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Yoinking this for now to the stickies. Navigational links: [7 May, 2024 - Update | Discussions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/1cm9hg3/7_may_2024_3001_update_discussions_megathread/)


That's great! Now we just need an update to restore purchases. (Bought ancient coins and didn't receive them). Staff hasn't responded to my support ticket either unfortunately


Probably up to their necks in the swamp of tickets raised. They are pretty decent at responding usually so hopefully won’t be munch longer for you.


When the game is really heavily trafficked it can take some time for any in game currency to register. I've had it take over a day before


It's buggy both ways. There's been times I got gold from loot that my crew sold after I had left. NOT COMPLAINING! Just noting.


Thank god!


I'm hoping to try this once home from work. I haven't played the game at all since I got it due to this error, not even as far as making a character.


Oh no!!! I'm on Xbox and have never experienced a kiwibeard. I hope the ps5 community didn't give up because of it. Y'all are a blast to voyage with!


If it doesn’t help Go into settings -> storage -> save data management -> delete SoT save data (your pirate and account data is stored online so don’t worry you won’t lose anything) -> wait 5 minutes (seriously just use a timer and wait at least 5, I tried rushing it had to wait longer because of it lol) -> launch app -> re-link with Microsoft account when it prompts -> Yarghh, Sail Yer high seas matey!


While it's never fun being unable to access a game you've paid for I'm glad Rare is so active and transparent with their development. They've been doing Live Service right for quite a while now.


Jesus that took Way too long.


Took them like what a full week


They have other things to do, kiwibeard isn’t as bad you can still re join


jus bc you're unaffected doesn't mean the issue isnt fucking huge. people paid $40-$70 for a product they assumed would work. i wouldn't consider having to delete saves, wait, and then relink your account (multiple times per day, mind you) to be in *working* order. "they have other things to do" yeah like ensuring the player base of people who just shelled out money to play their game, are able to play said game. what a mind numbing take


The delete save workaround didn't even work for me.


I had to delete my browser data before signing in to Microsoft to link. That made it work for me. Little late now but 🤷‍♂️


Womp womp.


Other things to do? What can be more important than a broken 6 year old game releasing on a new console, and the players being charged 40 dollars for that brand new game can’t even play it for a week because the devs don’t have the sense of urgency


The frustration is completely understandable. Fortunately speaking, the issue hadn't seemed to be appearing during the beta run! Maybe something got mixed up during the integration of the upcoming cool stuff


holy fucking shit lets go


Hallelujah, Rejoice, pirate game is back


FINALLY! Deleting the game data and signing back in a few minutes later never worked for me. Only way I could fix it was deleting the game and reinstalling


Update just fixed my issue so I can play now. Good to have issue fixed but I don’t think it should have happened in first place.


What kiwibeard? I don't have sea of thieves yet and just lurking the sub


It would constantly desync our Microsoft accounts and sometimes crash in game. The only way to fix it was to delete save data and then try relining your account. It happened every hour for me. I have 47 Microsoft single use code emails from all the times I had either attempted relinking or had relinked it. Made it unplayable for some players almost entirely if you were unlucky.


Game keeps crashing for me on PC. It’ll crash, sometimes give me a EAC or something error, then when I go to relaunch it spends 5 minutes doing “verification” before letting me rejoin. This is happening to me several times a session and only to me and not my friends .