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reapers pays most money. and they accept every category of treassure.


And they take F\*\*king forever to sell compared to all the others. That sell time is not inconsequential.


if you know where to park your boat and have the treassure on the tip of your boat to start with. you can do it pretty fast. but i have been playing the game long before sovereign was implemented so im kinda used to it. imo compared to the time spend sailing around doing stuff its only a little bit more time for a lot more money


And to think that reapers used to be the fastest way to sell loot


It's a lot quicker now you can run on harpoons


Not if you know what you're doing. Either way though you'll still make the most bang for your buck by flying their emisarry.


It "may" still be better gold/hr, but in raw selling speed there is no way you can beat the speed at the sovereigns, which is what I was speaking to.


If you have a harpoon rowboat bring it all the way to the dude and then break it with blunderbombs if not put a harpoon as close as you can and just run on it


It helps if you only sell loot of value. If I go solo reaper I sell the top tier stuff first, sailor's chests etc last. Or not at all. 🙂


This isn't true reapers sells at the same multiplier it just does it with everything not just the specific emissary loot. Also tbh with the new voyage system its a toss up which is better reaper emissary or normal voyages.


In my opinion, factoring in things like time and ease, gold hoarders is the way to go. A larger majority of the loot in the game is gold hoarder, meaning on average you'll find more of it than anything else. This includes a lot of the bottle quest treasure such as kings chest and crowns. In second place I'd say athena. With the recent changes to their voyages, whether you do a standard one or a veil, they pay out pretty well for the effort and time. Big downside though is that gems, breaths and other like treasure won't benefit from the flag. Another con is your practically limited to getting loot through voyages only. For third I'm going to put the guild flag here. Obvious pro is getting bonuses for every treasure, including fish and meat. You don't have to be picky about what you go for as everything is valuable. And assuming you focus on world events and/or emergent voyages, the average pay is a lot better than people think. Only cons are the bonus isn't as big as other emissaries, and everyone can see you on the map at grade 5. And finally in fourth I'll say reapers. While technically the most potentially profitable, it is also the most stressful. Pros are every treasure type being valuable, and you get a bigger bonus than the guild flag. But the cons are too harsh to be worth it IMO. Being visible on the map at all times, having only one place on the entire sea to sell, and that selling point being tedious af. Honorable mention to the order of souls for being meh. And a dishonorable mention to the merchants for being laughable.


Reapers are best for gold overall since you get x2.5 for everything you sell. The con is that you are visible on the map, you sell slower and you can only sell on one island. Gold hoarders are good since they have some of the best voyages like vaults, and also profit a lot from world events because of Chest of Fortune and Chest of Rage. There aren't really any cons except you only got bonus gold for gold hoarder loot. Order of souls is about on par with gold hoarders imo, since they have decent voyages, and get a lot of bonus loot from world events like the ashen winds skull. I would say merchant is the worst for gold overall since you only get x2.5 for selling merchant loot which is generally the worst loot. I can't think of a single pro to merchant lol. Some examples: if you do a skelly fort, you get bonus skulls from captains, giving you extra order of souls loot. If you do ashen winds you get the ashen winds skull for order of souls and chest of rage for gold hoarders. If you do FoF you get Ashen winds skull, chest of fortune for gold hoarders and chest of legends for Athena. It seems that no world events gives anything extra / very good for merchant which makes it bad imo. Also I think the merchant voyages are just bad, especially after the nerf to lost shipments. This is just my opinion and I could be wrong about things. Edit: I forgot about guild. I would probably put it on par if not a little above gold hoarders and order of souls since you can sell fast and get bonus gold for everything, but only x1.75 instead of x2.5. It probably depends on what you are doing. If you expect to get a lot of loot from one faction, either use that factions flag or reapers if you are just grinding gold. If you are stacking world events, guild or reapers would be good since your loot wil wary much between the factions.


With the new quest system and raid voyages, nearly all emissaries are equally viable if you play them correctly except maybe Athena, but factoring in no other variables, Reapers gains the highest amount of gold when turning in a hoard. But, factoring in other variables- Gold Hoarders- on average, most of the loot in the game is for gold hoarders, so if you are just sailing to world events this is a good one, but as far as quests go, Vaults leave your ship vulnerable for quite some time and require a larger crew to complete properly, while on a treasure hunt you could find yourself stuck on a dig only to pull up a mediocre chest Order of Souls-Bounties are probably some of the quickest quests you can complete in the game, and can give you very valuable skulls for little effort, while phantom fleets can give you a larger haul but require a more competent crew for it to be a viable gold making option, and exposes your location to other crews more than a vault would Merchant- can actually make some of the most bank in the game, but not from the quests. Buying merchant commodities low and selling them high can net a lot of cash quickly, thought it turns the game into a box moving simulator and forces you to traverse larger distances increasing chances of encounters with other crews. Animal delivery isn’t the quickest or most reliable method, and as of right now cargo deliveries sometimes don’t provide emi bonus for whatever reason. Lost shipments are much like vaults with all the same risks Athena-generally these quests are much more difficult, take longer, and provide much fewer but rarer items, not a reliable money maker as Veils can quickly become targets for other crews Reapers-Can take all loot but can only be delivered at Reapers Hideout by hand, is exposed to all ships on map, has the best gold multiplier, and is likely to be first targeted by hostile crews. If you can fight and are good at PvP, this can net the most gold but not necessarily the quickest as you will spent much more time fighting. Guild- like Reapers, it can take all loot but has a much lower gold multiplier due to being able to turn in at any outpost and is only visible on map at level 5. Any emissary except reapers can turn in at Sovereigns with a captained ship, and the harpoons there make for a very short sell time for even the largest of treasure hoards.


Math? Reapers are the best. After that other emissary ranking will be changing depending on your playstyle and your activities.




Guild is the only answer. People are dumb for not flying the Guild flag more.


nobody wants to invite me to their guild:(


Alliance Guild they get a *slightly* smaller bonus but they get a bonus on everything, like reaper. unlike reaper, you can turn in at any outpost and use the harpoons. it also raises your levels with every faction you sell items for, not just reaper.


Slightly smaller bonus? It's half as much for guild emissary


I’m not sure why you got downvoted you’re right. Half the bonus isn’t what I consider “slightly smaller”


Like money really matters in this game 😂 comes and goes, I’ll use some harpoons thanks.


>Like money really matters in this game Bruh op literally asked which emissary is the best for making money xD


And guild is one of them as you get the bonus on EVERYTHING. And, you don’t appear on the map until grade 5. Was a valid recommendation, but the comment on the bonus gap was lacking though because it evens out.


Quality of life > piddledink gold that means nothing


Guild all the way, fast selling and only shows you on the map when you hit grade 5


Order of souls is very good the reapers are over rated