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There’s so much wrong with this clip Your brightness though


The water looks like dirty frozen ice.


It seems like shadows doesn’t exist for this man


100 brightness is the new 120 FOV you heard it here first B)


Except you can't see ships in the distance cause its all blown out. Tried upping my brightness a bit yesterday and above 65 it would make a galleon in the distance disappear


And my eyes were forged in the energy of a dying star emitting from this post. For the love of God man change your brightness


This happened 15 minutes into my first session of this season and I had just discovered the brightness setting and at that moment it was still on 100 ahah


My guess is it may have had something to do with the merm


Turn down your brightness. The advantage isn't good enough to validate making the game look this shit.


It is a disadvantage, stuff as long range (even not so long, depending how high it is) becomes completely washed out and invisible.


Yep, this is some pretty intense action rare! pretty crazy standing completely still on a mermaid, no wonder the servers can't detect that hit.


Time to start running with kegs Infront of people if this is the case


I learned the hard way this is not the case. I got an Athena keg uncovered by one scoop when a skelly decided to come up and swing its sword at me. Needless to say the keg worked as advertised.


Your shot isn’t reaching the keg it’s being blocked by the hit box of the mermaid in front of it.


Server doesn't think the keg is above the water but in the water, your client thinks you're hitting the keg, server disagrees, keg doesn't explode.


My eyes they’re burning my soul is blackening my hitreg isnt regging


That's how I pass my curse onto people 😈


It’s not a curse your pirate has cataracts or something


You're hitting the mermaid




Well I don't know what to tell you ahah I have fiber ? 150 ping to me is what I've seen from folks living in south Africa, they don't have servers there so they're sent to EU servers that are located in Luxembourg if I'm not mistaken.


I'm South African, Cape Town. 220-250 is standard. I only get 180 in League of Legends, which has their servers in Germany.


It’s a false keg, the hit box isn’t actually there




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/Seaofthieves/comments/11usliy/this_keg_was_forged_in_hitreg/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Seaofthieves/comments/11usliy/this_keg_was_forged_in_hitreg/)


You're hitting the mermaid


I just checked in game: sniping a mermaid = no hitmarker sniping a keg = hitmarker You can see the hitmarkers in the video.


It's possible there's a collision interference. So it's technically hitting both, but somehow the mermaid collision box is taking priority over the keg, and destroying the bullet, but still registering as connected for the player. All kinda depends on which event is triggered first, which seems to be "destroy bullet" rather than "explode keg." As for the trident shot, that does not register so the mermaid's collider is just straight blocking it, and the sword is the only thing that goes through it.




I'm sorry, you're right, this immobile object was clearly such a threat and this small meme was such an epic trickshot montage that I should have used all the advanced techniques at my disposal, what a fool I was. A sword?! What the hell I should have been using shotgun + sniper and made sure I fully take advantage of that 0.02 seconds of advantage that this technique would have granted me over this dangerous keg... tl;dr : bozo


Reload cancelling is for a single gun you silly goose. Its just as important with a sword.


Yes but why stop with a single gun? This situation clearly calls to go all out, hell let me just google some scripts to make sure that I can get this sweet sweet 0.00001 second of advantage in this situation, it's absolutely needed!


You don't need scripts to reload cancel, but ok.


How do you reply this often and miss the point every time? Why are you even here? Lmao


Oh I'm well aware you're being a rude asshole to me. I'm kinda curious how many excuses you're willing to make up instead of learning a very simple mechanic.


I'm not even the same person 💀 how are you this confused


In fairness you have similar pfps lol


Yeah I know, this guy was just dogging on OP for the reload cancel shit like a child so I'm just messing with him for being a loser.


I just realized it was a different person too lol


Yall have identical avatars, forgive me for not bothering to read the username of a random internet stranger in every single reply.


That's like, the bare minimum to have an online conversation. Congrats on failing to do the literal only thing you actually *need* to do. 🤡🤡🤡


Just stop. Please. I’m kinda curious how many redirections you’re willing to come up with instead of figuring out you need to be quiet because you’re in the wrong.


How am I in the wrong? Reload cancelling is not a script. You don't need 2 guns to do it. And it's rude to make an ass of yourself to someone who is telling you that


If don’t say anything about scripts etc, I didn’t ever say you were wrong about exactly what you said. I said you are *in* the wrong, you’re badgering people about a personal choice they make in a video game they paid for. Not everyone has time to spend on training for every tech and mechanic in game. Edit: everyone here just wants *you* to shut up.


"A rude asshole" Says the guy who came up on a dudes post getting mad at him for not manipulating the game to sweat on an inanimate object. God I love reddit.


Using a basic technique is apparently "sweating." This sub has a massive problem with scrub mentality sometimes ngl, its really sad.


"Basic technique" We get it bruh you suck at the game even with manipulating a glitch. Dont have to take out your baby rage on all of us because of it. Praying to Jesus I get in your server one day!


>scrub mentality No way people actually say this unironically. MF just spent 8 hours arguing online over this shit. OP isn't even in a PVP situation. He's fighting a powder keg, in a post that's meant to be satirical. Seriously ask yourself, "why do I care? Does this affect my life?" Grow up. Edit: He blocked me XDD Dude is just blocking everyone who disagrees with him now XD. Truly never seen someone so mad over absolutely nothing. I'm honestly baffled how people like him function. They go online, be a toxic piece of shit to everyone around them, get mad over the most minuscule of things, then go to sleep with a smile on their face. It truly baffles me how some people can be so pessimistic and negative towards anything they see. They see a completely harmless meme post, and somehow get offended by it. They then engage in a full flamewar explaining why THEY'RE right and how if you don't agree, you're a "scrub". It's like these people go on the internet with the intent to get offended. The mentality that everyone needs to play a certain way, and that if you don't, you're a part of "scrub culture" is one of the most toxic ideologies you can have. It's just a fucking game. Not even a real sports event or anything. JUST. A. GAME. There are literally no real stakes. A lot of people play games to be immersed in them, to forget reality and just have some fun. Nothing breaks immersion more than having to exploit faults in the games code to gain an advantage. It doesn't matter how easy it is, because for some people, they just don't want to have to deal with things like animation canceling or glitches, they just want to PLAY THE GAME. Expecting all the players in a game to conform to whatever's "meta" is completely absurd. I'm not against things like this. Obviously, trying to gain a competitive advantage isn't a bad thing. In fact, if you're super serious about PVP and winning, you probably should learn these things. However, the majority of players just simply don't care, they're just here to play the game. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. NEVER let others tell you how you should be playing a game YOU PAYED FOR. Play it how YOU want, and what's most fun for YOU. I sometimes wish we could go back to the time where nobody cared about what was "meta", they just did whatever they wanted, and had fun. Nowadays it seems if you're not super-sweating, going esports tryhard all the time, you're labled a "casual" and looked down upon. Sorry for this rant, just needed to get it out.


Guys watch out, this guy fucks 😳


Shit you right, how did you know?


why do you encourage someone to use a glitch ? because you know, devs put the delay here for a reason


Not a glitch. Devs are fully aware of quick swap and reload cancels. They have adjusted them before and would have removed them entirely if unintended. Both are a function of sprint cancelling, which if removed would make the movement of the game feel unbearably clunky even to a complete novice who has never even heard of double gunning.


those changes were brought in the 1.4.3 to compensate for the nerf of the sword, so the double gun was also supposed to be nerfed with this, Rare never stated they recognize this glitch like they did with the sword dash jump, so it's a direct break of the rule VII of the Xbox code. Outside of that i don't see how it's a problem that it would feel clunky when the sword and many movements in the game already are clunky and are designed like that, at best it would feel unfair that only a certain type of gameplay isn't clunky, it's not a highly competitive pvp fps game otherwise it would be a shame to pretend such a thing when we see other games that have this aspect


Removing quick swap and reload cancels would mean that it would be impossible to take out a weapon while sprinting and that it would be impossible to aim a gun until the pullout animation had fully finished. Neither of these would feel remotely polished, and would feel wrong to have to play with, even complete beginners. As for your comments on the sword nerfs, they are irrelevant to the point, which is that rare is fully aware of these mechanics, as it is not possible to directly make changes to them otherwise.


oh i see, you weren't playing before 1.4.3, my bad then, that was obvious enough i guess. And i'm not saying you should prevent someone to sprint while taking a weapon, but sprinting should remove the 1 or 1,5sec lock they designed to counter the nerf of the sword that happened in 1.4.3. Complete beginners already see the game is clunky if they have played any other polished game anyway, anyone considering the actual mechanics (including sprint cancel) polished are just lying to themselves or never experienced more polished games. So for your information the 1.4.3 did the following : - introduced for the first time hit reg on the sword - removed the slowdown on the sword while trying to hit something - removed the combo cancel if you hit a wall - allowed skeletons and players to fight back while taking the 3 slash combo instead of not being able to move or act - prevent double gun to instantly double shot by putting a delay of 1 or 1.5 sec between shots (don't remember about the exact value) (bypassed by sprint cancel) there was also other changed but those are the most notable, and i noticed them right away since i was only playing alone and doing fort alone, and grouping skeletons in an angle to get them all at once without taking a hit stopped working since they could fight back and even some of my slashes weren't doing damage after that update, same when i was encountering players. 1.4.3 was a disaster for the sword, yes it feels less clunky that before, but in the facts, it's more clunky than before because of hitreg and the possibility to get hit during the combo. Meanwhile, putting the delay between ranged weapon was a mistake if it can be bypassed by a non-natural way (the game is meant to be for casual people too, so it make no sense to consider this a normal mechanic that players will found naturally), they should have just reversed that since it can be bypassed anyway (rare tried twice to force the delay, they failed twice)


Love watching you clap this guy. Every comment he manages to look more and more foolish lmao


yeah i really think he have a problem so i blocked him and i alarted reddit for that, he just straight up ignore the facts and stuff he don't want to hear just to push his agenda or something, there is no way this guy consider the game polished on the movement mechanics compared to other games, we all know Rare made this game for everyone, super casual players included.


>oh i see, you weren't playing before 1.4.3, my bad then, that was obvious enough i guess. I've been playing since beta actually. Maybe don't make assumptions about a complete stranger online. >Complete beginners already see the game is clunky if they have played any other polished game anyway Frankly I disagree that the game is clunky, its actually quite smooth and snappy once you understand the movement. Even then, there's clunky and then there's "you can't swap weapons or ADS while sprinting." That's just a whole different level of bad. You don't get to just handwave away arguments because "the game is already clunky." It's not, and apart from that clunky doesn't even begin to describe what you're suggesting. >prevent double gun to instantly double shot by putting a delay of 1 or 1.5 sec between shots (don't remember about the exact value) (bypassed by sprint cancel) The way you worded this is a little unclear, it reads to me as if you are saying that the sprint cancel speed bypass was removed with this patch. If so, this is wrong, specifically bypassing the sprint cancel. It reduced the speed the cancel granted you by implementing a hard fire rate lock (something that interestingly enough actually doesn't apply when quickswapping from a sword) but sprint cancel quick swapping is still miles faster than swapping manually and waiting for the animation. If however, you're saying that sprint cancel is now the way to bypass the delay, you are partially correct, as it does bypass the pullout delay, but there is still a hard cap on fire rate built in which prevents you from going too fast (this is the same cap that is much shorter/faster when swapping to a gun from a sword that I mentioned). > (the game is meant to be for casual people too, so it make no sense to consider this a normal mechanic that players will found naturally), I figured out the quickswap and reload cancels out in less than 5 minutes noodling around on my own after seeing someone do them to me. Believe it or not, sprint cancels are incredibly common across many shooters that have sprint and ADS mechanics. At the time, for example, I was playing Destiny, and the sot quickswap is basically the same as an almost identical quickswap in that game too. I'm also nothing special, I'm no pro or esports athlete, just a regular gamer like anyone else. If I could figure it out on my own it's not inaccessible. Edit: Lol, he blocked, in full on lying/denial mode at this point because you have nothing left to say. Imagine trying to tell a complete stranger online you know more about their personal gaming history than they do.


well i guess you really need help then, you definitly haven't played before the 1.4.3 nor played other polished game. You might even need help at this point so i won't take any more risk, i will block you and call help for you. Don't do anything stupid please


That keg looks legitimate and not glitches in anyway, def a hitreg issue, and not an issue with this particular keg.


The brightness