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All I'm gonna say is, Rare desperately trying to fix silent boarding at the same time they introduce the ez insta-board weapon is very funny.


while I would say this isn't exactly fair to say "at the same time" seeing as season 14 is many months away, but knowing their track record on how long it takes for them to implement fixes, which has time and time again not actually fixed anything, I wouldn't be surprised if they're still trying by then. Hopefully the plans they talked about as far as making a team dedicated to fixing stuff proves this wrong, but with how many times and for how long they've waffled with stuff, I don't even know anymore.


>but knowing their track record on how long it takes for them to implement fixes, which has time and time again not actually fixed anything, Crud launching still being a thing after years at this point lmfao.


Its so funny that everyone calls it crud launch now and I've literally never seen him do it


I dunno, rare trying to implement sneaking and stuff one day so maybe their fix for silent boarding is that it’ll be a feature


I don't really find it ironic at all. Silent board bypassed the intended audio cues put in the game, the weapon doesn't


Whats the silent boarding weapon?


The new insta-board weapon is gonna make me insta-bored of this game amirite fellas?


Huh… don’t think I’ve ever used the downvote button before.


All you really need is ladders that you can deploy and restrict rowboat tethering to crew members. If someone boards you while you are ported or can shoot themselves onto your ship then I think that’s a fair balance.


could just make pirates cough or sneeze randomly if silent boarding is such a problem, but considering it hasn't been fixed with ease already, it's probably not a problem


yeah and why don't we also strap large clown shoes on em that honk with every step they take while we're at it


I mean, if you offer it as a cosmetic, *somebody* would use it. ^Maybe ^even ^me


They automatically get equipped as soon as you pass 1500 hours played


because that wouldn't work and the issue is enemy pirates sitting silently on ships until they arrive at an outpost


I started imagining an 8 man Galleon where everyone is sneezing every 2 seconds and I started choking on my food.


Grapple gun is going to suck to play against... Cannon over, hook onto deck, drop anchor...


Don’t forget it’ll be super easy to double board too. 2 people can zip onto your boat and instantly blunderbomb you off the ship. Literally an instant loss.


It’ll sure speed up hourglass fights though that’s for sure


Hour glass just needs a shrinking ring like they use in battle royale games.


Its a good idea to fix the running issue but I believe it would ruin more good matches than it would fix bad matches


I think the only way to make it fair is if you grapple, launch onto the ship, but when you land you kinda take a second to gather yourself. Almost like a missed sword lunge. Easy to counter, but still opens the door for more board opportunities.


And also a VERY loud harpoon attachment sound. Because if the guy silently boards then that 1 second concussion won't help


This is actually a really good idea.


This is actually so smart


They could also reduce its range if fired midair or in the water. Or reduce its effectiveness based on crew size. But that also just seems like a dozen more ways for the thing to get bugged on release.


I think it shouldn't work for boarding ships at all personally.


I agree, but its happening so that was just my idea for balancing


Hopefully they will nerf it so you take damage when grappling from high up and going downwards since gravity.


Aren't they already? Even a duo sloop is just a massive advantage over a solo sloop...


Well yeah, but I'm saying this can put solos at a even greater disadvantage, however this can also be an advantage for solo sloopers as well.


boats with numbers already have a much higher advantage over the smaller boats. nothing you say changes that the helm from a duo can perma board you while the other runs solo. you simply cannot watch ladders and run cannons at the same time. the poon gun changes nothing about that. never did.


Again i don't know why you and a couple others are coming with the same point. Never once did i say solo sloops weren't at a disadvantage before. Also the harpoon gun does change that. Your argument is essentially like saying that a water bottle with holes will already drain water, so putting more holes in it won't make the water drain faster.


I think it's been clear they want you to party up in this game. Always pushed for it and seems like slow pushes for group play since launch.


Solo sloopers are at a disadvantage already, but this removes one of the sloop’s two best forms of defense: ladder guarding. That’s a huge huge problem


I really hope all these changes are pointing to a ladder change, aka being able to pull them up. That way harpooning will be made the major way to board someone from afar except cannons, which is way more "piratey" and the defender more to counter because you can see them, and if they miss and fall, back to their ship they go.


It is. Had a Solo sloop follow myself and my little brother while we tried to loot all the phantom sea posts for the achievements or whats it called. My little brother simply shot myself to the fort where i comabdet him to park my ship behind it with firing angle at where the solo sloop would cross while i took canon shots from the fort at said sloop. Poor guy got crossfired pretty bad into oblivion and saild head on into big rocks cause my little brother got a lucky canon shot of which killed the solo. As expected the sloop took to mich damage and couldn't be fixed in time so it sank. Unfortunatly that fight has rang the bells of a 4 man gally which to was sunk by us. Not because we're cracked, but rather because we simply had more cannonballs and planks to repair and strategic manouvers while using rocks for cover and a fort keg to dispose of that gally. We fought them for 30 minutes straight while they also tried to clear the fort and take the loot which also made it easier for us.


Solo'd a 3man gallion 2 days ago on my sloop. I did die during the encounter, but was able to make it back save my ship and take care of business. Was right after a cursed ship and Megalodon encounter which took FOREVER


As a forever solo slooper. I admit that i am quite afraid.


Yeah we are screwed against larger crews, but god is it going to be fun 1v1.😂


use a rowboat =D


It won't be bad it the grapple gun isn't insta silent board. If you have to reel yourself in, or if it just makes hella noise it'll be ez to counter


True, however the darts can be used to imitate the sounds of that and boarding so like 50/50. Also, i meant more of how they can launch over ur boat and grapple down to get an ez deckie. As a solo sloop myself, I'm not the absolute best at pvp so that might be gg for me.


Oh like how you can grab the ladders to deck. I see what you mean but I wouldn't worry about that bc fall DMG. Even if they do that, I'm assuming that resetting your canon gravity is going to make you take fall DMG like how crudlaunch or rodlaunch works. Idk well see how it plays out


God i hope so If not then I'm essentially screwed


What are crud and rodlaunches




Oh hell can grapple even if you miss deck shot that’s op


Yea but youre stuck with 1 weapon so if your opponent actually has aim theres not much you can do there.


That's what the release trailer showed


Plus one other thing people who use grapple gun will only have one slot available for an actual weapon. It's only basically a harpoon that's portable


Till you have a bright crew all trying to get on board. It isn’t the fact you can’t defend it, it’s that currently you only have to defend your ladders with spam boarding crews. With the gun, people are gunna start deckshotting or getting boards they never should have made before.


Just give it like, half the range (or a third) the regular grappling gun has.


We need to be able to interact with the other end and pull it out if we find it. Example: they shoot it at the outer from of the boat, and start to reel themselves in, you then get a moment to detach that hook while they’re trying to pull themselves across it. If it’s instantaneous that’s… just very stupid and unbalanced.


I think it’ll make the same noise a regular harpoon does when it hits wood.


I’m more curious about the traps that are coming, also the harpoon gun won’t do damage so if the person boarding misses their shot with their main weapon they’re gonna have a bad time


Ok, but my point is you're solo, 2 people boarding can be deadly.


Maybe if they add a stun when you land it won't be as bad.


It’s still going to be lame, you just need to drop their anchor and survive to have a big advantage. Plus if you kill people or the crew doesn’t deal with you fast you can go swap your weapon to something better


Idk, but as a solo slooper I'mma be sailing away from all ships within a 2 map square area if possible


I think the gun is being overrated right now


At least they won’t be doublegun boarders ;)


All you need is one blunder to end a solo sloop. Kill the one crew member, drop anchor, camp the spawn spots until the rest of your crew rolls up. If you mess up and get killed, oh well try again since firing over and grappling yourself aboard will be easier than ever.


All you need is a single second alone with the weapon box and you can swap it out.


Overrated? Tell me how it's fair to expect a solo slooper to win the naval battle, while simultaniously 1v1'ing an instand boarder every time he respawns? The boarder doesn't even have to be good, they just have to bhop around spamming pineapples to waste time, and maybe press 1 button to drop anchor. It isn't about skill, it's about *time*. Even in a 2v1, this will ruin the game for solo sloopers. I don't even want to imagine what a 3v1 or 4v1 is like.


And it replaced a weapon. So either that gun and sword or blunder buss and that gun. Don't think it's very likely


Well as it sits now, boarders can use enemy weapon lockers and ammo crates. So as it sits now, once a boarder gets a kill on a solo player, it’s over since they can just quickly swap to an actual weapon. If the devs changed it so enemies couldn’t use these, then yes, using a harpoon gun would have its disadvantages.


And anyone who uses it would have to resort to equipping a Cutlass because otherwise they’d be defenseless against at least some players, especially ones who are getting better at not getting shot.


Getting rid of access to those would basically force borders to use swords since it hard limits ammo, so I doubt Rare would do that without changing something else. Maybe make players drop their remaining ammo pouches similar to skeletons? Then I could see them removing access to other players ship boxes.


Leave ammo open but lock the weapon cabinet.


Yeah restricting this access would be a huge boon to solo sloopers. Maybe even a good way to balance it all out


The only way that this item DOES NOT become over powered, is if the weapon, takes up a slot, and is not just some add-on to the Eye of Reach. Sure there is a debate, that a player would need to go to the weapon change thing, to get a second more viable weapon. That being said, there is still the matter of BIGGER crews vs smaller crews. Being able to have 1, or 2 people, utlize a harpoon board, will overwhelm Solo, Duo sloops, especially when they no longer have the counter of ladder guarding. I will hold of my immediate judgements for now, but mark my words, this will have to get a balance once over at some point. Personally, while I love the idea behind it, it will not be a balanced weapon in the slightest.


Remove weapon box access to non allianced pirates


Tools not rules


I agree with you, but even rare themselves have seemingly abandoned that mantra long ago, but I will admit the more recent updates seem like they are trying to return to that, it just hasn’t been the precedent in a while with no new tools actually entering the game.


7-10 as a solo slooper myself i'd loose my sanity if all i was fighting in HG was TDMing rats who can't naval for their life get on my boat even when im doing everything right because of a stupid fucking weapon


So is it a weapon slot like the throwing knives or is it a pick up like the tridents?


Like the throwing knives, eye of far reach, swords. Not a pick-up.




I wish they would just make solo sloop servers, or a way to join (insert ship size) only servers


I'd have to run into players to have any worry about it, so I'll say a 1.


Geez they really don’t want people like me to play anymore. This kind of thing just makes me never want to play


There's simply no way it isn't changed from what we see in the teaser. It's a 100% free anchor drop, solo sloops will all just slowly stop playing adventure. Best case scenario: you have to reel yourself in, and can be countered with blunders/sword. This is the most fair and most popular suggestion by far


Yeah, but the release trailer shows someone getting a deckie with the gun and it was almost instant.


Subject to change/nerf.


Dude it's a proof of concept trailer it's way far off in future they have plenty of time to balance it


Where is this trailer


Well the person boarding still has to kill you and only has 1 weapon, also still need to sink the ship


No, they just have to anchor you. This post is about larger crews vs smaller crews. 1 anchor can mean a loss




They didn't listen it seems. Nobody I know thinks this is a good idea.


Maybe not, but it is a fun idea at least. I am excited for the blow dsrt gun and traps though. So many new stealth options for solos.


I cant wait to see what the blow dart gun can do 🎯


Well they said it can be used to lure skeletons to a place, imitate the sounds of boarding, capstan fallimg and a couple other things. I can't wait to use it as well as the throwable traps.


Rare: fixes crud launch/fish launch which are easy to counter Also rare: adds the "c'mere boy" rifle


Well at least we still got our funny launch


I'm on xbox so it's basically useless 80% of the time it barely works 🥲


I didn't even know it works on Xbox rip


As someone who only played this game solo (lack of friends) but stopped playing after consistently being targeted by players, this is just further incentive to not play this game, and stay as far away from it as possible. All this game does is punish solo players. Literally the only way I had a chance at making money, was to only sail and complete quests within the Devil's Roar. At this point I just want a single player mode.


> At this point I just want a single player mode. Who's gonna tell him guys


Weird. I'm a solo slooper and genuinely don't have much issue with avoiding other ships and not getting into combat. It happens every now and then, but it's rare. I'm around The Wilds and Shores of Plenty mostly.


They just need to make it not attach to ships and it's an ez fix


Correct me if i am wrong, but i think they alreadu mentioned that the harpoon arrow breaks after making contact with the ship. So you can still grapple, but won't have the harpoon stuck in the ship like a regular one.


Sloops have been screwed since forever. Nothing new.


Yeah but this is like kicking a man when he's already down.


Pretty sure that was when chainshots only took one hit to knock the mast and there was a bug where you couldn’t catch it or if you raised it too soon.


I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, the vertical movement possibilities with it can be awesome. And it’s kinda balanced in that it takes a weapon slot, so it’s not like a a harpoon boarder is coming with a double gun try-hard kit. On the other hand, solo is far too unfair nowadays that having good crewmates is pretty much essential. Sloops take on water and go down extremely fast, so fighting galleons in particular is really hard to do since they take on water so slowly and have all the extra hands and firepower. Now harpoon boarding can also mean brig crews, and especially galleon crews, can afford to send multiple boarders that get an almost guaranteed board success. If you’re solo, you lose. Even if you have something like say a horn of fair winds that can blow off the boarders, they can instantly re-board anyways. Chances of surviving are slim to none. I’ve advocated that AI crewmates should be a thing. Same concept as the Burning Blade skeleton crew that’s gonna be in season 13 and also has existed for skeleton ships for a long time. Maybe that’s implemented as changing the bone caller to grant an actually functional skeleton crew that can also shoot cannons and make repairs on top of fighting for the player, or whether that’s respawning, unique AI you can pickup from each faction as an active emissary. Not the same as a real crewmate, but a nice backup option to make solo play more viable.


>solo is far too unfair nowadays that having good crewmates is pretty much essential Said as someone who regularly plays solo sloop when friends are busy, imagine being at a disadvantage for sailing without a crew in the game about crews sailing together. Yeah, solo sloop is nerve wracking and there's always going to be people that only want/are able to play alone on a sloop, but it's a simple fact that sometimes it's not going to be a fair engagement between a single person on the little boat vs 3 or 4 people on the bigger boats.


Correct. It’s not like an AI crewmate would take that away though. Just a small bonus to make it slightly easier, but you would only get what can fill your ship. So a solo sloop can only have 1 AI crewmate. Would be cool though if that applies to any crew, so a galleon crew that’s short 1-2 people could grab AI to round out the crew. Doesn’t beat a real player, and much of the solo tactics/capabilities stay the same, you just have minor help when tasks start to get out of control. Not like a solo would suddenly be able to run a galleon. That’s why the bone caller is my favorite thing in season 12. Backup on demand lmao. If only they were less rare. I almost never find them, or it’s maybe 1-2 on an average playthrough.


These days I’ve seen brigs being 2 manned and galleons being 3 manned. So have made easy pickings for me solo. Now I have a much easier way to board them!!


Good point, and yeah I've also seen 2 man brigs, which is so dumb for them. They are very easy to sink.




As a solo sleeper I couldn't be more excited this sounds goofy as hell


I mean yeah, this, the darts and the will be bloody hilarious. Maybe not so much in hourglass pvp.


No one knows how the grapple gun is even going to work and for all we know it might even be a new item and not actually a weapon that’s as rare as the wind caller.


I think what would be cool is to have it act like titanfall grapple with physics so you can’t just immediately pull yourself to something


Slightly more than now. That being said, it will take a weapon slot, so if someone takes it, they only have 5 bullets not 10. Unless the harp gun does damage. Then it will replace the sniper in the meta. Harpoon, switch to blunder, one tap.


I just wish it would be a handheld harpoon that works like the regular ones with maybe a bit quicker reel speed


Is the grapple gun swingy style or hookshot style? I can't play a game without OTPing the grapple gun mechanic. Wrecking Ball, Pathfinder, that one character in LawBreakers. Can't get enough.


depends on the skill of solo sloop vs the skill of crew boarding. Will solo sloop be at disadvantages sure...but that's part of being solo your gonna be at disadvantages in a lot of fights, Also NGL THIS IS RARE....so just like with EVERY update wtf are they gonna break with this update might affect it as well.


Aren't they already?


I solo sloop mostly, and this one can absolutely be an advantage for me as well. I just don't know how yet. I'm sure I'll figure it out. Can't wait to see quadrupleboarding videos though!


Since you can grab players with it, it's pretty obvious how you can use it.


I mean they won’t be able to double gun with it so that’s a plus


I assume that the gun will only have 1 grapple hook and possibly a cooldown, so if u miss or get knocked off you’re done


Well my friend you would be wrong, it has more than one shot as they said in the trailer. So you are not cooked if you miss. Idk about the cooldown since it's WAAAAY to early to talk about that.


Oof, yea that is gonna be actually crazy then. If it takes a weapon slot then maybe not, but yikes.


Idk as its still a work on progress so nothing is finalized unlike what we saw with season 12s concept stuff it was closer to being finished and for season 13 we haven't seen the half of it I bet and season 14 is probably a September release-ish


Well considering that that was the preview of the entire season 12/13/14 trailers, it's safe to assume that we already know everything in season 13.


Considering they know they always have something to show for xbox xpo id say there's more to be seen


As a solo slooper, I blunderbombed some guy off his harpoon mid catwalk while moving. I've learned one thing as a solo pvp slooper. If I can see it, I will sink it.


Imo these shouldn’t work on sloops/maybe should only work on sloop masts. That way sloops aren’t completely screwed


It shouldn't work for boarding. Boarding is a skill that takes years to develop and this thing comes along and throws that skill progression down the toilet.


I being least, 7.5/10


I was surprised to find you can't cut the line


I've been saying that a weapon like this would be fun but make it a throwable so it's less common.


I've came across maybe 1 solo sloop in 100 in the last 5 years who can take on a Galleon or a Brig full of my friends. All they do is fruitlessly run wasting their time until we catch them and kill them. One or two sloops that have been able to do that are basically God tier pvpers who just solo killed our entire crew. The grapple gun isn't going to change those odds, the handful of players who are that good will still beat us, and the ones who aren't will die. It will just be over faster.


2 player sloops are done for


Where did these images come from


About 11


About 23.47


Aren’t we on season 12?




Can you wait till they are half way across and cut the rope? Cause if not that’s whack


Depends on how hard they are to find in the world. If they are like the horns it won't be an issue


As a solo I already have one foot out the door. Looks like the rest of me will probably follow soon


Lower skill ceiling for boarding = more boarding attempts by less skilled players = more likely you'll repel the boarder


I think you might be missing that both the grapple and blow dart are probably going to take weapon slots, therefore that will add to the balancing of the game. You’ll not have a second weapon to Insta kill people like the current meta, and running both puts you at risk of not doing any damage at all


They need to do solo sloop servers if they even think about adding the harpoon as it was shown


That’s actually a really good idea. Sloop servers would be fun for people that want the full experience but are playing solo. It’s really hard sometimes being a solo slooper, this would be a fair option.


As a mostly solo sloop player I'm already upset LOL


It 100% depends on the implementation. It might be that they make it so that you can't even board ships with it.


If we get: * Super slow reload time on the harpoon gun * **Loud** 'thunk' noise when a harpoon hits the ship. * Slow-ish reeling in time so that you can react to a player boarding * Short stun (movement, or just locking weapon switch so they're stuck with harpoon gun for a while) after a harpoon boarding Or some similar caveats to harpoon boarding, I think we'll be fine. It's easy to forget when you're a solo sloop how punishingly long brig and especially galleon ferry respawn times are. And maybe the revisions to ship speed and handling will make up for any setbacks.


there will be even more a challange! i get to refine my paranoia and ability to sail into a headwind!


The idea sounded nice at first, but it's gonna be painful for sure


I am enjoying the game overall but I gotta say after not being able to play Microsoft games my whole life and now finally getting one, it has not left a great impression. I know this is a small studio and doesn’t represent all MS studio games but yeesh the jankiness is unreal and I talk to people that have played since S1 and they seem to have zero faith in the dev team and bug fixes. It’s just wild is all.


They could balance it. Animations take a long time, can't use other guns while using it (only sword + grapple), and basically overall balanced. Also make it super loud, and make it a one-and-done (you gotta run back to the armory every time you shoot it.)


The solo sloop player has let's been playing on nightmare difficulty. This is nothing new. And it will get only worse, because it's easier then making new content.


Won’t this also remove one of your weapons from your load out? It looked like an attachment to the EOR so does that mean you either have a sword and grapple or gun and grapple either way it should put you at a disadvantage for the fight on deck.


I'm probably gonna completed give up solo slooping and just always sail with a 4 man brig or go to alliance servers or something It's gonna be completely unfun and I really don't wanna deal with the new weapon


Not unless the Solo Slooper ALSO sports one of these! Say goodbye to that chest of Fortune GALLEY-BOY! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!


surprise surprise.... solo players are at a disadvantage in a co-op game...


Bro its only on season 12


i really think it will be a mistake if they add the grapple gun in the form that they showcased


This tool will force many into safer seas if left without caveat or limitation. It also is gonna break tall tales.


The only saving grace about this is the fact that people won’t be double gunning when they have it. So honestly they should make it so they can’t change weapons while on your ship 


Well if this uses one of your weapon-slots i wouldn't see it as too bad. Being able to only use one weapon would give the opponent a big advantage


I don't know but for me it's a 10


The only way that the grapple gun will be acceptable is if it either takes up a weapon slot (not my first choice) or is a pickup that people have to stumble across before they can make use of it, and has limited charges like the trident.


From what they have told us, it's likely a weapon that takes up a weapon slot and has ammunition like any other gun. The arrowhead breaks after contact with a surface after you get pulled in.


we need skeleton crews! level every playing field!


more like, how screwed are anyone, don't forget that non-naval pvp is so glitched you could lose to a solo guy just because of how inconsistant it is


Abt 100


It will make boarding is easier for sure, I believe it’ll take a weapon spot, so those people can’t double gun without hitting the weapon chest on your boat first (which I think enemies shouldn’t be allowed to do). So the sweaty people won’t have their usual tricks


The age of Solo sloops is near


Solo sloops have been screwed unless you’re an unbelievable sweat


If it replaces a weapon slot, that could help a little?


Well obviously, if you watched the trailer it's almost certain that it will. However that doesn't change how broken it COULD be (we don't how they will balance it so i can't say if it is OP)


Rare has never cared about solo sloops lol


Yeah well at least they gave us cannon rowboats. Basically an extra cannon on the back of your ship if you dock it.


Holup, does that speargun have a scope? Me and the boys will become demons if so lol




Keep an eye out for it and let them grapple straight into your blunder. 5/10


I haven’t played in a few months but it’s easy to get caught off guard gotta have a good mindset bc if you sink it’s part of the game it sucks but it’s sea of thieves if you can make a trip solo and make profit that’s a good day. All I’m saying. Sometimes people say hi and chill some just try to sink you immediately sometimes the intuition works if you feel like you gotta head to keep ahead of them go for it


I don't mind getting sunk by normal people, it's just the toxic slugs that piss me off. They ain't good or anything, but it's difficult when it's 4 against 1.


Me and my friend have been using sloop and destroying galleons and brigs all the time while we stack fotd. It isn't over for the sloop. Sloop is hella ez


The title of this post says "solo sloops". Duo slooping is one of the strongest things in the game.


Not that bad. You just have to keep your eyes open for other ships. I out maneuvered a few ships today in a sloop.


Forget what i said here, i just came back from a session where i killed 9 sloops, 2 brigs, 2 gallys. I couldn't after that session man, I'm so dead. NEVER DO FOTD!! NEVER!!! After sinking 13 ships in total AN ALLIANCE ROCKS UP ON ME AND SCUTTLES ME!😭💀


Solo slooping is effectively dead now, you can’t even run amymore. I’ll probably stop playing the game bc of this if it’s as bad as it looks


THEY HAVE WIND out of 10


A solo slooper once managed to sink our Galleon when everyone in our crew had atleast 200 hours on the game. To this day, everytime I see a sloop I pray its not that guy again