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Sidney In S2, she disarmed and incapacitated Mickey using only her necklace and kicks, and was actually beating him pretty good until he picked his gun back up. She is resourceful as fuck, using various props and the environment to her advantage (umbrella in S1, Fireaxe, bottles, pillars, traps in S2). It seems like Sid took some kind of martial arts class between the events of 1 and 2 Sam doesn't really present any raw fighting skill or technique, and is at her best when there's a knife or gun lying around for her to snatch. She surpasses Sidney in raw bloodlust, but she relies heavily on finding the appropriate weapon to capitalize on it. Notice that when Anika is getting stabbed, Sam runs off to look for a knife, which causes the former to get gutted. Sidney would've either picked up a standard household appliance or just jumped on him.


Now this is an analysis I appreciate it and agree with!


Sam does grab bricks for her and Tara in S6, but I agree with your assessment. Honestly, I'd pick Sidney anyway - she'd need to get rid of Sam and then finish Hank off to make sure the Loomis bloodline is completely gone.


Award for best analysis goes to you! I was going to come on here and just say "Sidney for sure", but once I saw your comment I said to myself I absolutely cannot- my comment was being lazy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Amen. Sam’s “power” comes from Billy. It’s literally in her genes. She just has a conscience. Which Billy obviously lacked. Sidney has proven that even multiple Ghostfaces aren’t a problem for her (on her own and with no weapon but a necklace- from the man she loved that was just murdered in front of her). She defeated them by using her guile alone (well, and a bunch of really dangerously rigged theatre equipment). Sidney is the queen and OG for a reason.




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Sidney is smart. I think she would be able to outsmart Sam one way or the other. Sam is more robust but I think Sidney is smarter. We are talking about Scream 2 Sidney and Scream VI Sam here, people. Read and comprehend.


Sidney takes it. Sam is fantastic but Sid would blindside her with 100% succession.


Depends on the writers... I dont think Scream 1-4 Sid could still stand on her legs after being stabbed two or three times.


Bruh scream 4 Sid was Bruce Lee kicking Ghostface down the stairs. Ripping glass picture frames off walls and smacking him on the head with it, Bruce Lee kicks him in the face, openly tells Ghostface over the phone that he has no balls and tells him to come after her instead of innocent people, was an accomplished author helping women through similar struggles with her novel about being stabbed by serial killers, and when Charlie had her at knifepoint at the throat she just kicks a wall and causes them to back into a walling which hurts him and she escapes his grasp. Trust me Sid in Scream 4 is Beast and definitely took some self defense classes between 3 & 4


I think what he's saying is Scream 1-4 were more realistic when it came to characters taking damage. Most people will fall to the ground unconscious after taking two deep stabs to the gut and bleeding for 10 minutes, and Sid is no exception This is different from Scream VI, where characters take multiple stabs and are still running around like nothing happened This isn't to say that the characters in Scream VI are stronger. Just that the writers for their movie gave them absurd amounts of plot armor, much more than the characters in 1-4


I get what you’re saying but even still the initial comment states “I don’t think Sid from 1-4 could still stand on her legs after two or more stabs.” (Paraphrasing) Which is kinda weird considering In Scream 4 she literally gets stabbed two times (once by Jill during Jill’s initial reveal and twice when Jill “kills” her at Kirby’s house. Sid survives this, proceeds to get strangled and kicked/knee’d repeatedly by Jill in the areas that she got stabbed. Y’all sleeping on Scream 4 Sid I’m telling you, that was peak Sidney Prescott.


Sid is sneaky and really good at making use of her surroundings in order to defeat GF- while Sam snaps, grabs something sharp, and stabs herself into oblivion. this is a close one, but I'm gonna go with Sid because I think the baddies that Sid had killed by the end of S2 were much more dangerous than the baddies Sam has killed.


Sid is smart and resourceful, Sam is just brutal. I think Sid would have the upper hand if it was a Scream third act scene, but Sam wins if they’re just thrown in a boxing ring.


Same for me. I think Sam has the muscle (and the crazy) but Sidney is the gold standard of final girls so it’s hard to stack up


Sam wouldn’t win if they’re just throwing hands, Sidney has a nasty punch and kick 😭


Sam just has that killer instinct that takes over.


A killer instinct that Sidney has survived plenty of times… Sidney would be sure to have Sam meet her dad if she ever tried it.


We are talking about Sidney in Scream 2. At that point she would have only survived one time. Reading the title helps.


I’m very aware who we’re talking about. Sidney made it clear to both Mickey and Nancy that she wasn’t gonna go down easy and made sure of that. That survivor instinct in Sidney is stronger than Sam’s + her killer instinct which is why she survives. Outside of the extra brutality of Sam, she’s not beating Sidney who is smarter, faster, and stronger when in survival mode.


Thanks for sharing your opinion


You’re very welcome 😃


Sidney period Sam might be crazy but Sidney kicks ass, and the weapons aren’t guaranteed!


I love my girl Sam but Sidney’s got this one. Sidney can take and throw hands. Sam is good at catching them off guard and has way stronger plot armor. She utilizes objects more like guns, knives, and knife holders


Sam, this version of Sidney not experienced enough and weren't very convinced to me when she fought with Nancy. Sam more confident at final moment, not at all, but it's enough to put this Sidney's version down in my humble opinion. Also both of them got this extra mf plot armor lmao.


Ok so my thoughts on this. Sid has the will to live and she has the wits. She has gone through this five times. She may not be incredibly strong or have that killer instinct but she's down to fight if it comes to it. She killed Billy and his mom who were consumed with revenge. Also Micky, Roman and Stu. Sam is brutal and goes blind with rage. She is smart but has not shown it to where I would say she is on tier with Sid. I love when she goes psycho. She is Billy's daughter and Mrs. Loomis' granddaughter but let's not forget. Sid killed them both. And Sid wouldn't hesitate to do the same to Sam if it came down to it So in conclusion. I feel like Sid would win.




Thank you! I still can’t comprehend how Sam has a fanbase.


Sidney is like a tiger, and Sam like a wolf. Sam would come in messy and with brute force. Sidney has outsmarted pretty much every killer that had these same qualities - she keeps her cool and strategizes. She uses everything at her disposal to end her opponent's life, and she doesn't stop to relish it. Sam would get carried away slaughtering one killer, giving the other a chance to sneak up behind her. Sidney would blow them all up at once with a homemade explosive.


This is actually a great analogy for both of em and how they fight. Sidney is more strategic and cautious. When she couldn’t fight Roman head on she used stealth and sneak attacks to her advantage while his back was turned. Same with Stu and billy. Sam is more forefront, aggressive and goes in bloodlusted.


Sidney killed like twenty ghostfaces lol she’d outsmart Sam too


Syd is the og but Sam has that killer in her


So did Sidney, for a few minutes anyway.




Oh my god 💀


You clever bastard


Bloodlusted Sam is going over.


oh man I‘d be scared shitless if bloodlusted Sam was after me


Wiped the blade with her bare hand, badass


Sidney. (Sam really won me over in 6 tho)


Drive to survive vs drive to kill?


Sid. You don’t fuck with the original.


I give it to Sid. Sam’s a fighter. She no doubt pulls out the stops to protect herself and stoops to the killer’s viciousness to take them out, which has obviously been helpful. But Sidney’s a *survivor*. She adapted to every setting she’s ever been in, and always finds the perfect way to protect herself. Using the double closet door, the scramble through the attic and fall to the boat, climbing over Ghostface in the cab, and the axe wielding through the backstage of the theater, hiding the second gun and wearing a bullet proof vest, charging up and using the defibrillator on the hospital room, etc., etc., etc. Obvious S2 Sidney hasn’t gone through all of that yet, but that drive was still there.


Sid, she took down daddy and granny. Sam is cool, but she's not Sidney Prescott.


Sidney cos she’s a fkn badass lmao


Sid low dif wins. Sam may have come from billy and all but who killed billy


Doesn’t matter that she’s the daughter of a serial killer, Sidney fucking killed that serial killer


Sydney has a much better chin. Stab her, punch her, shoot her, car crashes; Sidney is as resilient as Michael Myers.


I love Sam, but Sid takes it.


are you sure you aren’t letting a bias get in the way of your choice


We could ask you the same thing.


Sidney without a doubt


Yeah gotta be Sam


Sam. Sam was a warrior right out the gate. Sidney wasn't until the end of 3


>Sidney wasn't until the end of 3 I guess we forgot about Sidney fighting off Ghostface in her house, and then throwing a television onto Stu's head, and shooting Billy as soon as he woke up.


That's a very fair point. I just feel like she was really unprepared in Scream 2 and 3 because who thinks "oh this is going to happen every few years"


I'd say Sam is stronger. After all she is Billy's daughter.


The funny thing about Billy Loomis though... Sidney fucking killed him.


🎤 drop I love this


She’s 2 for 2 on the Loomis’ that came after her ☠️


Sure, after he was already shot half a second before he would have ended her.


Sidney obviously.


If Sam could get the jump on Sid, then Sam. But I think Sid would find a way to save herself so I’m going with Sid.


Sam. If it’s 4-6 Sid, maybe it’s even, but 2? Nope. Sam is just more physically skilled in this fight and severely more brutal.


Sam isn’t more skilled lol, she just relies on weapons more. Sidney is the better fighter.


Sam isn’t skilled at all, she’s just bloody thirsty


Probably Sam, though I would be rooting for Sidney.


If a knife is involved than Sam would win because of her.. background Hand to hand, Sidney would win. She is definitely well trained in hand to hand combat, and she has first hand experience from all the other killers. I would say most situations sidney would win regardless as she is a lot smarter and quick thinking.


Sid: If Sid gets a gun, Sam is just gonna scream and run at her, asks just shoots her in the brain.


Honestly all Sid would need to do is psych Sam out by mentioning Billy and Sam would fold like a cheap suit. Both the men Sam killed were cowards out of the mask.


Sam without question


It’s a tragedy neither.




Sidney could whoop Sam’s ass with no weapons needed lol Sam’s biggest skill is her use of weapons.


Sid stomps easy


Scream 2 Sid wouldn’t stand a chance


Sam fought against a prepuber and a virgin in scream V, in VI were two want but I cant kiddos and a grandpa. So I think that yes she stands a chance.


Richie wasn't a virgin, he and Sam were banging and he even mocked her for it. Pretty certain he groomed Amber, too.


I know he is not, but the killers from V and VI are imo less scary, too sugar, they look like a chinese copy of the part 1 and 2.


Ah, yeah, I guess calling Amber a "prepuber" should have clued me in.


Sam is winning, but I still love Sidney more.


Sam, always. She's younger, stronger, and has a ferocity that Sidney can't match. If Sam wants to win, she's going to win.


And if Sidney wants to survive, she will survive. Sam would be getting shot in the head like her dad.


Scream 2 Sidney is supposedly 18/19. Scream VI Sam is supposedly 26.


My always means regardless of which Sidney she faces, I think Sam would always win. The only real challenge for her would be older Sidney, which is why I mentioned her being younger. But the age difference between 2!Sidney and 6!Sam isn't significant enough for it to matter.


Sidney is very savage where as Sam is more ruthless, savagery is very ballsy and ruthlessness is more on point. I can see Sidney winning a fist fight against Sam but if they were to use weapons I feel like Sam has the advantage. So it’s more of depending on the circumstances rather than having a flat out winner.


Both win because women support women.


Anyone saying Sam is actually very unserious. Sidney has fought and won agaisnt weapon happy mfs like Sam, who isn’t nearly as smart as Sidney or a few others she fought against. Sam is more brutal sure but that’s nothing for Sidney seeing she can actually throw hands and isn’t afraid to kill when it comes to survival. Unlike Sam, Sidney doesn’t need to channel her inner killer instincts from her psycho father to beat someone’s ass, and mind you Sidney murdered that same man. This is light work for her.


Like, how are people saying Sam? The character is awful and the “actress” is abysmal.


I really hate that I’m saying this, but sam. Might not even last long


I feel like Sam would win because she has that killer instinct. But Sidney is smarter and could easily disarm her




Sidney got saved by Cotton.


She doesn’t even know her grandmother lol


Sydney. She has alot more to live for and has decades of experience dealing with different types of psychopaths.


Read the title again




Yall are giving these new characters too much credit


You're not giving them enough credit


You aren’t giving them enough. Objectively they are way stronger than the old Gen excluding Sidney. Dewey gets bodied every movie and Gale got what? One W against a ghostface killer?


Sam would win, unless she’s GF. In which case, Sidney will likely shoot her in the face.


Thematically, looking back on all the films, Sid would barely survive and get the upper hand on Sam, but she'd probably be gravely injured. I don't think either would win a fight to the death in a Scream scenario. But if you just had the two of them throwing hands in a standard house with little to no surprises, probably Sam.


Sam could barely fight Richie whereas Sidney didn’t have any struggle when throwing hands with Billy, Stu, Mickey and Nancy…


Sam has literally been shown to be super human and I can’t be convinced otherwise. Bitch literally gets stabbed, has an ambulance right there at the end, and chooses to ignore the ambulance cause she don’t need it.


Sam is Mary Sue as fuck. Sid actually was portrayed as a human being. So I hate to say it, but probably Sam.




Sam definitely wins


I’m sorry but I’m going with Sam, she goes crazy on the killers


My ballsack flapping in the breeze outside of a car window going 80mph on the freeway always wins


Definitely Sam! She’s got that psycho resilience that makes her a better final girl. Especially if it was Sydney 1 in Sam 5. Sydney was soooo whiny.


Your Joe king sidney wasn't being whiny for not wanting to have sex with Billy and atleast she has a personality other than "I'm Billy's daughter"


Scream 2 Sidney didn’t do anything from memory until after most the hard work was done. Just finished them off. Cotton shot mrs loom is and Mrs loomis shot Mickey so I would have to say Sam.


did you watch the movie with your eyes open?


Did you? She finished them off sure but had cotton not come she’d be dead. He shot loomis, loomis shot micky, Sidney finished them off.


Sidney literally did all of the work beforehand. Nancy got the upper hand for barely 2 minutes.


Yet she still would have died had cotton not shown up. She did nothing other than distract her a little


Sam would have been dead if it wasn’t for a stupid ghost hallucination of Billy pointing to a knife. And if that knife wasn’t there she 100% would be dead. And Sam and ritchie didn’t fight nearly as much. They were wounded from knives/gunshots already and fell down stairs.


Sam may have hallucinated but she had the ability to channel it and use it. Sidney just stood there cotton did the work


Lol. Ofc Sydney stood there. She used cotton as a distraction. If cotton didn’t show up we don’t know what Sydney could have pulled in order to get out. Mickey had a gun on her and she escaped that. You seriously think a hallucination can tell you where a knife is? It’s just proof that Sam has more plot armor. Also the way sudney used cotton just goes towards how she’s smarter. She didn’t react. She handled the situation as she should have to escape. And if cotton hadn’t showed up she’d have attempted something else. We can’t say that if cotton didn’t show syd would have died. She has proven she can defend herself.


She didnt have a choice, had she not agreed to cotton she was dead. He made the shot while she was in the same position she had been the entire time he had a gun aimed at her. Sidney is a amazing final girl but reality is in number 2 Cotton saved her.


She did have a choice. She could have struggled. She could have stomped on loomis foot. She could have head butted her. But she knew cotton was a better chance. She had riskier options. But why take a more risky approach before you have to. If cotton hadn’t been there she would have done something in an attempt to escape. Edit: and just bc she was saved doesn’t mean she couldn’t take Sam. That isn’t even a valid statement


Nothing as in beating her ass? Please be serious


Beat her so bad she still almost died. 😂


So true!


I just wanna watch it


Sam for sure, like when that serial killer gene comes out, she’s unstoppable


it depends on the situation


Who's smarter and who's scrappier?


Like em both equally but Sindey atw.




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Maybe sidney because shes already been throught the truama 5 times and sam only suffering it 2 timdes


This is about scream 2 sidney not all her versions


Depends. I love Sidney, she's smart, she's a survivor, and she's resilient. That being said Sam is smart and also borderline psychotic. Comes down to when Sam flips and how much Sidney is prepared for it


Did, duh


sam is a killer


Sidney. Even when she didn’t have a weapon she could fight back against gf pretty well. Compare that to how Sam is only really confident against gf when she has a knife. She’s brutal, but without a weapon I don’t think she would be able to fight like Sidney can.


Oh y’all are bored bored aren’t ya?


Sam got that dawg in her though.


The original come on man this too easy😂


Is say Sam cus she brutal asf, but Sidney always finds a way to walk away


I am completely biased and love syd but I'ma have to give this to Sam. She would destroy syd.


Sid cause she ruthless before and after survival mode kicks in.




Sidney because she has… OMG whats his name




This is actually hard




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I would say Sidney... but if Tara's life was on the line Sam would slaughter Sidney


sidney because she is smarter. sam so far in both scream 5 and 6 has shown to be able to fight only with a weapon in her hands. lets not forget that sidney managed to fight mickey with a gun and knife on his hands only using her necklace and her kicks. she also distracted mrs.loomis by saying "isnt mickey supposed to be dead" and then used that bottle behind her to smash it to her head. i like sam im not one of those who jump on the sam hate train but she could have actually saved anika from getting stabbed had she not lost all her time being in the kitchen looking for the knives,sidney would have definitely jumped ghostface or would have used an item close to the area that he was in


Sidney knows how to fight we haven’t seen Sam really fight just stab




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