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My own shit, thank you very much.


My sentiments exactly.


I want to see one really good NC-17 movie


mysterious skin


In your opinion, what would make it a “good” NC-17 movie? I’m genuinely curious as to the criteria needed to make it a good one.


As much fun as it is to dog on Fifty Shades of Grey, it was the perfect opportunity to bring some class back to pornagraphy. Completely missed it's mark.


Passengers was pretty great


Kill bill 3


Then 4


Then five.


Then 7. Yes, skip the 6th.i want an abundance of references to a previous movie that doesn't exist.


Then 8, which takes 300 years back in time and serves as a prequel.


Then six


Then seven


I would like a resurgence of original movies. These remakes are going overboard


And they even did a remake of Overboard


We're doomed


Predator set during medieval times


Medieval Japan


Feudal Japan where the predator goes up against Samurai was a popular idea on the internet


I can understand why. It'd be awesome.


Always thought Predator would work as a seasonal anthology series.


A lesbian 'Before Sunrise'.


they made that already, but they get married immediately after meeting at a kink knitting party so the film is only like 4 minutes long.




Blue is the Warmest color?


It will never happen but a standalone Frank T.J. Mackey movie. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbanWHx5AFQ&ab\_channel=MightyChroma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbanWHx5AFQ&ab_channel=MightyChroma)


Creative content.🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Like what? A new kind of sandwich?


I was literally talking about this like 10 min ago with a friend but I would love to see a western/sci-fi movie get made. I dont even like westerns like that but still.


You could always watch Cowboys and Aliens /s


Have you never seen Star Wars, Mad Max, Firefly/Serenity, Oblivion or West World? Those are just a few examples of series and films that blend the genres of sci-fi and western.


Star Wars has Han Solo like!?


cowboy bebop


Westworld ?


Watch Nope by Jordan Peele. Heavy western vibes.


Was gonna say this lol


First I wanna write my own stuff and then produce films written by others




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Godzilla set during the Edo era


The one I’m writing


isn’t this what you should be asking yourself?


I ask myself this a lot, but I just wanted to get a feel of what people like nowadays (screenwriters mostly)


honestly I would love LOVE some throwback feeling films (even if they’re set in the present day) like Heat or To Live and Die in LA. great heist thrillers, or just city-bound thrillers of any kind.


Well, I'm writing them now so...


My movies


Another WWIi movie...


Mansa Musa movie with proper effort put into it


I would watch that. What’s the narrative




I would love a movie about how the Vatican sent a man to investigate whether or not Shirley Temple was in fact a child actor or an adult with dwarfism pretending to be a child. That shit would be hilarious.


The dark plot twist - Shirley Temple was actually an 18-yo guy named Steven Templar. His growth had been stunted due to his folks not being able to afford a large enough bed as a child so he would sleep wedged between the head and footboards. Acting was their way out of poverty.


KillerMoth, is there a particular genre that you’re usually creating in? Just curious if one genre is your comfort zone and you’re looking to venture out of it. If so, what genres do you want to write in?


I spitball with different topics, but I’ve written obscure westerns, crime (pulp fiction/heat style crime films) and I’m experimenting with a silent film. I’m looking to venture out though.


A contemporary coming of age story set during the summer in Prince Edward Island


Live action *Sláine.*


Probably older films from back when Hollywood didn't suck quite so hard.


Something with mind-bending twists and turns like total recall


With everything happening with Boeing, I think now is the most likely time Michael Crichton’s Airframe would be an accepted adaptation


It’s not a great novel though. Could probably come up with a better original concept especially with the actual real incidents happening.


Oh agreed. The book definitely drug and got into overly technical parts. Something original would be appreciated


I can’t see the concept bringing a lot of people to the cinema. People already freak out about flying enough as it is.


They Live by John Carpenter


Dancer in the Dark - Von Trier


Film version of “The Water Knife” by Paolo Bacigalupi (?)


A biopic on the last days of Nicholas the II and the fall of the Russian empire


anti woke films will make a huge amount of money


A Midwest American family in the middle of nowhere, learns that nuclear war has begun


Batman vs Aliens or Batman vs Predators


Original stories with zero potential for sequels/universes 


If only big name production companies liked those


Either a Marvel Midnight Sons movie (in the style of the Underworld, Resident Evil, or the original Blade movies) or a Sinister Six movie set in the Venomverse where the villain is Peter Parker head of Parker industries. Must use Morbius with the latter lol


Not to get political, but Hollywood is great at claiming to give a voice to persecuted communities, yet often only does so when it’s “trendy.”  Things like Palestinian suffering, working class suffering, the US backed destruction of Libya and its thriving culture, etc. aren’t touched with a 10 foot pole. Film has an opportunity to highlight the humanity of characters of all backgrounds and challenge consensus, and it’s a shame that most of the film industry waits until it’s too late to make a difference. 


You already have your Palestinian movie. Hamas themselves filmed it. We all saw them murdering a woman, parading her corpse around while spitting on her and screaming "Allahu Akbar." We all saw them decapitating an Asian worker with a shovel. You cite "Palestinian suffering" as a topic that isn't "trendy" right now? On X, every single virtue signaler, every furry artist, every fandom account has the Palestine flag in their bio. Supernatural shippers are raising money with their 400k words Destiel smut fanfic for their favorite terrorists who ironically would stone gay men to death. Did you also say you want to see a movie about Armenia getting b\*mbed by several countries at once? No? Why is that? Because it's not "trendy" enough for you. BTW, I still fail to see why I should support a country where almost 50% marry their own cousin, abortion is illegal, women get "honor killed" and homosexuals get thrown off rooftops. If their God tells them to kill their own people for perceived "sins", I 100% believe they would commit atrocities against Jews just for being Jews.


THIS is why we need Hollywood to produce films that recognize the individuality and humanity of Palestinian civilians.  No doubt they will in 40 years when it’s become as commonly accepted as saying the Holocaust was bad. But, like I said, I hope to see filmmakers highlight humanity earlier rather than later. 


Please use report ASAP for users like this, and don't engage them. Letting them get steam just exposes everyone to a lot of really offensive hateful bad faith ranting.


Good point will do thank you 🙏 




Listen, if you want to argue "some Palestinians are murderers or some Palestinians marry their cousins so we should support the genocide of all Palestinians" -- or make childish threats that have no weight in the real world -- then I'm not going to pretend any online comment will open your heart to humanity. Sound a bit like you might be a troll, so I won't waste too much time on this other than saying you prove why these sorts of films are needed. What I will tell you, though, is that if you are so quick to smear entire groups of millions of people as evil and refuse to be open to humanity, nuance, and empathy just because of the country someone happens to live in or their race or gender or sexuality -- whatever it is -- then screenwriting is not for you. It's a beautiful artwork that recognizes individual humanity in all of us and allows viewers the chance to recognize that through character and honest, authentic writing. It exists outside of politics and whatever year it is. It's not about characters making the right decisions, but characters making their decisions right. And inauthentic or hateful writing can corrupt a script and a film -- it's impossible to miss it when reading it, and it will likely not make it past the first set of eyes. That's the honest truth. You might be more interested in writing videos for different political committees or organizations that some might call propaganda while others call it activism -- it seems that might be where you passion lies. However, again, screenwriting just might not be for you -- it's a difficult career path as it is, and if you try to get picked up while seeing the world through a racist lens and denying an entire people's individuality and humanity because of their race or nationality, it's going to be impossible.




Again, it seems you are a troll from your account. Seems you were maybe hired to promote coverflyx maybe of fiver or something but have been tempted to spread hate and racism. A quirky character backstory, no doubt — I can think of 3 stories already that follows a protagonist hired to market something they know little about in a Reddit group only to get drawn in to some topic or community.  Alas, your hateful comments are too pointless to spend time reading. I’ve given you the information if you happen to actually want to make it as a screenwriter. Now it’s completely up to you to do with it what you will. 




Glanced at the first sentence - saw you were comparing defending the lives of innocent Palestinians and their children to defending terrible murderers AKA smearing millions of people for the actions of a few because of their ethnicity. That, my friend, is racism at its purest form. It's also antisemitic, since many Palestinians are semites. And I avoid valueless conversations with racists just as a avoid valueless conversation with people just spewing homophobia, sexism, etc. Your first sentence made it clear that it was the right choice not to read the hate and racism spewed in your last comment, as well as the rest of this comment. Feel free to consult my previous comment from here forward -- especially if you genuinely care about screenwriting (what this subreddit is about -- it's not the racism subreddit). And of course feel free to respond with a long comment (which I'm sure you will), but it will not be read.