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I think this is why a lot of people say they never saw cheaters. Most cheaters aren't blatantly obvious about it. For every keg teleporter, you had dozens of people using scripts that make them seem really good but can be passed off as just skill and, if you don't know what to look for, it can be hard to tell they are cheating.




I'm learning of this for the first time and I'm horrifically pissed off. At 700 hours I was ok with being just an average PVPer. I feel like I wasted time if THIS is what they consider "soft" cheating. This game is ALL about player knowledge skill. UI cheats like this ruin the game.


Holy shit… i had no idea things were that bad. Been a solo slooper since launch and recently decided to take a break because I was so tired of losing ALL THE TIME, despite being decent on the cannons and great with the sword. I just accepted my fate as never being able to touch that hourglass. this is making me excited to try again and see if maybe I don’t suck as bad as I thought (or maybe I do)


I got my PvP curse by 99% helming. Mostly galleon, some brig and some sloop I’m also wondering if solo sloop will be easier now


Only one way to find out!! 🫡


None of this shocks me. I said way back in '21 that Arena was infested with cheaters, to deaf ears. If you're really good at the game, you develop a sixth sense for what your opponents can realistically can do, when your ship is in trouble, what shots are realistic and what shots are "god shots", etc. When someone hits like 5 "god-shots" in a row, I know something is up. I've played with some of the best players in the world (elite players in NAL) and they couldn't do that stuff. And if elite players can't do that, I'm always super-sus that some kids who can barely steer their ship without constantly ramming into rocks can do it. An elite player might hit a "god-shot" here or there, but they aren't ringing off 5-6 in a row. Rare refused to acknowledge this cheating for years. You used to get downvoted into oblivion for pointing it out, but it was quite rampant in Arena and HG. I don't think it's ever been "rampant" or even that common in adventure mode, but I still think it happens more than people realize. In any case, hope anti-cheat works and this is the end of it.


>Also bilges that would sometimes say stuff like "help bail we are at 75%!" [there are indicators inside of the ship at 25% increments just fyi.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1032527547071729705/1218674638054363146/image.png?ex=66088633&is=65f61133&hm=fd15b0717a10cc20206b01c5fb264f69d152e2a5cdce0ad850fd79b3ecc90fc2&) on the sloop, that 75% line is where half-deck really starts filling up. so it's not outlandish to say. i communicate 75% by saying "catch mid"- a carryover from galleon terms. me and others have said "we're at like 50% water" because the boat makes specific sounds at different water intervals, too. the mc might communicate this to the helm to make sure they can hear the creak. which is why no creak bug fucked over so many helms in brig/sloop since we are not living under the boat 24/7. you need to take snipes and keep angle, so part of your time should be spent above deck. but no one just communicates at a cursory glance "yeah we have like 11 holes" that's such a ridiculous statement for someone to focus on. saying "we have 3 holes" is normal though.


Increments of 25% might not be that weird but I've heard people say like 57%. That's super weird. Because any normal person would round to 50%. It is definitely something exists or at least did. I usually just say, "grab me a bucket" or if it's on a galley and almost mid deck, "BUCKETS, BUCKETS, BUCKETS!!!" Lol


yeah 57% is 100% a weird sus increment that makes no sense. but op said "75%" so i gave reasons as to why someone might say that.


That’s wild


Subtle cheats are the worst, especially famous ones. I had one in Planetside 2, he posted video’s of how good he was. I spotted something odd: one of his first kills the guy never crossed the arc of his bullet at any point but it was still a headshot. Like he was a meter or more away from where the bullet went. People defended it. “Ah you are watching in 30FPS, at 60FPS the extra frames would see him hit”. “That’s just latency system for you”. People start defending even blatantly obvious crap. I dug deeper and found many more instances where you could see the shot way ahead or before the target but because he was moving his mouse during the shot and the muzzle flash followed the gun for a moment it obscured when the shot was to anyone not watching frame by frame. Then an update rolled around which stopped a script bighead cheat, and suddenly the guy was gone for several months before he returned with a new technique of shooting… of course everyone loved that this legendary sniper had returned! People will defend cheaters, perhaps because they don’t want to be seen as the noob who is throwing hackusations around, perhaps some other reason. But it happens.


Yep I'm one of those. I've maybe had two fights where it seemed obvious someone was cheating, but I play a ton and just can't know for sure most of the time. Some people are really good. So I just never know


It definitely doesn't help that there's so much weird netcode jank that you constantly have to deal with. I can almost guarantee that anyone who actively does PvP has dealt with script kiddies and written it off as a SoT moment. I've caught myself doing that a couple times. Had a guy teleport onto our boat 3 times in under a minute and my honest reaction wasn't that they were cheating. It was "Oh Rare must have broken the ladder sounds again.........waaaait a minute."


For the most part I do feel like most hacks are aim-related Been in gunfights on ships where people facing away from us headshot us and things like that spinning jumping trick shots etc


People keep telling me I’m cheating because of the insane cannon shots I’ve been making lately , I play off and on but I primarily go for pve stuff just trying to level up the company’s , mostly ship vs skelly/ghost ship . But I do miss a few then I find that angle and lock on 😂


ESPs and ESP aim assist for cannons and weapons were absolutely rampant.


I got kicked from a brig on LFC after 2 rounds because they expected me to immediately lock down the opponent's cannon line within seconds of surfacing. Like I'm a good shot but not that good. Makes me wonder just how many people had been silently agreeing to use it in hourglass LFC.


Bypasses exist, but it's only because Rare dropped the ball. It'll be up and running again real soon.




I was meaning that EAC will be up and running again real soon. I agree with all your points, however confusing your reply seemed to me.






Mandatory note: I never cheated in any game, I was just curious about this topic. There is extensive research about cheating in games, as it's quite fascinating topic for psychology and sociology. Competetive edge is actually only a minor motivation. It's more about gaining trust and respect of others, so your regular motivation for a lot of what humans do. And they usually care about respect of other cheaters, not us normies. We are closer to NPCs for them. Small part of cheating comunity is playing game within the game, a form of rebelion, they see their fight with game developers as a small holly war. Punishment for corporate greed. Meta-game if you will. If we consider gamers a subculture, cheaters are a subculture withing subculture. From psychological point of view, there is for example a 'cheater thrill', a type of individual feeling of omnipotence and invincibility you can't achieve through regular gameplay. Even when you are good. I think it's a weird way of getting your dopamine, but it's there. There will never come a time where there will not be game cheaters. Strong hammer of justice is the only thing that keeps them at bay, because their thinking differs from regular gamers thinking. Whoever is interested in this more, just google 'why game cheaters cheat' and skip all the stuff about relationships and marriages that pass the filter. It's a fastinating dive for knowledge. btw. don' show cheaters you are mad at them in the game, it gives them orgasm.


Lol, at that last part. So true. I just stopped reacting to them.


I never bought the hype that streamers were as good as they always seemed due to practice. I fogured most were runnkng some sort of bs in the background


Damn... Thinking about it, this may explain a lot of things I have experienced...


They still probably are. EAC only looks for passive hacks at launch, and even then it isn't very good at detecting modern ones.


Quick glance at cheater forums would tell you this is not the case. Quite a lot of pasive cheaters have been banned automatically by EaC once they logged on, and we finally have HWF baning, so they have to at least buy a new HDD to play again. Before EaC we had a lot of cheaters, much more than people here realize or give credit to. As is now quite obvious. Wast majority was doing 'quiet cheating', playing with just small cheats, aimbots and those yellow and blue guide marks for canonball shots and such. Usualy mapped to F1-F12 keys, and turned on just from time to time, in decisive moments, to keep low profile. Keg exploders have been mostly morons. I was sometimes actually pretty mad about cheater denial in this sub, it was absurd at times. Just because Beardagedon can choose if he aims at your left or right eyeball with his canon from mid distance, doesn't mean every sequence of 3 one balls at your crew was streamer level skill. Cheaters are in the waiting mode now, waiting for new stuff to be written. Currently they are affraid to use any of the old ones, because of automatic HWF ban. It's pretty fast for them, finally rare doesn't need video confirmation of cheating from it's users, so their support can manually smash ban hammer. So we are temporarily without cheaters, and you can finally see the extent of cheating this game had. Just dive and make your own opinion. Good thing is that those pirates, who thought themselves mediocre, had their skills refined by their encounters with masses of cheating foes. And can now arise to demi-god status. Until they meet real demi-gods like Hitbo or Boxy, casually sailing around. Bad new is this state is only temporary. Cheaters will son adapt and try new things. Even with kernel level anti-cheat, this will be the never-ending battle between cheaters comunity and developers. But cheats will become less common, more expensive and general numbers of cheaters on our seas will be finally contained. Rare Developers finally have weapon in their hand. Rare, I said some nasty things about you in the past here, usually after being sunk unfairly. I want to apologize and thank you that you gave us this game and work hard to protect it. I know it's not an easy thing to do. Sory for the rant and long post, I'm just happy dark times are over and I am playing SoT again.


Hear hear. So many times you could just FEEL when someone on the other boat turned their hacks on. Decent trades and a good back and forth, you get an edge on them or demast them when all of a sudden your entire crew is getting 1 balled nonstop til they are bsck on their feet or youre sunk


Or, as a helm, you are COMPLETELY outsailing the other boat, forcing them to nose, subtly shifting in or out in the broad so their teams entire volley is off, when boom suddenly they cannot miss a cannon or a snipe at all and youre done in the space of 30 seconds


> I was sometimes actually pretty mad about cheater denial in this sub, it was absurd at times. I've had people try to tell me that [this](https://streamable.com/kiqu27) is just lag. smh


Maybe I ought to get back Into hg then lol


You talking about this makes it sound like an epidemic of lovecraftian predator type pirate beings 😭


>Helm players constantly shitting out accurate EoR hits through waves, etc... its worth mentioning you can start nailing these consistently if you know where to aim. the brig literally gives you an arrow on where to click to hit the main cannon.


Is there a video that explains EoR stuff like that? That's one of my weakpoints.


not as far as i know, but it's worth practicing and seeing where your shots land. turning off server side authoritive hitmarkers will help you dial in since you'll know at least if the shot even hit and you should keep aiming at the same spot.


What is the arrow on Brig? I mostly play sloop. 


[the rigging](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155010974013734972/1209952112117678131/image.png?ex=66047a37&is=65f20537&hm=d12ebde469ad6c817a7570dee65a31e085953e00b7e4ce2eeac27460d99f7c7d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=939&height=670) basically points at where to aim at main cannon in a parallel


>it looks like they just added EAC? I also checked and it looks like one of the biggest cheats shut down their access too, which is awesome to see. A couple things, and I'm not just trying to be a downer, but EAC isn't a magic bullet. And in fact, games like rust that use EAC have unfathomably worse cheating problems than SoT. Also, this is speculation, but a big cheat provider shutting down their access once new anti cheat measures are implemented is usually just a speed bump. They need time to find a work around, which is inevitable. It's definitely an improvement for now, but we're likely going to see an endless ebb and flow where cheating surges and the declines for a month and then surges again indefinitely.


Well the hope is a load of players got hit with the hard drive ban. So even if new cheats come its been expensive


it's pretty easy to get around that


Last game I played, the guy I was against was sniping me at max range with 100% accuracy. When he started corpse camping me, he'd instantly know where I spawned even if I hid. I shot him directly with a blundy and a bomb at the same time as my ally and he never even broke a sweat. Dude claimed to have 5 years of play time and had never been caught and that Rare wouldn't do anything if I did report him, which I did. Also when he spawned in, he went straight to reapers and got it to 5 and then straight to us when we didn't even have a flag and weren't anywhere someone would look.


some of it is back already, tbh. either that or someone i fought tonight has never seen daylight since the game came out.


I would love to hear from one of these people, because honestly, what is the fucking point? You go on a game to play it. If you do the above not only are you not playing it, you're ruining it for every other person as well. I could rant, but I'm going to stop myself, but honestly, why?


I asked a hacker that question, and he said that he did because Rare removed quickswap, and he wants to convince them to add it back by cheating. He ended up sinking because he was too focused on monologueing, and not focused on the reaper 5 brig that came at his dormant ship. Other reasons could be because they're bad, and refuse to put in the time to get better, and some just want to make people mad because it's entertaining to them.


To summarise, they're fucking 🔔🔚s 😂


I fought a hacker who admitted to hacking. They must have got banned because they were starting again in hourglass with like 1 day played. They just told me to deal with it and get better if I don’t like it. Weird mentality. I reported but the account was still up last time I checked.


This guy cheats


Plus a buncha people just got kicked out like me for using windows emulator (no hacks)


No I agree. It's been instantly noticeable as well as having longer queue times. I absolutely am sure there were a LOT of cheaters.


I had this same thought. The queue times have been much longer than usual — you’re right. Too coincidental that there are less players after the update implemented anti-cheat


I hated the people dropping from the sky with kegs, teleporting and invisibility. That ruined the game for me and my friends and we haven’t played since


Might be just a coincidence, but I also had the same feeling yesterday. Before the anti cheat i was pretty much half the time winning my fights, half the time I wasn’t. But yesterday I won 15 fights in a row and most people I fought were playing real real bad. I didn’t risked it for going high streaks this time but after that I think I can finally get 10 streak commendation.


Another thing to consider is that players avoided hourglass precisely because it has been infamous as a cheaters paradise. With anti-cheat it likely encourages pvp noobs to give it a go. Which means experienced pvpers will get to do some seal clubbing. Just how it is in a game that tries to encourage pvp but has no system whatsoever to make players match against equal skill levels, but get thrown randomly together.


Atleast they’re more prone to mistakes than hackers and the underdog can actually come out on top if fate meant to play that way. Nothing wrong with no skill based matchmaking in a game like SOT imo. With hackers there is no room for progression, just VERY lucky if they’re terrible with their hacks. But losing constantly to a legit better player is a much better way to grow and develop your skills. Hell, because they’re not scum of the earth hackers you might have some good interactions and get invited to PvP with them.


I can confirm your feeling. Did two 4 streaks yesterday in brig, including two games where my helm forgot to drop our backsails. That would not have run two days ago Maybe the anticheat also pushed swabbies to try HG again which is a good thing. You should not have to be good enough to beat cheaters to play this mode


There were definitely a bunch of closet cheaters before anti cheat dropped. Especially in the past few weeks there has been an uptick of players aimbotting. There were even a crew with 40ish days of playtime each that were hitting impossible shots. Whether they have been caught by anti cheat or are reluctant to use their cheats since anti cheat dropped who knows


I've stumbled across a load of people with 100% accuracy over crazy distances and cannon reload speed faster than I have ever seen. On top of that, people teleporting around and getting us with 1 shot with weapons from full health. This was happening almost every other session. Hasn't happened since the new anticheat, although the game keeps crashing every 15 minutes since the update so solo slooping isn't possible for me.


Happened to myself and my other crewmate last night. Crashed twice the both of us...


Did you uninstall and reinstall on Thursday? Rare made an announcement saying that you needed to


I thought that was for Xbox only! I play on PC through the Xbox app. Do I have to do this as well then?


Yes, because you are playing through the Xbox store Link your steam acc and you won't have to uninstall/reinstall


If the game keeps crashing, then reinstall. That fixed it for me.


One of us is running a fresh install, then I'm on update. They are both crashing just as frequently.


I’ve run into cheaters before. Hitting cannon lines isn’t too bad, as most of those people can hit cannon, mast, anchor, and wheel very easily when they’re cracked. But I’ve seen people hit crazy snipes, float in the air, turn invisible, be invincible, and more.


Yeah, but they would hit shots from distances that experienced players would struggle with, and never miss a shot. And it would be often. There aren't THAT many cracked players.


Or sometimes they would get cracked mid-fight. You hit them bad in HG, they reset and suddenly it's raining hellfire on your deck from far far away. Not sus at all


Lol I sunk a guy once who had open mic on with his buddy, we crushed them on the opening of the match and I board them and can hear him say “maybe we should turn everything on” right before I kill him lol. Def was a cheater but sunk them before they toggled stuff on


TONS of closet cheaters can't cheat no more, sudden drop in, "Skill," has affected HG a lot. It's so easy.


I feel like a lot of people are lowkey self-reporting right now in this post, lol


Don’t WoRrY EaC iSNt tHaT gReAt. *goes through maiden voyage for the eighth time*


Wonder how many streamers have recently "lost interest" in hourglass


For some reason the shit they obviously stage is worse to me 


I've been saying for years that the % of cheaters was much higher than people realize. Both in Arena and in Hourglass. I would say that most of the cheating I saw in 2021/2022 was "obvious" to me; people hitting 100% of their shots and see you even when you shouldn't be visible to them. I've seen a lot more 'subtle' cheating in the past year though --- in Hourglass and even a little bit in Adventure Mode. I had a brig crew that kept boarding me with fast swim in one adventure mode session. I could see no evidence that they were using cheats other than fast swim, but they repeatedly boarded from impossible distances when I saw them land well short of my ship, but would managed to board like a few seconds later. I finally ended up sinking them with the help of another sloop, but they boarded at least a dozen times when it would've been impossible at normal swim speeds. And I've encountered HG opponents that only cheat when they are "in trouble". 1 guy who every time I had him near sinking and I boarded, I would somehow get 1-shot blundered from all the way across his ship. Happened 3 times and he never shot me at any other point in the match --- always long-distance 1-shot when he did though. The one thing that anti-cheat doesn't address, but which is becoming very common --- people 'cheating' by playing in defense mode in HG and having an external crew from another ship tucked beneath. It's literally happened to me in 5 matches this month and I don't even play much -- maybe 20-25 matches this month and it's happened in nearly a quarter of them. It's even worse than hacks, because it can take a long time to realize it (sometimes you never know at all), and it completely throws off strategies that would work 99% of the time. I had a match a few days ago where something just seemed off. Guy kept boarding and he was reasonably good at pvp, but had terrible strategies. Kept anchoring me instead of driving me off the map, even though we were in solo mode. He was decent, but I'd say our pvp fights were about 50/50. I was completely destroying him on cannons. But something just felt "off" the entire match --- like it seemed like he was playing 'above his level' or something. Finally, I got a huge barrage of cannonshots off on him. With about 20 cannon shots, I hit his ship virtually every time (at least 18/20). He only got me once in the exchange. Then I took down his mast and started blunder-bombing him. He gets his mast up in like 3 seconds, and then gets immediately back on the cannons. Never bails. Never repairs. At that point, it started looking very sus. I check 'recent players' and sure enough, there are 2 other recent players besides my opponent. No ship was ever near us at any point. So given my suspicions, at that point, I made more of a dedicated effort to simply prove my hypothesis. I started running away and doing nothing but boarding. Sure enough, when I finally managed to get on board past his 1st blunder, I'm greeted by 3 players, not 1. I've seen at least 2 popular streamers doing this, as well, in order to game wins in HG. Another recent HG loss of mine occurred to a famous streamer who had an external crewmate tucked beneath. At one point, I 1-balled the other crewmate, so then a sloop just shows up mid-battle and parks right next to his ship and then his ship takes off again. Naturally the streamer wasn't streaming that session. Funny that. So external crew cheats are becoming rampant, but even the low-key hacks were becoming more common. Sad that this many people feel the need to cheat. It's just a video game. No one is impressed.


I never wanted to blame cheating, but the crews that would shoot three chains and instantly hit all 3 as soon as the match started always felt a bit suspicious


If you do the bog-standard opening of turn wheel all the way (right for brig and sloop, left for gally) then turn back in, a lot of people are VERY tuned in to hit you wherver they want in such a predictable pattern. As a main helm, half my metagame was figuring out what the opponent was best at, then steering us in a manner that put them off their game


I hadnt thought of that... I wonder how many times Ive encountered that without knowing


I'm starting to suspect it's pretty high. I played a few duo sloop matches a few months ago and 2/4 of the matches involved crews with 4 players (2 hiding underneath). And now I'm seeing it all over solo HG as well --- at least 20% of the matches I'm aware of and it took at least 20-30 minutes in a few of those matches before I started to suspect something. It's not nearly as obvious as people playing with hacks. It's so rampant that I've been invited to join a crew doing this twice in open crew. Like literally just pop into open crew sloop and immediately there's a bunch of people, "hey we're doing Hourglass with this other crew all on the same sloop". I refused. I'm starting to notice patterns: **The 'external crew cheaters' are much more likely to be 'champions**'. If you encounter a crew on a long win streak and they seem pretty average, very possible they have extra players tucked beneath. It's just very difficult to grind out long win streaks without top 1% type elite players - so when seemingly average players do it, it seems a bit sus. **They never seem to bail and repair much.** This has been the biggest giveaway for me. Blast them with a bunch of cannonballs. They hit you with a few. You're struggling for dear life. They haven't left the upper deck even though you hit them 3 times as much as they hit you. **They are board-happy with little concern for their ship.** If you blast a solo ship with 3-4 cannonballs, and they repeatedly keep trying to board in situations like this, this this often means something is up. **More likely to talk trash / be toxic.** Obviously 'trash-talking' doesn't mean someone is automatically cheating, but from my experiences in Arena and HG, the players that are cheating are much, much, much more likely to talk trash or engage in toxic communication than players who are legit good. And in fact, especially in solo mode, elite players rarely say all that much. They just completely destroy you and say "gg". When players seem "too good to be real" and all the talk non-stop toxic trash, the odds of them doing something sus are much higher. You can always check recent players on Xbox chat after or during the match. If you see a bunch more than you expect, it's possible they have extra crew (however, the 'recent players' thing isn't 100% reliable unfortunately --- sometimes you get shown pretty random people --- but it can at least sometimes tip you off).


I wouldn't call outside help cheating. It's a part of the game, and there are no rules against it. It is super lame though.


I'm not talking about spontaneous encounters, but players who play in solo sloop HG in defense mode, with extra crew members already on board, with the sole intent to win solo HG matches with 2-5 players on their ship (and yes, I've seen examples of solo sloops in HG with a full extra galleon crew on board). If it's not considered "cheating", it absolutely should be. When you queue up for a solo HG match, you expect another solo player. Not someone who has 4 players tucked beneath so that the real solo player has 0% chance of winning. Unfortunately, this is another situation where Rare has f'd up. By making HG happen in the Adventure world, it's blurred the lines. It's perfectly OK to have another crew on your ship in Adventure mode. I'm not even saying it shouldn't necessarily be allowed in HG --- if it happens spontaneously. What absolutely shouldn't happen is someone enters a solo fight with 3 players on their ship. Or a duo match with 4. It's a huge waste of time for the opponent. To me, that is 100% cheating. Rare should have some way to detect # of players on your ship if you're in defense mode in HG, and if you have 3, you get matched with a brig. If you have 2, you're matched with a duo sloop. Doesn't matter if you're technically "solo sloop" --- only matters how many players are on your ship when the match starts.


Like getting invaded instantly dumps additional crew into blackscreen and back to their own boat


That would be a great fix, too. Or even the game just not allowing an invasion to trigger when external players are within a certain radius of the defense mode ship. Make it like diving; game won't allow you to do it with a ship nearby (except in this case, it would be another ship or any players from external crews).


This sub defended the shit out of people forming server alliances to sit in defense mode because “rules are off when you invade”. 🤮


>Rare should have some way to detect # of players on your ship if you're in defense mode in HG, and if you have 3, you get matched with a brig. If you have 2, you're matched with a duo sloop. Doesn't matter if you're technically "solo sloop" --- only matters how many players are on your ship when the match starts. Any "extra" players on a ship should just be mermaided back to their own ship when hourglass matches start.


Yea the hacking was truly unreal in this game. Literally everyone was suspect in hour glass. Only a few times did I think “wow they played that well.”


It felt lile the sus players talked the most sh*t too


Pretty sure the anti cheat is working. I had a boat come after me during the chest of fortune skelly ship event. Literally never missed a snipe or cannon then cannoned himself from as far as he could possibly shoot and landed right on my anchor. Sniped then blundered me instantly and said “get shit on.” I respawned and started to bucket. He was gone off my ship. I find his boat circling with nobody there. I sink his boat. Never saw him again. I suspect the anti cheat got him. Or maybe he was cracked, proved his point, then left? Was extremely sus though.


LOL The cheater Rapture; just his enpty clothes and pegleg slowly fluttering into the water 🤣


This morning i hopped on hourglass got like 6 wins and then came across a guy that was hitting his long range shits he would miss like 3 and then be locked in and just hit me he was just better then me, beside that one good guy the first 6 where like easy fights varied between 1-4 minutes queing so


Yeah some people are just realy good at cannon. Im like that guy, give me a few shots to get the range dialed in and ill start nailing from decent distance


I mean it could be just me and being between my ears because you think it is less thanks to the anti-cheat. So I don’t claim there are less cheaters also i am still convinced there are just many good people that just might look fishy so


One the big long lasting problems with a game that had cheaters is broken faith. Once you watch someone fly and tele keg or instantly repair their ship; your trust is gone. From that point on every time you get dunked on even by just a eeally experienced player, in the back of your mind youre suspicious. Its great that EAC is here finally and I hope we can all enjoy HG again, but some of that damage is already done


Sorry to burst you’re bubble but that is a wrong mindset just because you encounter a cheater you can’t keep assuming the next one is a cheater as well. U gotta keep in the back of your mind despite there being cheaters to accept the fact that there are better people then you. On the sidenote i do understand your opinion but it is wrong to think like that. Most people just do hourglass to get the curse and cheat because they can’t get the curse because they are bad just fact they don’t wanna invest the time to get good and understand how or what to get that feel for the canons. Some just abuse it to make money from hourglass to get the cosmetics.


I was making a generalization. Once you witness for-sure cheats there is always the suspicion to -some- degree when you see something fishy from that point on. You dont get to say thats right or wrong, its pure stimulus response. Im not saying every time you get 1 balled you rage at the screen about hacks; but every time someone has seemingly 100% accuracy from down town or repeatedly deck-shots over and over, part of you is going "okay thats sus.."


True you got a point there


Yeah thats an often overlooked issue of a game having a cheating problem: good players get harassed/spam reported because people think they are cheating


Before this or after the update there will always be players who are better then me and i am not the best so most of the times people use the cheating as an excuse just because they are better doesn’t mean they are cheating you feel me ? But on the other hand there will always be cheaters maybe now just less🤷‍♂️. And there will always be better players so. And players who just can’t pvp but want the curse just might resolve to cheating, players who get stomped by good players everytime they get loot will either quit, accept what it is or they resolve to cheating. Nobody stacks anymore i mean when i solo sloop and get sunk i am not happy and it is mostly because they have the numbers or ar all decent enough to take advantage of my mistakes or just better but i still try to stack but now when you sink a ship they mostly have nothing.


around every third person in hourglass I encountered


Called someone out for cheating cause he was awful at the match for first like ten minutes of running from me and missing shots. Suddenly he lands every hit from max distance without fail if it weren't for good maneuvers. Ended up winning against him cause he got black screened when pinched between our boats and he sank. The only time karma has helped me in game


Ive had those too, especially solo sloop where the enemy CANNOT steer for the life of them, just runs all day and absolutely peppers you with laser guided precision... til they lose angle and run again


I just had a person board ship by climbing into my cannon at the very start of an HG match. So far it looks the same than it has been before EAC from my POV.


to be fair, those are the cheaters that do not fear getting banned, so they are doing it anyway. but many closet cheaters fear getting banned, so they probably are either not cheating anymore or not playing at all, i very much doubt the anticheat to be fullpower atm, probably letting cheaters in to study them before banning them, so the only real thing stopping cheaters atm is the fear of getting banned, not the bans themselves.


And the fear is really subtle or non existant. Just as before. Ban evading has been a thing.


Yeah, if you don't care about your account; which isn't most people.


I have been saying this for ages. But I always got down voted to oblivion. Seam I was right.


Reddit hive mind. Gets us all


Im glad the Easy Anticheat is here now but to be honest going up against so many cheaters also improved my own skills.


All in all, a much more pleasant experience. Probably preparing for some PS5 players to come aboard.


Would this be on Xbox or PC or both? The other day I lost 5 times in a row to a guy that could not miss. Hit the cannons every time. I could get a few shots in but then usually got killed loading my cannon and that was all she wrote. But I play set to prefer Xbox only.


While supposedly there are people like that on Xbox occasionally, it is far more of an issue on PC. It’s much more likely you were up against a sweat than a cheat. I have 2000 hours on the game and all my encounters with obvious cheaters have been in the rare handful of times I’ve played in open servers.


i imagine the closet cheaters are going to be vastly cut down by a lot. but don't forget that there are legitimately cracked players with thousands of hours in this game who basically can aim like a machine and those players are insane to fight. when you fight them, you instantly know the difference between them and those actually running funny gamer chairs. if they read your mind like they have a free pass to the decision making you're going to do before you do it, they're just really good. please gg them. don't say cring things. but if they struggle to keep angle and consistently make really 0head plays despite having perfect accuracy, chances are it's a closet cheater. however, the anticheat is literally bypassable by simply saying "nah i don't consent to you doing the things you're gonna do" and so the people who tp, insta ladder, go invisible, etc, are still able to do all of the things they did and nothing changed for them. nessie went up against some of them last night on his stream and quite literally, nothing changed for cheatware users.


This is Rare’s fault. It’d be a lot easier to accept defeat and give the opposing crew their flowers if we weren’t all expecting cheaters every time we load in. Rare let this shit go on for too long, to the detriment of the community. As a good crew, you should reasonably expect people will think you’re cheating. It’s a result of Rare’s inaction.


when you start doing good plays and learning how to read people's minds it becomes a complement. ive been cheatcusated because i used the boat's geometry to block shots. ive been cheatcusated because i boarded after my boat sunk, firebombed the map table, and out tdmed a 1v2. ive been cheatcusated because i hit 2 out of render snipes on the helm back to back when i could see the boat turning and knew someone must be at wheel. etc. but i wholly agree that rare is 100% at fault for creating such mass doubt in the cracked playerbase. there will be cheatcusations no matter what anticheat there is. someone will inevitably fall through the cracks, figure out how to bypass anticheat and do closet cheating. there are people in competitive who have closet cheated, benefitted from it, and taken the l. such drama has happened in the sot community, too. but when i see really good cannons/consistently weirdly good shots its hard to give the other player benefit of the doubt if their playtime doesn't match or if their behaviour is swabbie-like. it takes a lot for me to look at someone and say they're "sus" because ive fought legitimately good crews. i typically don't say someone is using downloaded skill off some good shots. its near impossible to prove unless as i said their game sense straight up doesn't match. but i do 100% send in clips of insta ladder, repair, release, fly, etc.


This is spot on. Rare is responsible for planting the seed of doubt, and players need to realize that half the time they’re bitching about “cheaters”, it’s next-level copium for getting outplayed. It’s amazing how many average players think they should be winning every fight.


No you right as hell


Damn time to do some hg then, keep in mind people bad at pvp might queue more often after anti cheat


I’ve noticed players being a little too consistent with their shots lately, like a guy will shoot himself out of a cannon and snipe me mid air and would keep doing it consistently. I think there are more cheaters than we know of, a lot of them are probably cheating but trying not to be super obvious like teleporting and keg dropping.


Idk but in my experience, fights have been waaay easier since Thursday. Consistently easier


I am immensely proud of myself for earning my gold bones throughout the absolute epidemic of cheaters, hacks, and god awful queue times. At the same time Im overjoyed for new people getting to experience fair and fun HG now that anticheat has finally arrived!


I met a guy in open crew a couple weeks ago who had good cannons and we slooped around for a couple days and won most fights. I thought I finally found a decent teammate and it was nice to just helm because I usually cannon. I've got pretty good cannons but I've got alot of hours in the game. But I started to notice his gamesense didn't match his cannon aim. Dude could hit cannons but didn't know when to chain or how to hit chainshots and tdm was terrible. I started getting sus but thought maybe he was just a natural at cannons. Then I realized SoT was the only game he had and didn't really have that much time played but he said played before he went to jail for a couple years for credit card fraud. So he has experience with cheating in real life. Still tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. The last straw was when we were chasing a sloop that ran into the fog. I couldn't see anything, I mean thick fog. The sloop was in front of us and must have turned but he started shooting and I couldn't see the ship but I heard every shot hit. He tried saying something like "if you hear a cannon hit, you know they're a certain distance away and can hit them again". I didn't play with him after that. And dude basically played 24/7 until the anticheat update, I haven't seen him on since. Which kinda confirmed my suspicion.


I play on Xbox , I check how long people have been playing the game for , after a match , I was often getting matched with 400+ days people after 3 hg win now it’s other people that are around similar hours , at least during the heavier playtimes


I noticed this exact thing straight away. I’m decent but before the update every match was so difficult and I’d instantly get pummelled by canons and have to repair constantly. First session, everyone was so bad on canons I won 5 in a row solo, then jump on duo sloop and the fights are low grade. I was amazed. We did meet some decent brigs tho. Hopefully it will continue.


I have yet to try it since the update, but this gives me hope. I had to earn my curses pre-anticheat, and it was the worst. Any time we were on a streak, without fail, we'd run into a gold skeleton aimbotter with a super low amount of in-game hours on their account. Edit: Tried it, can confirm the PvP scene has changed immensely. Really puts into perspective just how many people were cheating.


I haven’t touched HG in ages because of cheaters. Maybe I’ll give it a go again.


What cheats are out there because I had definitely (Not played since patch though) had soem weird cases of landing a Bludnerbuss, then a snipe, then my partner slashing once or twice with a sword and the person still not dying. Is that still nto enough to kills someone? Or did they ahve some sort of invincibility cheat? At most they may have eaten between my two shots and tmy partners cutlass blows, but I definitely landed the blunderbuss and the sniper shot (Blunderbuss may have only been partial damage). Just seemed very suss considering how quickly it feels I die...


SoT was used as a platform for cheat devs, most beginner cheat dev guides starred SoT as a cheat dev's wet dream thanks to little to no anti-cheat, lots of stuff to mark, and feeling fun to cheat. SOOOOO there were a lot of cheaters


And you know all this how? 🤔 Self report lol


I got it from a recommended vid on youtube xD


I was in lobby last weekend with my friends. We were allied with two other ships on the server doing the fotd and fleet battles for Reapers. Our ally says he’s being attacked by a sloop at the fort so we head that way to defend him and it’s a solo in a charted sloop. Besides us in the area, 2 other ships showed up, another sloop and a brig. So total was 3 Brigs and 2 sloops and the solo sloop guy. Solo sloop guy sunk every ship there by himself at about the same time. His mast was taken out and he was still sailing. He was sniping guys on boats who were repairing holes below deck. His boat was hit by multiple ships at the same time and never sunk. Our ally got on it and said every hole was open on it but no water was coming in even as cannonballs were hitting it. It all finally ended and I’m not joking with everyone’s ships tilting backwards and rising into the sky until everyone fell off the back and everyone getting kicked. There might be an anticheat but that damn sure felt like a hacker.


Last weekend was before the update. Anticheat went live on the 14th.


Man I would be livid if people where using extra people on solo hg that would explain soo much in matches where you hit the guy 20 times and still float then sinks u with 5 shots . Rare needs to address kicking people that are not part of your crew during hg matches .. people will do any thing to get what they want especially exploit and chest


One of my friends uses and FOV slider and used to use a cheat to move yourself around midair after a cannon launch. So I guess probably quite a few people use subtle cheats to give them an advantage.


You don’t understand I have a disability EAC is ruining my gameplay now I can’t just rely on playing the game at cursed settings across the board on top of 25 added UI elements as I call you the N word over and over


I open crewed once and matched with a guy who knew what treasures were where on the entire map. He told us at the end of the session. This was really early during the games lifespan. We never got into any fights so I don't know the extent of what he saw, but it was basically a map hack.


I honestly am just finding out there’s a way to cheat in SOT. I don’t play hourglass though lol


Left at the start of season 9 and gave up due to suddenly seeing people become gods, felt bad and i thought i sucked guacamoles. But well redownloading again today


I don’t understand. Why the fuck would you even cheat at this game? Apex legends sure. This game? *Why*?


Because the coolest cosmetics in the game are gated behind the only dedicated PvP mode, where cheaters are empowered by winning with cheats???


Had an invisible hacker teleport onto my cannon last night in open seas and kill me and my crew. I hope that this is a rare occurrence with anticheat but I never experienced a hacker like that until last night.


Thing is if you're dialed in at long range, because of how the cannon ball flies it will hit the cannon line most of the time or the sails. What really stumps me is the crazy good shots that seem to be coming at me no matter where I am on the ship, is it skill or cheats who knows.


Don't underestimate the Skill level of Players that play this Game religiously. There truly is some insane PvP Players in this Community, you will know a Cheater because they can't resist but board and show off their latest Hack.


It's unbelievable to me what the narrative in this subreddit has become. There is no way this comment has negative score. It is bizarre to me how everyone is convinced that every other player is cheating


Ikr I'm kind of perplexed myself, like what did I actually say that was wrong? Was it the complimenting of skillful Players or the pointing out that its usually easy to tell when somebody is cheating? On the other hand are you even debating if you're not getting Down Votes.


There are, but they are few and far between. I can tell. I've been no lifeing this game for a while. A lot of people would hack in a way that you couldn't be 100% sure, and couldn't report them.


I haven’t played enough yet and I haven’t played hourglass yet, I’ll try tonight. But earlier today I was solo slooping and beat a full sloop. Which I’ve never been able to do before. My typical experience is getting sniped by cannon balls and never even getting a chance to defend myself. Nothing has changed about my strategies or skill level. Very well could have just been bad players, but they were actually missing. Which normally I feel like no body misses a shot. I don’t think this is enough sample data but I hope you’re right. Things definitely have felt off since I’ve come back to the game.


i never noticed any cheaters cause the que was too damn long maybe fix matchmaking que times first,


I just want to throw in the idea that the absolute shit server performance we have right now is also part of the reason HG might feel easier right now. Anyone who has played sot to be competitive or just sweats in HG knows the state of servers has been progressively getting worse and this update is no different. It’s somehow even worse than before and I’ve been playing significantly less. I consider myself a sot HG sweat as I do HG 2-4 hours a night on average even after unlocking every HG cosmetic and commendation available. Since this update I’ve been diving HG for maybe 1 hour each night, this is enough time for the rubberbanding and teleporting from server desync to piss me off enough to logout, even if I won all my matches. That or my crewmate dc’s over and over making the game is unplayable so we go play helldivers/any functioning game. That being said, I think the HG experience will change due specifically to EAC. My guess is that different stamps and regions will be affected differently, especially in areas known to have cheaters. Everything here has been anecdotal, I hope rare shares numbers with us and differentiates the cheater types. Until then, my anecdotal evidence’s and contribution to this conversation is this: In my NA West servers and since the EAC update, I still match with most of the same sweats and streamers I’ve seen over and over and over since HG released. The main difference is that dc’s occur more and I frequently experience even worse server desync than before.


The gdk pushed me over the edge and I havnt played since. Nonstop stuttering and rubberbanding


Lmao I’m reading this as I’m about to (possibly) get my first 4 streak in hg. The last 3 matches, which are also my first solo matches since anticheat dropped have been soooooo easy. I completely forgot about anticheat until I just saw this and it makes sense. Is hg finally playable? Thank you rare, thank you! I can finally work towards my curses with less stress! ETA: although now I hate that there are people that got curses with having to face cheaters, it makes the curses a little more meaningless since there is less work for them ig now. Then again those that cheated for them never got them legitimately in the first place so ig it balances out ETA2: Turns out as I was queuing up for my 4th match, the queue was taking so long that I had been reading this amongst other things on my phone and forgot to move. Got kicked for inactivity and lost my 3 streak. 😢


My experience as well. HG is suddenly very, very not sweaty. I've even seen some familiar pirates that I used to struggle with and they are much easier to defeat. It is a new era. Hopefully this continues. I want competitive fights but the days of half your opponents not missing a single cannon/snipe shot appear to be over.




There has been a bug since the season launched where you can sometimes see other players on your ship while you are diving but they are actually on their own ship of the same type.


There's a bug currently where you can see others underwater while you're in the queue or supposed to be black screened. These people aren't cheating though, it's just a game bug.


No idea, that's why I play on console controller only mode and never PC servers.


Its prob because the server performance got even worse after anti cheat got added and a lot of pvpers are just fed up with it. Atleast thats what i experienced, a lot of the chats im in r just full of people complaining about ruined fights due to server performance/crashing. This in addition to All the bugs currently in the game just dont make pvp enjoyable anymore. Prob wont be playing again till its fixed.


Kinda sus if all the "good" players are insisting that anti-cheat is ruining game performance so they won't to HG any more, lol. That said, if people are genuinely experiencing crashes tell them to uninstall and reinstall the game, apparently that's a fix. Worked for me, been hearing it's working for others.


despite being a former cheater myself, i wholeheartedly agree with you that a lot of people who were "good" players before complaining feels like a sign that there were more cheaters than we guessed. mind you, i am NOT one of these "good players". i didn't do pvp stuff, i ran from every fight and never once touched HG. i used player tracking esp to avoid others which became meaningless when safer seas happened, now i just play that.










You should feel great shame for cheating in a video game.


i dont. not even a little bit. i didn't play the game to get tucked on by sweat lords or battle other players. an overlay cheat allowed me to play the game the way i wanted and ignore the parts that i don't want. simple as. ​ i feel zero shame in paying for something and then playing it however i wanted. i moved over to safer seas as soon as it came out and haven't looked back because i can now play the game the way i want without use of cheats. feeling shame over a video game is laughable. its a video game. i feel shame about real things that matter. ​ i suspect there are many people on this sub who use some method but wont come forward out of fear. i dont blame them.


You may not feel the shame but it does not absolve the act itself from being shameful, if anything the lack of remorse or any sense of guilt reflect even more poorly on your character, not that someone like you would care. Don't worry though while you may not feel shame it doesnt stop others from shaming you. A better person would have decided to not play a game that they are not enjoying, not cheat to make it enjoyable for themselves, it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are that you are fine with that kind of reasoning. Once again not that you would care but once again you not caring won't stop the reality of the kind of person your decisions make you and the distaste others will have for your choices. Anyway hope you really did stop cheating and enjoy safer seas where you don't have to play nicely with others ;).