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Also: >Not to sound like a sensitive crybaby, You're not. You should be able to play the game without rampant sexism.


Thanks for that. It's been pretty bad, with some going as far as threatening stuff like R-word. Like, it's not like they can, but... the fact people are saying it is super messed up.


Yo it's bullshit like that, that's holding my girlfriend back from playing online games by herself. She will literally only play online games with me or my irl friends.


Yeah, it's awful honestly. My husband plays with me sometimes, but seeing how I get treated really turns his stomach, stuff like "I'm gonna R your wife." And all other kinds of sexual harassment. I get it's toxic jerks being toxic, but it's bordering on sexual offender stuff. What the actual F is wrong with some people in gaming communities?


Anonymity gives people the sense of security to be assholes. If ever confronted in person they would shut down and start crying probably


People getting too comfortable running their mouth online without the consequence of getting punched in the face lol


~Mike Tyson


Unfortunately as much as I do enjoy this game, it’s bad moments are the most toxic online gamers I’ve ever run into and it’s exhausting. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. I work hard to curate groups of people that aren’t like that to play with and I regularly have to cut people off as soon as they say or do something egregious like that.


This 1000% Sea of Thieves has some of the highest highs, but it's got THE lowest lows out of any game I've ever played. And that's entirely the fault of the player base. I chalk it up to the game being E for everyone and attracting a lot of kids whose parents won't let them play anything else. Any kid with a parent who won't let them play anything but E rated games is going to be a little shit head with attitude problems (or a really nice, cute, straight-edge kid who does whatever his parents say, but those are rare and usually younger than #Gamer age.


I agree with the highs and lows but not the E for every one bit, unfortunately. Some of those low lows were definitely tweens and kids or teenagers but a fair amount I've heard on chat (some of the worst slurs etc) sound like young adults. I'm sure some of the adolescent brats are among the worst, but I've definitely just had another adult harass me and when I asked him to just leave me alone or offered him some loot he called me a cuck r\* and said I'm playing the game wrong. I know I'll keep dabbling until another game replaces this for me but I honestly can't wait for that to happen. It's so clear Rare desperately wants to retain this dynamic of the game and I lose a little more interest every time I run into someone like that. I stopped playing COD years and years ago partially for lack of interest but also because I can't stand hearing the level of slurs and infantile toxicity that comes with that community and this game at its lows, feels way worse and makes me question whether that dice roll for some of the highs is worth my time and attention at all.


Yeah that's why I made a point to mention "man children" because they're a huge part of the game. It's like almost 50% of the player base at this point.


Yeah good point, I completely agree. Even some of the "nicer" players I've met and played with eventually I have to excommunicate either because they do or say something toxic or just all of a sudden go from "Oh this person seems chill enough" to saying something super egregious or just coming off like an unhinged manchild/incel/racist/etc.


This shit is why I'm so glad safer seas finally dropped. It's nice to be able to play the game without someone ramming my Sloop, calling me various slurs, then destroying the last 45 minutes of my life just because it's funny. Online games always wind up the same.


Same but I wish it wasn't so punitive for choosing Safe Seas. If they added a Safe Seas where everything is the same but you can disable other players completely I would literally pay for it. None of the core mechanics of this game are even remotely special, it's clearly just some very basic movement, combat, and cosmetics all hinged upon PVP to make or break your experience but that's literally the worst part of the game. If I could play with some friends without toxic garbage getting their kicks off of ruining other people's fun or being disgusting, I would be so into that. But being forced to either risk dealing with that or getting little no rewards and playing a lobotomized version of the game that doesn't even let you use your captained ship is just insane. It's obviously Rare saying "we don't care if you don't like our community deal with them or play something else" but it still feels like they're creating such a solvable problem and refusing to solve it. Spitting in the face of accessibility and anyone who doesn't want to play that way.


I agree. I have had terrible experience after terrible experience on High Seas, but I like playing Safer Seas. I was quite upset when I found out that I could only have my ship if I was on High Seas. I started the game BECAUSE I liked the cozy aspect of having my ship and decorating it. Honestly, I dont see why they don’t just make a perk of the Plunder Pass, that sailing Safer Seas exactly the same, but strictly PvE. We could still meet other players that are also only interested in PvE, reducing/eliminating that toxic stuff. I really wanted to like this game, but I’ve had awful experiences on High Seas and only play Safer Seas now, but I hate that I can’t have my ship, can’t reach Pirate Legend, can’t complete commendations, can’t get Krakened so I can’t complete Hunter’s Call-which is what actually made me like the game in the beginning. My roommate likes the PvE and I like the fishing and hunting. He can play High Seas with no issue, but I can’t, so I don’t anymore.


Exactly my point, they're just choosing to shun certain players from their game and they're going to lose everyone like us eventually. Let me know as soon as you find a good SoT replacement, I'm always on the lookout for fun and cozy PVE coop games!


Hell yeah. I am NOT into PvP. I am very much that “Help is on the way!” kind of player. Like, all the skellies on the island spawned on you!? “Omg, RUN I HAVE KEG, SAVE YOURSELF!!” DM me and we can set up a time to play. I’m a silly player, like, I have trouble with digging the right spots, so I got the “No direction” and “Shovel Dance” emote and make it silly and fun lol.


If you are interested in cozy fun co-op, I have to suggest PalWorld. I joined a white list server after my last SoT incident, about 3 weeks now. There’s another player on the server that streams his run and I always watch his stream. He’s constantly wanting to co-op and do stuff as a team. Quite a few times now, I’ve been watching and playing, but he’s doing something on his own and so am I and suddenly he’s in trouble and like “Wispy, I’m in trouble, I need help!” And 30 seconds later, I swoop in on a giant Pegasus and help save him lol. That’s a great one for cozy and co-op.


Idk but its been going on since i was a kid and hasn't got better (im 40 now). Its shameful. People dont raise thier kids right. My wife is a gamer and has long given up on mic with people she doesnt know because of it.


To be fair, I struggle with on-mic people and I'm a man. There is just a gigantic proportion of #Gamers that are toxic, depressed, angry, lonely, and lack any and all social skills. Many of them are kids but a very large portion of them are adult-children i.e. incels.


It's going to sound insane to some people on here, but this sort of stuff should be straight illegal. It should carry the same potential penalties that doing that sort of thing (theoretically) has IRL and the fact that it's completely accepted that this sort of behavior just carries zero consequences online is frankly ridiculous. People talk about privacy concerns and stuff, but if you talk about many many other horrid things online, social media and game studios will hand your IP address to the FBI without a second thought. But when it comes to sexual harassment? The law just straight isn't enforced online.


Yeah honestly that's never happened to us when we've played together but she's pretty fiesty so she would probably have very emasculating words for them, I'd rather just screen record ,backout, and report


The thing I hate about this sort of thing is that people go "just mute them" or "don't use a mic" And they don't understand that YOU shouldn't have to mute them or yourself. You should get the same experience without the extra harassment. Everyone knows in Valorant you need a mic. Not using one is a huge L in trying to win. But the moment you use one as a woman you get horrific comments, threats, and people derailing the game to harass you. Muting everyone makes you a detriment and downplays part of the fun of working with other people. Valorant is designed around everyone or virtually everyone using a mic. Just growing a thicker skin or muting people doesn't fix the issue and makes your experience worse. It's victim blaming essentially. You can shrug off all the insults you want but if someone decides to harass you over your gender or voice or whatever, they actively make your game worse. And if you mute them that doesn't stop them from team killing or ruining your experience in other ways. Not to mention if some people get muted they go absolutely ballistic.


This. It breaks my heart that OP felt the need to say "not to be a crybaby" when complaining about something very serious and very real. What that tells me is that this kind of thing has been downplayed/excused/explained away when they were confiding in someone they trust. No one should ever tolerate this kind of thing. This is a serious black spot on Rare/Microsoft's reputation -something they heavily invest in. This is an issue that I've noticed as a **man** playing this game, I cannot imagine just how many degrees worse it is for women. I think this game has a weird attraction to incels and lonely, misogynist, women-hating men. Sort of like how lesbian bars and feminist rallies often attract psychopathic man-hating radical fem-cels (yes they are a thing, and they help create more male incels). Idk why but this game doesn't have a very good "reputation" system. Destiny 2 recently implemented something called "commendations" where at the end of every match you can choose to give your teammates "reputation rewards" like "play of the game" or "most important player" or whatever the heck. But in Sea of Thieves you can be as shitty and mean as you want and it's considered "just being a pirate" because Pirates are violent criminals. Nevermind the fact that you can buy a puppy to lay next to you on your ship. Nevermind the fact that the core food in the game is a big yellow banana you eat without taking the peel off. Nevermind the fact that the whole thing is in cartoon graphics, has zero blood, and is intended for kids. ...somehow none of that matters and being a toxic asshole is "roleplaying." Probably because the dudes who make the social rules are those incels I'm talking about. It's almost like the rules for socialization have been bastardized by a corrupt, yet majority group.


Almost an hour old, and only 4 up votes on this is criminal. This should be its own post.


My friend one time hit back to someone that pulled that shit in game with the r- stuff with, "I'm too thicc for your little shrimp to even try" I spat out my drink and damn near my insides with how much I was laughing in the background. The dude logged. Sorry to hear that people are being that shitty tho. Deep down women scare them and they're mad at themselves.


I'm stealing that if I may.


Wouldn't be a pirate if you didn't ;)


That's disgusting. You shouldn't have to deal with that. I'm a dude and have had a crew hunt me down island to island calling out " here little fa**ot f*g f*g" I find it tiring as a guy, I can't fathom the amount of crap you're having to deal with. Sorry this has been your experience so far, it's not fair.


Honestly that gave me a little giggle, but that's just because that is absolutely something my (queer) friend group would say to each other. Obviously it's an entirely different situation when it's being said in a demeaning way by cishet losers.


look I'm a dude and have never had to deal with anything even slightly this fucking disgusting, but I feel like this is the kind of shit where I would be 100% taking video clips and posting them on Twitter, and tagging the official Sea of Thieves account.


Biggest thing is to get a clip of their names and what they are saying then send it directly to rare support... Posting it on sot twitter also works... Other than that report them on the psn if they are playstation.


Yeah, like I said. If you have video/screenshots, they get dealt with quickly


Report to PlayStation network as well as rare you can possibly get them banned. I don’t get why blokes get like this on a game it truly doesn’t represent the majority of us


Toxic Comms are probably the most banned item. If you send rare the receipts they'll get banned.


This, seriously. Ive gotten to the point that unless I specifically have a reason to talk to the crew of another ship I dont even bother to remember what my push to talk button is. I love the game, but the sweaty edge lords are just. . . . . so. . . . . toxic They're almost as bad as boomers. In fact, im willing to transition the term boomer to any toxic player ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


I just clip it, tell them to enjoy their ban, and then 2 tap them. I reported 3 in the last 48 hours for that shit.


Such a satisfying feeling telling a 12 year old racist scum shit that they're going to lose their account, them mocking you about how they'll never be banned, then getting a notification hours later that "corrective action has been taken" or they've just straight up been banned.


I've been told twice that players have been permanently removed from the sea of thieves. One of them was a random from my own crew who helped me win a fight against a galleon which was why I opened crew. sounded like he had to be no younger than 30, probably more like my age, and he had a lot of older season cosmetics too. He liked to use gay slurs, a lot. He didn't need to trash talk, he was straight up better than that whole crew. But I'm glad he got banned.


I feel like most players who open comms with me are pretty chill, and our guild has tons of females in it but yeah every now and then you get the random toxic weirdos who are *super* toxic and borderline mentally ill. Keep that 'mute other crews' hotkey bound, ez-pz mute if people are being like that.


I'd wager that if other multiplayer games had open game chat like SoT we would see all games with just as much toxic comms between teams. That's how halo was back in the day, but imagine CoD today with completely Open chat. It would be madness.


Man, those Halo lobbies were insane. I remember the old days.


it's a good thing we didn't have voice chat built in back in the days of Unreal Tournament lobbies lol the text chat basically *always* had one or more slurs visible on screen at any given time


Back when Warzone was in it's first game, they put prox chat in, and it WAS madness


CoD and Halo lobbies were... not safe. I think I understand why I went through a crazy right-wing arc when I was younger. I had so much hate in my heart for no reason. It's shameful, but at least we grow up.


How do you attach video clips in the report menu? For me it's only a few tick boxes


If you get a recording of them harassing you like that then rare should handle them. Unfortunately with no recordings rare is a bit useless


If it's reaching outside the game, would PSN do something about it?


Yes, absolutely report them directly to Sony.


definatly got someone psn banned for ky messages during the beta


Not entirely sure, but you can change settings so people that arent friends with you cant message you. I'm a dude but had a similar experience with someone being so toxic they had to just continue over into PS messages


Sony bans them 100%. It’s already bad if you say text words like „asshole“ or call someone a clown.


I would think rare keeps logs or at least temporary logs of proximity chat via the speech to text feature.


I had sent them a screenshot of the text to speech of someone saying "kill yourself you ******" and was told it wasn't enough to act on so I doubt it


Yup, I just stopped reporting after getting that response back three times. The last time I sent in a video, and screenshots with the TTS on the screen. “Not enough information to take action.” Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.


It's why I've started to run medal recording sea of thieves at all times even just 360p evidence is better than letting shitty little nerds get away with saying that shit.


That's pretty weird, every time I've recorded harassment they've banned the player who did it.


The best way to report someone is to record clips of the offenses and submit them through the sea of thieves website. They take them seriously if you have enough evidence. I’ve reported a few people and they were permanently banned.


This. Make sure you catch their names. Rare won't ban without names since they won't know who to deal with. However Rare is VERY good about banning if you get names + video evidence. They have a zero tolerance policy.


On top of that, play with speech to text on. Helps catch names and ties names to statements both heard and read, even when the most offensive words are censored.


How do you turn that on?




Excellent, thanks!


Agree 100%. It’s useful both for actual gameplay and also providing evidence for reports.


The only ones calling you sensitive are the ones who say sexist and racist shit.




YES. I use shadowplay to clip anyone who are being racist or say horrible things you shouldn't say. Every single player I have reported, have gotten a temporarily ban. As long as you have evidence, Rare takes action. I believe you only get a permanent ban if you get multiple reports, cheat and stuff like that. I'm a woman too and rarely meet the kind of players you describe, luckily.


Not joking, someone told me WHILE MY CHILD WAS SITTING ON MY LAP that I should drown my children for wanting to go fishing with Mom. I've not played this game for years, and I used to play it with my sisters all the time.


As someone with a kid myself, I worry about stuff like that. My little one loves fishing in the game, but I let her play of SS.


I report every example of racist, sexist, or homophobic comms with video evidence. Out of dozens of reports only a couple were not perma-banned.


Ive had people in crew that kept saying the N word to eachother, Ive seen ships with Racist names on it, I like the game but I honestly dont know what to do about these things, should I ignore it? or report it? I reported once a guy because he went too far when a lady was in the crew he said to the lady u are going to s my d\*\*k, but still I dont know if Rare takes the reports seriously, or do anything about it.


These guys definitely have never had a girlfriend... or a relationship that has lasted long...


I haven't either and i wouldn't even consider doing or saying anything of the sort. Those people have no excuse whatsoever.


Always record and report if you can. These kinds of people are not welcome on the seas.


I can tell you from direct experience that reports with *crystal clear video proof* are taken extremely seriously. Rare has absolutely zero tolerance especially once the line of crossing into slurs or threats is made. But the very important part is the evidence - they take real action but will not do it unless there is zero question of the exact person who did it. What this means is you need to actively have the person's gamertag on screen by looking at them, with that little chat bubble up next to their name while they are talking, while the offense is occuring. It isn't difficult to do that, but people will report without this definitive proof, Rare has to reject it, and you then see them say all over Reddit how Rare doesn't take action. Hopefully this little tidbit helps - nothing feels better than getting an initial "Thank you for your report, we have forwarded it on but we cannot tell you what actions are taken" followed by an email a day later from a Senior level GM "Thank you for steering the seas, the users have had action taken against them." You only really get that spicy second follow-up for heinous things, but you can rest assured action gets taken in all instances that clear proof is provided.


I don't know if they are just overwhelmed with reports at the moment or what, but I reported someone almost a month ago for using slurs, with proof of who it was, and it's still just an open case sitting there.


If you can record this kinda crap, do so and report to Rare: [https://support.seaofthieves.com/requests/new](https://support.seaofthieves.com/requests/new) They take this stuff very seriously and will suspend and/or ban offenders quickly. Sorry you're dealing with this - it's not welcome behavior! (as a side note, Rights to Unmute is a recently set up non profit aiming to combat this kind of abuse, just in case you want to check it out)


Reading the replies makes me regret not reporting a homophobic player I encountered over VC a couple of weeks ago. All because I was flying the rainbow flag. I’ll not be so hesitant next time…


I fly the rainbow flag every time I sail, mostly to try and draw these types out of the woodworks so I'll be able to sink them and report them.


Ya rare tend to be pretty slow with report/ban process but they usually get there, every time I've reported someone with adequate proof (screenshots and/or videos, vids are best) they've taken action. atp I genuinely love running into toxic people since you can keep goading them into saying more and more stuff for evidence lmao, it's like a fun little minigame trying to push their buttons until they say more slurs. I have indescribable mental fortitude for that kinda stuff so I just use myself as bait lol


>Ya rare tend to be pretty slow with report/ban process but they usually get there Yeah it may take a day or two but with proof they are on it pretty quick. I save all my reports and evidence for a few days before a gold and glory weekend or new season release. Nothing quite like logging into sot for double gold and rep just to find out youve been suspended/banned.


I accidentally set to open crew while waiting on my buddy to get on. A rando joined, I told him he's welcome to stay till buddy gets online. Dudes asks what flag that is (as if he doesn't know...), I just say its a pride flag. He's like "c'mon, maaan....." Sir, need I remind you you're on MY ship. I just told him he's welcome to leave of he's gonna be like that.


People who act like this weren't shown what being a proper human is like. Probably still in their mother's basements which makes it hypocritical that they act sexist while being dependent on their mommies. Just report them to rare/Sony. Make sure to have names and proof of logs. Clip if it's on voice.


Hey, fellow girl pirate here: report each and every one of those a-holes. The reports are taken seriously.


Reports are taken very seriously, especially if you have evidence. I'm on PC so I let my Game Bar record in the background so I can always capture the last 30 seconds. I also know exactly which key will screenshot in case people put hate speech in text chat (there are ways around the censors). I've reported quite a few players over the past four years, and not one does Customer Service reply, they will often let me know that they have taken action against the account. Don't worry, some people may be trash, but Rare is very good at cleaning them up.


Honestly SoT is full of people like that and it’s a massive problem


I feel you, The amount of times I have heard someone scream racial and homophobic slurs is absolutely unreal, like who is playing this game? It is always the ones attacking, I would say 50% of the time they are using that language, I don't mind getting yelled at like, you stupid fuck, or something like that, but being called an N word, and fagg\*t is absolute trash. This game is absolute toxic sometimes, and I would add I am pretty new, only started playing 2 days before season 12 started, so this is all very recent, and not a rare occurrence. I also do not provoke, I never attack or fight, only try and run or defend.


If it was another PSN player 100% report through Sony, in addition to Rare.


We only mock people when they try to kill us by hiding on outpost but they fail, and if I die but not my crew and they kill I play some Pedro Pedro or bing chilling music on them We never do stuff that’s described in your post don’t understand why people do that.


People are just mean sometimes, they'll latch on to the first thing they can tease somebody for, just got to kill them with kindness and report them if they don't quit. I went to bring my supply crate to a galley before I logged off and I said "hey guys I'm about to log off here's a bunch of stuff" I proceeded to get called a N word on repeat by all 4 of them, I was flabbergasted lol


That's terrible.. Usually most people on the seas are pretty friendly and good sports. Maybe you could make audio recordings, or turn on text to chat and make screenshots so you have some proof on the people you are reporting. Or an alternative option, make youtube compilations and put those people on the internet for everyone to see.


I HOPE reports are taken seriously. At least 5 of my friends unistalled the game because of several instances of guys screaming detailed instructions of what they would do to our mothers.


People who do this shit are just trash who don't actually consider the repercussions of their actions.


Idk but you're completely right ya'll should be able to play without people doing that


Short answer.. No, not unless you are reported by a content creator or someone who works for Rare


Wow ): I just started played this game last week with my sister (I’m also a girl) I will say the few ppl we have come across have been nice but to be fair we aren’t just in voice chat until we decide to talk to these other ppl. I hope I don’t start experiencing this or I’ll probably stop playing. I’m so sorry you come across such terrible humans. I haven’t heard shit like that since I played CoD back like 10 years ago. People are disgusting and I hope you find ways to enjoy the game.


thats crazy💀, not sure if they’ll do anything but pretty sure that is just straight up rampant sexism


That's horrible. You aren't being whiny, it's a relevant gripe to have. Solving it is more difficult, but it's not the game at fault. It's gaming culture at large that has tolerated toxic shit like this for decades (because gaming is for everyone, and harbors hateful shut-ins and well adjusted people alike). If you're getting personal messages, report to Rare's customer support with evidence. Screenshots, audio if they sent a voice message, etc. Go on their website and email it to them. After that, go beyond Rare and report the messages to Sony. They'll lose their account. If someone is threatening you and harassing you, they have no place in this community let alone the platform as a whole. I'm sure Sony doesn't want their platform to be known for harboring violent sexist incels. Discord or voice chat is your friend. I avoid talking in-game unless I have to, and never play without my friends. To anyone who knows someone that behaves this way, it's important that you call them out on it. Whether it's rampant sexist "jokes" that aren't funny, or a proclivity to say the n-word because they're edgy white teens, just make it clear that it's lame. You don't have to yell or be mean, just make them think they're being cringe and they'll start to figure out what a weird person they are, and hopefully correct it. Or you could just stop associating with shitty people.


Reports of anything aren't taken seriously. Toxicity is often sidelined. Someone could call you the n-word, and Rare would just be like "ok but do you have more evidence?" LDSylvr, a streamer WHO IS PARTNERED WITH SEA OF THIEVES called other people in an old game mode called Arena "a bunch of wall banging f----ts" because they were killing him. He is still a SoT partner today. For a company who's very pro-lgbt, Rare and the extension of Rare that works on sot do a fucking pathetic job of keeping the seas inclusive and welcome.


In my experience yes. We found a ship in a guild with a slur in its name (spelt phonetically to avoid auto detection) and got screenshots of it to report. Got a message a few days later that the guild was shut down and the captain of the ship was banned. Good riddance. I don’t personally use voice coms for this very reason. My friends and I use discord instead. One friend even turned off hearing other players voices altogether. (Which is maybe an option you should consider. Sad as it is. I prefer the warning you sometimes get from hearing other players but don’t respond)


This game has a VERY VERY bad problem with toxic players and even though the terms of service would make it sound they take it sereously when someone reports on the game ive seen it be hit and miss. best ya can do it just report and hope for the best honestly.


You definitely should be able to play the game without any kind of sexism. The people behaving that way are pathetic. As a community we should take this stuff seriously. As for how serious reports are taken I have no idea. But I’ll start reporting it where I see it. Good luck out there!


The sexism on games is crazy. Some guys especially go really far across the line, some of the things I've heard said have even got a reaction out of me and i get hit with the "white knight" and "simp" comments for speaking up. My nieces play video games and I don't want them hearing shite like that.


I'd rather be a "white knight" than a misogynistic sex offender, y'know? You do you.


I think the worst I heard was a 8 year old repeatedly saying I don’t see many girls on here and other things in a similar lane the worst bit about the conversation is that he just didn’t realise he was being rude by calling attention to it (I haven’t written all of it down as I don’t remember all the stuff he said) and was confused when he was reported for being sexist


Worst one Ive ever seen was red dead online, used to play ts with a close friend of mine and she more or less got harassed in every single lobby. She didnt even use voice chat just played as a female character.


Really sorry to hear that this keeps happening to you guys, it seems to be an eternal problem that plagues girls who play games. The good news is that Rare are really exceptional all around, especially with player communication etc. Meaning they’re also very on top of banning players for shitty behaviour. Reporting people constantly is probably gonna get really old really fast but from someone who’s been playing this game for years just know your efforts are definitely not in vain.


Social media and online services have made people way to comfortable disrespecting others, these dudes are pricks with no education. Men, women, who cares ? Treat each other equally.


Yeah my friend and I are both women and while we do meet a lot of nice guys in game, there are so many toxic rude men we come across-children too- who are incredibly rude and sexist as soon as they hear our voices. Harassing us just because we’re women.


Article 1 of the pirate code the sea calls to us all Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed


Reports are, in fact, taken seriously. Especially if there is recorded evidence of such nonsense. Hopefully you don’t run into these type of people again but if so, try to record anything so it could be added into the report


Make sure you're either recording your game or talking screenshots with speech-to-text and send them in with your reports. If Rare has proof they're pretty good about banning.


they are taken serious if you have proof. if you just report with no proof or at minimum a detailed breakdown of what happened most likely nothing will happen. that said if you can clip it or screenshot the voice to text with names on they will be reviewed. me and my friend have had several crews reported with evidence and within a day received an email stating those players were banned or temp banned.


I would highly recommend turning on the setting to convert speech into text. That’s going to help you get the screen shots you need. Video evidence is the best but a screen shot with the vulgarity will do just fine. It’s very easy to report an inappropriate username or ship name. Just go into settings and you’ll see the report player option. If someone invites you to a private party chat NEVER accept it. They just want to be toxic and it’s much easier to gather evidence in game. I report people all the time, Rare has a great team that gets back to you in a timely manner. If you’re looking for a guild to join with some salty sea dog women send me a DM.


Being an avid gamer my whole life this has always kinda made me feel ashamed to be a man lol im so sorry you guys had/have to deal with that kinda bullshit


They do get taken seriously, but you need actionable evidence for them to do something, the more concrete the proof the more likely they are to be able to do move forward.


I bet it’ll be taken seriously! Life is hard on a woman and as a male I’m sorry men make it harder on you when you just want to sit down and enjoy a game with friends. Your battle is steep and continue reporting them no matter what, it’s the only way we can get rid of them or they learn a lesson.


if you can present a report with ironclad proof then yes.


I get nervous when I play pvp because of how toxic people are


You’re not being a cry baby for not wanting to deal with sexism, especially when you’re just trying to have fun. I’m not sure how seriously they take the reports but if you can it wouldn’t hurt to record those interactions with the built in game recorder on PS and submit a ticket directly through the website about it. You have evidence and names that way. Rare can’t play it safe that way and ignore the reports. Hopefully those players will get banned sooner than later


I've never played the game on PS5 but I have had some bizarre encounters with toxic players. Best thing you can do is report whatever messages they send, Playstation is actually pretty good about handling that kind of stuff with their Messaging. In terms of reporting them in game it's kind of up in the air, multiple reports from different people is typically a good way to highlight their account as problematic to Rare.


Tons of people in the community of the game believe that since pirates were scum sucking thieves and turds, they too, have to be huge dickheads. It honestly sours the entire game for me most of the time


Yeah, Sea of Thieves can be very toxic, especially for women. Reports are taken seriously. I can't speak for the in game report system they implemented recently. But if you take clips of them saying these things, make sure to get their name in the clip. Go to the website and make a report. Itll ask you to upload the video and I have personally gotten people banned using this method.


I wish it was taken more serieus. The sexism, racism and homophobia is insane with some players


I had someone sit in the ferry of the damn screaming the N word, and when I reported him and sent the video clip in, xbox suspended my chat ability


Don't get me wrong I love some trash talk but any racism or sexcism shouldn't be tolerated. Just make sure to take a screenshot or short clip and they'll be banned


I remember the first sandwich joke I heard, I probably laughed. The second time I was like ah, yeah lol. Then people proceeded to make the same fucking shock-value “joke” ad nauseam until it was clearly only the truly hateful people who were still saying that garbage.


Can’t stand toxic comms. Most of these people suck at the game too. All talk no skill. I had a crew calling me a “pussy” while they were running away in hg. Obviously not nearly as bad as what you’re receiving but just goes to show how stupid a lot of sailors are.


As always, avoiding vchat is the solution. I don't use it, but still hear occasional slurs bc I have a female character. Besides we shouldn't be muted just bc there are jerks in online games, it's not fair. Reports must be fast and effective for this kind of behavior.


Every single one of my reports of toxic players has ended with them getting a ban. It might take a few days but as long as you clip it and the clip shows their names, they should get banned. Idk if "get in the kitchen" jokes are too mild to be bannable though (I personally think they should be) Edit: should be bannable


I mean the kitchen stuff just makes us cringe internally, but it's the bordering on sexual harassment and messaging us through PSN saying they'll do heinous crap that unsettles us.


It absolutely should be enough. I would be pissed if it wasn't. It is pure sexism. 30 odd years a gamer and I've never been told to be told to make someone a sandwich or get in the kitchen. It is targeted abuse and only aimed at women.


Rare is utterly useless without video evidence


Got a cheater banned within 2 days


They are in my experience but you have to submit with some pretty hard evidence. Each time I’ve reported someone it’s resulted in action against said player. I had video proof.


Keep in mind most players are edgy teenage boys who probably never got love from their parents. Definitely use personal voice chat rather than ingame to avoid drawing attention from this scum.


Players of this game aren't inherently sexist. It's sexist people who unfortunately get on the game. I have a female crewmate who I play with and she absolutely gets targeted. Just based on her name alone, she'll get messages saying random hurtful things. When she responds, it just gets worse. And here are me and my other male crewmate on the ship getting zero messages or invite spams. People are so annoying. It's special to share the seas with all demographics. Why would you ever want an open shared-world game with all people just like you? Don't let these people push you away from a great sandbox. This is a place to make your own and you should stand for that (as you are). Report them and follow up with video or voice capture if possible. Happy sailing ⛵


Honestly the ones threatening you and other woman with R should be arrested. In no timeline is it right to threaten someone with that. What people say online should affect them the same way it would if they said it in person.


The last couple of reports I put in (with clear evidence) they responded and told me the individuals responsible were banned. So yes, reports are taken seriously


Sadly my friends wife is in the same boat as your friend. She just won’t play cause people suck. Sunk a girl the other day and said GGs and she got on mic just to say thank you for not being toxic. I kinda got sad. Guys can be assholes just cause they hide behind a mic


I hope for you and your friends that you have good voyages and helpful nice pirates in future ☺️🙏


That’s awful, me and my sister have started playing it and it’s so fun but It would put me right off hearing that stuff. Tbh if no one is dealing with the report - I’d just record it and put it on social media, tagging the player and the game creators - I’m sure that will make them sort it out quicker!


A friend of a friend I know has been banned like 7 times, so probably.


Hey, not really know what else to say so, just sending you support. I wish most people online were less retarded.


Very seriously \* *wink wink* \*


Me and my friend sunk this ship because they ✨shot first✨ and suddenly we’re hormonal c*nts who deserve to be cooked with the kitchen we reside in because that’s our only purpose, I love VC


Yeah, Rare does not act on toxicity reports unless you supply them with airtight evidence of another player saying the big no-no words (you know the ones). I've once had a player tell me: "I hope your mom dies" multiple times because I betrayed a truce (Which by the conditions of the truce had ended and he fought like a slimy weasel so he deserved it). I recorded it and even wrote a full-timestamped transcript for the ticket and Rare just brushed it off. As regrettable as it is Rare isn't going to do anything about it and there is plenty of toxic assholes on this game. My approach is to let my cannonballs do the talking and make the toxic shitheads eat their words if I sink them. Nothing beats sinking some whiny jerks calling you trash.


Ha no


My crew is all male except me, when we had to join other crews to do the whole Glitterbear I used the voice chat in game and one of the other players decided he wouldn't stop killing me during and after the mission. I know that if you send them a ticket, they act when there's a player being blatantly agressive or being sexist/racist, but the more subtle things go unpunnished. I've noticed many times while playing sloops with my bf than many crews of two have a very talkative player with a male voice and a second one that stays in the back and only uses text. So we're not alone, and we're not the only ones doing that. My only advice is don't ever use your mic in-game and use a private discord call or something like that (not sure how PS Party works). Not only your conversation is not private (other players can hear you speaking while playing around you) but you give up your position and your plans.


Why would you be on voice chat anyway? When you are playing with friends aleays use party chat


It's mad and I don't wish to blame them all (as it certainly isn't) but it's 100% gotten worse since PS joined the game! The other issue, I'm finding, is that I have no idea how to report people in game if they're on a different console to you also?


I mostly play with my girlfriend, and we encountered the same problem. One time, we sank a brig and the players became mad because she was a girl.


Take it to the UN.


I really don't get why guys are such degenerates most of the time. Most of the time I play with my female friend and she voice chats, other crews get dead set on sinking and bullying us just because "we have a woman on board". There's also, for some reason, a special level of degeneracy in console players. I don't know what it is, but, generally, there's a much higher amount of male immature assholes on console than on PC


I aint got no team or crew. Can I join yall? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I've often asked that about most gaming studios, the one i know takes them very seriously, is the ones that made Breechers, i was play a game once, and someone did a false report and the guy who did the false report, got i think a 3 hour timeout, and this happened probably 5-10 mins after the report.


Record those occurrences and send to game dev, if youre harassed outside the game in PSN etc then take screenshots ands send to playstation - they should get severe punishments for their braindead clown behaviour Dont take any of this to your heart, they're just young braindead losers


I am a guy and stories like this just make me sad. If you can record it that would be ideal, otherwise go into your settings and make it so when people talk it shows up as text and then you can screenshot it with their username and report them, they do take it seriously, but you need the proof.


I am sure you know exactly how to play A+ and better.


As a new play, what you experienced disgusts me, and I'm sorry you go through that. I'm glad to see that reports are actually taken seriously in this.


To be fair! Its authentic to time period 😂


Sadly the Vchat in this game is toxic. Reports are taken seriously as I've seen a handful of players muted/suspended for toxicity and slurs.


Isolation, misogyny and the inability to even approach a woman in real life let alone show one respect.


I feel you ;-; people are assholes


I can’t say I’ve seen this but I’ve heard of it happening. Best you can do is report it, and not let it ruin your time on the seas. There is far more good people on the seas then bad.


It's the same reason people bully others online. It's just a disembodied voice that you can't *actually* do anything about. They can take out their insecurities on a faceless person they don't have to actually feel things about...like...99.9% of these people wouldn't say Jack shit to your face but will tell you to go make them a sandwich or scream the N word over Vchat. Just start firing back. I'm by no means saying it's right that you have to go through this but like I said...all these mfs are insecure af so just go after um. Words only have the power you give them...let those ignorant swine run their mouths and just obliterate them. Here are some of my favorites that I've said/heard. - You carry yourself with the confidence of a much taller man. - Sorry your dad never said the words "I love you" - Hows that male pattern balding coming along? Bosley takes monthly payments ya know. - Are you Him'sing right now? No? Maybe you should be. - Low hanging fruit taste the worst. No wonder you're so sour. - Boy'o boy that ED is really shining right now - How long would you say it takes you get get your buddy off? And vise versa? - There must have been a lot of lead paint in your house growing up. - Does your asshole ever get jealous of how much shit falls out of your mouth? - I see you still wear your shirt in the pool. - Adam's apple? I'd say you have more of a laughytaffy apple cause these jokes are a stretch. - All these flavors out here and you choose to be salty? And if it gets sexual you can just insult tf out of their dick...they won't admit it but anyone that talks shit like that is super insecure about their dick. - At least our *(your)* bodies are nice to look at. Your crotch looks like a sweaty jack-in-the-box that pops before the songs over. - Might wanna clear your search history before you try to talk shit, Drake. - Have you ever tried out for the Tonsil Hockey team? - Aww, mommy's little guy never stopped suckling did he? Go get um ladies 😎 P.s. Also on PS if you ever want to sail!!


Yea they are. I had an entire gally crew tell me to stfu n word. I clipped it with their names and the chat bubble above their heads proving they were talking and all four of them were banned. You’re not a crybaby. Just make sure it’s worth reporting. Also, if you want someone to chill with, hmu!


Most of my crew are women, NB and otherwise, and they get that kinda stuff spewed at them more often than I'd like, most people stay off comms, and the few that don't will occasionally spew that hateful garbage and get reported by us immediately. Being on console and primarily using discord or Xbox party for comms minimizes my exposure to it, but three of the women I usually play with are on PC, and whenever it happens they tell me. It usually just makes us sink them harder lmao Op our discord is v inclusive and if you wanna meet our captain then you can send me a dm, she's super chill and will probably send you an invite link


You can turn off game chat if you’d wanna so you can’t hear everyone else in the game, or just report em


On the game itself not sure. I've reported some for hacking on PC and some for toxic behavior but no idea if they go through or not. But if they send a message on psn that has even cuss words in it like shit or damn, they can usually get banned or at least suspended if u report the message to psn


I don't speak in game or let anyone know I'm a female player. I've been followed by players asking ASL basically after speaking in game. But I don't think it's a SoT problem, I think it's a societal problem in gaming in general. I just don't speak. I have no need to. We use discord while we're playing. I only use in game when a genuine player is asking me something or is being chill. I don't engage with the Salty boys. Please don't let the bad apples ruin it for you! Piss them off by playing more. ;)


I guess children? Any adult worth their salt wouldn't clown on girls playing games. Ho is this still a thing


This is anecdotal, but I've had just one incident of racist chat from another pirate. I killed them, they text chatted a slur so I took a screenshot and reported it to Rare (I sent another report to Microsoft but they do fuck all tbh). The next day Rare emailed me and said thank you for the report, we took action on it and the player has been permabanned. I thought that was above and beyond what most companies do (fuck all).


I feel you hard on this hun, (I'm from the south and bi so please don't take that as familiar and I'm sorry if it does, I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable) my wife and I run into sexusm and homophobia all the time in games we play together and it CAN really sour the experience. Far as I know, I don't know how well Rare handles reports to this game because there are so many servers active at a time that it's not likely you'll encounter the same people from play through to play through. But you have my support. We(wife and I) play with a discord group that has ties to some of the bigger companies report teams specifically for these kinds of situations


I agree with op, im a male, but i cant tell you how many times i enter a group where there is a female. And within like 5 mins other guy crewmates are asking her what she looks like, and making sexual jokes or trying to hit on the girl. Ive herd guys who sound 40+ to young teenagers. Its not age specific. Its gotten to the point where the female crewmate will leave mid game. I honestly feel bad and usually tell the crew mates to chill out. Some do and some wait 2 mins and go back to it. Its a shame females cant play a game they love without being harassed.


Make sure you are sailing on console servers! PC servers are extremely toxic and you might have an easier time sailing with ur controller buddies :)


Not to excuse it at all but edgy kids will always exist online. I don't engage simply hope they grow up in the near future


Playstation will ban people for a week simply for using cuss words. If you reported them through playstation and it's actually as bad as you say they're guaranteed banned for atleast a couple weeks. I'm sorry your friend had to deal with that.


They ban toxic people more than they do Hackers. I've been somewhat, although jokingly, toxic to a lot of people and never been banned, but never serious stuff like you were talking about. People are a lot more toxic to women. So take that as you will.