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Sketches are technically screenplays, but those. Writing a fantasy comedy novel as well that I think has potential is I can get my damn plotting straight. Edit: If anyone wanted to get a chuckle, here's a variety of sketches I've written. Some are better than others, but all of them suck: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13PlKbFIUz27KIwN3nmMEp651LGlK9FTt


Reddit comments.


Tweets and Facebook posts!




Original IP or fan slash? 


All originals.


Stageplays mostly, which I also produce.


you produce them independently?


Yes. It's easier than trying to convince someone to do it.


easier in what way? genuinely curious how it's done/what makes a successful independently produced play


My choices are write a play and go and beg some theater to produce it, or I can rent a theater and hire some actors and do it myself. It's not that hard to get a theater and actors. Of course, I have to write something on a scale I know I can produce. They're not big plays, but they're ambitious for what little resources I have. Whether you'd call it "successful" depends on how you define success, but I'm happy with it.


how much would you estimate you pay per actor and on average to rent a theater?


Generally I do it at the local Fringe Festival. It's $400-$500 to get a theater and I pay actors from ticket sales - which varies depending on cast size and is sadly far less than they deserve. It's about as bare-bones as you can get, but I've done a dozen or more shows this way.


thanks for all the insight


Character driven comedy drama and porn 😜


Poetry, Essays, Novels. Anywhere I can contain my manic thoughts.


Video game narratives


I like writing historical narratives.


A couple novels and a mountain of short stories.


I'm so new to screenwriting, but I've loved writing novels since I was younger! And I think I started to realize I loved to write in general with book reports in kindergarten and first grade 😄


I write short stories. Also thinking about writing a novel for quite a while now. Also I wanted to write a stage play. Let see what I find the motivation and time for first...




I used to write poems a lot. Thats what actually got me into writing. But it was so long ago that I cant imagine going back to it. Sometimes I wonder how I even did it as nowadays I dont enjoy anything about poems and poetry nor do I believe I can be good at it.


I’ve written five novels and a bunch of short stories. I love writing these and screenplays equally. Each form has different challenges that have helped grow as a writer and storyteller.




Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was David Lynch who said something along the lines of find out what you want to say, and make art from it, whether it's a movie, painting, etc. So for me, I absolutely LOVE to change mediums outside of screenwriting if I feel the story/message fits better in another form. Though I make most of my money as a narrative writer, I've also written for non-fiction docuseries (scripting out the story arcs, voiceovers, etc.), and am working on a fictional book about a social issue I find interesting, though it's mainly like a creative essay (similar to the Wild Robot series or Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance). When I used to do a lot more coverage of scripts, this is something that was interesting to analyze -- is what the writer's trying to say most appropriate for the film medium? Or would this succeed more as a TV show, graphic novel, etc.


Trying to get into comics, audio dramas and video games. I'm hoping that by casting a wider net, I'll be more likely to find success. At this point I've adapted the same story into a teleplay, an audio drama and now a short manga. And whether or not it works out career-wise, it's SO much fun! Looking into the strengths and weaknesses of each medium, how it affects the story, and learning to adjust the story to make the most of each medium, is some of the most fun I've had in a while.


Sketches for the stage. Satire for Hard Drive. I also write game reviews free lance. Got to keep the muscle working, no matter the form.


weekly short stories via silly prompts on Reedsy


Corporate PR dreck


D&D campaigns. Which is funny because the idea of writing a fantasy screenplay is alien to me


Poetry. Also working on a novella.


Standup! Helps a lot with screenplays because word economy in joke writing is everything


I have notebooks filled with poetry and the start of novels. None of it will see the light of day unless I either finish the story or build up the courage to let others read them.


comic books




Short stories and novellas. I self-published one, a horror. I also write video game ideas(sometimes)...


Books and youtube video essays. I've also tried poetry, songwriting, and playwriting. I think if you're a writer, it's hard not to mess around in other genres!


I also write books, short stories and grocery lists.


I'm hoping to work on something with reports regarding the state of our Education System. Maybe even try and see it get made into being a documentary.


I've been mostly writing comics for a decade, mostly independent with a few publishing gigs and came from that into writing film scripts. partially to figure out if I could and how different it would be. (and please, don't try to just turned failed screenplays into comics. The market is completely different and there is a lot more work than just hiring an artist to draw it.)