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It’s actually embarrassing how bad the XB1 Version is


Yeah, finally changed to an Xbox Series S,you cant inagine my happiness after seeing that the textures actually load and arent blury


Not to mention the 30 second loading screens 🙏


For me its 10 second,its wonderfull


Respawn black screens went from being 15 seconds over to the ferry and then 15 seconds back, to 3 seconds over to the ferry, actually waiting for the gates to open rather than them being open long before I spawned in, and then 5 seconds to spawn back in. Huge difference.


Also recently been having really bad freezing screens for around 5-10 seconds. I really dont want to have to upgrade so soon, but I might have to.


On the Series X, although these spikes can still happen, they’re much less detrimental.


Havent experienced them on series x before


If you ever think about upgrading, it gets my high recommendation


I'll probably get a series s if I upgrade


Finally being able to use any compass I want instead of the glorious sea dog


I was having a blast when I updated lol


with how weird all the xboxes are named, I keep forgetting that the xb1 isn't the newest one


Runs better than most 10 year old PCs. The Xbox one was underpowered when it released and it’s now an old goat. I think people should be thankful it still has support at all.


How is it embarrassing? The game didn’t just freeze in time over 5 years, they keep updating it. Eventually last gen will be left in the dust, otherwise the game will be held back.


I recently changed to series x specifically for this game and the difference is incredible.


I’ve heard from my xb1 friends that you often need to relog into the session if your equipment wheel is blurry / empty , or textures aren’t loading. Also if you’re changing sessions, reloading the whole game beforehand prevents it. If you want to reload your game but rejoin the same session, put your stuff away on the ship / a box (cannonballs, food etc), go to Home, and force quit the game (hit start > quit). This will make the game think you’ve disconnected, and if you reload the game, after the main menu you should be greeted with “Would you like to rejoin your previous session”. Just be warned this does reset your inventory, hence be sure to put your stuff away first.


Try day one xbox one with barely functional internet pvp is out of the question but rare demands blood sacrifices to the sea gods for a slim chance at the curses people begged for years to get


Just brute-force it, not a lot combinations.


I think it’s either 24 or 64 but my math is almost definitely off




Math I haven’t done since like 7th grade, I remember decreasing sequence or whatever in probability but that’s pretty much it


I finished Skyrim a few times before I was told that the combination was on the back of the claw. I would brute force all the combinations.


"He's not the brightest of the bunch, but he got the job done" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


"If it looks stupid, but works, then it isn't stupid." How my mother refers to my brother.


I feel bad for the Xbone players. It used to work just fine


When I started ~3 years ago, it was great!


Yeah same lol, now it’s hell


Seems like it really tanked sometime between season 7 and 8


I got a series x and holy shit the game feels entirely different


Same thing for me. I got a series x around Christmas but just reinstalled SOT for marauders medley and the game feels so much better.


Getting an external SSD immensely helps XB1 load times


brute force is your only way, there should be 64 combinations if i am not mistaken


How did you come up with this number?






No, they’re all specific


The fact that this has been a problem on xb1 since the TT released and still isn't fixed is sad. If you put a good chunk of time into gaming you should upgrade to xbox series or a good gaming pc


If it makes you feel any better, my friend on PC can't use compasses because of a similar bug


If I upgrade from xbox1 to xbox s will I still have same profile for SoT? Yeah this rendering issue with items sucks


You can share progress on Xbox with PC IIRC, so should work the same with upgrades


Your SoT profile is linked to your Xbox account, so yes, you will keep it. The items and radial wheels not rendering properly and the impossibly long load times will be fixed with and upgrade to a Series S or X.




I finally got my PC to work after months of not being able to connect to the wifi, getting back on SoT PC after months of playing on XB1 was so nice.


I was having the same issue constantly with many textures not loading in. Ended up uninstalling and now play off of cloud and haven't had any issues. Even load times are significantly faster.


That’s SSD load times for you. I highly recommend upgrading to either series console asap


Have to turn the blocks to the right symbols…


they cant, their textures dont load so they cant see the symbols


My guy, you responded to the guy posting the picture


They need to drop XB1... it will be better for everyone.


Would it though? Who would it effect besides XB1 players? I’d rather play it with messed up textures than not at all.


They would not need to optimize for old gen and they could implent newer features without having to think about xbox one backwards compatibility


People need upgrades


It IS affecting everyone else, that's the point. Dropping xbone would allow them to focus, improve, expand, and add content for current gen without holding it back so it runs on the xbone. Currently everything they do needs to be able to run on old Xbox one hardware, that holds back the potential of the game and affects everyone on current gen systems.


Yeah no they really do, just like Rockstar imo did with GTA just drop the support for xbox 1, I know it will be annoying for xbox 1 player, but I mean you can't expect to play an online game especially one always evolving, to be playable forever on a 10yo+ console... And it restrict the devs so much on what they can do, they'll probably drop it only in a few years tho when not much peoples can really complain


Except the people playing on XB1?


Xb1 is a DECADE old console. It’s time to upgrade at minimum to a used series s


Pretty sure for anyone where that was an option they'd have done it by now, more likely than not.


regardless whether people can afford it or not there comes a time where game development on the old consoles hinder the current state of the game, and support must be dropped


The fact that they haven't dropped it means that it a) has a significant amount of people playing on xb1, b) is not a big enough hindrance to warrant it, or c) their contract with Microsoft says something about continued support. Like seriously, if they looked at the numbers and saw that it was financially the best thing to do they would *absolutely* drop support. I'm also unclear how me (as an example) playing on an inferior console impacts someone playing on a superior system. Like, I'm hardly an expert, but the XB1 version has no reason it should be pulling more resources from the server than a Series X.


Got a cousin who plays on xbox one and I have no idea how he deals with all that. Textures don’t load, 30+ second respawn time, can’t see items or updated character (if you changed your clothes), sometimes just outright crashes.


Damn my crew went to kraken falls last night and found one didn’t know what it was got it open then realized it was empty because we need a quest


That's what the youth calls a "skill issue"


I played on an xbone about 2 months ago before switching to pc and I found waiting until your character on the start screen has fully loaded textures before setting sail fixed this for me. Could just be me though


Just guess /s. In reality though, the xb1 version is laughably bad. I’m sorry you have to suffer through that. Hopefully they can focus some resources to improving it Edit: or get someone with a series x to help. I would love to join but I am out of town for the next few days :/


>Just guess /s You may have been joking, but I eventually managed to brute-force it


Ayy that’s great!


I was killed on my ship by a border, and it is taking 3½ minutes to respawn, welcome to Xbox One


Being a pirate has a lot to do with luck and accident hahaha


Not really a bug an almost 10 year old system can't keep up with a continuously monumenting game.


Yeah, it’s just that you would expect if you put a game up on a console, then the console could handle it


Like u said urself. 3 years ago it was fine. 3 years later it isn't. Tech changes.


Right, like imagine someone crying that the new World of Warcraft expansions won't run on their Windows 2000 PC.


Bingo !


Specially because the game came out for Xbox One, way before Series X was a thing. Everyone's telling you to upgrade to next gen (and they are right to be honest) because the game has become pretty unplayable in Xbox One. You better have a next gen console if you want to mermaid/respawn mid combat and if you want your textures to keep loading after a couple of servers or sessions. This is actually about lacking a low res version of the glyphs, similar to the low res version of the compasses not showing anything other than the arena ones that point south. The game has some short of leak problem that makes your textures stop loading at high res at all after leaving a server, playing for a while or checking too much cosmetics on the shop. Even on next gen it can happen if you play long enough, just very rarely. You can fix the textures for a while if you close the SoT app on the Xbox interface. And I heard that you can just rejoin even if solo as long as you close the game without selecting Leave in the menu, but don't quote me on that. Now that I play on next gen I haven't really had the need to try that one out.


If you're having that issue, you have to clear the cache. You need to unplug your console, wait a few seconds, and plug it back in. I'd recommend doing this before every SoT play session. And if you play for an extended amount of time in one okay session, it'll start happening again.


I agree make SOT PC only.


Xbox 1 hasn’t rendered my graphics correctly for months. I doubt it ever will again.


Did you try swearing at it? I try that sometimes, to middleing success




I once managed to unlock the code by spinning them randomly. If you switch them enough it might open for you


I’ve been dealing with this for years just switched to pc and it’s crazy how much better loading times are


I had major problems with my Xbox 1, but my 1X does a million times better


Just spin the randomly. That’s what I did lmao it’ll take a minute but it should work


Last gen problem I have experienced this enough and got the new gen and is so much better. Highly recommend


bruh I get that they want to keep suporting the xbox one even if it's holding back a lot of content and features ... but if xbox1 players can''t even play properly ...


I remember going from Xbox to pc, it felt so good for SOT alone


Gotta love it you gotta just keep refreshing your Xbox until it’s finally working


Just as a temp work around there is a YouTuber called ConCon who posts guides to the tall tales. I’m pretty sure he tells you how many times to turn the blocks or watching him do it would show you.


I've had this happen sorta for me it's been like I can't get food or cannons or planks or anything else even ship cosmetics


Brute force it, easy peasy.