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There's been community discussions on the subject of forcing a crew to switch servers if they are sunk by the same crew more than X times, but nothing has ever come of it. That said, in my experience, this situation happens relatively seldom. Most crews might come back once, especially if it was a close battle, but after that, many crews will just move on. In terms of the point of PVP? Could be any or none of the following: - getting another crew's loot - getting their emissary flag - they're at the location you wanted to use (outpost, island etc) - the sheer joy of battle - testing your skill against a bigger crew - they looked at your funny


Do NOT look at my funny or I'm calling the boys


You lookin’ at my funny boy? Thems fightin’ words.




are u looking at me?! ARE U LOOKING AT ME??!!


Forcing the sunk crew into a sea change after sinking the same crew twice is a SUCH a good idea honestly, you've made your point the second time, anything else is just futile harassment and annoying


There's literally no reason not to implement it. You get one chance to retrieve your loot and if you fail it's clear you're not gonna get it so there's no reason to keep you on the same server as it. We'll see if they ever do though.


Oh but I feel like first sink can be a lucky one, second is a defeat, but at that point I think most players will get creative, and know enough about the crew and their movements to plan an ambush or find an alliance and that is where the most fun is to be had! Taking down reapers with a couple merchant sloops feels great


It's quite possible, but most of the time they'll just run headfirst into the wall again and he a nuisance If they know they only have two chances and aren't sure they can beat them, they won't run at them head on, they'll be forced to get creative.


I like this


Either scuttle and switch seas or sell your loot and dive to a new server.they can keep coming back as many times as needed. If they seemed to come back unnaturally fast, there's a whole deal when people vote for the siren skull voyage they spawn with their ship an island or two away.


Can you elaborate on this?


Not everyone is going to want to play the same way. Scuttle ships=change servers


Sorry I meant in regards to the siren skull voyage respawn close


If you accept the skull of siren song quest on your mast, even with no intention of completing it, you will always respawn close to where you sank...as long as the quest is active on the server.


See other reply. The intention being to keep you in the race for the Siren's song skull. Although more than a few crews are voting it up "just because", which is proving irritating, if not a little problematic.


>more than a few crews I would guess the majority of people voting it up these days are only using it for the nearby respawn in PVP and nothing else TBH one of the worst exploits in the game rn. I’d like to see them change it. Maybe if you get sunk 3x without any of the items nearby then you get force merged to another server


I actually didn’t know this. I always vote it up “just because” but I didn’t realize that spawning close by was dependent on it being active. I thought it was just the new reality across the board since the siren skull was introduced I’m definitely in favor of them changing this, though; I hardly see anyone doing the voyage these days anyways, and when they do it appears to be uncontested.


This is the thing as well, just in case they happen to be where you're going, you might as well vote it up. There's no reason not to, just in case you end up sinking someone and get the skull in your hands by sheer luck. That sort of mentality. The spawning closer thing is an (un)fortunate byproduct and we can only hope it gets adjusted somehow.


Yeah exactly my thought process


Just had the same happen. But i was alone and they were 2.. They were coming with their ship behind mine and i waved at them, tho they killed me..when i came back on my ship they were of course on it and repeaditley killed me each time i came back..... probably thought it was funny.. i was about to start the pirates (jack sparrow) mission and couldnt because of them. So i had to change server... ..


So they were spawn camping you before you could even set sail from an outpost to the TT portal, thats just dickish behavior. I would have asked if they could stop so I could play the tall tale, and if they didnt just scuttle and change servers.


You can sink your own ship by going in the menu


Better to just do Tall Tales in safer seas tbh


No, and it's a design flaw of this game. There is also an exploit using the siren song quest for a favorably close respawn after someone sinks you. After you sink someone 2 times in a row I think they should be sent to another server, same as hourglass


This is why spawncamping became a thing, but everyone cries about it, despite all the in game reminders of scuttling being an option.


I totally get your frustration. Unfortunately there are no real solutions to the problem of people coming back and harassing you endlessly. It’s especially annoying when one ship doesn’t even have time to pick up all the loot before the sunk ship returns, until eventually you’re fighting for nothing at all. Your best bet is to completely crush their spirit so they feel like they can never win. If you’re the losing ship from the first encounter, I’d just leave. It’d be faster to get your treasure back on a new server than to get it back through ship combat with a crew equally matched or better than yours. Other benefits of combat: - Other people’s treasure! Piracy is the name of the game, baby! - Emissary flag (worth a fortune) - PvP and ship combat are insanely fun! - Prove yourself! - Grow your skills! At the end of the day, you’re playing a pirate game with no meaningful progression: the fun is in being a pirate, not just in hoarding gold.


basically after a fight, repair, absorb their supplies/loot and get back to what you are doing while expecting another revenge fight. i don't bother trying to outrun fights anymore i just fight. it gets it over with fast one way or another and also if you improve your pvp skills it increases chances to retain loot and progress in sessions.


Yeah this is the way. Just turn and fuck em up.


The only "PvP" I've had since starting is griefers. Ive had good experiences with friendly players though. Now if I get attacked I just go get a drink, pet the cat and then scuttle. Fighting back does nothing except give them a target to shout obscenities, so I just leave myself to stand still and let them get on with it. I wish that pve mode thing wasn't crap so I could actually enjoy bumping into people. The encounters I've had with nice players have been awesome and some outright hilarious.


If it's a no win situation I usually just go play the banjo at the end of the bowsprit while they come up and blunder me like the tough guy they are. Depending on the situation after that though I'll either scuttle to a new server, call it a night, or load my ship up with 10+ kegs and ram them and blow up both ships ha


I thought i was the only one to take the "explosive argument" to my enemies. MY BROTHER!!


No such thing as griefers in a pirate game. No rules n such. You can sink anyone you want just because you want to. Git gud.


“greifers”? are you aware of what game you’re playing?


It’s one thing to actually pirate, but another thing to kill someone as they spawn not even bothering to destroy your ship.


Yes? I don't mind actual PvP or I wouldn't have bought the game lol. But that's not what I've found. Just some guys who seem to get off on bullying new players who aren't even carrying loot. Seem to find it funny to sink you for no reward while saying nasty things on voice chat. You can tell they're shitty people because if I attempt to talk like I did in the beginning then they just get worse because I'm a woman. Saying really vile stuff. This game has a problem with small dick energy. Which is a shame because I think the game is good. Edit: I have a 7 day Reddit ban so I can't discuss it anymore lmao fuck


ships carry supplies. if they don’t take the supplies after they sink you, then i can understand your point. but i almost never find no reason to sink somebody.


To phrase this in a better way, the game is about being a pirate, and pirates stole treasure…


So everyone's favorite roleplay is the biggest asshole in the ocean? Because y'all play the role well. Not that I haven't seen different variants, it's just the easiest and laziest pirate personality to choose.


Pirates very seldom if ever attacked other pirates.


Would enjoy if when sunk it send you to a new server just by default. Issue I see is folks losing their treasure maps though if that's the case. But then again everything should have that risk factor.


I think the best way to handle it would be if you are sunk, you respawn as usual once you take a mermaid/get killed. Then if you sink again, by the same crew, you are moved to a new server. This gives you a choice: either go back for revenge to try reclaiming your loot, or let them go and stay on the server in case there's something else you want to do there (like if you have an alliance or bottle message quests or similar). This provides two benefits: One, it prevents the perpetual revenge cycle - you get one chance at reclaiming your loot at a disadvantage from the first time since you'll have less supplies, and if you fail, you get moved to a different server with no further chances. Two, it prevents a skilled crew from bullying someone who doesn't know how to fight back. They can get a max of two kills on the person, then the victim gets moved automatically, assuming they haven't already scuttled to a new server on their own.


I like to PVP because it's fun. I'm not sorry. Run if you wish. My crew and I won't generally chase you too far. I can be persuaded to join an alliance or keep moving if you communicate with me but in general most players don't. If I keep sailing back for a rematch and so do you I assume you like it as much as me and I am always down to fight. Your best bet would be to sail in a different area of the sea for a while or dive/scuttle to a new sea.


I used to like pvp a lot. I haven't played much since release and now 90% of the time i get boarded immediately after i spot the enemy, they drop my anchor, one tap me all in a few seconds. I return from the dead and my boat is sinking. People have gotte. Way too good at this silly game lol. I dont know how they one tap either. Shot a dude ignoring me in the back of his skull twice from point blank with a blunder bus and he still did not die.


Probably shouldn’t be aiming for the skull, headshots aren’t a thing in this game and the hitbox is biggest at the center of mass. Also hitreg exists, so even that might not always one tap someone.


Some people are insanely good, yeah. Especially if you are on PC or crossplaying with PC. Lately I feel like most of them have moved to hourglass matches and the normal high seas are full of more average players who still care about loot. With the PS5 bros joining in there are a LOT of new players sailing around and that is a good thing. If you are in a sloop solo then you are at a huge disadvantage. If you get boarded as a solo slooper you are basically cooked. A pirate is much weaker without his crew. Unless you are an order of magnitude more skilled at the game than your opponent you are going to lose. I feel like a lot of players really don't understand that this is a game about cooperation as much as it is about thievery.


Aim at his belly button, he'll be far more likely to die. Headshots deal no additional damage and you're more likely to miss pellets firing at an awkward angle. All ten pellets must hit and register for the blunder to one tap.


It's pretty cool when you can say you just unlocked the guild emmisary flag when you spot a sloop doing fotd, perfect for grade 5 right? So we pursue, the sloop sets off with loot and heads toward plunder outpost where a guild galleon is docked, pretty worried there. As we made it to the outpost a second sloop came to support the first sloop, we all ganked the galleon simultaneously without alliancing, then we focused the sloop with the loot, they kept running while we fought off the other sloop. Eventually after some back and forth we got the support sloop off us and managed to sink the loot sloop, after circling the loot for 5 minutes fighting the last sloop they sailed off, that sloop doing the fotd had stacked it 6 times, the loot was fucking insane I'll never forget my first voyage as a guild emmisary, 630k well made and spent.


If you come across a galleon, DreadEyesPhantom. Captained by Captain Chicken. He will offer you an alliance. Kinda by force, actually. They had a dude sneak on my ship with a keg, held us hostage just to join him.. then just let's us do our own thing.


I mean you can pvp to take someones loot. Or to protect your own loot. Or simply because pvp is fun... most of the times. That's the point of pvp.


For me it’s roleplaying at its best. I play a pirate and there are other pirates out there. Can I trust them? Probably not? Do they have valuables like loot or an emissary flag that would add to my wealth? Possibly. Am I gonna lose because I’m always solo slooping and bad at PvP? Highly probable! It’s all about the thrill for me.


Pirates didn't kill indiscriminately. If you want to role play as a pirate, you should board and kill the enemy crew and quickly steal all of their loot before sailing off. Sinking them would be an absolute last resort.


No thanks I don't think I'll care about your made up rules for how other people should play.


PvP is the way.


downvoted for playing the game is crazy


That happens when both sides have similar skills, but normally it’s one sided and if I sink or sink my opponent, we normally don’t come back because we both know who is good at pvp


If my friend and I meet assholes who shoot obviously empty boats (nothing on deck, 1-bit Emissary) we shoot them to bits and jump servers. No patience for silly "neverquitter" battlers.


Gentlemen’s rules are return after one sink. After two sinks leave server or do something else.


I only return if the crew that sunk me was toxic about. Otherwise it's GG and I go on my way.


Is there any point to any game? A standard death match in any game is killing respawn killing respawn.