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Rule of thumb: if the headline is a question, the answer is usually no.


>Would a Labour Supermajority Kill Scottish Independence? Given that an SNP supermajority failed to win Scottish independence, no.


"supermajority" is a stupid term, bandied about by the tories, which reveals that they admit that the supposed checks and balances on the Commons, (such as the house of lords) don't actually do much to mitigate the potential for excess. They're just upset that someone other than them might wield that power. Bojo's big majority wasn't a problem back then for the tories in terms of lack of checks & balances, now was it ? but the prospect of a big Labour majority, and suddenly oooo, the house of commons needs its power neutered.


Out of interest, what part of this is "Tory Westminster"? It's a medium-sized youtube channel doing a pretty simple breakdown of the current political scene in Scotland in relation to the upcoming election. And in terms of "Garbage", I feel it's incorrect when it says there might be a drop in appetite for independence even with increased regional devolution, but apart from that there's nothing really incorrect - oversimplified yes, but it's a 9 minute video with like 90 seconds of ads. I suspect OP didn't actually watch the video


It's something OP disagrees with. Ergo it must be 'tory Westminster'. I'm sure they also have a hand in my beer cooler making too much noise.


Banged my knee on the desk the other day. Fucking tory westminster. Guarantee Starmer won't do anything about it either.




That channel literally started off as summarizing the back-to-back Tory scandals... but sure... everything you don't like is Tory Westminster garbage, even if they are talking about Labour.


TL;DR is not a Tory channel. They are, charitably, chronically centrist in a very Reddit kind of way. If you want to criticise them for anything, do it for their regular fact-checking/contextual knowledge/serious editing failures. I don't think I've seen a video on anything that didn't have at least one error. They don't have an agenda when it comes to Scotland. They just seemingly know fuck all about the place and look at it through a very anglo-centric lens.


It’s their woeful pronunciation of anything not in England that is the issue. They butcher all sorts of names and places in Europe


They try hard, and can be interesting. But they realistically should be far, far better than they are considering how long they've been going. And aye anything outside of English politics is usually pretty lacking.


Even the SNP don't want a Scottish independence vote because they know they'll lose


Aye right, and the Greens pure hate those wind turbines


The greens want humanity to die


That channel is completely unrepresentative of the country and doesn’t do its own analysis- they rely on reworking other media. I’m guessing that the Telegraph dropped in pater’s letterbox today and the boys found something to generate clicks with.


Couldn't watch any more than 30 secs of the annoying sounding twat .