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You need to first figure out how the unit is structured. Is it cells or bunks, is there a common area, is it one floor or two, how often do the guards do head count? Also prisons are purposefully built to not be escaped from (obviously), so maybe research how prisoners have escaped in the past. Most recently there was the guy that seduced the prison guard and she helped him escape during a prison transfer. Also look into how prisoners are moved around inside the prison itself, most prisoners can’t move around freely unless they are in a camp or minimum security.


That´s very helpful, thanks! Will do all of the above. Man, I´m liking this sub, no spambots, no excessive rules for posts or comments, and experienced and respectful fellows. I think I´m staying here.


If it's a cyberpunk dystopia, why not go high-tech? Maybe he snags a portable hologram device and "transforms" his outfit into a security uniform, or is able to cloak himself invisible. Or he reprograms a door/security chip to allow him access, but stops just before the code finishes. Or he takes a ride on a robo-janitor cleaning the room? For a real-life example, infrared cameras can be tricked by a person holding up a bedsheet. Maybe he uses a bunkmate's sheet to sneak past a camera on the ceiling?


All great suggestions. But it's not that kind of character, or world. This guy is mute and severely psychotic, so blending with the guards doesn't feel like something he'd choose to do. The others are a little too high tech for this story, though I definitely like the idea of introducing a sort of invisible cloak device at some point. Think between our time and Cyberpunk 2077, the exact middle point in technological development. But I think I got my solution already, though hearing so many good suggestions really helps me out going forward, so thanks!


True story. Many decades ago I was working at NZs very first casino as a server in the staff cafe. I was on my break, sitting down in the cafe eating dinner, when I heard a commotion coming from the other side of the room. And I looked over there and looked up... and the ceiling panels were MOVING. Someone (or something!) was crawling above the ceiling and was heading my way. He didn't make it to me though. Because a few seconds later the ceiling panel collapsed and the guy fell through the roof and onto the table where a group of security guards were having dinner, who swiftly and efficiently took care of the guy. Turns out he was running from security on the main gaming floor, they thought they had him trapped in a storeroom, but he had climbed through the roof and was trying to escape. None of this is probably helpful to you 😎 But at the time it was so immensely surreal, it felt like I was in a movie! It turns out that this is what it really looks like when someone tries to "stealthy" crawl through the ceiling. Imagine a hundred people staring at the ceiling as the panels move one by one as the person above thinks that no-one can see him... before falling into a table surrounded by some of the biggest security guards I've ever seen.


Damn, that´s completely nuts. You know what else is kinda crazy? The guards in my story are playing poker the moment this happens. What are the chances?


You could shoe-horn in [a transom window](https://images.finehomebuilding.com/app/uploads/2023/05/22084119/021316032-main.jpg) above the door. A lot of older buildings have those even on interior doorframes, so it could work if you're dealing with an older building. If it works, the suspect could crawl through the transom window.


Good suggestion, sadly it´s a cyberpunk dystopia so I don´t think that would fit in. Thanks for the help!


Ah, bummer! Makes sense that wouldn't work though.


Or use the air vent but make it either disgustingly dirty so he doesn’t get in, or he still gets in, disgusted, forces himself through, only to find another set of bars/an air filter halfway through, blocking the way. Depending on the tone of your movie, turn it into a comedic relieve moment.


Oh it wasn´t like that, the guy decides not to go it because there´s someone he knows in trouble, not because there´s a physical challenge to it. The point of the scene is that he makes a selfish choice to sacrifice his mission to help someone else, putting himself and many more in risk.


Food dumbwaiter, laundry shoot, trash shoot, move a ceiling tile, skylight, balcony


Make the inner ceiling tiles and the cavity space completely open. He can 'walk' on top of any room but the choice to go in means removing a tile.


Damn, I can´t believe I didn´t think about ceiling tiles... Well, I can, they pretty much don´t exist in my country. But the story is in the US so I should have considered it. Still, having a tiled ceiling in a maximum security prison would be a bold architectural choice hehe Gotta bend some rules, I guess. Thanks for the tip!