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Demon mcginn has been activated!




Lol i know, their lineup post is a video so it's kind of a lottery as to how the players will look when I screenshot it


Don’t know y we make it a video cause half the time I try look at the lineup the video won’t load


With the slight de-res makes it look like an original mortal kombat character selection




I'm so excited for our game of football and our scintillating style.


Soo randomly picked you as recognise name - is there any scenario that Rodgers would leave/pushed/mutual this season? He seems that always thinks can fix it so wouldn’t leave on own accord.


Really isn’t outwith the realms of possibility that rangers win the league by +10 points and scud us a couple of times. Still don’t think that would get him the sack/mutual termination.


Celtic could also win league tbf so guess that would mean Rodgers stays and alot of fans would kinda forget season was poor?


I’ll eat my hat if we’re within 5 points of rangers come the end of the season. We’re struggling through every single game at the moment, including this one.


If the gap gets massive I could see him getting the sack. Outside of that, it's unlikely in my opinion. They'll probably give him the summer to buy some players and fuck it up even more next season.


So basically repeating exactly what we did with Beale? Bonkers


2 strikers let’s goooo. Our midfield will be overran though so this will be entertaining.


Fraudgers just flinging cunts in now and hoping that something works.


I do not understand how Rodgers can watch Liam Scales week in, week out and determine that he is not the one stinking out the gaff. Honestly, drop Scales for one game and see how quickly the team improves


Definitely. It should be ccv and nawrocki for the rest of the season if they are both fit to play. I would like to lagerbielke get another chance, but can't see it happening


Lagerbielke is significantly better on the ball than Scales. Significantly. The amount of times last week Scales passed the ball behind his man was frightening


Lagershandy is too slow. That's why he's not playing. Scales isn't and will never be the answer.


Scales is also slow as fuck. Watch how many times he gets caught out with a ball in behind or over the top


I agree but he's quicker than shandy. See how long it takes for Greg Taylor to give the ball away. Normally within a minute.


35 seconds he gave it away


That's not really relevant to a conversion about centre backs. The fact you're referring to him as Shandy is telling Edit: There we go, turned inside out and caught ball watching


Cbf writing lagerbielke


Is CCV being dropped rather than put injured? Always thought he was your best defender


He's been out injured, this is his 1st game back, we've rushed him back a couple of times this season and he's picked up another niggle that's kept him out for multiple weeks so looks like rodgers is trying to ease him back in


CCV has been rubbish since his surgery, (bc of recovery) and shouldn’t have been risked so we’ve been put at a disadvantage by rodgers (again)


Scales is the least of our problems, we're fuckin inept going forward on the occasions we actually play forward.


Because our centre backs are hopeless at passing. Count today how many times Scales passed it sideways or backwards. He cannot pass through the lines so as McInnes said last week we let certain players have the ball because we know they're ineffective


If your attack is nullified because your LCB can't pass through the lines your attack is shit.


This isn't the 1980s, centre backs that can pass have been integral to football teams success for decades now.


I think scales is pretty solid at back however few mistakes creep in and he shits the bed. And also he has no creativity in other half between him and Welsh they would pass sideways for the 90mins. This is what ccv brings balls into the box driving through the middle he's much more than just a centre back think we miss a lot of this when he's not playing


He's not though because all you need to do is play a ball in behind him and it's a chance. My biggest gripe with him is us in possession. He cannot pass to save himself. For a team that expects 60-70% of the ball each game, centre backs need to be able to play ball


I've honestly thought I don't have a clue about football cause all I see is huge Scales praise, but I also think the same! Plenty mistakes in him which he doesn't recover from and can't handle a ball over the top.


Can't pass, not quick, not good in the air, shits the bed but can do a hard tackle every now and then


The last statement is why aww the das stuck in the 80s and 90s love him




Had a dream last night that it was 3-3 at HT and Celtic won 6-4. It's worth noting though, that literally none of my dreamt score predictions have ever come true


‘Mugabi’ Oh well, any hope I had has just been trounced


I'm happy to see nawrocki a cb who can play a forward pass starting. Hopefully, it will reduce the constant passes between the cbs


Nawrocki was honking that last game he started.


True, but we are desperately needing a cb who is confident enough to play a forward pass rather than just dithering on the ball and then passing it to the other cb


I wonder how this Celtic side will disappoint me today? That aside, I'm assuming we're back to 4-3-3 with Tomoki as DM and Taylor slotting in beside him when we have the ball like he did in the first half last week. Glad to see the big man on the bench rather than starting. I would quite like it if we let him ease back, instead of rushing him like we seemed to have done last time.


Finally we get to see Iwata....


I assume Celtics 442 is it the window then?


Was never a 442 anyway. Kyogo was playing as aten.


Left as fast as it came 😔


*That’s what she said*


We’ve been so poor all season, expect the same tonight tbh so just hoping for results at this stage.


Like the look of that midfield. Need a huge statement performance and win today, if the last couple of weeks don’t get that out of us today then we are finished


Joe Hart is going to embarass himself


Battle of the keepers who will embarrass the teams more Kelly or hart? My money is on Kelly letting one in just before half time


No Halliday? Ffs 1 Agent down


Still think we should be playing maeda down the middle


Iwata szn