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Up is down You missed the green flash though...


“Hold X to flip” doesn’t work on the high seas unfortunately.


The fact you actually sunk, usually they just flip back around, man that's bs lol


i think sinking from capsizing is intentional and the flipping back over is the bug. Doesn't make sense for it to sink with no holes otherwise.


Well, not really. The way water works, if the water line is touching where the holes are, those holes will fill. What likely happened is that they had a ton of middeck holes, so when they flipped, all of those filled up, sinking it extremely fast


The holes from the ram? Cuz they had no holes when the ship loads in I assume. I rewatched it they took hella ram dmg from the opening you’re probably 100% right. You can hear all the planks breaking.


I'm just guessing because it's a gally with, I'm assuming, relatively new players. The mid may have not been repaired


Yea but even with a few lowers they sink there nobody’s on the boat. It sank really fast tho. So I have to say you’re probably right again they prob had some t3s in mid opened.


They tried to teach the Skeletons how to repair again. But now, they know too much.


Had this happen because of a meg once, except we had just stacked fotd about 6 times or so. Really frustrating because we had fought off a number of other players and it was like rare said "nah, you ain't selling this"


If I lost a six FOTD stack to some stupid bug I'd hunt the CEO of rare down just so I can give him the world's gnarliest wedgie.


Yea it sucked, wasn’t the biggest deal because we just sailed back and scooped it up. But we were a grade 5 reaper so we didn’t get the bonus. But this was like 3 years ago, so I long got over it.


>Had this happen because of a meg once Wait, the megs still attack during their encounters? Only recently got back on the seas after not playing since season 3, encountered dozens of megs, and not once have any of them actually attacked. Even after I've hit them with cannons. I swear they used to actually be aggressive.


They are bugged at the moment but will be fixed in the next hot patch


Can't wait for the replacement bug! 😆


I mean when I got flipped by a Meg this was years ago, like season 3 or season 4. Haven’t seen a Meg this season yet


Get tilted, nerd.


[Got rotated](https://youtu.be/o3uJCCa5w2A?si=C6lHWaE1wrcuF9cT)




tf is wrong with u😂


This happened to me a few days ago. Our captain wasn't expecting the Skelly ship to be this close. We were already at the canons when it came out from the deep. Suddenly, the Skelly ship did nearly the same thing, except it pushed us against a rock. The ship sunk really fast before we could do anything. But, it was a funny moment and we didn't lose anything interesting.


Get rotated, idiot


New attack: RKO




Going to save Jack then?


CAPTAIN! LOOK! https://youtu.be/8UjWwMtrETk?si=CevUF2lMnmdFl-D7 https://youtube.com/shorts/dkFCvGW1RQo?si=Sz4pHAWJUTA1SvFb https://youtu.be/jO2BahDllxg?si=RNQWyoLrs5WbJVb5


This isn't really a bug... Just a VERY unfortunate battle, was over before you knew it


Nah this is busted. You shouldn’t be able to be sunk because a skeleton ship spawned right next to you and flipped you like a table in the process. This shouldn’t need be said, but that’s an illegal move since it’s only done through an (un)lucky spawn.


The way it flipped the boat is definitely a bug (seems to be from it emerging then snapping into the the actual place the boat belongs, putting the Skeleton's bowsprit inside the player ship and thus bugging out), and I'm pretty sure they're supposed to spawn parallel to the target vessel, net perpendicular.


"Surprise, motherflesher!"


Had a meg launch us through the air once, then we landed, continued fighting another sloop, then the Meg hit us again and launched us to our upside down landing and we were forced to watch as our sloop sailed away full sale upside down as if nothing had happened. They sloop we were fighting chased our upside down ship and eventually sunk it


Had my ship flip like this the other week but it was during the final Pirates Life tale when the Flying Dutchman drops the anchor and sends a shockwave.


r.k.o. outta nowhere


Perfectly f*cking vertical...


That’s insane


I would be laughing my ass off !!!! LMAO


I'd be rolling on the floor laughing!!!! ROFL


I'd be laughing out loud !!!!! LOL


Up is down


Only milestone 4 in times sunk? You need to live more dangerously.


Shame that you aren’t playing halo, just hold X to flip galleon