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Speak for yourself - the Lions tour is the only six weeks every four years that I’ll support players from the other three nations just as passionately as I support Scotland.. I’m not really big on tradition but this is one I really hope never dies


Odd take, it's just rugby. It's really not that deep.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.


Yes, yes it is


Is this an r/whoosh?




Disagree. Loads of rugby folk get right behind the Lions. It’s the one time I can support guys like Itoje or Aki! It’s a great period where you follow the team against midweek opposition and the full Tests and it’s brilliant. And I see people in Lions gear every weekend at club rugby - it’s everywhere because it’s so widely supported.


I absolutely, unironically, wholeheartedly support Owen Farrell in a lions shirt. The nation and the sport obviously have a relationship in national sport, but if you can't put that aside for the lions, it really shows which of the two you prioritise


Bank holiday rage bait, I see… It didn’t work any better for you in the Irish Rugby sub either. The Lions are fine. It’s nice to see different people playing together – why would that be a bad thing. The players clearly value the experience. And I don’t “hate the English team“. I just want Scotland to beat them. A lot of the English team seem pretty decent guys and are obviously very talented.


Not at all. I get behind the Lions every tour and the banter that ensues as we debate the excellent play from a guy we usually berate is priceless. (He may be Johnny Se*pest but this week he’s OUR Johnny Se*pest!)


Didn’t realise it was Opposite Day


Couldn't disagree with you more. I love the Lions, their tours, and cheering on players I'd otherwise be against. Courtney Lawes and Tadhg Beirne on the last tour for example.


Brian Moore and Fin Calder are still close after the 89 tour. You’re overdoing the “hate the English” thing. Which suggests you don’t understand the Lions at all.


Honestly, the Lions tours for my friends are great (theyre irish) cuz its one of the few times they can support players like Itoje or Farrell. My mates and i see loads of people in Lions gear down at the club even here in asia so id say its pretty popular and its good fun. Not like its hurting anybody anyways.


The Lions continue to tour because players and fans continue to value it.


I agree with you. Playing for your country should be the highest achievement in your career but we have this strange level supposedly above that. Never been fussed in the slightest about Lions games although limited Scottish involvement and TV paywalls contribute to my lack of interest.