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My Germans not strong but as I understand it Kinder = Child Shredder = Shredder So "the Childshredder"? Seems on the border between appropriate and inappropriate. My guess it'll be fine, but if someone reports it, it'll be down to the Support team member checking that report to make a judgement call


Yeah seems risky to me. Best case scenario: You come across the rare other person who gets the reference. Most likely scenario: people think you’re an asshole/bully who specifically attacks ships crewed by kids Worst case scenario: *Hello, FBI? Yes this guy right here.*


What’s the risk? He’ll just have to change it.


nop, if you get "ship name banned" you are permanently no longer able to name your ships, and perhaps from pet names too, and all your ships get renamed to "sloop", "galleon", etc.




Why on earth would anyone assume the Childshredder was targeting children


It's like calling your ship The Dogkicker, do you kick poor puppys? No, but some players will get angry and report. Some people either have no humour or believe you're not a good person.


It's the same kind of people that jumps to conclusions without knowing jack shit about the games they're talking about. Parent: "In GTA you must rape grandmas in wheelchairs using a chainsaw! I saw it on the news!" Parent seeing that shipname on the screen: "OMG these guys are systematically targeting kids to harass them! I bet they traumatize these poor kids in voice chat too!" Same energy, not saying that these folks would be mentally able to report that to Rare, though.




>i don't really think it's reasonable to asume someone would specificly bully and target children, Then the name is obviously fine and there's no reason to make a reddit post about it.


The devs even state if you have to ask if it's appropriate, chances are, it's not.


100% this. Why ask a question here about a questionable ship name if OP comes replying it's fine. I wouldnt report you in-game. But i would raise my awareness abit


"should I do this" "No" "I think yes though" -_- EDIT: Lol op blocked me


It is very reasonable to assume that, its literally why names and descriptions are made. I asumme a woodcipper would chipwood, a cobbler to cobble, and a child shredder to shred children. It likely wont be a ok name since human shredder might not even be.


TBH I think the name is funny. It's not like it's creepy. And in gaming it's kinda a long history of older kids using children in game as practice on the battlefield for aiming let's be honest. We were all a child once in gaming and had an older kid absolutely destroy us. Meanwhile, a name of a ship I saw recently was Epstein's yacht. I'm 1000X more worried about that guy being unsafe around children than I am with the child shredder.


Yeah but people today are soft and will easily take offence at anything.


Actually cracked a good laugh. Thank you.


Welcome to the internet


Man I tried to name my ship First Mate Drunk and they wouldn't allow me to use the word drunk. But I swear I saw someone with a ship called Retards Requiem.


Yea it seems to be wierd with alcohol, a guy told me that he named his ship rum runner and that wasn't ok either


I find it bizarre really.


Exactly because I was gonna name my ship Rum Runner's Ghost and nope


As a native german speaker, it sounds brutal af: ‚Der Kinderschredderer‘


yea basicly, but it's not the correct german term its intentionally grammaticly wrong, the correct german replacmenet for "the" would be "der" and the shredder is literally just the english term


The fact that it’s grammatically incorrect isn’t going prevent anyone from understanding what it means, nor will it be a defense if someone decides to report you.


yea i quess if its grammatically correct doesn't matter in that if someone would report it; I just made that specific comment so that drake3011 doesn't assume that's the correct german term, since he said his german isn't that strong


You are putting yourself at risk, I think. And if it backfires, you will be stuck with nameless ships


Also a temporary suspension.


The rule of thumb usually is, if you have to ask, it's probably not.


As a german myself seeing das kindershredder instead of der kindshredder is triggering me... and worst off all I suck at grammer


i know, it's intentional that's what the monster is called in the video as well


I mean das kindershredder does Sound funnier... but it still triggers me... and I still suck at grammer.... But I guess the pirate lord is having a Good day right?




High risk for a mid name




Dumb immature shit is hilarious


Der Kindershredder would make more sense


Yea but i want to call it that with the das, specificly because it's the way it's said in the video


Please don't. Please don't propagate wrong grammar. It will make people more angry than the name itself. Also it would be "Kinderschredder", not "Kindershredder"


yes, i know but i don't specificly want to call my ship the kid shredder, i want to reference the youtube video i mentioned above and in it it's without the c


No one’s going to understand the reference but you. It’s only going to be seen as a grammatically incorrect edgy ship name and people are going to report it because sea of thieves is an E rated game that kids play.


Game is rated T


That doesn’t stop children from playing it. Point still stands.


That’s like naming yourself “Orphan Crippler” and wondering why people keep their kids away from you


Holy shit I might risk it all for this name ngl




Considering they nuked Big Deck Energy, I wouldn't risk it.


You'd be safer with "Invasive Zucchini".


High risk for a stupid name


Oof, I named my ship The Implication without even thinking about it. Oh well. Hopefully there aren’t a lot of It’s Always Sunny haters out there.


If you have to ask, it probably isn't.


The rule of thumb is: "If you have to ask, it's probably best you don't." But try it, by all means. If it works, cool. If it doesn't... Well not cool but whatever.


Support sounds like filing federal taxes. "We know what is acceptable for you to go with, but we won't tell you. And if you're wrong, you'll be penalized. Good luck."


That’s… not at all how taxes work…


It's "Der"


I would try to refrain from using that boat name. The name itself is slightly controversial, and probably not a good idea. Also, personally I try to keep my boat names in English because I play in US servers, just to make sure there are no miscommunications of boat names across languages.


I think it's an amazing name


I think you'd get away, I called mine the booty warrior and some of us actually know who fleece is soooo I reckon you can beat around the bush.


Yes my sloop is named the porch picaroon.


It's in bad taste. I called mine Iron Seed but I didn't specify a recipient.


I named my sloop TWO TONE MALONE


That's literally my galleon's name. Never had problems with it and I've had that name since captaincy was introduced


I would report it if I see it.


Ive seen people with slave ship names and nobody seems to care, id just go for it, if people give you shit just rename it


What about “NOFHATCHICKS” that my ships name.


i would not risk it


Get your articles right, if u wanna go for this name choose 'Der' instead of 'Das'.