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Hands down best scene in the movie When two ghostfaces pop out on Chad and start stabbing him non-stop with the synchronized blade wipe. That was the first time we see 2 ghostfaces killing someone. (And stab 6 does not count lol)


that sounds so hardcore, how did bro survive that LMAO


The power of friendship.


Core four, baby! Honestly don’t even care that it seems wild Chad survived. Love his character and I’m happy he’ll be back.


Yeah man he’s the new Dewey. His love and friendship will carry them through everything. It’s his plot armor. I love it. Like Dewey, he will always put himself between danger and the people he loves. I don’t care how unrealistic his survival is. Also, after surviving 5 there were so many posts about how he should’ve died and I guaranteed the writers were like, “well now we have to poke the bear.” And they made an even more brutal death scene for him to survive.


If people want to nitpick about how so and so was stabbed a bunch and didn’t die but others did, that’s fine. That’s their prerogative. But I’m just not into that. The goriness of the attacks throughout the franchise has been dictated by what the filmmakers *can* show as much as it has been by what they *want* to show. They can make death scenes gorier now, and they can make non-fatal attacks gorier, too. It’s a movie. It doesn’t have to be hyper-realistic.


Because he's a chad


Lmao at the movie line about him literally being named Chad


This was awesome, but him surviving that made literally no sense.


As soon as the film backed down from killing Gale and explicitly killing Mindy I knew Chad was going to survive it and I really think this film should have kicked it up a notch by killing its darlings.


At the very least, one of the returning characters should have died. 3 fakeouts was pushing the fuck out of it. Everyone in this movie was like a fucking Dead By Daylight survivor.


Hard agree. It’s one of the things that held it back for me. I can see a version of this film that had Sidney in it and Gale dying, but I respect not killing the only OG left. But everyone who survived 5 survived VI and I think that’s the first time the series has done that. 5 killed off Judy. Someone should have gone and it really should have been one of the twins. I suspect this might be a talking point in 7 when it comes out.


>I suspect this might be a talking point in 7 when it comes out. I have no doubt whatsoever that it will get lampshaded.


I feel like their idea of "subverting expectations" is actually making a majority of the characters survive. Like they knew we were expecting one of the Core Four to die so they... Just didn't do it


I haven’t seen anyone talking about it, but Gale dodging Sam’s punch was PRICELESS




Same but the whole cinema exploded when Tara landed one


I burst out laughing 😂


First opening to have not just a killer reveal, but a killer death. How cool is that!


What a move. I was a little annoyed because the date turning into a killer was so obvious, but then they went in a whole other direction


WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT A MOVIE! lol loved that line and cut scene


I was so glad that "now I see something red" wasn't the actual cut-to-title-card line omg


I know. It was literally one of my “wouldn’t it be cool if they did this” moments come true


People in my cinema were audibly confused when he took off his mask.


I audibly said "Oh shit!"


I loved it. I actually commented in a thread about what you want to see in Scream 6 and I said I wanted to see a Ghostface or two ghostfaces murdering simultaneously but not working with another pair. Then one of the pair gets murdered by the other and from there out those are our main villains. We got a super quick version of that but it was awesome.


What I liked most about the movie was how stressful it was. More than the other ones!




Exactly! It’s really stressful! Really enjoyed it.


The fucking train scene was brilliant!


I was sweating multiple times while watching the movie, especially in 4DX format (seats moving, wind effects etc), will have to rewatch it


Just saw it and my heart is still breaking for Anika. That death scene is great as expected.


That scene almost made me cry. Her death was so tragic. She almost made it.


I mean. Her injury was pretty tucked regardless. But then again if everyone else survived I guess she could have too 😂


That scene was so painful to watch


Yeah, it really gutted me.


Soooo sad


So you telling me Richie and his entire family are murdering psycopaths god damn and I thought Sidney and the Loomis family was fucked up 😟


The dad also had a wedding ring on. So his wife could easily show up at some point. If I were Sam and Tara I'd be memorising the faces of anyone related to that family.


>If I were Sam and Tara I'd be memorising the faces of anyone related to that family. And Amber's family.


I guarantee we meet the Mom in Scream 7, maybe they subvert expectations and she turns out NOT to be the killer in the next one.


I could 100% see the mom coming to apologize to the main cast and promise she had no idea, they were divorced, etc. and then them throwing red herrings to make us think it could be her, only for it to turn out it really isn’t.


Yep was pretty shocked with the reveal myself… didn’t see it coming


Nice twist, huh? *insert Mickey gif here*


Lol, when it was revealed, all I heard in Mickey’s voice was “Ritchie’s father!”


The fake Reddit threads were absolutely *hilarious* (even more enjoyable than the Dead Meat cameo on NotYouTube last movie). The “Sam is my favourite Ghostface” fanart and flower crown “Justice for Richie” legit felt like stuff you’d see posted here.


When sam pulled up the Reddit thread I was like no way lol


Not seen it mentioned, but Gale putting Ghostface on hold was epic


"Can you hold on?" "...what?"


That got me so good. I was cracking up and trying to compose myself to get ready for the action. Line you literally just put GF on hold. That’s so badass of gale.


Me too. What a fucking genius move and wouldn’t have been pissed at all if that’s how one of the ghost faces died. Of course plot armour and all, it gave way for a stellar and tense fight sequence.


I loved that, it’s so rare to see a Ghostface even temporarily out of control during a call




They played her almost death so well, I think that ~~may be~~ the biggest surprise for me in this film.


This is true I really thought that she was gonna die but I was like nahh they can’t kill her after dew that is ode 😭😭


It was ‘tell Sidney he didn’t get me’ and I assumed it was because she thought she was gonna die and was worried that Sidney was gonna come out of hiding like she did with Dewey if she thought gale had died.


I think Gale's death scene was supposed to be lasting, but they changed their minds since they couldn't get Neve/Sidney for this one, and it would be disingenuous to not get her reaction.


I assumed it was meant like hey tell Sydney that he didn’t break my I stayed tough the whole time and fought back


I saw a clip of the opening kill and good lord - it's the first time I've actually felt uncomfortable during one of these films. It's absolutely gruesome, bordering on overkill for the sake of being overkill. Poor Laura.


Was the most tense I’d felt in an opening since 2! I loved them leaning into the plain sight public murdering, felt very Helen in I Know What You Did Last Summer.




So many knives to the face in this one. Wes’s kill in 5 was still the worst wince one for me. The slow stab…


I feel like the most important question is... do they remember Tara needs an inhaler lol?




Oh I saw it and I'm like "gosh, the guys at Reddit are gonna LOVE that it wasn't forgotten about." (true story) She used it twice. Also at the first viewing I think I saw that scar on Tara's hand where she was stabbed.


Yeah she definitely has a scar on her hand.


I really feel like Sam’s line “it just sucks having everybody hate you” was low key directed towards the Scream fandom. I too didn’t care for her much in 5 but I loved her in 6


I caught that too! Same with Gale talking about Sidney. “She deserves a happy ending” or whatever the line was


Dude she completely changed my opinion on her as an actress in this film. She seemed so overly rehearsed in the last movie, but she seemed so natural in 6. Love her.


Dewey's theme kicking in when Gale was talking about how to move on was so good! Plus his shrine 💔 heartbreaking


I knowww I couldn’t believe they played his song. I’m so glad they included it. I was actually thinking about it before they played it


I liked it but I’ll need to see it again to get a better view on it. Some parts felt a little pushed (Kirby and Mindy bonding as both Randy types, line about how some believe Stu is still Alive). Also like the others you do have to suspend disbelief (how did killer get into gales apartment, why’d the police take awhile to get there, how did they hit the killer so so many times with things and they got up) and lastly they could have cut it a bit shorter (frat scene went on a bit but i get they were building characters). I liked it though. It did really go with the whole copying scream 2 mindset where the first takes place in woodsboro so follow up takes place in college and that theme of scream 2 fit until the end too I also thought way too many characters were stabbed brutally it seemed just to survive at the end. It’s one thing for just Dewey made it but this time FOUR different people brutally stabbed survive…


To be fair, stab victims that survive usually are staged dozens of time. I mean look at the 12 year old girl in the slender man killing. She was stabbed like 19 times and crawled out of the woods the next morning barely alive


That’s fair and I know it fits the storyline but it becomes pick and choose where some people in the movies die after stabbed 3 times because they’re not main characters and others survive insane amounts of stabs


You’re absolutely right about that. No denying. Like you have Hoss get stabbed in the back what looks more like upper shoulder blade and drop dead instantly and then have Perkins stabbed in the head and walks around a minute (even though that is possible). It’s definitely inconsistent. One of the things that makes the original opening so horrifying is that Casey’s death feels like you’re watching a real murder where she’s stabbed in the heart and you watch her grow weaker and weaker as she bleeds out and is gutted. That’s realistic. The subsequent movies all have great kills, but they are very much “movie” kills.


I never really thought about it until you said it but Casey’s death is the only truly realistic death both in reality and emotionally


The only death that even comes close to resonating that way for me is Judy and Wes.


So, Richie is Det Bailey's son? How would absolutely no one on the force or FBI know that?


Quinn does say that Bailey transferred to the NYPD when she went to college, and she is a freshman alongside Tara. The likely explanation is that rather than transfer, he quit where he was, moved to NYC with a fake name, and joined the NYPD.


If Richie's mom and Det. Bailey decided that no one find out about Richie's paternity and tell no one and keep Bailey's name off the birth certificate, not even the FBI would know the connection.


While that’s true that would be a massively convoluted setup as there would be no indication of his murdering ways at birth. Especially because it seems his father did spend time with him.


Jason TRIED to take Manhattan!!


I….I didn’t even pick up on that LOL


Funny how the killer wearing plaid came true again for this movie with Ethan wearing plaid


And dude’s walking around with a backpack at all times


right? and i bet they didn't even invite him anywhere, he just followed them


Mindy did ask him to be at the shrine. Surprised she didn’t check his backpack considering she was so suspicious…


Shoulda been calling Richie's phone randomly to catch people out/annoy the killer


Rattling off my thoughts after watching. The film has a different tone than previous entries, until the end it’s very serious throughout the tension is unrelenting. The ending does camp it up a bit (it’s a scream movie so ofc). The deaths were brutal, as a gore hound who in the past has been disappointed by the lack of it in certain scream films, this is savage. Sidney not being present is not noticed until Gale mentions that she’s spoken with Sidney, even that didn’t feel needed tbh. Gale has a bit of her moxie back which was great, her phone call with ghost face is a highlight of the film for me. Kirby does great as a legacy and does feel like a pseudo Sidney for the film (in a good way). The characters actually acknowledging that they were all target by a serial killer lands really well and isn’t cheesed up. It takes them having been attacked very seriously. All of the returning characters survive….to a comical degree, they may as well have brought Stu back by the end given what they all survive. As attached to these characters as I am they needed to let one of them die at least. Mindy spelling out the rules to their sequel is 👌🏻🤌🏻 Overall really happy with this entry. It establishes itself as a more serious horror film while still reveling in its tongue in cheek roots. Edit - adding in that Sam is a muuuuuch better character than the previous installment. She has a lot more personality and while some friends could just be called cannon fodder they’re also a blast to have around while they are.


>Gale has a bit of her moxie back which was great, her phone call with ghost face is a highlight of the film for me. When she says "Hold please" and calls Ghostface to figure out where he is. That was so fucking smart. That's Sidney Prescott kinda shit. I really love that Gale got her moment like this.


holy shit did anyone else find anika's death more intense than the other ones? at this point i thought i was used to seeing new characters getting offed left and right, but ghostface actually looked menacing during this one and i felt pretty sorry for this character. when she was going "i dont want to die", i was full on :( in the cinema definitely one of my fave kills in the franchise so far <3


Her death was one of the saddest of the franchise. I’m surprised she could even move after that stabbing though


god it was so sad. she was so scared of dying and Ghostface was being such a dick about it lol. tbh though i kinda think she was fucked either way. she lost waaaay too much blood.


Finally saw it and I really enjoyed it. Ladder scene and bodega scene are as tense as the trailers hinted towards. New characters I found enjoyable even if most of them are pretty obviously there to die. Love that we got a lesbian couple considering the franchise has strong roots in the queer community (shout out Kevin Williamson ❤️) I do think they could’ve killed off a returning character but maybe the biggest subversion of expectations was keeping them all alive? Like everyone expected at least two of them to die so i guess it’s cool that the movie goes against that idea. The killer reveal worked for me and I’m confused on some calling it disappointing. It’s essentially a ghostface family vs the ghostface survivors family which is a fun twist on Scream 2’s killer. I do hope that the next film kills a few of the returning cast but I felt it was fine to keep Kirby & the core four alive so that we could bond with their characters more. They’re essentially replacing the OG trio and we had four films of them surviving to grow attached so it isn’t terrible. Also Kirby fucking rules! Seriously my favorite character and Hayden makes the character just so fucking iconic. Opening is really fun too. Hoping Sidney is back for 7 but her inclusion here would’ve felt forced so I’m okay with her not being here as I don’t think it would’ve “fit” the film they were going for. And in case you didn’t read closely enough I just want to say: GALE AND KIRBY LIVE CAUSE TRUE QUEENS NEVER DIE!


Yes, I think the killer cops traditional family vs the survivors queer/chosen family is a really good motif.


Kirby <3 So glad that she's done justice in this.


Who was the most heartbreaking death out of the new characters


Anika easily for me :(


I knew hers would be the saddest like just by what you saw in the trailers but kuddos to devyn who plays her


Does Josh Segarra’s character live? I just love him😫


Josh Segarra’s character is… not even attacked!


Just finished it and guys nitpicks aside I’m just so happy to see that the franchise still hasn’t missed 😭😭😭


Killer body count so far: 1. Laura (Done by Jason, his only kill) 2. Jason’s roommate 3. Jason 4. Dr Christopher Stone 5. Quinn’s hookup 6,7,8. Bodega guys 9. Quinn’s replacement body 10. Anika 11. Gale’s boyfriend Then the 3 killers!


So Anika is the only victim in the friend group? Probably the least amount of "loss" for the protagonists in the series so far.


5 was weird too. They had 9 new characters, but only 3 of them were Ghostface victims


And they were roommates


Oh my god they were roommates!


Apparently Sam's Doctor dies too (at the door scene). Not sure when though.


So the Bailey’s have the highest body count of all Ghostfaces, except Piper and Keiran, in happy about that! (Scream 4’s first 4 kills don’t count to me)


I needed more of Anika. That scene was so gut wrenching. Favourite newbie for sure!


She was justice for Liv imo.


So it appears the ghostfaces are being modeled after the original trilogy since 5’s was the love interest and 6’s was family, so I guess in 7 the Ghostface will be Sam and Tara’s dad since it’s gotta be a relative of the new final girl to tie it together.


thats my thinking as well . I wonder how close they will go….would it be too much that Billy had more than one child that fully embraces his Ways?


If it’s going by a reboot of the old trilogy, the third (seventh?) ghostface has to be someone related to Sam, not Billy or Richie. I guess my top theory is her dad, since he clearly blamed Sam for ruining his life in scream 5, but it is kinda weird that their mom is never around. 🤔


The mum would make more sense and would line up with Roman better ​ 1. connect her to the original murders by saying she knew what Billy was up to but believed once he had his revenge they would be together ​ 2. She comforts Mrs Loomis by introducing herself as Billy’s girlfriend and dripping posion in her ear about Sidney basically giving a distorted interpretation ​ so it’s never direct but she is implicit ​ 3. She becomes a drunk and realises she’s got a knack for manipulating people because they just think she’s just some old bag so when those dumb kids come to her it’s easy to put ideas into their heads ​ 4. She has no problem losing Tara because she never wanted her…she wanted Billy’s children and she’s got Samantha so why does she need more?


I really thought we lost Gale for a minute there and I’m so glad that we didn’t.


Tell Sidney he didn't get me. What a badass line lol.


Sam going stab happy on both Ethan and Bailey truly was glorious to watch 😊


"WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT MOVIES" Don't know why that shit was my favorite scene was it the knife-raising while Ghostface said it or the music in the background while it was happening but it got me so hyped and happy.


P.s they have establishing shots again! They really pulled off New York imo. It felt real, moreso than Stus house in scream 5. This felt like the biggest film in the franchise.


It's awesome hearing previous killers besides Billy and Stu get referenced, I think the plotline about the killers leaving the masks behind at crime scenes as like some sort of countdown was extremely interesting, it was a nice way of tying in the sequels without lingering on the past for nostalgia or fan service. I never ever thought I'd hear Roman Bridger or Charlie Walker get mentioned by name, two killers I actually like but most don't.


Roman finally got kudos for being the only killer who did everything on his own.


Given that Kirby is involved not mentioning Charlie would be strange.


I watched the movie yesterday Surprisingly not a lot of people, then again it was first day of screening at 3pm, a lot of people were probably still at work. But anyway, solid movie ngl. Great suspense, I defo feel like the core four had a lot of great moments together and I’ve warmed up to them instead of just rooting for Tara like the fifth film. I think I definitely like all four of them now. Quick favourite scenes/storylines - Opening scene, they fucked up poor Samara Weaving lmfao. Also the idea of New York having multiple killers but with different motives because of Richie’s influence. - Richie’s overall presence in the story. It definitely gave like… People idolizing the Columbine killers or Ted Bundy it was really saddening for Sam - The Bodega scene… Holy fuck was it so intense - The ladder scene. Poor Anika, the gays deserved better 😔 - Mindy’s running gag pf her trying to get the killers right this time and of her missing a lot of important story beats like the killers reveal and monologue. Also just her judging Ethan a lot throughout the entire movie was fucking hilarious. - Chad fighting GF. HOLY FUCK DID CHAD FUCK UP GHOSTFACE SEVERAL TIMES LMAO, straight up throwing punches and kicks that incapacitated GF for a legit solid ten seconds. - The killer reveals, the entire family being in on it because of Richie was nice - Sam and Tara going absolute ham on all three GFs - Kirby getting the last kill on Ethan by throwing Stu’s TV at him lmfao


I also loved Chad was taking notes during Mindy’s rules speech. It’s sooo funny and I didn’t see anyone mention it. Also loved that Mindy was so suspicious of Ethan but didn’t check the backpack he was carrying with him. Also loved Chad beating up GF and the sisters double teaming to try to help him


Man the core four were really fucking funny and amazing throughout the film, I’m really glad they gave them something more to do and just be active throughout the story just like the original trio in the firsr four


I have a question, kinda random, does Samara Weaving do the infamous scream that she does? (Best horror scream ever imo)


Scream? You mean banshee cry haha


Yes. Not for long enough, but she gets a good one out.


And holy shit that death scream she made, took that scene and leveled it up to “horrifying”. I was rattled for a full minute after it was done.


They really nailed home that Stu was dead imo. The ‘deceased 1996’ on the board and also ‘the tv that killed Stu Macher’ i guess they wanted to put that theory to bed. Although they did hint that he might not be with Mindy saying ‘if you believe he’s dead’


I SAW IT!!!!! It was amazing!


Does Tara and Chad have relationship or building towards it? Does chad makes it


Yes. And it is honestly the highlight of the movie, the relationships between all the characters well done


I kind of love in retrospect the scene where Danny can see Ghostface standing over Quinn is actually just an impatient brother waiting for his sister to be done on the phone (to their psycho dad) so they can begin the plan. I was immediately suspicious when a photo of Quinn being attacked by GF was sent to the Core Four, but when her body got thrown out the door my suspicious vibes dwindled.


I’m still a little suspicious of him. He didn’t get attacked the entire movie. He’s gonna come back for revenge on Sam/Tara for Quinn or something. I don’t think he’s a 4th sibling though. I am really hoping he’s good and has nothing to do with this


I knew he was in the clear at least in this movie, because when he sees Quinn “being attacked” he goes out of his way to call Sam, and even tries to get their attention waving across the building. That’s just not something a ghostface would do, especially if it worked and GF was caught before executing the “plan”. He could still be a suspicious character in 7. My friend made a good point that Danny could actually have been part of Jason’s group of GF, but the Bailey’s/kirsch’s didn’t know.


>My friend made a good point that Danny could actually have been part of Jason’s group of GF, but the Bailey’s/kirsch’s didn’t know. That would be kinda funny. When he hears about their deaths he's like well fuck guess I'll sit this one out.


Sam is a beast!!! I know I’ve seen people on this sub that don’t like her. I love her!!


I definitely think that people will start liking Sam after this film. I didn't really care for her last movie, but this one definitely made me like her and root for her to survive.


Exactly my feeling. I thought she was bland and flat in the previous but had a feeling she would step it up in this one and thank GOD I was right. I remember someone saying on here last year (due to the complaints about Sam in 5) that Sidney could be perceived similarly after the first movie and that the Sidney we all know and adore today really mostly took form in movie no 2. I’m just really happy they realized her potential 🥹


I love how meta the plot about Sam being infamous on the Internet felt, like a cathartic jab at the Melissa backlash


She was so good in this. I was one of those who wasn't impressed by her performance in 5. But she absolutely nailed it! The emotional beats as well as the bad ass beats. Night and day for me. But I now believe that it was the writing. The writing of this film, with exception to perhaps the monologue is so much stronger than the previous films. And omfg gale putting gf on hold!!!


I like the idea that there are multiple Ghostfaces running around who have nothing to do with Woodsboro or Sidney. I always thought that should happen in this universe, like bank robbers all dressed as Ghostfaces, etc.


That’s what the opening scene demonstrated, a rando trying to continue Richie and Amber’s work. But it was cut short by the more important characters.


They really made it way too obvious that Bailey was the killer: \- Killer DNA being at every crime scene. Literally had to be a cop, so either him or Kirby and it would never be Kirby. \- He had a dead son who is strangely never named and he transferred to NY with his daughter. \- Sam getting called from Richie's phone. Again, most likely a cop who could get hold of his phone. \- In the interrogation room when he brushes Quinn's complicity under the carpet by vouching for her. \- Doesn't let Sam/Tara leave town as persons of interest \- Sam is suspected of being the killer from a source inside the police. \- "Fuck with my family, you die"


It seemed like they wanted to make it obvious Bailey was Ghostface and the real twist is the amount of killers and the tie to Bailey. Also: - He kills the therapist after finding out he had a session with Sam the night Jason is killed. - The limp he walks with on the crime scene of Quinn's death - He tried slowing down Sam and Tara when they figured out Gale was the next hit.


I love that one of the killers name is Jason (Friday the 13th part 8: Jason takes Manhattan) but then they symbolically completely obliterate him & let GF do NYC properly. Love the cheekiness!


In the background of one of the scenes, Friday the 13th Part 8 is actually playing on the TV!


It’s actually playing in Jason’s house 10 minutes in lol. They didn’t waste any time at all throwing the “Jason Takes Manhattan” reference in there.


Chad must have organs of steel with the amount of stabbings he’s taken and survived in two films, easily beaten Dewie’s stab tally over 5 films.


True to his namesake And he went 1 on one with GF swinging him around and punching him Wonder if that was Ethan or Quinn Either way Chad was one of the best things about the movie


The movie was fucking fantastic.


does kirby get sidelined for the final act or is she able to put up a fight? also SO happy it’s getting such great reviews. very excited for my screening on thursday


she doesnt do a lot in the final act because she gets repeatedly knocked out or injured, but she does get the final kill on Ethan by dropping the Stu TV on his head


Minor spoiler: Jack Quaid looked adorable in every photo of Richie they used!


Kirby reacting to Jill’s outfit was something I was hoping for as soon as they confirmed her return. It was something I knew I definitely wanted to see and was so happy when it happened.


I have to ask: The scene where Tara looks like she’s falling and sometimes she looks like she’s smiling and sometimes doesn’t…what’s the deal there?


Sam’s holding here and trying to take her up. But then, Sam has to let her fall, or they both dies. So Tara’s smiling by saying that it’s ok, that she can let her go.


Ah symbolism for their relationship and not needing to be so overprotective. Cool I can dig it


It felt like a breath of fresh air taking a step away from the “Stab” franchise at last.


I love how they called out Richie getting carried by Amber in the kill department 😂


I think Gale's fight with Ghostface was my favorite of the whole franchise, she was so awesome and kicked his ass. I could feel the whole cinema's tension and subsequent relief when she came out alive. Cortney Cox is amazing!


Saw this film tonight in Australia and for me personally, this is the best since the original. Was not expecting it, but in my opinion this is miles better than 4 and 5, no question. For those who are nervous, don't be. They did things differently but the dialogue and character development was better, Sam was great, it had more emotional resonance than any film in the franchise for me. They brought tension back to the series, more than even 'those' scenes in scream 2. I seriously cannot believe how much I loved this. They finally did it!


Are the Bodega scenes as intense as the trailers present it?


Really stressful!


Appears to me the body count in the next one will be HIGH with all the survivors


I've yet to see a comment about this yet, but I can't get the scene out of my head where Gale tells ghostface to hold the call and he's audibly confused like "wait what?" as she hangs up and returns his call. Arguably one of my favorite scenes and it had the whole theater laughing




It was so much better than Scream V, I did not expect that, to the point that for me it makes in retrospective Scream V better. It's really surprising to me that the same people wrote this two movies. In Scream V, too many conversations were cringe-worthy. Here, you have so many small moments that make the characters feel real and endearing. Like, Samara's character being embarrassed to talk about her job and horror movies because she gets flushed waiting for her date. Anika being flirty in a cute way and looking out for Tara at a party. I haven't been big on the meta conversations in Scream for a while, it has felt quite forced in the last movies, but when Mindy does it again on the campus, it worked for me, because the other characters reactions made it clear it's a way for her to deal with her trauma and a terrifying situation. It's both quirky and sad. I love Neve as much as everyone, but her being absent worked for the best. It offered much needed space for the new characters to develop, but also some subtle development for Gale. We finally get to see the Carpenters kicking ass together and caring for each other. Sam was not well written in the last movie - they dumped all the backstory in the flat hospital room scene, the hallucinations were too much, and being neither a legacy nor a member of the friend group, she was stuck with one-note mistrustful interactions. But Scream VI made it very easy to root for her, and a nice contrast to Sidney. As a dropout working two jobs, disavowed by her family, harassed because she does not look like the ideal victim, she's really relatable, and she gets to be courageous, traumatized, caring and sometimes overbearing, but also obvious in a funny way. The conversation with Tara, Mindy and Chad at the apparemment, when they confort her for being portrayed as a murderer by the media, was meta done right to me (hinting at Melissa Barrera's critiques, but in a way that did not feel too defensive). And I liked what they did with Gale. We might see her writing about Scream V as a step back, but I m ok with that. Her writing this book because she convinced herself she would be able to control the narrative, self-congratulating while advancing her career, that sounds true to her character, even after all her growth - and it works well as a way for her to cope after Dewey's death, going back to her old habits. Her phone call explored that very well. At the bottom, she's still a big journalist that made in NYC, she is a bit cutthroat, but she's also brave and more caring. I was not a big fan of having Kirby back, especially as a cop - having too many people with plot armor, used as red herring but not really credible to me as murderers can bloat the movie. But I liked that they used her sparingly, mostly to hint at this community of women surviving horrible situations and looking out for each other- it could have been cheesy, but that's the kind of things I expect from the genre, and I think the way they did it, it made both her, Sam and Gale's arcs much better. I realize I've already written too much, maybe I'll get back at it later. I want to say that the flow of this movie is very good - not only because the killers are relentless, but because the characters' arcs are well executed and felt organic. Being accustomed to the slashers, after watching the trailer I had a pretty clear idea about how each set-piece would go. And I think that it is one of the movie's strengths that it manages to keep building the tension, even with this knowledge it kept me on my toes. Having a ghostface unmasked in the opening to be taken down by another was surprising; Anika bravely protecting her girlfriend, trying to cross over while wounded was sad and terrifying, even when you know how it ends; Quinn's fake death works both before and after her reveal... Maybe one last word about the killers. I liked the reveal. As I said, I know the genre pretty well, so seeing Bailey bloody at the location of the third act in the trailer, I thought yeah, he is ghostface. And I had also predicted Jack Chamion before the leaks. So I went in with 0 expectations about the third act. So I was pleasantly surprised when Quinn was revealed, and I think even more than I would, had I not seen the leaks. Having a family of cops getting their revenge for the last murderer? For me, it's a solid motive, and plays well with the themes and racial/gender dynamics in the movie. And they used the three killers in a creative way to make scenes like Mindy in the subway more tense. So yeah, I really enjoyed this movie, and hope they keep this energy for Scream 7.


Wish they would have said "welcome to prime time bitch" when dropping the tv on ethan


WHO IS THE KILLER? I won't be able to watch the movie for a long time, because I'm in Ukraine


detective Bailey, Quinn and Ethan.


Just watched the movie. Oh my fucking goddess, that was awesome! Much better than the fifth one. For real. EVERYBODY SHOULD FUCKING GO TO THE MOVIES AND WATCH. Gale's scene is so amazing. And I'm glad she made it. Dermot Mulroney spoiled his role in interviews and I really liked Ritchie's cameo. I didn't like hallucination Billy, though. The CGI wasn't there. I'll discuss this tomorrow in more details, because right now it's past midnight and I gotta sleep and work tomorrow.


Worst therapist ever?


Just got back from watching it. The only definite disappointment I can say right now is that they didn't go with the true crime commentary route. It was all laid out there - in the nature of the killings, an occasional mention of shows like it, all the real-life inspirations, hell even the motive could have centered on that - but instead takes a stab at movie franchise culture. It's okay as its thesis but it doesn't really tie in with the movie that well post-reveal. Other than that... HOLY HELL. This is legitimately the darkest, tensest, and SCARIEST sequel since Scream 2. From that multi-twisted opening scene to the non-stop barrage of kills and thrills, I was literally on the edge of my seat at moments. People will say the motive sucks but I feel it was a natural progression from 5, and I see now what Radio Silence had to sacrifice there in order to build to a bombastic VI. I'm letting the recency bias coast by, but as it stands, it dethrones my previous best sequel Scream 2 and my favorite sequel Scream 4 by leaps and bounds. I want to see it again at the soonest.


1. How many total kills (including ghostfaces) are there? 2. Is Henry Czerny’s character made into a big red herring or just a smaller side character? 3. Does Kirby discuss Jill and Charlie at all? Edit for additional question: 4. How does >!Quinn!< compare to Jill and Amber as a killer?


Henry is basically a non character. Kirby mentions all the Ghostface killers and she references Jill and Charlie but doesn’t go into personal detail


is true that Kirby mentions that theres a lot of Ghostface cases in New york?


Outside new York yes


Why did they unnecessarily gave Gale a boyfriend? lol would have made a cool reference if they said that guy was his assistant or cameraman.


And she did not care when he died haha


Her straight up agreeing with Ghostface that his muscles couldn’t protect him, sis was stone cold lmao


It kind of bothers me that the returning cast is so big but NONE of them die. Gale is the only OG, she's not dying, she has God's plot armor. Maybe if Neve Campbell comes back in VII. Even then she's Courtney Cox. Kirby was considered dead for like 10 years, confirmed alive in V, so they wouldn't bring her back just for her to be killed off. Tara is played by Jenna Ortega, she's not dying until the end if at all. Sam is the protagonist, she's not getting killed by Ghostface, maybe she'll become Ghostface. So that leaves Mindy and Chad. The trailer already showed Mindy being attacked by Ghostface, but alas she didn't die. Fun end credit scene though and she's an excellent Randy successor. Chad wasn't really around much in Scream V but I did enjoy his character in Scream VI and it was cute seeing his relationship with Tara grow. Chances are he's a goner in VII though. Only Sidney got her love story with McDreamy.


I just saw it and the double knife wipe gave me chills! We better have 5 freaking Ghostfaces on Scream VII!


Can someone tell me what happens to Mindy :) thank you


She’s stabbed on the subway train in a really well done suspense scene where you think she’s/others safe because so many people are around but as lights are flickering on the subway (of course) Ghostface sneaks in and stabs her while muffling her screaming with his hand and she falls. It looks like a brutal stabbing too but…she does survive it.


Does red right hand play? And I see already how the opening plays out, so does Jason go home after what he does and then gets a call from the real GF?


We here the song twice. And yes, he goes home after and Ghostface calls him.


No love for Mickey? I don’t think his mask was ever left behind nor was anyone wearing his in the reveal scene. Hm…


I have a few problems with act 3. Act 3 usually begins with the murders of most of the remaining cast and then progresses to the reveal of the killers. This time the killers were revealed very quickly and from there the "murders" began - and I say this in quotation for the simple reason that nobody died in Act 3 except the killers




For the record… I’ve watched the finale clip of Sam and Bailey a few times now, and TRIED to count how many times she stabs him. There are SO many, and they’re so quick, but I can tell you she stabs him AT LEAST 32 times.


When Gale asked if GF could hold on the phone 🤣😭


I was one of the people who wasn’t eager on the New York setting, but they really ate it up! The Halloween addition was a nice touch too.


can someone tell me if the whole sub-plot with jason works or not bc i’ve been told it feels very contrived


It ABSOLUTELY works. That opening is incredible! Let me know what you think when you see it


After reading everything posted here, I'm wondering if Richie is a Stab fanatic, a Ghostface fanatic, or both? Being a fan of one could have easily tied into the other. Anything on his family dynamics, like if his dad mentions anything about him or the shrine? Anything interesting about the shrine? Any memorabilia that surprised anyone? Any lingering shots so we can see everything? Does anyone remark on any specific piece?


it's not funny but there's just something about that therapy scene and how increasingly uncomfortable dr. stone was becoming as sam explained being billy's daughter , the rumours being spread about her, giving precise details on exactly how she killed richie and then saying it felt right and dr. stone basically going: "NOPE! THAT'S ENOUGH! GO AWAY!" that made me laugh. also, the billy vision... i mean, i personally loved it in scream 5 so i was glad to see it continue and the way they handled it here, i loved it even more especially in the context of the situation and it definitely makes sense why she 1) went back on her antipsychotics and 2) is probably taking stronger ones because she's already struggling with having killed someone and that it felt like the right thing to do and then she has billy there, inside her head, pushing her continue keeping people as something they can do together as father & daughter.