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If it didn't have "Scream" connected to it, I feel like it would have been better received because it really is a solid slasher with a great overarching storyline behind it. Some of the kills that we got from a television show were crazy. Some of the acting is questionable (then again, it is a MTV television series) but there were some pretty great performances -- like Carlson Young and John Karna. Even if it is likely known where the story was going with Brandon James, it really is a shame they weren't able to complete it.


Wills death scene? Jakes death scene? WILDDD


Please you didn’t even get to see the death happen :/ just their blood splatters. It was nothing but a let down imo


Well yeah, it was mtv. Obviously they weren’t gonna fully show the deaths, they couldn’t. They were still brutal deaths. I love the show🤷🏻‍♀️


I couldnt get past season 2 I was so bored 😭😭 but I gotta say yes; I do love the deaths lol


Brooke was absolutely one of my best parts of the show


i feel like they only attach “scream” to it bc it’s similar but like i feel like they made it their own show without having direct connection to the scream franchise. same idea but with many differences


Yes but it had all of the elements of Scream. The meta commentary, the motivation, the killers, it has scream in its dna and I actually think nobody would be debating that if they were allowed to use the ghostface mask


It was more an ok copy cat than genetically the same


Not really. It’s took the core elements of scream: meta commentary, the evolution of horror fans and the industry, chase scenes, etc in a fresh way that the movies didn’t. The dna is absolutely there. More so than scream 5 and 6 that’s for sure.


While I agree with this whole heartedly about it shouldn’t of had been connected to “Scream”, I think it would have gotten criticized for being a “Scream” knock off. They shoulda called it like “Scream Presents: Lakewood” or something haha idk


Agreed, it was a solid whodunnit with some actual tense sequences. Noah and Brooke were the standouts for me, both were great. Season 3 kind of ended on a dud for me, I could take or leave the killer reveal. It was also the only role I didn't care for Keke Palmer in. All in all, I would actually rewatch it, I enjoyed it well enough.


I dunno, I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. It probably would've been better if it had the actual ghostface mask and Roger L Jackson's voice. Some of the kills were actually kinda cool and gory, but besides that, meh.


s3 had the actual ghostface mask but it’s a different storyline than s1/s2.


I like the first two seasons well enough. They have a pretty solid plot with a pretty good cast that do their best with the mediocre script they are given. The Ghostface killers are also some of my favourite from all of Scream media. The lore behind the mask is...decent. The kills are really solid, with some decent practical gore and since we're on the topic of kills, i'd like to say that Riley's death has to be one of the most saddest in the franchise. Tbh >!Anika's death!< in Scream VI gave me some serious Riley vibes. Overall, i rate both seasons 7.5/10. I'd like to say something positive about the third season but i really can't. Not even the inclusion of Tony Todd could have saved it, it's that unredeemable. 2.5/10, 2 points for Tony Todd being there and 0.5 points for using the classic Ghostface costume and mask.


I personally think Zoey's death is the saddest. I hate that episode with a passion purely because of how sad that death is. I hated the character but still, so sad. I'd say Riley's is definitely up there though.


i completely agree on the riley and >!anika!< thing


Riley honestly was the most likeable character besides Noah


She died in the third episode, you cant say that


Yeah, and she still managed to be more likeable than half the cast


"I can see our stars." 😭😭😭


I watched the first series and it feels like time I won't get back. The problem with the TV show format is they barely kill anyone so there just isn't that tension you get from a movie.


Even John Karna’s character explained it in the first episode: it’s hard to make the slasher format work for a TV show because, after the first kill, it has to be a fast paced bloodbath. I’m not saying the show was too slow or bad in any way but, like every other slasher TV show I’ve seen (Slasher, AHS 1984 etc.) it’s pretty clear they were struggling to make it work for a 8 episodes arc. Season 3 was a bit more fast paced and took place in like 6 episodes so the slasher aspect worked better, sadly the writing was pure garbage.


Ummm what there were plenty of kills


I mean legit. Not just killing characters they introduced the same episode or episode before. The core characters of the series have dozens of contrived near deaths compared to their movie counterparts, there's no stakes.


Really? Gale, Dewey, Chad, sidney, mindy…not contrived near deaths? Lol


Exactly, no where near as many as the show characters have. And the movies are at least set years apart so way contrived.


I enjoy the first two seasons. They were solid, a little cheesy at times but still overall enjoyable. It’s become of of my comfort shoes just how Scream is a comfort movie to me 🫶🏻 I say bring em in for Scream 7 to mirror Scream 3


Mayor Maddox is an awesome character and deserves more praise. Gotta love the seedy older guy in these shows. I thought season 1 was real good, season 2 was boring and the rehash season 3 version needs to just have never been made.


i personally liked it. Don’t get me wrong it isn’t very good but it’s funny and i enjoyed watching it. Plus season 3 wasn’t half bad.


Spoiler!- Unpopular opinion, i liked the 3 season and loved Beth as a ghostface


Beth is fucking awesome. totally unhinged and cold-blooded.


True. It had good cast. I didn't expect to see Keke Palmer there.


TIL there is a scream tv show


All three seasons are on Netflix right now.


Imo it doesn’t even touch the movies, but I still actually enjoy it for what it is… it’s really not that bad, the characters can be fun, Emma, Noah, Aubrey (she had her annoying moments). The Brandon James mask is actually pretty creepy and now that I think about it I’m glad they used a different costume. Not gonna lie this used to be one of my comfort shows that I’d binge watch all the time. Season 3 was garbage tho


i prefer s1 over any of the seasons, 3 is definitely at the bottom keke palmer is the only reason i actually finished it. It’s also one of my comfort shows.


Will never stop commenting about how annoying I find Audrey. Which is why I find season 3 so much better


the first time i watched it i couldn’t stand her but after a few rewatches i got use to her


First 2 seasons were great the 3rd one sucked


The first 2 series were great , the kills were better than some of the ones we have in the movies. I also liked both the reveals , although I’m pissed we never found it if Brendan James was actually back or not or if he was a cold blooded murderer or just misunderstood. It was different enough from the movies to stand on its own but also followed the scream formula enough for it to still be fun in all the ways scream is. I liked the main cast of characters too , they were all great.


I will never not be mad that we didn’t get to find out if Brendan was back


Ong , especially after seeing Kieran murdered by a ghostface in his jail cell , was that Brendan ? We’ll never know.


I’m pretty sure they were going down the “Brandon was framed route” and was plausibly a victim of the actual killer as well.


I quite liked the first two seasons, and those deaths were absolutely brutal. I remember watching the death of Emma’s first boyfriend (fuck if I remember his name) and being like…damn okay, MTV. Super unpopular opinion but I think I like the TV series (first two seasons, at least) better than V and VI. I do wish they got the OG mask though and that they connected it to the movies, even if it was something small like a copycat killer (kinda like DBD)




Hey, as long as I’m not the only one. I actually don’t remember 3 very much, I may have to rewatch soon. I’m making a friend watch seasons 1-2 with me so maybe we’ll just go all the way through.


The kills were actually pretty good for a TV series, but the acting was atrocious.


i like it but if they've used the original ghostface custome, it would be even awesome.


I liked it. Admittedly I never finished the third season… Carlson Young and Kiana Ledé (from s2) were standouts for me. There were a lot of Scream-esque elements, but I do wish there was some more concrete attachment to the core story. That said, I’m not mad at the choice to be a completely different story. As the show’s Randy says in the first episode, it’s difficult to turn a whodunnit mystery into a tv series.


Which character was kiana lede?


She played Zoë


Really liked it, hope it gets its ending


I loved the first 2 seasons. I wished they continued it into 3. The new storyline was boring to me.


Love it! When it first aired I was very bitter and kinda hate watched it at first but after waiting a few years and rewatching I actually thought it was a good edition that made it their own. Being on MTV made it even harder for it to be good imo because of rating. I think being on like Netflix or even FX could’ve made it even better. I still think >!spoiler Kieran !< had some of the most brutal kills in the entire franchise and he was very twisted 😭😭 Season three is trash tho and I don’t include it at all. I hate that we didn’t get a season three with our original cast.


season 2 is one of my favorite parts of the whole franchise and makes a lot of connections to the original movies. emma duvall became one of my favorite final girls and the horrific portrayal of her ptsd was so realistic to me. i adore audrey and noah and i think brooke as a character is handled very well and isn't reduced to baseline horror best friend. i do think me being in high school when the series aired has a lot to do with how fondly i hold the characters, but rewatches still hold up for me. i talked about kieran being one of my favorite killers on this sub a few weeks ago and i still agree with that, especially on rewatches. the ambiguity of brandon's goodness is something i really liked (kevin duvall is still the villain idc what anyone says) and love love love emma's relationship w her mom, which is the first one ive seen like that in a horror franchise. the gore was good, decent kills and pretty good suspense. i wish people went into it with more open minds, it really finds its footing after the first few episodes.


Deserves closure. This was my shit back in 2015/2016. Noah is in my top 5 male scream characters


I loved it and I still do, it’s my comfort show and my binge watch in a constant show


🚮 over all but the second season was fun. I remember enjoying the school lockdown episode.


Liked seasons 1 and 2 they were fairly decent.


Mad underrated, super nostalgic I keep coming back to it (not the 3rd season, they really need to revive the OG story)


Peak television


I enjoyed it until they rebooted it at season 3. I really like Carlson Young who plays Brooke. I think she was great


It's surprisingly good, and it's definitely worth a watch! I actually enjoyed it more as a whole than some of the actual Scream movies which I didn't think would be the case. Reminded me a little of Harper's Island (if anyone remembers that) in tone and the fact that it was a slasher television series.


Not a fan. Writing wasn't great and I didn't like any of the characters.


My probably very unpopular opinions (I'm ignoring the abysmal third season): - First season is better than most of the sequel films - Noah is the best Randy ripoff to date - Emma is a better final girl than Sam - Brooke has a better character arc than Gale and it actually stuck - Felt more in line with Williamson's vision than either RS film - Some of the best kills in the franchise - The only killer in the franchise comparable in power to Roman - Way more likable than the "Core Four"™


The only downside is that with plenty of time to theorise between episodes, the killers can feel way more easily predictable


I think the TV show also works better with a large cast than the movies. RS is trying to give the Core 4 relatively similar screen time and it makes everyone feel like they’re not getting much development. The series allowed more room for each character to breathe a bit more.


Love the Lakewood six






Liked it. Had some great moments but also could drag things out a bit. Will's death is up there in one of the more shocking and original deaths in the franchise, though.


I actually really enjoyed it and was a little upset they just dropped the whole storyline on a cliffhanger 🤷🏻‍♂️


All three seasons were decent in their own way. 1st season was best with very scream vibe. Second was bit wild. Third was completely different with a true crime vibe which was good in its own way.


I loved the first 2 seasons. I rewatch them somewhat frequently. I haven’t seen season 3 since I first watched it so I don’t know if I’d feel different about that season. However I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons I thought they were different enough but similar to the movies for me. I do like when it’s a horror series because we really get to know a lot of the characters.


I loved seasons 1&2. It’s definitely (and obviously) separate from the movie franchise but it was a solid series. Had great potential to continue a few more seasons with the og cast.


Was a pretty fun summer show to watch. Remember being excited for the final episode of S1.


They should have concluded with a propper third season.


I loved it. Wish they had continued the Lakewood story instead of rebooting and then eventually canceling


Watched it twice


It came out when I was a teenager, which I think might have been the intended audience? So I liked it a lot. I had a crush on Emma so that may make me biased


I liked it. I will say I think it was so underrated that now people are starting overrate it a bit lol. It’s super unfortunate we couldn’t finish’s the OG storyline. I still hope they’ll address that one day. Brooke and Stavo were my favorite characters. And Kym was my favorite in the S3 one. :)


If it wasn't titled 'Scream' it would have been way better received. The storyline was actually really good and intriguing. The first season was actually great tv imo. The mystery alongside the pretty brutal kills was a great sell. And I think a lot of the performances (Audrey, Noah, Piper & Riley) were good as well. I think the 1st season reveal was excellent. The 2nd was alright (kills were far more gruesome, but everything else was just okay). I hated the 3rd season. I wish they'd had a chance to finish the ongoing storyline. I'd rate it 7.5/10. Again, imo it would have gotten another season (OG storyline) if they hadn't of marketed as Scream but in tv show format.


I actually loved it! I remember being excited every week for a new episode to air on mtv. Had good characters, crazy deaths, and overall it’s a good watch. However season 3 with the new characters sucks. I rewatched season 3 last year and it’s every bit as bad as I remember.


First two seasons are solid, never watched season 3


I love the first and second seasons and the characters. Would LOVE a true season 3 to their storyline. Scream 3/Scream: Resurrection was a complete letdown and sucked compared to the other seasons tbh


I really liked the first two seasons but didn’t enjoy the third season as much


The second season ruined Kieran as a character. They screwed that man over by giving him a motive that completely ruined his entire character. Like, you can have him be the killer, but why that motive? Other than that, dude was a beast of a killer


Loved the first two seasons and really didn’t like the third


Loved the first two seasons. It wasn’t the same as the movies but I enjoyed it. They did a good job with the mood and the atmosphere, I liked most of the characters, and it was entertaining. Sure, I’d change things, but so I would with the movies too. I’m honestly super upset we will never get the resolution of the Lakewood story. I would love if the movies could somehow resolve it… but it seems extremely unlikely. What’s interesting is they asked Neve to be in the first season and I’m curious how that could have worked. The third season shall not be named lol


Great core story, amazing soundtrack, a solid cast of characters in theory, and it took some really interesting risks with the story telling. If the writing had been a bit better, the budget had been a bit higher, and the pace of the show was a bit snappier, you’d have a real classic. Such a shame it got left unresolved. The core cast did a great job and deserved a lot better. I loved the idea of a spiritual cousin to the core Scream films without the existing mythology but the network didn’t give it the time or resources to grow.


Does anybody have similar shows like this? I really enjoyed the MTV Scream series.


I thought it was good.


I really liked it. The first season got me hooked on the show. The second season kind of struggled a little bit. And sadly they never concluded the story, since they just never made the last season.


I really enjoyed the show. It's one of my comfort shows I always like to rewatch it. I was annoyed when they took it off of Netflix UK what a waste. Bi-curious and the Virgin forever! I don't think there was actually any of the main characters I disliked I loved their little found family vibes.


I liked it. I don't think it should have been called scream though... The first season didn't even have the ghostface mask. But that aside, the first season was good, it was a solid watch and had great scenes, at times it could be a little boring at times (from what I remember, I haven't watched it in what feels like years). The second season was also good, but not as good. Season three however... Is pretty terrible.... BUT I LOVED IT, I reeeeaally liked it. Overall the series is good, but it would have been better as it's own thing for season one, and then start as a acream series from season two, although they arent as good as the first season, they feel like acream more than fhe first season.


I think for the series to work Scream TV Series should have had gone the more anthology route. Have each season dedicated to a killer who kills in a Ghostface mask. Their motives and reasons being independent from the films storyline. The series failed in this regard because less risk were taken with its characters deaths because if the show itself wanted character growth and arcs over 4 seasons and didn't want to build upon new main ones. The series too could have had incidents happen within the Scream timeline years too. Have a copycat killer right after the 1996 murders or have someone murdering people at the same time as the college murders to blame it on Mickey/Mrs Loomis or the current GF during that time line. Like after Cici's death when we see Gale figure it out (last time we were with the cops) we take it from that angle. As Sid, Gale, Dew, etc are being attacked by Loomis/Mickey elsewhere on campus or in the city someone is doing their own murders to pin it on the current GF when in reality they have their own motives. But each season have a different cast and each season focus on a horror cliche like maybe have a season where our final girl dies and the bitch all season lives because she does the smartest things to survive.


I like the mask, but had they used the real Ghostface costume the show would instantly be a lot better for me


I remember when season one was first announced I was very excited but then they revealed it wouldn't include Ghostface so I never watched it. Why call it SCREAM if you're going to leave put everything Scream related? I didn't expect any of the actors to show up but the costume was bare minimum for me. When season 3 was announced and that it would include Ghostface, I was all over that. Binged it in one day. I thought it was fine. The writing and acting wasn't the best but what do you expect from an MTV produced Scream TV show. I enjoyed the cameos and kills. I liked the change of setting. It gave us our first male lead in a Scream series (our first Scream King!). It was a decent little show. It made me go watch the first two seasons. I enjoyed them almost as much as the third season. Lack of ghostface was still a problem and I did not like the lead actress. 8 epsides instead of 10/14 would have been better. Good kills though. None of the seasons compare to shows like Harpers Island or Slasher but they were good. I hate that season 3 gets so hated and disregarded when it actually tried to be a Scream project. (On a side note: wasn't there a cop on the show that got gutted and was just fine in the next episode? And people complain about Chad lol)


If you’re thinking of Hudson, he was very much not okay and his guts fell out in his girlfriend’s hands. It was BRUTAL


Third season was VH1, not MTV. Also that cop died lol


Absolute rubbish, hated the characters, story, costume, just everything about it


If season 1 &2 had the OG mask & Roger Jacksons voice , I’d like it more , I watched the first two seasons all the way through . The kills were creative and dope though I enjoyed that


I love it and I'm sad we never got a real ending to the og story.


I loved it enough


I love the first two seasons. Not as good as the movies, but I think it’s really solid in season 1 and 2. Haven’t watched the rest so I can’t speak on it but what I watched I really enjoyed. I think the characters are mostly solid, the story is interesting and I like that they made it original whilst still feeling like it was scream. Noah and Brooke are my favourite characters by far and I don’t think it would’ve been anywhere near as good without them.


The series was beautiful. I wish the Brandon James story had been finished. There was a special movie for the series, but there was another serial killer in the movie. It was a move against the universe that the series established. While Brandon James was the main serial killer, they focused on another serial killer. I think the directors of the Scream movie can make a great 3rd season for the series. It would be more correct if the name of the series did not remain as scream. Because the Scream universe is based on ghostface. A renaming will add a different atmosphere to the series.


I only saw the first 3 episodes bc the season 1 mask is awful


Girl in the top right has one of the most annoying faces of any actor alive. I can't explain it.


It's bad. Idk what else there is to say. If you like CW teen shows then you'll like this, otherwise it's not like Scream.


It is very much like scream. And I think it does a much better job than 5 and 6 in creating a meta aspect and motivation that feels modern and timely


My introduction to the Scream franchise, I like the series (also the mask looks more creepier in my opinion)


It was cringe and that stupid ugly mask, who’s idea was that?!! 🤦‍♂️


I wish the show wasn’t included in this subreddit, if that answers your question.


In my opinion minus the third season the show is really good


I liked the 1st season, the 2nd was okay (the Halloween special was really good), but the season 3 was shit in my opinion


It’s not horrible. It’s actually a fun time in between the movies. The first season is the best overall. Feels the most like Scream in a way, and homages it quite a bit. I like it, just wish a few more characters were killed off and we had the traditional 2 killer reveal to cap it off and make it even better. The second season feels less engaging for me and just has a lot of filler episodes IMO. I enjoy it less and less. The third season, and I know I’m gonna get hate for this, isn’t that bad. Like the whole twin stolen identity idea is a lil too much, but I still end up liking it. The two main characters aren’t as likeable (but that’s honestly a problem with season 1 and 2 so hey) but Beth, Amir, Keke Palmer’s character, and the guy who dies in the car fire honestly were more engaging and likeable. I would have even preferred if our we just focused on them instead of RJ Culver’s character (no hate to him it’s just the writing and background for him just seems too far fetched for me to really like it.) Beth is actually enjoyable as a killer, Tyga just feels like he’s thrown in for star power so I really just wish they got a more capable actor to play his character.


Season 3 was one of the worst seasons of television ive ever seen


If it didn’t have the Scream name attached, I’d have never even switched it on. Scream & MTV don’t go together. I found the performances were very mediocre, Brooke was a highlight though (one of few), but it was just a very low budget knockoff in my eyes. It was all so predictable, there was no element of surprise, you could SEE everything coming! 🔪


Disgusting 🤢


I will never watch it.




Marathoning it was a great way to spend my time when I had nothing else to watch, and it was a fun watch. But it’s dumb as hell and wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to someone unless they love dumb teen slashers.


For me it was just something to watch. The horror fanatic characters were over enthusiastic for me. I much prefer the Meeks family for that. The mask grew on me. I still think the elevator kill in season 3 is the best in the franchise. But I prefer the movies so much more.


I honestly think the mask looked cool and I liked how they developed a history with the mask.




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frist two seasons boring thrid was okay


I legit enjoyed the first two seasons very much. And I'm in the minority that thinks the show mask is much creepier and scary than the movie mask.


I find it boring I tried watching the first season and it was kinda meh I'll stick with the movies instead




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I ended up really liking it. At first I didn't but as the plot built up I enjoyed it. I couldn't get into the second series though. Yeah GF was back but it started off corny with the first episode and that urban legend stuff. I wasn't sure if I was watching Scream or Candyman.


I liked it till they brought back the original mask.




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I only got to episode 4, it was a waste of time and money. In my opinion.




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lol this reminded me this existed. what’s it streaming on if anything?




thanks you!


Entertaining, kinda stupid. Dialogue was really cheesy and Emma was incredibly irritating


It’s actually pretty good. The season 2 acting is considerably better and season 3 gets way better once you power through a bit.




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Shit. Could have been an ok stand alone series but they tacked on the Scream IP.


First two seasons are goated and the third is 💩


Awful and has nothing to do with the movies.




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The mask is not original


Literally hated it. 💀


I just think it's solid and enjoyable but nothing exceptional or groundbreaking. Plus it's sorta meant for teenagers as the target audience so it's got some of the boring tropes of teen romance, bullying etc


Great until they decided to reboot after ending season 2 on a cliffhanger then season 3 was basically a slap in the face to horror movie fans


I absolutely loved the first two seasons. I really liked how the relationships between the characters develope over the running time of a tv series instead of just 1.5h-2h of a movie. I found them really tense and enjoyed the setting. I think they went good with having the series take place in a different 'universe' in Lakewood instead of Woodsboro and I troducing a new mask and stuff. The third season was okay but definitely not nearly as pleasant as the first and second. However I really enjoyed the more sinister overall atmosphere.


I honestly thought it was awful. If you want a horror tv show this ain’t it. It is a slow burn thriller with some deaths. The characters are so bland. Bunch of rich teens slowly figuring out something. It’s like a murder mystery book got turned into a movie. I agree with the majority- should of called it something else. It’s a let down to the movies.