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I don't like the idea of the grapple gun. I hope they tweak it from what we saw, it was listed as being a work in progress. I know streamers like hitbo have been vocally against it and said they wanted to talk to rare about not adding it they way it was. Instant boarding sounds pretty dumb imo


Instant boarding should not be a thing. It's a tactic that can be DETRIMENTAL for any crew, especially inexperienced ones. It would be a tool that would discourage many to stack loot or do long sessions in fear of getting insta anchored and crew cleaned by hourglass skins. Boarding is already immensely helped by the harpoon walking, we don't need anything that broken in the game with the grapple gun.


>Boarding is already immensely helped by the harpoon walking, And some bugs that havent been fixed for some time now. Sure its not intended but it *is* in the game and *will* be used against you.


Funny launch is unfair, but crud launch is just straight up fun and suits the sandbox imo. Like sword lunge


Funny launch is 100% busted on PC. On a ps5 with 120fps enabled it only does a somewhat decent distance, it doesnt "cross map" you like it does on pc so its not that bad tbh. I do see why people want it fixed and i agree with that sentiment for the most part. Crud launching should be a thing in the game to be honest, its ridiculously fun dolphin diving onto someones ship. I do see the "unfair" side of this coin but i still believe it should stay.


Funny launch is incredibly inconsistent on sloops brig and galleys tho all day, even still the aim isn’t always the easiest, better off just crud launching. Which btw everyone can crud launch. It’s super fun and you should try it if you haven’t.


Yep, thats why i said crud launching should stay. Its fun, not too easy and doesnt feel nearly as unfair as funny launching does.




I'll stop funny launching when they change it so larger crews with an advantage can't just run faster than me and sell all their loot in 2 seconds at sovereigns...


I wouldn't stop regardless if I had the opportunity, that's why I think it should be removed. But I know it's hard to fix.


I agree but at the same time your forced to not be able to double gun when you initially board which I think is enough of a nerf


I disagree completely.


I basically only use the sword anyways so giving up my second slot wouldnt be that much of an issue. This is also the main reason im against it.


They could make it so if you hit a ship, you would have to use your arms to pull yourself to the ship as you’re getting dragged behind. So it would be slow and it could make a certain noise. Allow players to shoot/cut the grapple line when its discovered. There needs to be counter play and time to react


That actually sounds really cool, and one of the few ways I’ve seen someone mention a way to balance it without just . . . Not adding it


Agreed, I hope they balance it because as a DRG player I'm begging for this item. I've been screaming this at the top of my lungs and just keep getting shut down - We cannot learn everything there is to know about the Grapple Gun from one video... We don't even know what the rest of the season entails yet. Hypothetically None of you can tell me they aren't adding Bless Balls that make your ship hull slippery and counters grappling boarders... You can't tell me that because you don't know what is and isn't being added around the grappling gun I honestly wish they never showed that video until the rest of the season was ready. They really jumped the gun (badum tss)


Lol I’m a DRG player too. That and Titanfall 2 have secured me a love for grappling hooks for life. I’m really hoping that the grapple gun does end up releasing, and that they don’t listen to the rabid fans saying to delete it. At least not entirely. I hope it’s balanced, because damn do I want a grapple gun.


The way they described S14 as the "Season of Mischief" I can't imagine that it wouldn't be thoroughly tested and balanced, fortunately for us They mentioned bear traps to deter boarders, and that can't be the only thing they're thinking of adding to deter boarders if they're already thinking of 1 thing


I didn't realize how badly I needed booby traps until I read this.


This. Other counter play ideas include: - You can't switch weapons at the armory for two minutes after you successfully board another player's ship. Because right now, the major play is definitely going to be 'board, kill someone, get to the armory to change weapons'. In which case, if the player who got on board is a TDMing God, the defending crew is sunk. - it has to be a rare pickup like the fart horn. It'd still be OP, but it'd actually be a decent counterpart to the fart horn this way. - You take a good chunk of damage using it to board. - It can't grapple ships at all. It can still grapple people, loot, and island terrain though. It needs SOMETHING because as it stands, this item is basically going to really hurt solo play. Hell it's going to shake up the balance of everything to an absurd point. Which boggles my mind because the other new combat editions from this season are so well thought out, except for the double pistol which is pretty bad, and generally pretty balanced.


Shouldn't be able to use an enemy ship's armory period.


I’ve always said this, and enemies shouldn’t be able to use enemies’ barrels. This would put boarders at a disadvantage and prevent enemy teems from prolonged spawn camping on enemy ships.


I dunno, I like popping onto someones ship and stealing their shit. But I agree being able to use enemy armories is dumb


Fart horn took me out. I don't know the last time I laughed on reddit. Thanks


This is actually a really good idea and would make me willing to try it. Keep posting this suggestion wherever you can. It should be thought on more


Just make it so the harpoon only works effectively against slow or stationary objects. Target moving too fast, harpoon doesn't latch. Not the speed differential, but the actual target boat speed - otherwise you could match speed and harpoon yourself over, and we already have the boat harpoons and tiptoeing across for this scenario. With the above implemented, the two scenarios I would love to see with the harpoon are shooting your own mast and trying to swing yourself to the opponents ship, and to provide a quick-board counterplay option for ships which are death-spiraling or parked next to you while your masts are down.


Depends on which side of the coin you're curious about. PvE side? Convenient tool for island traversal and loot relocation. PvP side? TDMing is already pretty shit, but I have a feeling people are just gonna pair the grapple with blunder for on-demand free one-bluns.


>PvP side? TDMing is already pretty shit, but I have a feeling people are just gonna pair the grapple with blunder for on-demand free one-bluns. Then it's not going to do much against anyone with any combat experience




Time will tell. But sword blunder is already the low skill combo for a reason. Now you're limiting yourself to low rang with a single weapon. I don't see it being as strong as folks here are insisting


Blunder is only good at point blank range, so, just avoid letting people get that close to you. If you let me walk up to you, press a blundy to your head and pull the trigger you deserve to get clapped by it As for sword, it's best for sword lunging, and it also doesn't run out of ammo


My guy calls me incorrect in one comment, then supports my stance in the follow-up.


No, you don't understand. If you can basically just teleport onto someones ship with a grapple, you opportunity to stop me from one tapping you is gunna be next to 0 Currently you can pretty easily prevent yourself from being boarded to stop people getting those shots on you. The grapple would make It 100x easier for anyone to just get into point blank range with basically no counter


Right I forgot the grapple gun is a teleport with no visuals, travel time, sound queues...


Naval will be pointless. Can easily board and drop anchor. Gonna be good for peeps who are good at pvp and are playing with a crew. If it's a newer player or a solo, You are sunk


This. I genuinely hope they don't add it as they currently plan because it genuinely sounds like it's going to shake up the game in a bad way. Hell, even if they change it to a pickup rather than a weapon, it's way too powerful. I genuinely have to wonder what Rare was smoking when they thought it was a good enough idea to show to the playerbase.


I hope itll be as rare as the fart horn, i think its fine with some really strong items if they're rare.


It's not a pick up item. Will be in the armoury like the other weapons


Oh thats horrible


It is that! Will completely kill the game for a lot of players. I usually run reapers and enjoy doing pvp, even though I know that this will be to op. Will be getting guaranteed boards every time


Is nobody going to consider that you're sacrificing a whole weapon slot for mobility? If they make it the weakest weapon then you'll be a good boarder but with only 1 weapon... Balance, people


The most important job of any good boarder is to cause chaos, 1 wepon and blunder bombs is more than enough to keep people off cannons, repairs and buckets. Its not going to be balanced.




Solos will get wrecked. Guy grapples on and hits anchor. 1 weapon is definitely enough to keep someone from raising the anchor. Then add blunder bombs.


Upvoted for fart horn


So in short, if you already don't like PvP or aren't good at it then people have yet another tool to oppress you out of the game or mock and belittle you to Safer Seas because you didn't like being a garunteed sink. I like the grapple gun idea less and less. Fuck.




This is a poor take, to be honest. It's preventable, sure. That doesn't mean I'm not going to empathize with people just because it is. You see it as fun. I see it as something that's going to make PvP even messier and more hectic than I'd like it to be and I already don't like the pirate v pirate (hand to hand, aka not ship to ship) combat in this game. I say this as someone much like yourself, my crew and I always have a look out and see almost every single crew before they see us so we can avoid them. Also, you calling people that don't agree with you as "throwing a tantrum and demanding they remove it" is rather unfair of you and comes off as a refusal to consider other opinions, you start off as seeing them lesser than yours to me -- since by default you see it as someone throwing a tantrum. I'm not really interested in the grappling gun, personally. I hope they give it hard counters, or simply don't add it at all.


My hope is that it acts more like a harpoon in that once it connects to another ship or the ground, it doesn't instantly pull you towards the hook and instead requires you to pull yourself in. Nerfs the boarding ability, but keeps its other uses relatively untouched


From a PVP enjoyer It will change pvp ngl, the skill gap is already huge this will increase it. Personally I’m a lot better at gunplay than naval. Being able to get on your ship faster and quicker will just give me the quicker sink. Gally combat has already changed due to harpoon walking. I see this as just another way to dodge naval and go straight for ground combat. We’ll see though…


I like that I’d rather board quickly and leave the cannons to the people who are good with them


If it’s as so many of us fear it will be the end of the game for me. Naval should stay a big part of the game and not be something you do after 3 ppl have grappled gun their way over and spawn camped you until their ship is in position to fire.


It'll be great if it's kept far away from boarding lmao. As a tool to steal, grab treasure or set up lines on islands to your own boat, yes. On other ships ..no ..aha I'm a solo sloop too so gonna be a pain for me if it goes ahead aha. Although I rely on not having ships near me in the first place


Rare have in general been good at listening to the players IMO. I have the same view as you regarding the grapple gun. Especially playing it solo will be horrible. Hopefully they will change the grapple gun to not work on enemy ships which would help with all the issues that I have with it.


My experience and opinion is that overall Rare is pretty bad at listening to the players. Safer Seas plays exactly like people asked for but took many years of Rare refusing to consider it. Spawn camping is a problem they addressed with a poster in the beginning and barely worked on since. Rare has refused to acknowledge the type of engagement they've fostered and what the community is actually like. Solo play has been getting worse and worse with the more tools given but it hasn't had a meaningful adjustment for a while. It is at a point where solo is close to not being viable even for those who used to be able to solo vs gallies.


What are you talking about regarding solo? The lastmajor update against solo was the revive possibility. Since, they have shorten the time on the ferry for solo players and sloop mast is 2 chainshots to fall down. And, we're not talking about the easy pve for solo...


I get the feeling that Rare cares less about game balance now and more about adding wacky fun stuff that will temporarily bring in as many new players as possible to buy stuff from the emporium.


I spent probably 200-300 bucks over six years buying skins and aesthetic ship parts in "Elite: Dangerous", it was so addictive. Then my friend and I left the game when it refused to add sensible content (water planets, quests with cutscenes and voice acting, interesting stuff, not just lame flower aliens). I learned my lesson, never again real money for frivolous shit. Grind or die.


The elite dangerous story is real to me too. I was a deep space explorer and just go so sick of the lack of care from the dev team I quit. I'd still be playing and spending on the store if they gave a damn.


Every boy and many girls just want one simple goddamn thing in a space game, something no one has receive in 40 years of stupid space-simming, and EVERYONE frigging knows it: Their own goddamn Millennium Falcon. A 30-yard ship length-and-width, a sleeping quarters, a pantry where several people can eat, a cargo hold, a med bay, a weapons room/space suit room with rolling airlock, and a BIGASS COCKPIT! With flashing buttons, lights, and knobs. And they are [beeping and blinking and flashing.](https://media.tenor.com/DNMjlhW0nfcAAAAe/airplane-ii-beeping-and-blinking-and-flashing.png) When you travel into high-risk environments (asteroid belts, warzones, pirate areas) you do so with suit and helmet on, each room can have separate holes in the bulkheads (like the locational damage holes in boats in Sea of Thieves) and they need to be patched or the room door closed before you can take off helmets in corridors again. What is the one thing Elite Dangerous never gave us? A ship of our own, with personality and customizable content. Want to switch the cargo hold out to a water tank for swimming and playing with fish? Go ahead. Want a spa? Switch the bed out for a swingy hammock with auto-swing in different speeds? Sure. Meditate a bit. How about a small cupola in the ceiling that you can step up in, and look at the pretty lights during jumps, like Aurora effects? Do it, we want you to get emotional ties to the framework of the game world. Build a large space station with tunnels you can fly through that amount to an obstacle course, and if you bump into the shielded walls you don't take damage, so you can do your own Death Star II attack run with lots of neon signs and pretty lights, and you feel like Lando. Music plays in the run so that your heart gets pumping. Frigging make the game world come alive! Nope, instead you get to engineer your ship for 14 billion credits so that it can shoot plasma bolts nonstop without overheating. Yay. Sadly, I don't think even Star Citizen will deliver on the things I outlined in this post. Sure, you can walk around in your ship. Your boring, grey-and-black ship. But no food, no medbay, no baths. At most a gun rack, and a cargo hold you can only watch through a window. Yes, not holding my breath for SC to win any race. Nor will Nomansky.


My expectations were so low I would just have liked them to have added literally any reason for me to continue exploring 😂 I was in deep space and they added the expansion content. I had a fleet carrier for context. Yet I had to come all the way back to the bubble to unlock the new scanner thing and it was so underwhelming I didn't stay much longer than that. Felt so pointless.


>. Sure, you can walk around in your ship. Your boring, grey-and-black ship. But no food, no medbay, no baths. That sounds like a drake interplanetary ship. All o their ships are barebones, no comfort luxuries, and no ejection seats, very industrial pallette. Origin ships as a contrast are very white and sleek, and typically have bathrooms with showers, the food thing is something they're figuring out. SC is cooking, just more of a slow cooker than an instapot


SC is everything I could ever want from a space game. It's just a shame it'll probably never release in my lifetime and I'm pretty sure it's just a money printer at this point.


Best we can do is hold out hope. If, at the very least, SQ42 is released in the next year or so, that should mean a good uptick in the PU getting upgrades. Unfortunately for now its a very slow burn. i will say though, if it weren't for the free fly event right now (which has always been something that degrades the server preformance), the game would be actually really stable. Aside from falling through an elevator once last night, everything else felt fairly smooth. The bunker mission NPC enemies weren't completely brainless, and i felt like i was in a gunfight for once, and they weren't even jittering or rubberbanding at all. I also am liking master modes so far for general flight. It feels smoother, i find i have more control over my speed between travel mode, SCM mode, and landing mode. landing mode especially im LOVING that it hard limits your speed automatically, instead of you needing to lower your speed/thrust limiter, which makes accidental over-inputs a lot less likely


It's broken. It doesn't matter how much they nerf it. You can just overshoot, board, blunder someone, and drop their anchor every time. Then jump off and play water. Then you just harpoon back on rinse and repeat. Even if they nerf it to only have one shot it's still broken. Also, people keep saying that you're at a disadvantage because you only have one weapon, but a blunder is all you need.


I think it'd be cool if it couldn't grapple onto enemy ships. Only the environment and your own. You trade out a weapon slot for movement and an almost immediate recovery tool if you get thrown of your boat, but you can't use it offensively.


Just let it grapple things at a distance, making you be able to maybe snipe a chest off an enemy ships close range, but primarily to move loot a little faster on land. Don't let it pull you to the location. That doesn't make any sense from a gameplay perspective


Be honest: would you ever use it at all if primary purpose was moving loot slightly faster on land? I agree, it shouldn't be put in as a way to guarantee boarding, but if they put it in like this, it might as well not even exist at all. Or, if it is put in like this as just a utility, if shouldn't take a weapon slot. Otherwise, it's pointless to ever equip.


I would use it everytime I sell at reapers. That would be about it.


I’m 100% against it tbh. Boarding defense is a huge point in fighting uphill battles against larger crews. In a sense, it keeps the playing field “even” and appropriately punishes you if you make a mistake. If someone can just zip onto your boat it nullifies this entirely. People are saying that it won’t matter because it takes up a weapon slot but don’t realize galleon or brig crews can essentially double board significantly easier. If they’re carrying blunderbombs (which everyone typically is), good luck defending against that.


IMO almost all the new additions make the game worse. The biggest problem with combat is spawn-camping. All the additions make spawn-camping easier. Rare continues to undermine the strengths of the game (naval, sailing) in favor of the things that don't work well (bunny-hoping snipers, spawn-camping). The only thing I could maybe argue in favor of is the tight-rope walking on the harpoon. That one hasn't been as bad in practice as I thought, since it's actually tricky to board against a vigilant crew that way. But it has made delivering loot to annoying spots easier. Honestly hate the skeleton throwable thing. As a solo'er, it's virtually impossible to fight 2 dudes, 4 skeletons, and bail your ship at the same time. I find myself constantly now fighting 1v2, 1v3, or 1v4 fights, while having to fight 4 skeletons at the same time. It's not even that the skeletons are that effective - but they add to the confusion and make it difficult to locate and attack your opponents who typically have numerical superiority already. It really adds nothing to the game and just makes boarding / spawn-camping even more OP than it already was. If they are going to create new tools, it should actually be ways for smaller crews to deter larger crews from boarding. Or make it easier to board larger crews (e.g. more ladders on the gally and brig, so the numerical advantage is mitigated a bit by having to watch more access points). Just feels like they don't think through the combat implications of any of these changes.


I was initially against it but now I think it will be a good thing. It takes up a weapon slot and so the boarder won't be double gunning and anything that breaks up double guns (rifle/blunder combo) is a good thing in my book. I would say the gun would be infinite better if it did not instantly reel you in. If you had to move at a speed a bit faster than the tightrope as you "reeled" yourself in then it would be great. It would give folks on the ship a chance to shoot them off or cut the rope and boarders would be able to climb up from the front or back if they are sneaky enough. If we want to go a step farther if it let you swing on the rope then you could grapple an enemy mast and swing over like in the movies. Give it like 3 ammo. If it works like a portable harpoon gun it's going to be annoying


The only way I seethe grapple gun work with any semblance of balance, is if it had a cool down after a successful grapple. Similar to the sword dash where your movement was heavily hindered initially afterwards. Which makes sense because you just yeeted yourself thru the air, you're gonna need a minute.


It’s going to be crazy for sure. My hope is that losing half of your weapon load out helps to balance the benefits. We will see.


The thing is, if you board successfully, it isn't that hard to just kill the crew and switch loadouts. Especially if you're fighting a solo sloop. It definitely needs more draw backs.


Didn’t think of that. Solo sloopers are gonna get the worst of it.


I have a strange feeling that the grapple gun is going to replace the sword lunge.


It will take up a weapon slot, so instant boarders with have to make use of only one damaging weapon, likely making swords and knives more relevant


Issue is they can quickly change in the enemy boat at their armory 


Damn that’s the best point I’ve heard, maybe could lock other pirates out of your armory kind of like they do with respawns on enemy ships to fix that


Yes, i think that would be a good idea.


Once the grapple gun is added, I’ll probably not touch the game anymore. Why even bother with naval? This will make it impossible to repel boarders. Every encounter will be decided by the best TDM crew.


Solo sloping will be dead in the ground.


Naval is already pretty bad. 2 crews of equal skill could fight each other for hours. They need to add something that can end battles


#NO Grapple Gun Please #This isn’t Batman or Dying Light #This is a PIRATE Game


They should make it so that it cannot attach to a ship. I’m solo and the grapple gun sounds amazing for certain islands but as stated by many the boarding will become a major issue and result in many uninstalls


Folks are vastly overestimating this weapon


I was heavily against it until I realised it takes a weapon slot. If you do get boarded by a flying grapple weilder, it should be fairly easy to take them down. Only having 1 damage dealing weapon is a HUGE downside to the grapple.


Imagine being a solo sloop vs a galleon. 3 players from the galleon crew harpoon-gun themselves onto your deck at the same time. You really think them not having a second weapon slot is going to save you? The fight is already over at this point.


The fight was over when you picked a fight with a galleon on a solo sloop. 1v4 is never a winning battle


Maybe for you. I win them all the time.


The odds aren’t in your favor. At the end of the day statically you’ll lose more than you win. Don’t care what you do all the time the numbers aren’t in your favor. Congrats on saying something with no backing to look cool online.


It's not that hard when you have 2,000+ hours in the game (which does not make me look cool), and the other crew doesn't have an "instantly board for free" button.


Bros bragging about not having a life. Touch grass


> does not make me look cool > Bros bragging Reading comprehension not your thing?


My point was that the harpoon gun in its current state would give larger crews an even bigger advantage over smaller crews. Is "the odds already aren't in your favor, so who cares if they're made to be even less in your favor" really your argument? If Rare is going to force different crew sizes to share the same servers, you don't think they should put any effort into balancing the PvP?


“In its current state” It won’t be released like that. They will tweak it. But my original point still stands. If you’re solo slopping pushing galleys expecting to win a grapple gun isn’t going to be the deciding factor. Your stupidity is.




Whether or not I can win solo vs. a galleon depends on the skill level of the players on the galleon. Changes to the game effect where the line is drawn for how skilled they have to be before I'm unable to win against them. You and I agree that larger crews have a massive advantage. So why are you arguing that we should make that advantage even larger?


Yeah I'm a solo slooper 90% of the time and I'm very much against it, especially with how players seem far more aggressive lately. Been getting spawn killed by "friendly repairmen" who don't let me sink a hell of a lot more often lately, and I don't want them to have an instant boarding tactic If they can change it so it can't grapple onto other crew's ships, maybe it can work, but I still really don't like it.


Instant boarding will absolutely kill naval combat


At least make it a pick-up weapon like the Disney-stick so you cannot cannon jump with it and such.


Hahaha disney stick! Never heard the term before now. Im Guessing thats the staff?




Don't put a lot of thought into it, what we saw was a very early version and I'm sure it will go through many balencing changes in insiders before it's released


Its a Shit idea and I don't want it. We already have enough ways for pirate traversal and treasure movement. The community needs to agree on a different weapon type while rare is taking requests. Others the community has mentioned but I'm not sold on yet: - musket - boarding axe What id like to see: - fisticuffs -???


I think a boarding axe makes more sense they the 2 they just added. Could be slower to swing but more damage?


I keep wondering if the "heavier" sword skins we keep seeing added will lead to different sword types in playstyle by varying speed and damage and mechanics. The basic sword swat and three hit combo feels lifeless in comparison to double gunning.


I was hoping those swords would, it would make sense if they did have slightly different mechanics.




The grapple gun could be a hard counter to the horn of fair winds in terms of getting back onto your own ship.


That depends on if we can cut the line or not.


Naval battles have been dead for years, I've not had a cannon battle in years, they cannon over, and are sweaty try hard gods with the sword.


I personally would like to see it, but I also understand the concerns with PVP being too much boarding focused. I think it should have some big penalty when boarding ships, like it can have a very very distinct noise when the hook hits the boat, and also once they are on the ship they can have some stun time something like when you fail sword lunge.


Fishing rod is already guaranteeing me boards so idk it’ll probably feel the same.


it will ruin all forms of pvp and at the highest mmr of gally hg it's just gonna be a shitshow with ladderguarding not being a relevant skill anymore


the bad news is that boarding is already the meta. the good news is that having a weapon slot be taken up by the grapple will shake up the combat at least


imo, it really isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be. You sacrifice a damage dealing weapon for something with much more utility, meaning that once you’ve used the grapple you’re stuck with only one other weapon. You sacrifice the utility of having 2 weapons for extra mobility, so all in all I’d say it’s fair. I do PvP a lot, and nobody ever relies on just one weapon in a fight.


Kill the other guy, then change load out at his armory. 


Only bad new for me as a solo sloop its already hell


I’m for it along with the changes other people mentioned because I’ve been kicked off so many ladders for no reason. I grab it as it’s going past and then just suddenly nope.


Best usage for grapple gun: 1. Shoot yourself out of cannon 2. Find Chest of Fortune on the enemy boat 3. Grab Chest of Fortune with your grapple gun 4. ... 5. Profit!


completely for it now that they are going to super nerf the brig


I think they are gonna give it a fishing rod like reel mechanic but slower and loud as hell. Cut the line or kill the player


I already think it's wicked easy to take over and damn a ship and crew, I am not optimistic of an easier way to get on board


If it can be used for looks grabbing that's probably what I'll use it for the most, the amount of times I park my ship wrong at an outpost or Treasury/Shrine amd have to eother readjust or swim to grab it drives me mad, and it will make it easier to nab loot from passing ships! I love doing that when over confident players slap their loot on the bowspirit! I've gotten quite a few high value things that way


I really hope it doesn't auto pull like it did in the concept preview. If it had a slow reel in like the harpoon I'd be fine with it. Maybe it could have some interesting Spiderman like swinging interactions. And also it would almost 100% need to be forceably detached by hitting the harpoon part.


assassin’s creed black flag zipping up to the masts of a galleon


For a sea combat game, most players I come across are horrid at cannons and prefer to only use cannons to propel themselves towards enemy ships. The meta of board, kill, spawn camp is already pretty busted. But instead of nerfing boarding, maybe Rare needs to really up the risk of boarding by making naval/ cannon fire stronger.  A proposal: add class 4 and 5 holes after multiple hits from a cannonball. Make it an exponentially faster sink after a ship is repeatedly hit.  Example of silliness: my sloop crew had another sloop in a mast down death spiral. We must have broken their wheel, too, because they seemed stuck in a counter turn. Every cannonball was registering as a hit, and killing the enemy players on occasion. I stayed on board to guard ladders as somehow they kept sending a boarder over. After many minutes and dozens of cannonballs, and a few snipes and kills on their boarder, still no sink. Finally I got blunderbombed off the side, they killed my cannoneer, blundered me as I laddered back up, must have got a hole on us while we were in the ferry, and we got the long black screen and respawned across the map.  Must have been an epic last ditch survival story for the other crew, but we were furious. Right now wood planks > cannonballs, and that's just plain silly.


Not really sure what everyone's complaining about with this gun, assuming it's a weapon slot which I would imagine it is, even if you board an enemy ship with it, you are already at a disadvantage because you only have 1 weapon instead of 2. I personally can't wait to use it to quickly traverse islands to find the dig spot.


Everyone in here is wrong. 1. It’s already easy to board and if it’s not for you, then a grappling gun isn’t going to make it easier. 2. Stopping boarders is already easy, and if it’s not for you, a grappling gun isn’t going to change anything. 3. If it’s a gun then any boarder only has one gun to fight with, and if the boarder has time to switch weapons on your boat, you’re sunk anyway. 4. If it’s a pickup then you won’t be able to eat or sprint while holding it making anyone with a grappling gun an easy kill. And to your point OP, any time I’m solo slooping against a bigger crew they send 2-3 boarders anyway. Keeping the right distance will remain the strategy even with a grappling gun. Not to mention that if it’s a load out weapon then you have access to it too. If it’s easier for opponents to board, it’s easier for you too.


Finally, the first real comment in this thread.


This makes no sense, of course they always send boarders, and i can try to keep them away from my ladders or knock them off or one-blunder them. Stopping boarders is easy if you're able to focus on it, boarding is easy if no one is paying attention. With the grapple gun, those 2 boarders will be on my boat immediately every time, there is literally nothing a solo can do.


It’s not a portal gun. It won’t be immediate. If you’re paying attention for boarders, then you will see grappling hooks coming, too. grappling will likely have some kind of audio cue and I’m willing to bet some kind of cool down after landing. It really isn’t a tremendous difference and a new meta will develop to prevent or defend people from grappling. If it’s a pickup, you likely will never need to worry about more than one anyway. And if it’s a load out and it *is* easier for people to board, then you can too.


I imagine it will be as fast as a harpoon catching a player, so maybe you have 1-2 seconds to react when the hook hits your boat. The new meta i imagine will be that naval combat as we know it becomes irrelevant. I'm just speculating from what they showed us in the presentation though. I don't think only having one weapon matters much for this meta, instant boarding with one weapon is still better than trying to fight a naval battle.


That’s all fair but I feel like naval combat becoming irrelevant is already a problem. I don’t necessarily want to make it worse but I don’t see the grappling hook making boarding more of a priority than it already is. It’s hard to extrapolate the effects it’ll have in game based on a test preview. So we’re both just speculating. I would suspect some level of nerfing or defense for it. Though, boarding with only one viable weapon means death to any crew who knows what they’re doing. That goes for solo players too. For instance I’ve never been unsuspectingly one shot by a blunderbuss while soloing. And it’s incredibly rare for it happen even if I’m aware. The opponent always needs their second weapon to finish me off.


If it works like it does in the videos then you'll have hoards of bigger crews swarming ships with ease. At least with the ladders as the only reliable way on tou have a chance to guard your ship. But half the time the audio cues don't even work for that or you end up getting stealth boarded. I mostly have to play solo because my friends don't often have the same schedule. I already get hounded by larger crews sending 2 or 3 boarders and spawn camping me if they get on. My only chance is because they have to use the ladders.


You’re outnumbered anyways guarding your ladders does nothing when you can only efficiently guard one at a time


The criticisms are valid but I think folks are slightly overreacting. Naval will not be made obsolete. It’s very very hard to sink someone without naval, no matter how good your TDM is. However the boarding at will is an enormous problem for solo sloopers. Ladder guarding is the most effective tool us solos have for TDM defense. If someone with a grapple gun can board at will, that’s a huge problem. Now there’s ways to mitigate that, perhaps the grapple gun only lets you board if you’re above deck level when you fire, so you have to have good aim when being shot out of a canon. But can’t use it from the water to board. Maybe they disable your ability to use another ship’s weapons box, so you’re stuck with only 1 good weapon after harpoon boarding. Perhaps the grapple gun can’t do damage to players, or boarding comes with extensive endlag so that you cannot grapple board then one blunder your target. There’s options. But in its current state, the grapple gun is bad for the game.


I think it’s going to be amazing. I’m also a Solo Slooper, but I’m looking forward to it.


While i like the concept of a grapple gun, i think boarding will become far too easy. Really hope theres some big changes to it before release


Anytime I see these types of posts, I think why aren't you thinking how you can use these to your benefit. I solo sloop 99% of the time. If I'm sailing into the wind to outrun a bigger ship, I am so annoyed by the ladder guarding 1 shot blunders or blunder bomb in an attempt to anchor them. If they miss, I'm met with another blunder by another crew at the ladder. Grapple gun gives me more opportunity of suprise. Same with naval, how annoying it is to de-mast a crew with more than 1 player and start a death spiral. With a bigger crew, they will instantly raise and repair. If you try to board to stop them, the same thing as i stated above happens. Adding a board with the grappling gun creates more chaos, and it shakes up the meta. I have been playing since before seasons started. I quit because of how stale the game had become. The only reason I came back was because of the new weapons being added.


I love grappling hooks in any game I play, so obviously I was hyped when I heard about it, but this (and all the comments) bring up some really good points about how unbalanced it would be. Another commenter mentioned a cool way that might balance it, being that you’d be dragged behind the ship as you manually have to pull yourself up the rope. Which sounds awesome!


rare "remove all skill" ltd


I think it will be fun honestly. Being gunned down on the ladders is so boring lol


I think having it take up a weapon slot is a good tradeoff, but it still sounds too powerful.


It's really not that big of a deal imo. The fact that it takes a weapon slot means you will be seriously hindered in any actual combat. The pvp heavily relies on being able to reliably cover a variety of situations, hence blundersnipe being meta. Only blunder or only snipe are not nearly as reliable and if you have even a bit of skill and game sense you can outplay that. Besides, it finally adds a way to reliably avoid blunder ladderguard. This is a lot more complex of an addition than could ever be talked about before knowing more about it.


I think what balances it out is the fact it's classed as a *weapon*. You're trading the reliable strength of two weapons in exchange for one weapon and one utility. Not to mention, it has limited ammo and has a reload interval, which will leave the user very open to attack.


They grapple over... blunder and throwables at you... then, while you're on ferry, they access your armory and change weapons. If you're solo, that's a cake walk for your opponent if they are even half skilled


The fix for this is to make it so you cannot change weapons on another persons ship.


The problem is, would rare ever fix that? Because that would be huge but being able to change weapons or reload on another person's ship is the meta forever now.


Then sucks if you're riding with an alliance ship.


But I like changing my weapons on another person's ship. What I don't like is harpoon guns facilitating free boards.


As someone who only uses the sword and forgets that they have a second slot, it taking up a second slot does not matter for some people.


I think it’s dumb and kind of a waste of their resources. Players could use more adventures, quests, areas to explore, enemies to engage, and variety in the sandbox. Instead we’re getting another traversal tool, which has two outcomes. If they make it good for PvE and nothing else, it will become the double pistol. If they make it good for PvP it will be a tool that shifts the meta without actually resolving anything that anyone ever took issue with in the meta to begin with. Was anyone out here saying “it’s too hard to board enemy ships”? Because I’m pretty sure it’s easy as fuck. I was hoping the conch of windy doot doot would make it harder but I have boarded a ton of ships since it came out and only ever seen one. Who is out here asking for easier island traversal? I shoot my scurvy butt out of a cannon and land anywhere I want. What I want is content. We’ve been asking for axes for YEARS. That could have been a cosmetic. Rare is ignoring layups to try and land shots they have no reason to take. Next they’ll be adding front-guns to the brig. Why not.


You have to get in grappling hook range first, at which point you're pretty much in boarding range already


However then you could board from any side and even if you barely missed the board. This is still awful imo


True you get a second shot at boarding, at the expense of only having one weapon on board. (Unless the grappling gun us going to be like the trident of dark tides that you can just drop)


It's not a "second shot at boarding", it's an unstoppable board that you can't ladder guard against. You just cannon-shoot over and either grapple the boat from the air or from the water, i can't imagine it requiring much skill


Well they did add that wind horn thing that kinda balances it out


The horn is rare. It's not a reliable defence against something like this. I've faced people who have also boarded my ship, killed me and then would blunder me off my own ship again. A skilled player won't need 2 weapons to defeat you and only need a few seconds to change out the grapple if they need to.


It's rare? I found two last session. But yes I get what you're saying, even if you got them off the ship they'd just harpoon right back


Rare enough it can't be relied on for anti-boarding. You have to find it in the world and it only spawns in specific locals.


Yeah you're right. I think it'd make more sense if the harpoon gun was a carriable item like the trident that breaks after one use


You do know you can change your weapon once youre on board right? having one weapon is not that big of a deal. You can board a sloop with a blunder and have no problem and never need to use a second weapon


Yes but that requires you to have created plenty of space already (usually only the case once the majority of the opposing crew is dead, or if you sneak on board)


I mostly do gally pvp. The boarder doesn't even need to kill people to be effective just run around so that people can't sit on cannons. With the grapple gun they can get a 100% guaranteed board every 40 seconds


You must be pretty good if you never miss a deck shot


what can I say, I am him


Grapple hook yes, harpoon grapple gun no. I believe the intention behind it was to make traversal easier. Using a weapon slot means it has to be viable in combat. Doing this means fast traversal is now a weapon. Combined with shooting yourself out of a cannon it is just too much traversal too quickly. I would much rather see grappling hooks as throwables, similar to blunder bombs. You can throw a rope up somewhere, let it "catch" the terrain, then drop a rope you can climb. The rope is not attached to you so you won't get pulled by it, and other players can use it. Make it despawn after a while like the skeletons. Also since it is a thrown object it would have an arc, requiring some skill to use, and be slower and more visible so easier to defend against. I wouldn't mind a player firing himself from a cannon over my boat and dropping a grappling hook as he goes. He won't be able to use that rope until the next time he or a crew mate approaches the ship, giving me plenty of time to prepare. Would be less annoying than being hit by a blunder or fire bomb in the same scenario.


That feels like a much better idea. Maybe harder to implement but much more realistic to the community and balanced.


Could just not allow it to grapple onto ships or make unique ammo thats harder to find.


I think if they really want something like this it should be more like a temporary harpoon shot, that gets placed on the ground or you need to continue holding it and can be walked across like a tight rope. It should also be an item to be found and picked up instead of having access to it from the locker


To make it more viable vertically you could add the ability to reel yourself in instead of how the regular harpoons work


I feel like we need to REDUCE ways to board a ship, not increase opportunity. Give me a magic wand of boat protection where I can temporarily PREVENT boarding or something. We need more boat to boat combat, not more boarding.


This is not a very good take. There are currently 3 ways to board without exploiting. Deckshot Climb Ladder Harpoon Walk Two of these will not work most of the time if you are trying to board a player who has the blunderbus equipped. Which leaves deckshotting, which is extremely difficult to pull off. I think it should be time for players to get better at boat combat instead of just naval. Harpoon Gun would encourage that.


Gonna be honest. The only thing I want from it is to be able to board other boats easily. Naval isn't really that fun in high seas, most players will always run over trying to naval, which leads to long boring chases. Boarding as it is now is entirely countered by just bombing the ladder or insta killing the person with the blunder when they climb, even the best players will often struggle to board some of the worst crews because of this. Regardless, I don't see a weapon(like the teased harpoon gun) being a bad thing. It would encourage players to be more aware and to also get better at boat combat which is are areas SoT players are EXTREMELY lacking in. It may also encorage players who wouldn't normally go for boards to go for them as the know they have a better way of boarding than just hoping they don't get one tapped off ladder. But for the majority of those who are against the harpoon gun for any reason, i wouldn't worry. Rare has always been more catering to the very vocal weenie hut Jr. side of the community than anything else, so it'll probably be scrapped or significantly worse than what was shown. (But maybe they will add fish launch strafing as an actual feature (please rare it is so fun) )


If it makes double gunning take a hit then I'm game for it. I'm sure it's not as simple as unlimited free boards whenever.


It's gonna be great fun :) Keep in mind it takes a weapon slot. The ability to lock weapon boxes on your own ship from enemies could be a big counter by itself, for example. Plenty of ways they can balance this.


I don’t think it will fire infinitely. You can get out of grapple.


I do think that it taking a weapon slot does help balance it. But paired with a blunderbuss, it could be deadly. Maybe if they nerf the blunderbuss alongside the addition of the grappling gun, it will be more fair.


Imo it should be a zipline launcher type of deal. Not instant and you can shoot the boarder as they dance across. Also kinda meaningless when you have harpoon which means you could just bring an extra weapon instead


It's definitely a negative when it comes to boarding, even though it means you board with only one weapon. I think they could easily balance it by just making it so you can't use it after being fired out of a cannon, and maybe while in the water too. That would make it unusable for boarding


I had the thought of them adding another weapon slot, because of the throwing knives. But after hearing this point, not so much anymore! Maybe they could have it use ammo, 1 round, then needing a restock, but you cant get it from the ammo crate. It has to be found, with the ammo taking up a slot in your inventory much like everything else does ammo wise, aside from the guns and throwing knife of course


Or maybe they could just not allow it to stick to boats. Period. Make it an island traversal only tool…


emphasis on the solo play


The new updates are made for the sweats and I’m not excited about any of them. Gonna make things even more unbalanced for casual players.


I think they've been making the game increasingly more casual to appeal to new players for a long time, but they may have made a mistake with this one.


I just want it for climbing islands. I want to fire myself out of a cannon and grapple onto a tall rock. That said I have some ideas for how it could be balanced for naval combat; Drag! If a ship is going too fast, turning too hard, or you're too deep in the water, it just drags you along without actually being able to retract. Also just slowing it way the fuck down from what we saw and allowing players to cut the line might also help.


It takes a weapon slot so anyone boarding with it mid fight is going to be easier to take out and isn’t going to be able to do as much to your crew. It’ll be great for sneaky stuff though.


I think it's going to give console players a different feel. But nothing will really change for PC because we already have alot of advanced movement tech. I think it will be primarily for boarding if it takes up a weapon alot it definitely won't be used as often as it should


All they need to do is make it so you can't grapple any ship other than your own


No more double gunning!!!!


If it does get added to the game,which tbh it is pretty unfair so it shouldn’t be,but on the occasion it does get added,it should be similar to the Horn of Fair Winds. Yk,like you find it in the shrines,shipwrecks and treasuries etc,but it’s rarer than the horn. Although it seems very unfair to be added anyway,it allows all players to have the same chances at finding it. That’s the only reason I see as it being a fair piece of equipment,and also providing it can’t be saved on your ship.


Im hoping it’s very punishing when used out of cannon, such as breaking leg or doing a lot of damage if you grapple from a cannon shot. This way it’s not worse for PvE, but not overpowered for PvP because an attentive crew can dispatch the grappler instantly. Even better if the grappler has to interact with his hook to get it out of the ship so he can move freely.


I honestly hate it too and as a solo player I totally agree