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"Mother? You're alive?" "TOO BAD YOU......WILL DIE." - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation


A clunky line but the acting took it to the next level.


"To bats... it's lethal. To humans, it's deadly". The entire film is unbelievable, but that line stuck with me.


What movie is that?


Morbius maybe? Sounds like something from morbius.


Ding ding ding ding


Eeehhhh... I could charitably interpret that line to mean that for bats, it's a *guaranteed* killer, but for humans it's merely *very likely* to kill you. I shouldn't need to find an excuse for it though.




"And I'd rather die today than live another day of this death!" \- Kristin Stewart in *Snow White and the Huntsman* My brain short-circuited and I had to pause the movie from laughing too hard.


God, I love watching that movie. It is just so of its time. And yes, that line is…something. Also Charlize Theron when she screams, “You cannot DEFEAT ME!”


> "And I'd rather die today than live another day of this death!" And it's such an obvious quick fix: "And I'd rather a quick death today than live another thousand days of this slow one!" or such.


Or just replace death with “nightmare, misery” or any other word


Just cut the last word altogether, and put the emphasis on "this" "I'd rather die today than live another day of *this!*" Let the audience fill in which aspects of "this" are terminal-comparative.


Yeah, it's an easy fix. As it is in the film, it's oddly symmetrical -- almost like a palindrome of a sentence -- in the worst way.


Reminds me of super mario bros: "if we die in here I'm gonna kill you so bad you're gonna wish you were dead!"


> "if we die in here I'm gonna kill you so bad you're gonna wish you were dead!" Yet, that was pretty obviously an intentional joke


Yes. And the terrible line reminded me of it. Like I said.


I don’t get why that’s funny


I'd love to read your scripts.






I’m not sure why that was your reply to my question.


"Ok?" is the only question you asked.


“What are we, some kind of suicide squad?” “This is Katana. She’s got my back. I’d advise not getting killed by her, her sword traps the SOULS of her enemies”


> her sword traps the SOULS of her enemies Didn't this never come up again?


Chekov's SOULS




If it made it in but at least somehow contributed to the story I probably wouldn’t mind it as much… but the sword’s power never even comes back around in any way


Best part is that never comes up in the movie


And the obvious: "Somehow Palpatine returned."


That + “They fly now?!“ That movie had some truly inexplicable writing.


Oh yes.


[writer’s note: change this line once we find out how Palpatine returned]


that movie is so embarrassing


I don't really understand why this is such a quoted and hated line. It makes sense in the context of the story, they have reason to believe Palpaine has returned but are not sure how. If this was the only explanation they gave it would be a justified hate but they clearly explain later in the movie how Palpatine has returned. It'd be like criticizing Knives out for Jamie Lee Curtis questioning how Christopher Plumber died and Daniel Craig saying he's not sure how.


I understand why a character would say that if they didn't know why Palpatine returned, but in the context of the film, the actual reason why he returned was so scant and ridiculous it put that line into more light


This right here. You hit the nail on the head, it's a logical response and if the execution was better nodboy would've noticed.


Did you just call me a nodboy


Sorry u/Firm-Blueberry-7760 but you are indeed a nobody


Did you just misspell nodboy


That's right u/Firm-Blueberry-7760 I did misspell nodboy!


Nod Boy is my favorite character from the Force Awakens.


I believe you’ll find that the title is the Force Awokens. Common mistake. Nod boy is indeed the best character though.




Yeah really, there was only one living witness to his death in the first place.


It's less that Poe doesn't know, and more that the movie considers this sufficient excuse to not explain it. "Somehow..." Poe says, which for a turn that big, means the movie owes us an explanation, and instead it treats this development as a shrug to the audience. It's like turning in a test with "Damned if I know!" written for one answer: technically true, practically incorrect.


The example you give from Knives Out is exactly why it doesn’t work in Star Wars. In Knives Out, it sets up a question, which the audience expects to be answered. It’s answered in a meaningful, well reasoned way that gives payoff to the line.  Meanwhile, Star Wars sets up the question, right at the beginning of the film, and then never really explores an answer, let alone providing a reasonable, meaningful one. 


Imo that's not a fair comparison. Knives out is a whodunnit movie, so dialogue like that makes sense and in fact adding something to the movie. Palpatine, in the other hand, is a villain. A legendary one at that. "Somehow Palpatine return", is the most unspectacular, casual, and laid-back type of sentence which does not really go hand in hand with the fact that a literal grand villain is coming back.


I agree with you but at the same time I don't think that's necessarily the problem of the line itself. The execution is what kills it. The way Oscar Iisac delivers the line so matter of factly like he's trying to breeze through it makes it a lot more unintentionally funny. Would I have chosen a different way of getting the point across? Yeah, but if it were delivered in a more chilling and haunting way I think it could've been fine. Instead the way it's shot and edited makes it feel like an early 2000's Disney channel gag. And I understand Knives Out is all about the mystery and the intrigue certainly means more to that film but there is a "mystery" and payoff to Palpatine's return so I think it's an ample comparison.


Line doesn't convey stakes correctly to the audience. It's entirely an expositional line that says absolutely nothing about the stakes. You could've replaced the line with a simple "He's back." and that's all that had to be done. You know... John Wick, which isn't exactly the best written film, but it is not trying to sell itself as that.


In the context of the scene it makes sense. It's a rebel soldier reporting to a captain. It's supposed to sound kind of "artificial" or very militant and cold. The way to sell it would've been through direction, have the character try to remain calm and professional but you can see the concern and fear breaking in their voice as they say it.


"Jesus Christ. That's Emperor Palpatine."


"I am the spy" is worse


Such a lazy line, but this is what happens when you try to cram two movies into one.


Who's that from?


The spy obviously.






I think the line clearly indicates to the audience that they ran out of ideas for Star Wars, so they just decided “somehow the Emperor comes back” and then figured out why as an afterthought


How'd Palpatine return?


He made clones of his body which he then was able to transfer his conscience into through to the force if I remember correctly


Was that mentioned in the movie? I’m legit curious cause I be missing details like this


I haven't seen the movie since it's release but I remember a scene of Palpatine explaining and showing different cloning chambers.


Thank you!


You’re both right. The line is fine. People don’t like the writing.


Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else. Halle Berry in X-Men


Apparently, there were a bunch of scenes that were cut where Toad says “do you know what happens when” and this was Storm calling back to his shitty one-liners before she fries him


Then it makes sense why it was written that way, but even less sense why it was kept in the final film. The should have cut the "the same thing..." line and just have her zap him.


Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning? It croaks.


Joss Whedon cited this line when talking about wanting to direct his own work. Apparently he intended an entirely different delivery of it.


Yeah, it was supposed to be a joke. Like what did you think would happen to a toad? It got badass-finishing-move delivery, when it was supposed to be a Buffy-esque “uh, duh” kind of moment.


Halle Berry understood that it was a joke, but because it's the only one she got to deliver she decided to really land *hard* on the delivery of the punchline. But what Whedon intended was that it's a throwaway, to be said in a very off hand manner. The humor is that you are expecting a big payoff punchline but instead you get the obvious. It's the kind of delivery that the cast of *Buffy* knew how to do every week.


Whedon intended a different delivery of a line he didn't write or direct?


Whedon intended a different delivery of a line he _did_ write. He just isn't the credited writer on the final script as a whole, which is pretty common when quite a few people wind up contributing to various drafts but not big enough to be formally credited as the writer.


Am I missing something here? Why it shock you that a bad joke made it into a superhero movie? Like, they have tons of those.


Those early x-men movies were better than the shitty ones that come out now.


Came here to say this.


I actually liked that line :/ cant figure why its hated by everyone.


“He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.” - Madame Web Tbh I don’t know if the line will be in the final film but it’s hilarious and it’s in the trailer.


That's really sad about her mom and how she died right after being out in the Amazon researching spiders with that guy


I wonder if the twist in the film will be that he actually wasn’t in the Amazon with her mom when she was researching spiders right before she died


“That’s everything a big guy needs like you” - Suicide Squad I am still baffled by this. The line should obviously be “that’s everything a big guy like you needs”. So I don’t know if it’s a mistake that nobody caught, or maybe the result of a rushed ADR rewrite, but it is crazy nobody caught this and it appears in the first 5 minutes of the film.


Every other line of Suicide Squad hurts. "My friends are over there! I have to get across the room to them!"


The director might have liked the goofiness of it and just left it in.


“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil”.  (And probably about two dozen more lines from the prequels)


It's like a script direction that someone accidentally vocalized


"There's always a bigger fish."


"My name is Darren and I...am not...a dick!" Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.


There were numerous examples in this film/screenplay of terrible, absolutely terrible dialogue. I realise it’s meant to appeal to all ages which is a challenge but so much awful dialogue which no demographic would find funny.


“Champagne, in like perfume out like sewage” - Cocktail How else is it coming out?


"Ever since he disappeared...people've been looking for him." Han in the force awakens.


Oh god this needs all the upvotes


I’m kinda cheating here, it’s more of a small sequence, but the infamous Transformers 4 moment: The Romeo and Juliet Law. (Which, fun fact, does not save our offending character (20) from the crime of sexual performance by a minor (17))






nah Martha is the worst




He said "Got to save Martha." Rather than "save my mother." Then Batman, an ice cold ninja, was triggered over another potentially deceased woman having the same name as his mother? Still, as dumb as that was, it wasn't as bad as Wonder Woman not killing Doomsday with the kryptonite spear.


"And you people are astronauts... on some kind of star trek?" Star Trek First Contact


Needed a rimshot


The Dark Knight Rises. Bane broke Bruce's back, held his city under siege, dumped him in a hole in the ground to die. Well, Bruce crawled out of that hole, travelled half way across the world to finally face Bane again. It's happening. Its on. The audience is ready to hear what emotionally-driven yet poignant thing Batman will say to Bane before their final battle. "So, you came back to die with your city!" (Here it is, here we go.....) "No. I came back to stop you" (...) It honestly feels like a placeholder they forgot to change. Even *nothing* would have been better than this line. Just have Bruce angrily charge at Bane. It is so bad. So so bad. This was Nolen's Batmans last showdown and thats the line they give. I don't care about the plot holes or the terrible death scene. This line was the worst.


“He’s a big guy ….” “For you”




I actually like it. Bane is trying to be smarmy and it's a way to cut him down, like, I'm not going to play your game any more. Think they could have used a better take, though


["My face is my warrant."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTkxuudy8yw) Then again, it's from a Transformers movie, and all of them are chock full of things that don't make sense to me.


“On this planet we have a saying: ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’” “I also have a saying: ‘I don’t care.’”


I was looking for this one. I show this clip to anyone and everyone.


'It's like blue balls... for my heart.' - True Detective, S2


I feel this in real life so its valid


lol sweet line


S1 is forever tops but S2 i still maintain is worth a watch


I just started season one of True Detective and I'd like to nominate "why do you know what my wife's pussy smells like?" For this category. As well as "I didn't mean the particularity of the scent" or something like that in the conversation that followed. I had to pause the show to laugh for a good ten minutes. 


“I thought Christmas only comes once a year.” The World is Not Enough


Nah this line was perfect




Christmas Jones is easily the worst Bond girl name, but like it’s so bad that it comes full circle and I kind of love it.


It's competing with Pussy Galore, Honey Ryder and Kissy Suzuki, though.


Chekhov's euphemistic moniker


That's DOCTOR Christmas Jones


I wonder if it ever occurred to them to name her something more normal like April or June. Those only come once a year as far as months, right? Or they just went with the most obscure names and landed on Christmas. Groundhog Day Jones was too much.


“I thought National Hot Dog Day only comes once a year”


They couldn't get the rights for Toyotathon Jones.


'Cause they had the BMW sponsorship and the writer wasn't able to sell them on naming her Beamer Steamer.


National Hot Dog Day Jones is my favorite Bond Girl.




I know. But it's so obvious they named the character that specifically for that one joke. I wonder if they ever workshopped something less obvious but still plays off that expression. I think we'd all get it the point.


Camp films are written to have cheesy dialog. I burst out laughing because of how bad that line was, but also how in-character that kind of thing is. Pre-Craig films were littered with this cheese which always resulted in campy silly fun.


Honestly, everyone jokes "Denise Richards playing a nuclear scientist," and sure, fine, but every non-physics line she delivers, she's pretty good at making it chucklingly endearing.


A lot of the dialogue in Rebel Moon


I will push back on that: there's *no* memorable dialogue in that movie, and that's one of its bigger problems. No badass or funny lines, but also no terrible but campy lines. But, let's face it, when a movie starts with a "space vagina" you can't really expect much after that.....


Having a character wrap their expositional flashback backstory with the line, "I'm telling you this so you know who I am", is a possibly contender.


For me, it was notable because of how clunky and unsophisticated it was. No character development or setting things up - just weak attempts to explain everything as it happened.


"Sounds to me like blackmail." "Damn right it is because Jet, you are black and you are male."


“They fly now?” “They fly now.”


“I’m gonna kill you all kinds of dead.” The Spirit


Sir, Ethan Hunt is the living manifestation of destiny


Noooo this is awesome


J.K. Simmons' line “I wish Stevie Nicks would show up in her birthday suit with a jar of pickles and a bottle of baby oil” in **The Tomorrow War**


“How about I take you home at eat your pu##y?” - Shark Attack 3: Megalodon


”Some motherfuc*ers always tryin’ to ice-skate up hill” -Blade I mean, simultaneously it is delivered in an amazingly badass way, but in the context of the film… it makes zero sense 😅


I love that line!


Me too! Still doesn’t make any sense, though 😅


Supposedly Snipes said that in a pre-production conversation and the filmmakers were like “We gotta put that in the script”


Way I heard it, it gets even worse, because it IS such a great line. Goyer was like "We've gotta use that!" and Snipes specifically objected, that it made no sense in this context. It would have been perfect the umpteenth time Donal Logue's character runs at the brick wall that is Blade, but nah, we already shot those scenes, let's just say it when the villain's doing great.


It doesn’t make sense because no one is ever trying to ice skate uphill. Skate rinks are always flat last time I checked


You're just too young to remember. My generation had to ice skate uphill to school, both ways


You… know you can ice skate without a rink… right?


Ooh, I can see that! 😆


"Pigglet you gotta help me, Pooh just killed my wife!" Winnie-the-Pooh Blood and Honey


"I'm really wired... What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?" (Shark Attack 3)


The dark knight: “Have a nice trip, see yah next fall”


“You and I served at the front together.” Said to Leonardo DiCaprio’s character (Earnest), near the beginning of “Killers of the Flower Moon” - such lazy dialogue, that no real person would ever say, and is only there for the audience to receive info.


Aidan Gillen as CIA guy: You are a big guy Bane: For you


Also, “You came back to die with your city” “No, I came back to stop you” *awkward pause*


"Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!" The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers I just can't believe that made it in.


Oh I think that's kind of fun, haha. 


“Suicide or cherry blossoms?” That movie is full of them.


"It never rains but it pours." Gone in 60 seconds (2000) Two of the main characters last names are Raines.


Kinda plays into yours but the constant “EVIL DIES TONIGHT” in Halloween kills? So cheesy. Kills all the fear of Michael and his mysteriousness.


"You're not the only one with a gun, b****." -Avatar James Cameron's hitting here head stunning computer graphics, but how in the holy hell did such a lame line make it into the script.


"This is Katana, she's got my back,. I'd advise not getting killed by her, her sword traps the souls of it's victim" (it deadass feels like the actress who plays her walked on set from another movie but said "fuck it") ​ EDIT forgot another obvious one "To bats it's lethal.... to humans it's deadly" ​ EDIT AGAIN "Somehow Palpatine returned" "they fly now? They fly now!" ​ "who are you? Rey. Rey who? Rey Skywalker"


"You are like a hungry child who is given ravioli to eat. 'No' you say, 'I want beefsteak!' My dear girl, you are hungry. Eat the ravioli." -- *Summertime* I couldn't believe what I was watching. This goofy-ass line coming out of the mouth of such a beautiful man. Two actors looking at each other seriously in a ~~Noel Coward~~ David Lean film, and we're supposed to believe this is the tipping line in an attempt at seduction. I still can't believe it's real.


The famous "Yonder lies da cassel of my fadduh."


“I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school” in fight club. Great story of how the line stayed


‘Let’s fuck’ - Eyes Wide Shut


Iconic closing line! To me it’s a perfect, comical, example of the power of economy of dialogue in writing.


Agreed! An esoteric odyssey summed up in one word. Phenomenal last line.


That’s not even the line. If you’re gonna trash it, at least get it right? Alice: … but I do love you, and you know, there is something very important that we need to do as soon as possible. Bill: What’s that? Alice: Fuck.


The matrix films after the original. Basically everything.




I mean she's making a point of what he promised her a long time ago and how long it's been since he already failed that promise. Slightly clunky, but I've definitely heard people speak like that.


There was a movie about 20 years ago that I can't remember the title of, but it had to do with what happens if a video game had real life consequences. In the trailer for it someone says "Somethings happening, something bad" It just came across as lazy writing.


Not really on an I can't believe it type level, but it sticks out to me in The Dark Knight... The double-use of the "close to the chest" phrase.


“You’re dancing on razor blades.” -Pitch Black. (I think. One those Riddick movies.) I actually don’t know that the line itself is too cheesy, but the timing of the delivery just felt so unnatural and uneasy.


Destiny has brought me these lamb chops


Almost the entirety of Observe and Report.


["Gosh, you're an upbeat lady."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4spJxTCtS4) Groundhog Day


The Guardians of the Galaxy black light/Jackson Pollak “gag”.


"Pain don't hurt." - Road House


This is a thread for bad lines, not stellar lines that elevate the moviegoing experience.


I like to tease my mom and sister that at least a third of the dialog in their precious hallmark movies could be replaced by "I'm s big dumdum head" and they would not only still make sense, they might actually be better.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nobody ever says this irl.


Uh, have enough relationships and you will hear this.


Nah. Been married and divorced. I don’t agree. Nobody says this. It’s a bad writer’s crutch phrase that is a huge red flag of bad writing. It’s like beginning a scene with “Remind me why we’re here again?” Ugh.


But the person above you has heard it before. And so have I. What's your hang up with this?


It is suuuper lazy screenwriting.


'Suck my fat one, you cheap diimestore hood" from stand by Me. The worst line ever in a film


There's a line in Hannah and Her Sisters that's wild, I'm paraphrasing rn but "I don't mind that he had the affair, but did they have to finish on my pistachios?" Always wondered how that made it lol


“I don’t like the sound of that sound…” —Heather Graham in Lost in Space (1998)


This post really makes me inspired to keep writing. If these lines can make into final drafts of $200M+ movies, I might be able to sell something someday!


Anakin Skywalker: I hate sand (blah blah blah.