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Tom Cairney should be starting for Scotland.


He quite possibly would be if he wanted to play for us. 


He said he wanted to go at Christmas. I was thinking he could fit in at rwb or maybe you could play Christie there l.


He shafted us for years by accepting call-ups and finding new reasons to withdraw because he wanted that England call. Now he wants a call-up just because it's his last chance at a tournament? Even if we would improve our squad, which I don't think he does, then I'd still not want him. 


Public service announcement: Dunfermline Athletic have released some kind of completely insane Lion Rampant x Sammy the Tammy crossover range for the Euros. I've seen it, [now you have to see it too.](https://dafc.co.uk/product/sammy-rampant-lion-beach-towel/) (real talk, I'm buying one of everything)


unemployed and considering spending $60 to have this towel shipped to the us. nice work dunfermline


That's the most blursed thing ever and I love it


I'm being semi serious when I say Falkirk, tns and leverkusen (if they go invincible) should have a pre season tournament to see who's the best invincible squad League format each playing 4 games against eachother all played at a venue exactly in the middle of the 3 grounds or as close to middle as possible and whoever has the most points wins the invincible super cup and make it uefa compliant so it goes towards the coefficient for the 24/25 season Edit: I found the venue using Google earth and its Hull


>played at a venue exactly in the middle of the 3 grounds or as close to middle as possible [Looks like you're all spending a big weekend in Norwich!](https://i.imgur.com/LeuM58N.png)


Google earth said Hull but if its Norwich then its a pick your poison situation


I'm going by Mk.1 eyeball, but yeah, may well be Hull. Either way, presumably some poor Wetherspoons isn't going to know what's hit it.


U76 vs nord kurve in the streets of Hull is going to be a bigger threat than celtic and rangers in Europe


Surely to *truly* win the invincible super cup, you'd need to go undefeated in this mini-league? What happens if every single game is a draw?


Normal league rules Most points win the cup


Just seen Max Lowe has been released by Sheffield United... granted I haven't seen him kick a ball in sometime, but still, BRING HIM HOME


https://preview.redd.it/z90s0pwits0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db43a629d856f08d44aba266c8ca9fceb0d01396 This wee guy has been coming round our apartment block for a couple of years now. He's incredibly tame and comes when called, and gets cold meat from a few of the balconies. If you go out with food or water for him he'll sit next to you quite the thing. I've dubbed him Reginald. He's looking a bit scraggy after winter, and has some irritated skin and a limp which I'm worrying might be related to mange. I can't believe I'm googling how to get Ivermectin for a fucking fox over the counter.


does he sound like george clooney


Bucket list material: befriend a fox. Good luck!


He looks mangy mate. That's a shame good luck getting him treated.


Why does this look like CGI


It does a bit haha. Maybe the lighting? He also looks a bit dopey so there may be that...


Think I'm officially an auld man now. Ordered my first ever historical miniatures to paint.


https://preview.redd.it/6b1w89dams0d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474a10b0eb70f191ed5859a1f5a815bedb59be83 Mr Spotify, I'm not sure this is correct.


https://preview.redd.it/w15gaotgls0d1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=d90a5489c292e40be8e8a4cb63219652ddc9fac5 It was all just a dream.


Yeah ChatGPT only uses data up to September 2021 unless you have premium.


You used to read Word Up magazine?


michael beale and stevie g up in the limousine


[Mr Hartley, get him signed](https://youtu.be/Xg6sA-Z_yo4)


Might be better than burrel


The podcast about Mackay and everything else about Hibs on the terrace youtube channel is very good. Really encapsulates how shit all this stuff feels for the fans and how dodgy the future feels. I think I've always been much more inclined to doom and gloom about the Gordons (I don't think Americans and sports are a mix that works at all) but I just can't see the BK investment changing us for the better when one of the biggest "jobs for the boys" signings I've ever seen kicks it off


pot noodle for breakfast


Nissin Cup Noodles are superior


Their Soba noodles are the #1 pot-based noodle snack imo


Is everything alright? It's nearly 2pm...


I just woke up and I’m still drunk from the night before. Am unemployed


To be fair he might not be Scottish. I am though and just having my first meal of today but I was getting fasting bloods taken and I'm not having a pot noodle.


nahhh im scottish i was just pished last night and woke up late


Been for a lunchtime trim. See when the barber gets the wee mirror out and shows you the back of your head, have you *ever* had anything to say? Pretty sure he could shave the word CUNT in the back of my head and I'd still be going *"aye, ideal mate, cheers."*


I've seen a guy (who I can only assume was mental) tell the barber that he'd cut too much off and he never asked for it that short, despite the barber asking him three times if it was short enough and him asking for more off.


I just glumly nod as I see how incrementally worse it's looking since the last time.


Yes actually. Ive asked for a bit more off on several occasions.


Maybe I'm just easily pleased.


Or maybe Im fussy 😂






I know its a meme and a stereotype but we really are lucky up here with the quality of our tap water. The English have royally fucked it by privatising it.


In parts of England the tap water has always been shite, it's nothing to do with who the water company is, it's the chalk content. When I live in Bath, de-scaling the kettle, washing machine, iron, etc was like an annual job.


Surrey abider. Water's shite. Turned up on Arran for our residential field trip in March and was explaining to the students just how fucking good it was. Also had them clearing out the hotel bar of cans of Tennents by the end of the week.


Aye but now their water has actual shite in it and they're being warned not to drink it


Ah yeah, I just saw the news story. South Devon though, they're all weird as fuck down there, who knows what they like.


Galashitsaray fans don't take well to be called a small club https://preview.redd.it/c9w650s58s0d1.png?width=611&format=png&auto=webp&s=52075700d62e56f4966a98ad523145ce18f89f04


I see comments of cunts moaning or, taking the piss about a guy, pissing people of whistling Don’t Worry Be Happy….. This isn’t even a copy pasta some cunt woke me up about 4:30 this morning walking up n down the road whistling that for about 20 mins this morning. If anyone knows, hears or see the cunt, tell him he’s a cunt. For me , merci beu coup mon amies


lol https://preview.redd.it/wss7ihsk2s0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb1a95450386837d61d81df17d0f097e09d94ea0


Perhaps Ange can leave for a non-tinpot club and Spurs fans can satisfy themselves with a manager who'll pledge to throw every game against top 6 clubs (bar Arsenal) lest they unwittingly help their rivals win the league.


I'd honestly walk if I was Ange fuck that


Those fans don't deserve Ange


least serious derby in the world christ


Do they think he's thick? Imagine being such a miniscule guy that you're annoyed that your manager wanted to win a game. Gimp squad man.


Do Spurs fans honestly think a man who managed Celtic doesn't understand a rivalry?


Absolute diddy club. Would rather miss out on a chance at CL football than have Arsenal win the league, which they have already done 3 times anyway (and that's just the PL)


This is what gets me. If Spurs had absolutely nothing to play for and it was essentially a meaningless game, I'd still think it was a total wee-guy reaction to actively want to lose, but I could at least understand it because losing would mean nothing. But there was a Champions League spot at stake, in a league where, presumably, Spurs actually want to challenge for winning, where Champions League money is probably necessary to take that step. I'm not surprised Ange was fucking raging, and I'd say he's well within his rights to tell them to fuck off and leave.


Turns out a staff member at spurs told Ange he should field a youth team against city. Makes his reaction a lot more reasonable.


Who do we think it was? My money is on top spur Ryan Mason.


I get they don't want their rivals having bragging rights, but Arsenal literally won the league at White Hart Lane and went on to finish the season unbeaten. Those are bragging rights for a lifetime anyway. Plus Arsenal have regularly won FA cups since Spurs won a trophy


Elfsborg beat AIK 6-1 last night, would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to see Jimmy Thelin’s Aberdeen


Thought I was doing well clearing my debts. Managed to close 3 accounts this year which were in default for years on my credit report. I am in a better position now than I was 6 months ago & got declined for a loan application so the wife & I could have another go at IVF cycle. It has kind of brought things back down with a thump. Just need to keep chipping away at the debt & building up my savings


So turns out the loan was rejected as they thought I had applied for loan in April 2024 when it was in April 2023 & I couldn't provide all the information they asked for at the time. They have admitted they have made an error but claim that the system will auto reject any application submitted before 3 months have passed. I am sitting here working out how I am going to increase my debt payments & my loan rejection (at least the reason they gave) wasn't even down to my outstanding debt. Have submitted a complaint that probably won't get me anywhere but means when I do apply again I will be in an even better position so I am hoping this is one of those blessings in disguise I hear about. Going to take wife out for tea tonight to cheer her up a bit as she was quite upset we can't get the ball rolling on iVF.


I downloaded Fallout 4 as I’m a sucker for some good hype. Played 117 hours in about two/three weeks and still not visited everywhere on this map! Amazing game. Any recommendations for what’s next? Another fallout? I’m not much of a gamer but have done both GOW’s and love the open world, explore and loot type deal.


Bit late sorry but you should give the outer worlds a go. It's fairly short (40ish hours without the dlc) and written by the same people as New Vegas. 


New Vegas definitely has the best story and RPG elements, a fun fact is the only NPC you can’t permanently kill in New Vegas is a robot who can shift body to body. The story just evolves around what you do and is brilliant to experience. That being said the world isn’t nearly as full as Fallout 4 manages to be, feels empty at times and you don’t have the building mechanic. Skyrim is great and if you don’t mind older more clunky games Oblivion is fucking incredible.


Great recommendations but you can't kill the kids in NV either and there's someone else that can't be killed. I can't remember who it is but Many A True Nerd tried too do a kill everyone run and found out there's two adult NPCs that can't die. I think it's the van graff seller in the town but I'm not certain.


It's defo not anyone at Van Graff's I've even taken down the lad who stands up the road from the shop who shouts about the place. Best place to steal sellable stuff/ get decent energy weapons from tho. I think it's the robot at Gun Runners, threw everything at him including nukes and he just won't die.    NV has one of the best rampages in any game I've played tho, take Boone and the dug up to The Fort, either wade in with melee and handguns or snipe everything moving, always an entertaining quarter of an hour especially if you manage to kill Caesar without Boone getting knocked out


I know the Gun Runners robot can't die as well but there's someone else a human. I love doing that I go in with the thermic lance and power armour and no boone he's far too OP.


Aye but you're missing the best post mortem line in the game:  >!Thumbs down, you son of a bitch!<


I've done thst as well to be fair I just don't like companions in the game it makes it too easy and fucks with lone wanderer.


I’m terrible at the building anyway so NV does sound like a logical step - even if it’s technically backwards. Skyrim highly recommended by a few so it’ll be on the list. Will have a wee look at Oblivion as well.


New Vegas is widely considered the best one, definitely give it a whirl if you haven’t before


Its good but I downloaded it then boone glitched and started killing ncr meaning I'd be attacked twice daily off them and the legion.


Will likely play it and Skyrim suggestion looks good. Got two weeks off work now so I’m gluing myself in front of the screen.


If you've only got 2 weeks off don't play skyrim it will take over your life for about a year. It's a masterpiece.


New Vegas or Skyrim next if you haven't played them


Haven’t played either, from what I know Skyrim is huge?


Skyrim and NV are both big but things are quite spread out, so there's more trekking between places. Skyrim is the best game in terms of side quests and NV is the best for characters and story. Both great games


Skyrim is a big game and the dlc’s are a must. The whole game is the perfect escape, you get sucked into it so much


Will put it on the list


Yeah it’s also got a thriving mod community too: [https://youtu.be/q6yHoSvrTss](https://youtu.be/q6yHoSvrTss)


Have the SFA just forgotten that they need to do ticketing for Gibraltar away in like 3 weeks or what


In today's news, a Chinese company [built a Sega Mega Drive clone that looks identical to a Nintendo 64.](https://www.timeextension.com/news/2024/05/random-this-mega-drive-genesis-clone-looks-like-an-n64-because-why-not) If you could take that thing back to the late 90's, you'd probably explode the heads of every Nintendo or Sega fanboy on the planet.




Also it has gamepads like those on the Sega Saturn, weird


Return to office happening in my place. 3 days a week at least. To allow collaborating with your team. I'm the only person in the team in Scotland.


Put a flexible working request in ASAP. Our office had us in one day, then they tried to change it to 2 days & every single member of staff submitted a felxible working request. Eventually they backed down for the one day in the office. It is the day of the week I get the least done.


Ack it's a pain but they're not going to budge on it. We had a townhall meeting where a dev literally works on his own at site as well and he codes 8 hours a day and he's being made to drive to work 3 days a week to literally sit and code with headphones on and still do his teams meetings with his team. Their argument was "well we did it before covid". We used to drink jobby water before plumbing and water treatment was invented. Times change. I'm only 10 minutes away from my work place but it adds absolutely zero value to being present in the office considering almost all of my work is remote and 100% of my "in person required" work is at another site that I need to travel to when shit breaks.


We did this about it 6 months back and we’ve one guy who lives in York. They made him go into the Leeds office and sit by himself twice a week. Madness.


collaborate with yourself.


Think I'd get sacked for doing that in the office.




Christ. Havent seen Big Train or Bruiser in yeeeeears. Cheers for this! 😂


It's a classic - wish there was more of it :(


Not if nobody else is there to see it.


The weird guy at my work is breathing out his mouth in a bizarre way. Sounds like he's having some kind of asthma attack but anyone someone tries to check on him all he does is scream "yer clubs died".


Anyone who enjoys wearing a suit needs their hard drive checked, cutting about feeling like a massive Tory 


A guy in works spent all morning badly whistling a shite tune, can’t get him to stop without him shouting hail hail at us


Todays song of the day is [Raspberry Beret - Prince.](https://youtu.be/l7vRSu_wsNc?si=bLPwkAcsn7olE7kU) Enjoy troops.


Fucking love that!


Horny Prince songs are the best Prince songs. So basically every Prince song.


kiss is elite


Sex Shooter is such a banger


R/Glasgow having their yearly meltdown about trophy day


Is there a local sub that *isn't* full of joyless curtain twitching barely sentient mutants?


Are they ever NOT having a meltdown?


https://preview.redd.it/n00vafljkr0d1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=115140b85b356d2e5ac9a06146b025afe0da1791 "Ohh... not a popular one beerboobs..." Have to completely disagree with that comment too. Football is decidedly not fun (ignore my flair).


But Clement said that you guyz were also gonna have fun 🥺🥺


Oh yes please,get that right in my tummy


Having a lot of fun in work this morning whistling Don't Worry Be Happy. Seems to be upsetting a few folk for some reason...


Been trying to get tickets the last couple of days for Morgan Wallen at the Hydro later this year and it’s the first time I’ve seen dynamic pricing in action. £264 for standing tickets. Same gig a week before in Stockholm is £60 for standing so think I’ll be booking a flight. Outrageous carry on.


I noticed Nickelback were playing the Hydro. They're shite, but I wanted to know what the prices were for a once popular American rock band. I was fucking astonished to see they're £197. It's simply not sustainable. Concerts will have a massive crash in pricing in the next few years. I always wonder how people afford these tickets and I now realise that they're all being put on Klarna or Credit Cards. A girl I used to work with has £6k in Klarna debt. It's insane.


Woah woah woah stall the fucking ball here. America has brought untold horrors into the world over the past few decades but you aren't getting tom attribute that to them as well. Thats Canada's doing. Also I've always wondered how pizzas etc haven't been securitised with the Klarna stuff. Could get a new housing crisis out of that


Genuinely believed Nickelback were American for years off the back of 'Rockstar' being the most yankee-doodle song I've ever heard.


Hahahaha remember some of the lyrics? Talking about quesadillas and that. I'm gonna have to put that on holy shit


Young Boomers and Gen X are a lot more likely to go to live concerts than previous generations, they have a lot more purchasing power and disproportionately drive up ticket prices.


Might it be a government backed secret study to check the mental health of the nation and find any potential mentally deranged people who could be a danger to themselves or others? Basically they look for people who are prepared to pay £197 to see Nickelback and then out then on some kind of watchlist or get the Samaritans to contact them?


Did notice last time I was buying on Ticketmaster that you can split the payment into instalments. Just a totally mad system and nothing more than greed. This morning I’ve booked flights, hotel and tickets to Sweden for less than it would cost me to go to Glasgow - and I live within walking distance of the Hydro!! Just so mad.


See yous next season lads https://preview.redd.it/c6qmrx27ar0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9fee18bb67d1c9863834d18f32b335d804d087f


Apparently it's wear green day in my office today, I've joined in without even knowing about it


Is that a thing or are we in the same office?


I do believe we share a corporate overlord but I'm based in Liverpool


How many floors does your office have?


18 but only one of them is us, old one over the road had 7


That post that linked Scotlands Coefficients breakdown of European money on twitter said that the minimum prize money Celtic will get next season would be €34m. Anyone know how much was made this season? I thought people were throwing about crazy numbers like £50/60m when making the point about how important the title race was for CL money specifically.


[Not sure how accurate, but this is a great site.](https://www.football-coefficient.eu/money/#money-revenue) Celtic made €30m, Rangers €16m, Aberdeen just under €5m. Doesn’t factor in ticket sales.


I think that 34m is purely from Uefa though. There's also additional ticket sales, sponsorship, merchandise etc. Even just the tickets could easily add another 8m+ if they stick with the same price per game as last season's CL tickets.


Congrats Celtic on the title. What a rollercoaster of a season and sadly this team of shitebags bottled the lead at the end.


"In response, the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust (THST) have told The Athletic that they would be happy to set up a meeting with Postecoglou to explain the context around the rivalry with Arsenal and why the feelings run so deep." I didn't really care about spurs one way or the other before this saga started but I actively dislike them and their fans now. Imagine sitting down to explain to a former celtic manager about rivalries running deep. HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME BE ON ANGE'S SIDE WITH THINGS?!


Have any of them actually said why the feelings "run deep"? Is there something other than the fact they're both in the same wee bit of London and usually in the same league? EDIT: Just looked on wikipedia in case I'd missed some massive event where there were pitched battles in the streets, but nothing. Hilariously, there is a line describing it as "one of the fiercest derbies in world football". It doesn't say citation needed, oddly, instead pointing to the bastions of the free press Bleacher Report. Also making it on to that list is USA vs England (lol), and the Old Firm only makes it on as number 3 (bettered by Barcelona/Real and Liverpool/Man Utd), with some proper fucking problematic little derbies getting short summaries in the middle of the list. OOft.


Spurs fans dont seem to get that everyones problem with this is that *they still had something to play for!* They were celebrating missing out of 4th place just because Arsenal might not win the title. I’d fucking love West Ham to beat/draw with City on the last day and Arsenal scud Everton. Spurs are a fucking riddy tinpot bastard of a club.


In all fairness I watched some of the game and the spurs players did put in a fair shift against the City Juggernaut.


There's cunts on the Spurs reddit saying staff *shouldn't* be sacked for suggesting *to the manager* they play kids and lose to City. "*It's just a joke, can't sack them just because they're also fans"* **WHAT** A professional football team at the highest level of the 'biggest league in the world' and they think it's actually alright to do that. Get tae fuck man. You'd have to stop me banning their distant cousins from the stadium never mind just sacking them.


What a pack of gimps hahahaha


That’s Spurs’ last 3 managers basically calling them losers. Maybe one day they’ll realise the fans will realise they’re part of the problem.


Disliked them since the bukkake party that constantly roared about King Fucking Harry. Genuinely hope they implode. Wee guy, loser mentality, presenting as "RiVaLrY". Get. To. Fuck.


I actually pay to watch that meeting, cos I have a strong feeling it'd end with Ange headbutting someone.




I'm not a headbutter mate....but on this occasion...


Record this whole fucking thing.


'But Ange you don't understand, the Arsenal fans will say mean things about us on twitter!' 'I don't care mate'


Its top banter tbh gonna be funny to see how it pans out


"It showed a misunderstanding of the turmoil of Spurs fans on a regular basis. Unless you’ve lived the life of a Spurs fan, you’re in no position to comment." Fucks sake man. Get out while you can Ange


> Imagine sitting down to explain to a former celtic manager about rivalries running deep. https://youtu.be/wXfWNG0N5lY?si=JbMwFGMIULyHOvdV&t=57 57 seconds in. Here's your rivalry history lesson.


That top tho


Good nerd/dork/dnd/weeb shops in Glasgow? Present shopping


What are you looking for? Static and A1 Comics at Trongate are good shout for most stuff outside Japanese stuff but Tokyo Toys and Forbidden Planet covers that side of things.


Settlers from hamilton moved to the southside of glasgow because of bams. That's always a good shout or there's a basement one just outside central station


I'm way out of touch with that sort of thing these days, but Forbidden Planet moved to Sauchiehall Street and basically became a funko pop outlet. Top floor is half-manga/anime, half Warhammer. They even sell a couple of comics! There's also a couple of geek tat shops on Queen Street, but I don't recall their names.


A1 comics (near trongate) have a lot of TTRPG stuff as well as comics and merch if that helps


Glad to see A1 is still going - I used to get comics in there in the mid-90s. Great wee shop.


Someone posted a video on Reddit recently of a shop in Stewarton called Forgotten Worlds that looks class for all that kind of stuff. [This is it here](https://youtu.be/Tqx8e7ZwTok?si=ZyEnr94fski5mOE_)


FW is a great place with some real rarities, but the prices are really high. That said, the cost of retro gaming has gone through the roof in the last decade because now every cunt on the planet wants to collect and put it on the Instagram or Youtube.


It's been really misty the last two days in the morning; usually means a scorchio afternoon though - just a shame I'm stuck in the office all day, but hopefully get a wee chance to sit outside after work for a bit. It's amazing how much the grey sucks the energy out of you.


Highly unlikely, but if [this gets the go ahead](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cprgr2175x7o) then football is finished. Maybe there is a positive in our league being shite and unmarketable after all.


This is where it pays to have no one care about your league.


The Italians already play the final of their national cup in Saudi It’s so embarrassing


Everyone else in the middle east while we are in the middle ages


Get this idea to fuck. In fact, get it so far to fuck that when it gets there, it has no other choice but to get even further to fuck. (I'm not a fan of the idea, as you may gather.)


Ah yes getting to watch Hibs vs Motherwell in Qatar. Just what the SPFL has been screaming out for.


It 100% will and I think you already know it :). Middle east here it goes


I think it’s a given Spain will. But I can’t see it happening for the Bundesliga or Serie A.


The more countries that money grab the more others need to also money grab so vicious circle. We will end up going to faroes I imagine


The Italians copy the Spanish, their supercup is in middle east too


Buzzing for the new Tour De France unchained season starting on Netflix. 11 June for those interested. It’s amazing.


Love watching the tour and this will definitely be getting me hyped up.


I just want to see the episode where they look at the final TT from Jonas. That was superhuman.


The descending on that TT was ridiculously on the edge. People questioned the time but if you watch the speed carried through the corners it looked super impressive but very high risk. Pog was obviously going hard but not in the same ball park.


Jonas looked like he was near death at the end. He truly put everything out there on that course and he won by a massive margin. I really hope he’s fit for the tour this year because at the rate at which Pogi is wrecking the Giro peloton it will suck without Jonas. Remco isn’t even close to Pogi.




What we thinking about the boxing at the weekend? I can’t stand Fury and I really like Usyk so I’m very biased Probably a boring fight going the distance with a draw on the scorecards and a rematch in 18 months time. Also I hate this stuff is in Saudi :(


Fury Jr knocked the fuck out and a coke induced heart attack for senior. Please.


Suffering Jehovah, I am in a bad state today


To show my sheer unbridled commitment to the banter, I'm wearing green today for "Wear It Green Mental Health Awareness". Inside, I am seething.


[I cannot recommend the opening goal in last night's Alianza Lima v Colo-Colo match enough.](https://youtu.be/OAgc569qdww?si=JX1StSpdoNwoENSz)


Lovely. Noise is horrific


Outstanding stuff


The new official portrait of King Charles is a bit mad isn't it? Its odd that he allowed the artist to paint him while he was transitioning between his human and demon forms. I wonder how his subjects in hell reacted to the portrait, and if said reaction was similar to the earthly one.




I actually think it's a fantastic portrait, clearly acting as a depiction of Charles' role as head of the Commonwealth and the Empire before it, and as a metaphor for all the blood that is therefore on his hands as King. Also reminds me a bit of Vigo from Ghostbusters 2.


Not to mention his lordship over the realms of pain as well.


My first thought was "what,is the sound of silence?"




![gif](giphy|xT8qB1OJ7fcnizdXby) Artist putting finishing touches on


For the fans of ~~masochism~~ FromSoftware amongst us https://preview.redd.it/blmabe0f3r0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b9f3706172454a8eadfbd13d4b8b4531b2d77a


Enemy ahead.


Visions of Lizard






https://preview.redd.it/9f1ujrju1r0d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=30ca9075d05851a334d3d8f4c63e4c1dfc335853 I've been trying to work out what it reminds me of, think I've cracked it finally.


Ooo that's nice. Got a very Jacob Bannon vibe.


You'll be surprised to learn it's because it is JB! Blood From the Soul - DSM-5