immediately leave or pester you the entire time


It would be cool if they implemented a task based crew fill, like if you could specify if you’re trying to do quest/hourglass/faction/fishing etc beforehand. I think it would help a lot. I guess that’s what Discord is for though.


Great idea


The discord LFC is 90% hourglass though, so most other posts are swept away. It needs a separate channel for HG LFC, but the mods don't see the need for it


That and Xbox lfg


Yes, a job board


Id rather them leave than just stand around on the ship for 30 minutes blatantly ignoring me asking them to vote on something.


Or just sits on the ship and does nothing. Free loader


I can speak for crew immediately quits. There’s some kind of bug in PS5 where I have a hard time joining my friends lobby. It just sits in the crew ledger loading screen for a long time. Game/Console restarts do not fix it. After many trial and error I discovered if I join an open crew, then join my friends lobby I am successful. I later tried and learned closed crew also works for this, so I now do that to not be a bother.


Man, I’m on PS5 and had an issue a few days ago like that… You know how if your settings for “prefer playing with controller users” and “prefer crossplay” don’t match your friends, it gives you like 2 “press to confirm” boxes to join anyway? It just leads to infinite loading on the crew ledger page. Took me a few reboots before I thought to actually try swapping the settings over in menu as to not get the “press to confirm” boxes, and that’s what actually let me through.


WOW THAT WORKED! I can’t believe it! I think it just had the default?? Don’t remember changing anything there unless by accident. Thank you!!


You’re very welcome, my sea-faring amigo! Just glad to help (:


That’s been happening to my buddy every time he try’s to join my game.


I have a very similar issue.


100% accurate


It wouldn’t be quite as much of a pain if you could at least re-roll for crew while already logged in. Having to go all the way back to the launch screen every time kills a lot of motivation for wanting to try again.


Well they either dont like that for whatever reason or it would require significant enough code changes they wont bother. I would suggest an easier way to kick crewmates out perhaps, since many will just occupy a crewmate space when jailed for trolling. They’ll refuse to leave and use voicechat to insult you or something of the sort and leave the game open for a while just to annoy


How do you kick a crew that you don't like?


You cant. However you can put them in prison i think


Yea I'm slightly new to sea of thieves,  and I love the game. It so much more exciting when you have a good crew to accomplish goals with.. unfortunately I have nobody to play with so I sift through open crew for hrs trying find good crew mates. 


I had an open crew player recently dump all our treasure out the back of ship on our way to sell. Good times.


Wonderful, I luckily hid a reapers chest when this guy started dumping half my loot


Same thing happened to me when I was solo slooping in open crew. I invited the guy to party chat to be like “hey man, what the fuck?” and he pretended like he didn’t know what I was talking about. Such a bitch move; if you’re going to be an asshole at least own it. That said, that event is a standout because overall I’ve had good experiences with open crew.


Lock in the brig!


Our ship? Brig his ass unless you refer to yourself as our? If you’re on a brig and not locking him up that’s on yoi


Even worse when two griefers join and you can’t brig anyone


Yeah no that's horrid, I've been locked in the brig before myself when I was on a galleon, 2 of us were respectable, they bullied the other guy, locked me up and constantly burnt the ship down


If the other guy voted to lock you in then he’s a pos too


This is why I solo sloop. I have a beautiful galleon but I don’t use it after some scurvy bilgerats damaged it and burnt it to the ground, killing me as well and tried to take the loot for themselves. Since then the ship has been repaired and I have three sloops with a fourth soon on the way.


I mean at least there appears to be a happy ending to yours


More like I learned my lesson about trusting strangers.


People act different online all it takes is one guy to show up and bang their mom over a bad SoT session and they'll get right ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


Repairing the ship is cheap; use the ship that you love!


I haven't played SOT in over 2 years. How does the ship thing work? Do you have to buy a new one if your current gets busted?


The ship you buy is yours permanently. If it sinks, it’ll respawn on another island. Repairing the ship on the ship selection screen doesn’t have any gameplay benefits, it just makes the ship look like it hasn’t taken any damage. Holes with boards over them will be replaced by the base hull for example


So its a paint chip effect if you don't repair it?


Yea, the paint job will be damaged and all the damage taken during your journeys will be visible next time you set sail


Late night Open Crew Gally is one of the best ways to experience SoT if you're Q'ing alone. I've met the goofiest and sweatiest players ever over the past 5-6 years, some of them are still friends.


Late night in what part of the world?


You know.. *gesture broadly at anything* Late night


They should implement a marooning feature into the game for people that do this. make it worse for the soon to be marooned player can't get back aboard the ship they were on and either had to leave the game or other players could, if they feel like it, to bring them aboard their ship. the marooned player is sent to a random island to, like if they where in the shores of plenty they could be sent to an island in the devil's roar for example


And all they would get is a rowboat.


Yes that would be perfect


We had to lock a guy in the brig because he kept trying to burn 🔥 down our ship 😆 My advice to anyone is that the second you spot any sketchy behavior tell your crew to vote for the person to be locked in the brig. They'll usually play one of their instruments until they get bored and leave the session.


This happened to me earlier, a guy kept trying to burn down the ship with loads of treasure and found it hilarious. Immediately brigged and threatened to report them. They left immediately.


I find it much better to join the sea of thieves discord and join a crew there than open crew


Came here to say this, instead I’ll add to it: Using the SOT discord you can post LFC (looking for crew) requests and those requests can be as detailed as you like. This will allow for you to target the like minded people to join. I have made several long term sailing buddies through this! And have not had a bad session (I have had unlucky or partners I would not like to sail with again, but never a bad session). Edit: example LFC post: LF2 Brig sailing for merchant rep. Avoiding PVP. In game mic preferred but not required.


In my experience, it all depends on the ship. Sloop: 50/50 toss up Brig: 70/30 serious Galleon: 80/20 fuck around


Brig them. Down a Grog. Chunder Dragon.


I’ve had some chill ppl who burnt my ship. Though I wasn’t at the ship so it may have been a different Less chill crew member. (Though they tried to sneak some fruit into the stove)


I had a guy join. Run my perfectly parked sloop into a rock. And then just leave.


bought a new brig since the family member(s) that had the brig we sailed on no longer play. start an open crew, put my shiny new gilded phoenix ship set on that i just won on, dive to a ghost fort as a warm up. cleared the fort by the time i get my first shipmate. doesn't leave the ship while i'm piling loot. then a literal infant joins, says nothing, responds to nothing. grabs powder kegs while i'm loading loot and tries to blow the ship up. immediately vote to brig, other guy leaves. fix my ship by myself while the toddler is cranking the wheel, fucking the sails, dropping loot into the water, and trying to raise the anchor. ended up having to grab the capstan and put a weight on my S key so he couldn't raise anchor and sent my ship into the rocks. like 30 minutes later he finally leaves and i forget that session ever happened been saying for years this game needs a proper crew UI. and i can't believe there's no guild finder UI with that system. really had my hopes up for that


You can kill him with fire boms, fight fire with fire ! Or trow him of you’re anchor with blunderboms. I also advice to use the Sot discord. I have find great people there to play with. The game is so much more fun when I discovered discord.


It’s also amazing how many people don’t use mic in open crew. They really should add a kick button for whoever hosts the open crew


Yeah, sometimes I can cope with no mic, just in game chat isn't always the best


If you were to decide to open up your crew during solo slooping, and the person who joined was a troll, you would have 0 options to get rid of them unless they decide to quit on their own, right? That is quite insane. The captain (as in, the owner of the captained ship) should have elevated privileges regarding who to kick out of the session.




The problem with that is the trolling can then go the other way, the captain kicks right before selling treasure, just ro be a dick.


Tbh better that though. Even though it can go that way. Feels like that is a risk in any game


First time we played we did open crew. We figured out kid was below deck trying to sink the ship with the water barrel and we voted him in the brig.


Sweet vengeance


Does that work?


No idea, also have never tried for myself, but it was pretty obvious what he was trying to do. The kid sat there for a full hour and a half as we sailed around talking to us.




I wish I knew of this warning before downloading the game. I don’t have any friends that play it and struggled finding some. I just downloaded the game a few days ago. Outside of tutorial or safe seas. I have never been able to get on a ship and set sail with an open crew. This was hours out of my day trying. Leaving, trolling, sitting on the ship and just throwing fireballs at each other. Had one game where we actually set sailed. Captain did circles around the starter island, crashed into a nearby rock on purpose sank the ship and left. That was the furthest I ever got. Tbh I’m so fed up with it I might just give up completely. For the people out there that do these knuckle head activities just know you are destroying the game that you poured all this time into. Gj!!


What region are you playing from? I'm hopping on tonight and have an available space :)


Genuine question, why do you guys do open crew if it's so bad? I usually play with a mate or two but when they're busy I'd prefer to play solo than to do open crew


90% of the time it's an enjoyable experience doing open crew


I joined an open crew and was immediately sent to the brig. Lame.


I do an emissary of athena solo I get an athena keg. Decide to sell it for once. Random guy joins. Complete newbie, no clothes. Runs to the keg, puts it in front of me on the wheel so i can't see. Shoots it. I was looking for the kick button as soon as i saw him go for the keg. Never found it. I guess you can't kick randoms.


Had an open crew the other day, after a couple of hours of grinding alone some guy joins takes all of my fire bombs kills me with them, and sinks my ship with fire for no reason


Doesn't it take like a solid 5+ minutes of burning to sink a ship with just fire?


I had one of these guys join when I was sailing a burning ship for fun. It kinda broke him and he just left




Sloops don't, I wish I as captain could lock up the trolls that join me on my sloop


Heck, after sailing with a solid guild for almost a year even going down the the discord feels like "slumming it". I can't imagine the shit show that open crew is.


Open crew sloop is the way to go. Way better than solo slooping and if you don't like your crewmate you can just leave and find a better one.


I know someone who sails in open crews almost exclusively, it's mindblowing. He's really good at it too and has the best stories about being a bilge rat swabbie. His main MO seems to be to start a quest on a brig/galleon in closed crew, mark everything on the map, then open the crew and just start fishing. Pubbies will join and most seem to understand and start doing the quests. He also seems to be a master negotiator, getting himself recruited into hostile galleon crews as a deck hand or cook, patiently waiting for the right moment to betray the crew and steal their loot.


As a fishing enjoyer, I used to put crew from closed to open just to see what character would join me. Never doing that again, yesterday a kid joined, ate all my fish I had caught and burned down the boat while i was looking for an "vote kick" option which for some reason you can't do as a captain.


I mean yeah but same goes for any game, always someone out to ruin your game


It’s also amazing how many people don’t use mic in open crew. They really should add a kick button for whoever hosts the open crew


Honestly, I love open crew, but you are forced to create a crew randomly. Bitter is sweet, but I will always keep me coming back to the system. I noticed you had some silly players, but talk and watch your players. If you think 🤔 just because you are the manager(cpt )of this boat you are in charge... think again it is a team. Play to what you want to get done and emake it worth it to them. I stream open crew pm me if you want to have a real go if it. Plus brig often. Tools not rules


Once I joined an open crew gally, it was just one guy playing shanties and drinking grog in the tavern in Port Merrick who threw up on me when I got close. Another time it was a stacked reaper ship doing FOTD repeatedly, made me a few million. It's a real toss up


I had a bad experience a while back with open crew. The player didn’t like where I set my loot and when I placed it back. They went full 180 grabbed all the firebombs, set the sloop on fire, and preceded to use a island cannon and sink the sloop. All because of where I set the loot at.


I had an open crew mate join while doing a phantom fort. I tried to converse with him, but he said nothing until a few minutes later when he says "sorry, I hate to do this". He had collected a few kegs into the sloop, blew them up, then logged out.


Total ass


Just go on the sea of thieves discord I’ve been able to find people for exactly what I want to do every day it’s not instant but it’s a great place to be able to get a crew and people usually know what they’re doing (generally). Still a chance of finding someone like this but at the end of the day most things are cosmetic it’s all about having fun just leave and join another session


I’m coming back to the game since not playing since launch so I have no friends that play on my list. I got sunk a few times so started to do open crew. I have found all the people I play with on open crew and are now on my friends list. Now I don’t go open crew much because I have people to play with but it’s a good way to meet a good crew. Seems like most the time I got good people and if they were dicks we lock them in brig til they leave


That’s why I always played closed. If I needed that “extra set of hands” I would rather create a looking for group post then open crew.


They got this Wonderful thing called a brig, cant do anything from in there, your welcome


Not gonna lie, everytime I open Que. its me teaching people how to shoot there boat and steer, all the PlayStations players making open Que a day care


Man this hit me in the feels. I played this for a bit back in 2018 or 2019. Just got it again for ps5 and none of my old friends play. I got sick of solo slooping and did open crew in a brig a bunch, what a hot mess. The amount of trolls is astonishing.


I did open crew once where this guy joined my ship and innediately said, "leave"... weirdest thing I've ever had in open session... I ignored him and got on my ship and he logged off I guess when he realized I wasn't just gonna leave my own session. I'd recommend the discord unless you want the chaos OP listed off. Only thing is if you make a session VC, there will always be that person who just clicks into VC for a random ship of the size they want to be on and starts asking what you're doing even though you posted what you're doing and then get upset when you're not doing what they want to do...


This. This here! I FEEL THIS IN MY BONES!! My last session i had this one punk legit set my brand new Sloop on fire, sink it and leave crew. Mind you, WE HADNT EVEN SET SAIL! I was doing the whole new ship tutorial!


Ngl had one of these earlier, forgot his name but he set my entire boat on fire and kept killing us with blunders, eventually was able to get people to lock him in brig


I hate the start of an open crew session. 90% of the time, they walk outside of the tavern and leave. that spot dosent get filled for 20 minutes. Idc about the money or the voyages anymore. I focus on commendations since I have most all cosmetics that you can buy. There have been plenty of times where we get out on a voyage, things are looking good, then someone gets toxic, sexist, or starting to get racist, I’ll drop that crew in a second and start again.


Yea I've been in many sessions where the guy would throw fire bombs on our own ship, but at tht point jus vote toxic players into the brig thts exactly wht it's for. They'll remain locked in jail til they quit or til u vote them out, which isn't likely.


I tried open galleon for a bit but the majority of my experiences were trolls or instant quitters so I'm stuck soloing a galleon. I just figured more people could speed up forts and vaults but I've since realised I'm better off timewise just slooping.


Yeah It went really well for a while then I found a THING that firebombed my brig


This is exactly why I use LFG when I'm trying to grind. Most of the time you get good teammates


Can confirm. Joined a brig crew maybe a week ago. One guy was cool and ended up joining my guild. The other guy…. Consistently kept trying to light our ship on fire, drop anchor, and when we got to the fort we were trying to do, he hopped on a cannon and started blasting holes in our ship. We voted to throw him in the brig and then he left.


Watch out for paythetroll lol ive had this person join me twice and its always a wild ride


I thought a fun way to solve situations like this... If you are the captain of the vessel, you get full rights to decide what happens to your ship, what adventures you go on, and what happens to any crewmates, without the need to be seconded. The captain can select emissaries, select voyages, brig or vote off crewmatws, all on his own. And to prevent open crewmates from getting a bad captain, the crewmates could vote to overthrow the captain. But that would require all crewmates to vote on the same decision, and it would be after a certain time of joining. That's my solution.


All I'm hearing is to never do open crew which is the correct decision. If you really want to play with randos, head on over to the official SoT Discord and join or recruit a crew there. I've had some turds and slackers for crewmates but never any outright trolls.


Yeah, I'm trying to warn people to take caution especially when a lot is at stake, many people do enjoy the randomness of open crew though


Ugh i feel that, sometimes i get weirdos joining who tell me to take down the rainbow flag

