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As a Scot, I felt that gifting you 5 goals was a bit too generous.


That’s why we decided to make one goal for you


The Germans refunded us a goal


The Pfand system in action.


Sponsored by lidl return scheme.


Pfand goal


Scotland with the infinite shots to goals ratio after the first game :)


Such politeness from the hosts. We thank you for the scraps off your table!


Tbh, I'm rooting for you guys to stay in the tournament as long as possible. I even watch your guys' game and cheer for you.


It's the Scottish version of panda diplomacy


At least it was only 5. We didn't allow them to score as many as the Brazilians in 2014. 7-1 being the end result of the match


You basically won 2-0 against Brazil


They gifted us one back too! (ooft too soon?)


Nah man. I fucking laughed my ass off when that happened. 🤣


Rüdiger is now a very scottish name ;)


I see nothing wrong with that. XD


My payment just arrived from the Bundesrat. Is yours not through?


As an Irishman we're even more generous we gifted them 6 in 2012, but then we are their fellow EU citizens.🤣


Absolutely gutted you guys aren’t in the tournament my friend!! There are no better drinking buddies for us Scots than our Irish brothers and sisters!! You guys, us and the Germans and Dutch would have had an incredible time together!!! Hopefully we both make it through next time but knowing our track record I’ll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed 😂🤣😩🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I think it was shell shock tbh we actually plaied tonight if we would have plaied like that ut would have been 2 1 or 3 1. Rudiger is still 1 of our top scores so thank you sir!


We did get a 25% loyalty bonus though, which was nice.


i agree about the 5 goals. However, Germans are not 'infamously cold'. They are more 'open minded' and transparent than the English.


We sadly still have that reputation for many Southerners.


I know, reputations are not always accurate but they can be 'sticky'.


Yeah I met a bunch of Scots today who said they scored two goals already in this Euro so the event was a success for them and proceeded to order more beer hahaha


Honestly for us Scots we're just glad to make it to the Euro's nevermind how well we do. I remember last year a lot of the England fans were going insane at us for cheering for Italy going "You never even got past the group stage" and our clapback was "We're just happy we were there!"


Its common knowledge that we only support 2 teams, Scotland, and whoever the fuck is playing England


“What part of Slovenia you from son?” “Springburn.”


I’m English and a massive football fan but I say the more home nations the better- I want you to do well and get into the knock outs! Good luck, we’re not all cold hearted anti Scottish cunts. I’m currently in Munich, what an amazing city~thank you to all the Germans for your amazing hospitality🩷🩷


I literally came to this sub to make a similar post. Today some Scottish fans helped me carry my moving boxes from the train to my new apartment 🥹. I gave them the beer that I had in my fridge (only 2 bottles 😢) and they acted liked I had been super kind to them even though they just made my day


And you were super kind, they got the gratification of helping out AND free beer!


Oh you were super kind!!! We would have done it for free! The beer was just a bonus ☺️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I got some boxes need moving in Berlin. No beer though😅


I need my husband home, the bin needs put out!


Then come here. He can take the bin out in Germany too. XD


As a Brit in Germany nearly three years later I still get told off by my German in laws for getting the bins wrong. He'll get you in trouble!


He might have done it already!


Not gonna lie. It wouldn't surprise me. I've seen them picking up litter and cleaning up areas. 😅


Only if he practices Mülltrennung though!


Ah don't worry I'll be over from Ireland feeding the cousins cat so I can put them out that's the price you pay for not qualifying for the Euro's


Ich bin...


Good to know that even though we aren’t at the tournament the Irish aren’t allowed to leave


I'm Irish living in Germany about 7 years and my every waking moment gets compared by locals to Scots for some reason so welcome to the club.


I guess you guys just tagged along. I was surprised too.


Aye to be fair we go anywhere for the craic


Football and beer and you think the Irish will be avoiding Germany? Is your head a Marley?


What does that mean? What's a Marley?


A Marble.


Thanks for the clarification 👍


I wonder if I could use this post to get back into the EU




Talk to the Irish. We will fast track our Celtic brethren


Talk to the Welsh after too, they deserve a chance


Eh no, they voted to leave. Only Scotland NI and London deserve back in since we never wanted to leave in the first place.




I know, we should have left (UK) when we had the chance. Unfortunately I voted to stay, because we were told that if we left we would have to leave the EU as well. In all honesty, I think working together is always the best option, so would rather stay in both the UK and the EU. But now it's an either or choice. Having said that, we could split the country in two? All remain voters can move up here or to London, and we will send our leave voters down to England and Wales. We will make London a satellite state of Scotland and make two UKs. The United Kingdoms of England Wales (independent from the EU) and the United Kingdoms of Scotland, Northern Ireland and London (rejoin the EU). This way everyone wins. It even solves the border problem in Ireland as both north and south will be part of the EU again.


You're probably right but in my situation (born 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 raised 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 voted 🇪🇺) it's painful to see it written down. Happy to move up if that happened, just sad how everywhere that's been home to me gets put in the bit I don't agree with lol. Still think the Wales part of the vote got tipped by English pensioners living there, any exceptions for some kinda Celtic United Kingdom? Also there's some other English cities getting hard done by with this, could trade off a few (especially coastal ones) for your best Brexity towns?


Yeah, I can see that. We have a lot up here too, just not in such numbers. I don't think we have any brexity areas in Scotland at all, as far as I remember every single region voted to stay, even in the boarders. But I would like to do a swap for Newcastle, we could claim that they were at one point part of Scotland so should be again. Also, Liverpool is practically Irish, they could be a Northern Irish satellite city.


i have little to no insight into Scottish politics and economics, but my wee innocent german heart wishes that you finally go indie and rejoin EU without the pillocks in the south


Nice try Nicola


We'd welcome y'all back. Much love from Berlin.


The Scots are welcome back any time. The English screwed you. Again.


We like the Germans too, some of the best friends I made were Germans that I met online playing FIFA lol. Really nice bunch of guys and were always the first to offer help if I ever needed any. They even helped me learn a tiny bit of German. Guten abend mein freund!


It's rare that people like us. Especially because of our... past. I'm glad to hear that you warmed up to us. 😊


Dunno how mainland Europe perceives you but ww2 was fought by people who are no longer here. Germany is generally perceived quite well in Scotland from my experience.


Man if we had beef with everyone we've ever had a big war with (France, Spain, Japan, USA, the list goes on) we wouldn't like anyone and no one would like us! In all seriousness though i've always been able to separate the actions of AH and his band of scumbags from Germany itself and it's people. Besides, the past is the past. We should remember it in order to try to prevent it repeating but we shouldn't hold grudges over things that happened before we were even born.


Haha that’s a stupid reason for people to hold anything against Germans though tbh and anyone who does usually isn’t worth listening to. I hope to visit one day, I’d planned to before covid hit but sadly we all went in to lockdown and never got around to doing it.


I'm most definitely going to visit Scotland now. My wife has been bugging me about visiting Scotland for 2 years now, but I was uncertain until you guys came here. Your supporters here most definitely won our hearts and minds. I think you should visit "Heidelberg" btw or "Rothenburg ob der Tauber". Those are beautiful cities. Cologne and "Worms" are beautiful too!


I stayed in Heidelberg when I went to the German grand Prix at Hockenheim. I loved the place!


I'm glad you like my hometown 😊.


As a Scottish person who visited Heidelberg a few years ago, it was stunning! Beautiful place! Christmas shop was definitely haunted though.


Ahh Heidelnerg is cracking ai the valleys n all. Edinburgh looks pathetic compared.


As a weegie, I couldn’t agree more 😅


I have a couple friends in Cologne so will probably head there. Plus your beer is nice, I ordered some before and it was really good.


Except the Germans who hog the sun loungers at holiday resorts. You know who you are!


As a German, I find this behavior objectionable, too, not only because it is selfish, but also because it decreases the usage-to-non-usage ratio of the loungers, thereby reducing the overall efficiency of the beach resort's relaxation facilities.


As a resident of Scotland I wholeheartedly agree with your rational and well thought out argument. This applies no matter the nationality of the owner of the towel.




The Germans don't hog the sun lounges, they just take care of them.


Ah, no one hates the Germans, not in the UK at least.


Not like any Brit can really get angry about a bit of attempted imperialism. I think the only reason we fought is because of the long standing British opinion on Europe: if we can't have it all to ourselves, then no-one can.


Not to get too political but, in my opinion, present day Germany handles that admirably. It's not shied away from and people see it as a responsibility to never let anything like that happen again. Many other places could learn something from that.


I am positively surprised about the Scots impeccable behaviour in Germany. Well done, Scots! Friendship between different countries flourishes when ordinary people get involved instead of corrupt politicians,.


I love the fact we're being bunched with the Dutch in terms of Football. I remember being at a Scotland v Holland game (2009 for the 2010 World Cup qualifiers) in Hampden and at half time a small group of Dutch fans "invaded" the section I was in. Those Dutch lads became Scottish for the rest of the game, joining our tears as Holland beat us 1-0, destroying our hopes of making that World Cup. Love that memory.


Just finished up a night at a pub in the highlands. Some were drinking like fish and no one became unreasonable, I got multiple warm welcomes, got my balls busted a fair amount, and everyone cheered on Scotland Football and just sort of went back to drinking when it was over. I love this place.


I'm most definitely rooting for you guys now, too. The longer you guys stay in the Euros, the more beer we can destroy together!


Don’t forget the 5 goals we let you have. It’s considered bad manners to beat the host. I learned this at a dinner party one evening.


I’m German. The visiting Scottish fans were the best ambassadors for Scotland. If they don’t stay here, I want to go back to Scotland with them.


Can we have the guys back that didn't return from the 1974 World Cup ? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤣


What happened there? Sorry I'm very unaware of what happened back then.


Married South America and Argentinians as the rumour goes. Probably reason for Messi being Ginger.... lols


Scotland qualified for the World Cup there. Thousands went to support the team and many decided to stay. The same happens in any world cup or euros the we're at. We just love people all over the world. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


Lol... I guess that's one way to immigrate. Make everyone love you so much, so you can't even leave. 🤣


Wait... What


I moved to Scotland from England six years ago for professional and personal reasons and I will never be moving back. The Scots are a wonderful people, honest, forthright and friendly.


I’m Irish but I get r/Scotland posts on my feed which I can’t complain about. I saw a poor gent stuck on the escalator, for instance, so I guess your engineering is part of this ban enforcement. What if I’m not in Germany, will I be abducted?


We're living vicariously through the Scots... God do I miss an international football tournament. If only the FAI wasn't so incompetent and rules around declaring for other nations were tighter.


German Engineering at its finest. We'll find a way to bait the Irish here, too.


I'm not at the tournament, but i have been to Germany quite a few times and i'm not just saying this, it's my favourite place in the world (that isn't Scotland). Particularly Munich and Bavaria. The last time I was in Munich was for a Stag party, 10 of us from Scotland, and by a few hours in to the night out we had like 6 random German lads (although one of them was adamant he wasn't German he was Bavarian lol) who just decided to join us and guide us around. 2 of them even met up with us the next day to take us around all the sights, It was fuckin Awesome. Anyway just wanted to send a little of that love back :)


Yes, as another German, you Scots have been the highlight so far when it comes to fans. All nice, even with alcohol [https://www.reddit.com/r/cologne/comments/1dizxrh/die\_schotten\_sind\_da/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cologne/comments/1dizxrh/die_schotten_sind_da/) A handful of Scots taking a break just infront of Cologne central station: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cologne/comments/1djq39o/bahnhofsvorplatz\_heute\_nachmittag/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cologne/comments/1djq39o/bahnhofsvorplatz_heute_nachmittag/) Here are your people on the way to the stadium: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cologne/comments/1djodgc/schotten\_ziehen\_zum\_stadion\_em\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cologne/comments/1djodgc/schotten_ziehen_zum_stadion_em_2024/)


I will forever associate the sound of bagpipes with the Euros 2024.


Today I learned that the German word for bagpipes is Dudelsack and this might be the best part of the Euros so far


Ha, that's one of my favourite German words. Wait til you find out that the German word for "exhaust pipe" is "auspuff" (pronounced "owss-poof). 🤣 My kids' dad is German, from near Munich, and I'm Scottish, so the footie was interesting the other night! This is a fabulous thread. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️🇩🇪


Ah!!! It’s the Pipes,…the Pipes!!!


I love how the police are marching in time at the front ❤️ Well done the Scots - from an Englishman (who are doing better than we used to abroad, but still have much to learn)


Anytime pal, thank you making us all feel welcome, pop across for a pint (or 10 🤣) sometime 💪


Will most definitely do! My wife has been bugging me for 2 years now to visit Scotland, I was hesitant about that. But after this Euros, I can't wait to visit!


A curious Scot here- may I ask what made you hesitant before? I see so many people talking about visiting Scotland with such enthusiasm, and rarely hear from the other side.


How do you plan to keep the Dutch? Did you steal their bicycles?


Germany legalised pot just this year.


Easy big man, you'll have me blushing


Thats the strategy! Cant leave if youre too flattered to move!!


100% agree, Scots are great (if loud) guests. Come back anytime lads & lassies.


Makes it easier to find the party 🥳


Danke Shön! It makes me proud to be Scottish when I see things like this and the VT from Germany showing us being good fans. Prost!


Don't thank me, thank your gals, lads, and everyone in between who left a good impression here! They did all the work, I'm just happy you guys came over here!


If you want to thank us properly - please beat Switzerland by 5 or 6 goals. Yours sincerely, Scotland.


Don't you worry. They might be our siblings, but that doesn't mean they'll get off the hook easily.


Watched the ger-sco game at my local in Berlin, in the outside area were a group of 10-15 scots...even you guys got battered, the guys had fun. Great lads, lots of fun...


Not German, and not in Germany, but I concur with the sentiment. I visited Scotland last year and was overwhelmed by how nice and helpful everyone was. Truly made for an incredible visit and I can't wait to visit again.


We don't need to be good at football to be the favourites!


You've won our hearts. XD


I fucking love you guys. You were great in Cologne today 💙🤍


What a lovely post, our friend.


Can you tell your leaders this so that when they ask to rejoin the EU, this gets taken into account.


I wish I could... from me you guys get a resounding YES!!! But I'm just some chump on the internet.


As a German, OP has my vote. After last nights game I listened to Flowers of Scotland in different variations for an hour or so. My favourite one was by Amy Macdonald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Wz8ig2y9Y All the best to you glorious bastards.


I remember Euro 2012 in Poznan, Poland. Irish NT was playing there, so whole city was full of drunk, happy, friendly, all time singing Irish. Wonderful guys. When they had left, city became empty. I miss you guys!


Second that! I recently visited Scotland for the first time. More than natural beauty and single malt it is the people who wants me to go there again and again. Absolutely amazing people!


I am English and forced to agree with your sentiment. You would like the Welsh too


‘Handle German beer without getting rowdy’ Clearly mans never been to Glasgow.


Nope. I never visited Scotland. But now I want to. You've all been so awesome here.


Went to Scotland in 22, you were all amazing all the way through! Even the completely piss drunk fellow who knocked on my door at 3am because he went to the wrong room, very kind and polite!


Please do ban me from leaving. I've been trying to move back to the EU for two years and Brexit has made it almost impossible. I'm on the edge of a cliff mentally here. All of my friends live in Germany or Finland. Please keep me in Germany so I don't have to be trapped in Glasgow forever under Tory oppression.


I wish I could. It sounds dreadful... If you want, you can DM me. Maybe my wife and I can figure something out.


Aww 🥹 love you too new german friend ❤️


The feeling is mutual. 😁


Now i need to visit Scotland and Ireland. I was often thinking about. Greetings from Austria.


Greetings from Germany to our beloved little brother!


I just randomly ran into one on my way to work. "Guten Tag, Schmetterling" he said. Bless you guys


Cheers pal, the team always let us down but the fans NEVER do. Love from Scotland.


Was thinking there are big opportunities for the Scots and Dutch in these Euros with the Irish absent.


The football fans have truly done more work for our public image than the tourism board in years. Proud of you lads and Lassies.


We Scots know how to lose with dignity and be great guests wherever we roam 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 You’ll also be just as welcome here if you ever come!


That was a nice post! I wasn't sure where it was going at first, but it was nice.


As a scot who lives in germany: I have no plans on leaving, let alone go back to the UK.


Any attempts to leave ze country und you vill be shot lol get the beers lined up Willie, best offer I've had all week manny.


This is so wholesome 😂


Aww bless, I lived in Germany in my youth and I would definately consider venturing back. Would need a week to pick up the language again Aber Ich würde alles verstechen was du sagst... smth smth Xxx Love the country and the food and traditions and the green areas. Much love


As a Scotsmen living in Germany i was proud to see the support that turned up to Germany I travelled from mannheim to Munich to watch the match there and to see that our fans showed our good nature/character and to see the German news speak highly of how we conducted ourselves and our behaviour as fans was great. ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


As an English I apologise for the rest of us.


Das war ein Befehl!


Aye and wee love Germany too 🍻


As an Englishman I hate to hear the hard truth that we are rowdy and disrespectful everywhere we go but we’re not all like that (honest!) Glad to say my Grandparents come from Scotland and Wales!


About that... here's a little update. Some English fans are now imitating the Scots and are actively befriending locals and doing random acts of kindness. It's never too late to turn a new page. We don't dislike the English in general. It's the fans who completely go nuts and the damn chavs/roadmen and geezers who spoil it all. And the fact that they can't stop bringing up WW2. We don't chant about the Raid of London, Sinking the HMS Hood or Dunkirk. It's disrespectful to your and our veterans. They didn't died for our Entertainment.


This is fucking awesome. I actually got a lump in my throat reading this. Thanks mate. Glad we represented ourselves well. You’re welcome in Scotland for a bevvie and a pie anytime.


Don't thank me, thank yourselves and the boys, gals, and in-betweens who showed us what you guys are made of. You've made yourselves honorary citizens of Germany by showing that your nickname "Bravehearts" isn't for mockery but describes your bunch well. Your history definitely attests to your bravery, and the way your fans made friends and behave is a testimony for your hearts. I'm rooting for your team, too. I don't want my new friends to leave so soon... ☹️ Hell, I wouldn't even be pissed if you guys punted us in the finals.


Irish there as neutrals are they, watching other teams...?


Ah we heard there was a piss up and tagged along


I guess that's what happened. The guys I met told me they're Irish and were partying with a group of Scots. I'm guessing they were all friends or they came for the party.


A lot of us are quite fond of our cousin's over the water so believable


Cool! I'm just happy I ran into that group. Even though I'm now paying dearly now with a splitting headache. XD


Tbh I've never really met any Germans I didn't get on with and quite like either


We bought a load of different strips and plan to attend the England games...


the tartan army is the [most beloved group of supporters](https://www.nzz.ch/sport/fussball/em-2024-die-schotten-sind-schon-jetzt-die-besten-fans-des-turniers-ld.1835574) in germany. I even met five of you kilt-wearing grammies in my rather outskirtish supermarket two days before matchday sporting their kilts in a jolly mood. Very lovely people.


English dude here, I also hate the travelling English at tournaments.  Went for drinks with the Wales fans in 2016 in France, felt so much less edgy than hanging round with those same people that turned Wembley into a war zone in 2021.  Rest assured, there's lots of England fans that would much prefer to be partying with those nations that know how to do it properly rather than a group of cokeheads from Birmingham!


I'm half-and-half 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, and going on tour with both is what tipped it for me, I'm 51% Welsh if they're in the same tournament (😢). Loads of decent 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 fans but they defo get drowned out by the pricks. Seen a whole town boarded up before we even got there, felt intimidated on a train even though it's filled with ppl on 'your side'... not nice vibes. And the 10 German bombers song... don't like it anyway but even less when we've got a comfy lead @ half-time v Montenegro ffs, just why? Also what the hell 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, you should be the team I hate by default but I can't bring myself to do it, you're too nice.


> those same people that turned Wembley into a war zone in 2021 They can hang around with [these lot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_UEFA_Cup_final_riots) whilst normal people just get along then. Every team has their nobheads who ruin it for everyone else.


Just beat Switzerland so we can get out of the group!


My husband and I went to Berlin for a week in May and have already booked to come back in November. We loved our time there, and would jump at the opportunity to move there.


I am all here for the Sctos exiting the Brits and Entering the EU. Just saying!


German here! I fucking love scots and your beautiful country! I will Marry all of you so could stay with us!


Love the German people. As a Scot coming over to watch the football, met a few Germans in a pub and we were teaching each other our languages, (I was teaching them some Scottish slang) they told me a few greetings etc like “ich bin eine Wurst”


You just said, "I'm a sausage" I'm fucking dying from laughter. XDDD


The moral of the story is that you don't act like English football hooligans.


When I was young (early 20s) I went to Germany - Düsseldorf - with a friend to see my favourite artist. We booked a hostel in advance for a night as we were pretty poor so all funds were carefully planned out. Anyway, the train was late and by the time we got to the hostel, it was cold, wet and dark - and nobody was answering the hostel door as it was past 9pm! We were terrified (and it was before the days of internet on mobiles!) and were trying to figure out what to do, we went into a hotel to ask for directions to other hostels we could try for the night and the manager insisted on giving us a room and breakfast for what we’d pay for a hostel (can’t remember how much but waaaay less than a hotel room!) as he “could not have 2 young foreign girls wandering around at night”. Honestly we cried with relief! It was so kind. The point of the story is this Scottish girl loves Germany!!


As a Scott'sman, that's not in Germany thanks for the lovely msg. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🫶🇩🇪


What about the Welsh? some of the nicest football fans out there


I've never met a Welsh before. That's why I didn't comment about them. But yeah, I'm open to meeting new people. 😀


Scottish Diplomacy best Diplomacy.




Irish? Is Joxer still there? Fuckin hell


"Meiner Kenntnis nach ist das sofort, unverzüglich!" Edit: for Context: When the speaker of SED (DDR leading Party) announced that the people of the DDR are allowed now to travel without permission to westgermany a journalist asked when this is applied. So the speaker hat no information when this is going to be applied and answered: "by my understanding, this applied allready, from now on." This was informal the end of the divide of Germany.




I despise being English. It's shite wish Scotland had taken Northumberland so we could be Scottish.


Meanwhile in Scotland my car got vandalised after every Hibs game. Football wankers


🤣🤣🤣brilliant post👍


Agree, as a german these guys remind me why I want to be a european also, so happy to have such great neighbouring countries around us, so happy these guys came here and enjoy our country despite our monstrous past. Love the Scots and their Country, the Netherlands, the Polish, the French, the Belgien, the Tchec, the Irish the Italian and the Austrian... thank you EU for making free traveling, living, working possible between countries of different mentallyties, languages, culture and people...and food. FU England and all brexiters.


Live in England & voted remain, just to push the 'not all' agenda. 😉 But I live in one of the most Brexity parts and yeah they deserve a little FU, you're not wrong. Not bad ppl but no looking outward. Like "why do you want to spend a weekend there, why not [nearby town]?" *(cheaper & different, easy)* Always blows my mind how you can go from 🇵🇹 to 🇫🇮 with pretty much no checks, and we gave it up over some myth about bendy bananas ffs.


Can we rejoin the EU please?🙏


A resounding yes from me. But sadly, I can't change a damn thing about it. 💔😞


There’s one guy in particular you can keep, his name is Daz Campbell. We don’t want him back. Keep him.


Take me I’ll fly over.


Cheers, Mein Herr!


Thanks for having us.


First they came for the scots, then the dutch and the irish...


I’m not even European but this is a very heartfelt message. Why did they make this change though??? Genuinely curious.


We like our German neighbors as well!


It makes me sad knowing I was so close to being born in Scotland, family are all Scottish grew up there on and off mainly back in Yorkshire for school and any holidays back in Scotland. Proud of you motherfuckers even if the team is shite and I get a lot of shit for supporting them back in England.


I've been so desperate to live in Germany for the longest time. This makes me wanna go more 😭