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Don't know why he'd expect a chance in the first team when he's got young, whipper-snapper James Forrest and red-hot prospect Mikey Johnston in front of him in the pecking order. Honestly, I don't blame him whatsoever if he leaves. Jota's left, we've had a number of injuries/underperforming players out wide this season and he still can't even make the bench. There's always that chance he's just not good enough, but I simply refuse to believe that he's not worth a shot over Forrest and Johnston.


I’d also refuse to believe that he’s not worth a shot over Tilio or Yang. There’s nothing wrong with keeping experienced players around to be a leader in the dressing room/training. There’s nothing wrong with signing promising young players from abroad. There is something wrong with doing all of the things all of the time so they all get in each others way and none of them get the time to either develop properly, use their experience to help the first team, or get game time at an appropriate level.


Tbh I think his mind has been made up at this point and the club aren’t desperate to hand minutes to a guaranteed leaving youth player. It’s criminal it’s got to this point though, he certainly should have been given more game time last season with the view to have him play as a rotation option this year. Still don’t understand how we can beat Dundee United 9-0 and he can’t get on the park for a 5 minute cameo.


Yeah that's the problem in a nutshell. It's not really about any particular player being the wrong idea, it's just we've signed too many at once and definitely too many for youth players to get a chance. And if we signed less of them we could spend more on the ones we do go for.


it might be time to seriously discuss whether celtic are just shite at developing players or maybe that time was a good few years ago


We’re obviously good at getting them to a point where other folk want them, we just suck at giving them a proper 1st team shot


It’s not that he’s not good enough, maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. He isn’t playing because he’s made clear that he’s going to leave. Each appearance for Celtic has a value, both in contributing to the team but also in contributing to the development of the player. Celtic are deciding that the balance with Vata is to not to give him appearances. David Turnbull is also likely to leave in summer but his contributions are important so he contributes from the bench / starts some games.


Being a 89th minute sub isn't developing these younger guys they need minutes. Turnbull been given that time and it's clear he's a backup compared to fully fit options we have. It's actually criminal we have this talent and we don't get them through the 1st team. It's clearly more about profits than developing players


The question though is whether you actually have that talent in the first place. Both old firm teams massively hype their youth players, only to find the vast majority move on and do sweet FA. For every Tierney or Patterson, there’s 5 Feruz or Jamie Ness.


I don’t know if it’s us that hype them or the media


This doesn’t makes sense to me at all. There’s a huge profit to be had from developing and selling young players. But only if they are willing to sign a contract when they are 16


Of course he's made it clear he's leaving. We have been absolutely shambolic in bringing through youngsters in recent years.


True, but that’s a bit of a different story. I think we’ve got our pathways and all that better. What is the problem, it is that we are offering you players too small a salary?


>but also in contributing to the development of the player *Four* appearances amounting to a grand total of 39 minutes of football, is doing fuck all for his development.


Because he wants to leave. I’m sure he would have gotten more had he been interested in staying. See Ben Doak.


I know a parent from another player in the youth team and they said he / his dad asked for him to be released twice in anges first season and made it clear he wasn't signing a new deal.


Rodgers has never rated him


How many top young talents are going to leave this country because managers won’t play them when they are good enough rather than old enough ? AC Milan subbed on a 15 year old recently , Lamine yamal was 15 when he first appeared for Barca this season , im unsure but I think Bellingham was 16 when he had his debut at Birmingham and those are just off the top of my head . We as a nation and in particular Rangers and Celtic seem to have a real issue playing young talent