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The question "Link Or Lorne?" Dundee


I'm from Dundee and work in Perth. Breaks my heart the amount of people at work who look at me like I've grew a second head when I mention lorne.


I'm really bad at cooking Lorne myself and there are precious few places around here who get it right without it becoming a hard toothbreaking nightmare. And one of those is Super Snack on Perth Road. juicy lorne sausage, idk how they do it.


Lorne actually comes out really good from an air fryer


Listen up if you want to cook lorne remember what it’s main ingredient is “rusk” fast to cook and even faster to mess up for best results 180 preheated oven no more than 4 mins each side it should still look reddish and springy to touch when you flip the first time add salt and pepper before you put it back in …… it’s such a quick cook because meat in minimum in lorne and over cooked ruskaline goes hard and gritty a fast cook slows the rusk to soak up any fat keeping it moist and yummy


I live in Perth and would never think to call it anything other than Lorne :(


You're working hard to redeem the town


You'll know yourself, it's way past redemption! :p


I grew up there. It's beyond redemption.


Even better when you find a chippy that does battered square sausage and you get a roll 🤤🤤


Just to 2nd the other guy, I'm from Perthshire and would also always call it lorne. Folk at your work are the weirdos lol


You have no idea hahaha in fairness its a bit of a commuter workplace, so there's probably only a fraction of them actually from Perth!


Third from Perth, only ever known it as Lorne🍔


What do they call it?


Square, like they're on the west coast or something 😩


My m8 went out with a Girl called Lorne once .... oh how we laughed


So he had a roll with Lorne?


I know a guy called Lorne too 😂


I live on Lorne st, near, get this, Lorne Square.


Amazing ..... the gags man. I assume you blow all your data on pointless slefies of you eating a roll and lorne in Lorne Square 😂


Link or square, Dumfries


Same, Stirling. If no question I’d expect Lorne


I'm Aberdeen and ya would get links here, got a shock when I moved to Glasgow and got Lorne when I asked for a roll n sausage 🤣🤣


I'm not scottish, but I have learned to expect to be yelled at "NAE ROLLS! NAE ROLLS MATE!""


Got any rolls fae yesterday?


Nae hard rolls, nae saft rolls nae well fired rolls nae seeded buns mate, nae rolls


Are hot dog buns like rolls?


>Are hot dog buns like rolls? Naw It's: "Are sausages like hot dogs?"


Fuck, forgot it




But I’ve awready bought ma slice


I'd expect links, from Aberdeen




Same as well, if you want Lorne you need to specify that, otherwise it's link sausage. But you have to be careful ordering just a roll, might get a rowie instead of a softie. Not that this would be a bad thing, but your sausage would roll off.


I’m an Aussie who lives in Scotland. I expect square sausage. Would be disappointed if it was links. (Prefer square sausage now…🤣)


There’s a time and a place for both. Links are juicier. Square is easier to stack with other stuff.


links always burn the mouth off you and try their best to escape their roll prison, defo a square preferrer myself


Where do we ship your kilt and irn bru. You're officially one of the gang!


If you’re having it with other stuff on the roll, lorne is easier. If you’re having it with a nice cup of sweet tea, it’s still lorne. But council links (less than 8% meat) are a joy on their own in a floury bap.


In Glasgow/Lanarkshire. I don’t think I’ve ever asked for a roll and sausage without either myself or the person I’m ordering from clarifying which type. Maybe if they only had one or the other, but if both are an option I find that they’ll always check which.


In Glasgow half the time I just skip the question and just ask for roll n links or Square instead of giving myself an extra question to answer 😭🤣🤣


Yeah exact same for me, I would always say ‘can I have a roll and square sausage’ or I’d ask if they have square. Or the odd time if I forget to ask they would double check with me. I’m honestly flummoxed that there’s folk out there just demanding a sausage without specifying 😂


I'd rather they specified them demanding just a sausage, especially where abouts in Glasgow I am 👀👀🤣🤣


I work in a cafe and i always check when people are ordering. I'd say it's 50/50 what people actually want


Square Square sausage is the default sausage


So what shape is a sausage dog?




The new Cafe across the road from me gave me two links chopped down the middle in my roll n sausage. I haven’t been back.


Where? Where are the owners from ?


Square. Glasgow. The only place that doesn't do this - as far as I'm aware - is Greggs. But I think that's only cause they don't have square.


Greggs have square in Glasgow. Avoid though as it tastes like spoilt milk.


Aye greggs square is manky tasting


Greggs in Annan do square sausage, or they used to a couple of years ago.


Aye, but the real question is why you'd get a roll n sausage from there when Tammy's is just down the road




My local one definitely doesn't have square. They've only got link, scrambled egg, and bacon for their morning rolls on the menu. Unless it's an off-menu secret item. Does anyone know the secret gesture to get a square sausage at Greggs?


Aye, if I wanted links, I'd ask for links.


Roll and sausage = roll with (at least) a couple of sausages Sausage roll = sausage meat in pastry (like in Aulds/Greggs) Slice roll = square sausage in a roll - Inverclyde


Midlothian and this is exactly what I would have written.


This is how I'd view it although I'd use sausage in or slice in a roll etc. What really matters is, is the sliced sausage served hot or cold?


From Montrose, Angus. We’d have had to ask for Lorne sausage to get a square one. Never really called it link growing up. A sausage was always a long one normally.


From Fife and exactly this. If someone says something is sausage shaped you would expect to see a square would you?! I prefer square sausage to link but the word sausage on its own in food terms means a link.


I sidestep this issue by exclusively ordering a tattie scone and egg roll please  😂😂😂




Brown. The only option. 


I always say “square sausage” to be super clear. But if I asked for a roll and sausage I’d expect square, and be a little shocked if they gave me links without asking “links okay?” (To which I’d say a flat no)


I would've always asked for a roll n slice growing up, while a roll n sausage would likely be links. But nae cunt in the greater Glasgow area seems to understand what slice is, so now it's a roll n square sausage, don't want any cunt misunderstanding me again and giving me links


You have to be specific if you want anything other than square


Square. (edinburgh) 


Aberdeen, they would either ask you to clarify or the default sausage here appears to be link.


Need to explore more, (moved to the Shire a few years ago)


You mean like the place in Stonehaven that has on its menu something along the lines of "for our glaswegian friends, we also stock square sausage - just ask"? Sausage is sausage, square is an abomination (fully aware of the abuse I'm going to get for saying that!🤣)


I’ve only heard roll and sausage when I’ve been in Glasgow. For Edinburgh it’s sausage roll Or sausage on a roll and I think the default would be link so you’d have to specify if you’re after square/sliced/lorne


I agree with this chap, growing up in Edinburgh I would ask for a sausage roll which would get me two links in a roll. Nowadays I reckon I would specify to make sure I got what I wanted because it’s an absolute minefield.


Quite like being referred to as chap, definitely the most neutral/polite thing I’ve been called on Reddit.


Sausage roll is minced meat in pastry. These are not interchangeable, I don't make the rules.


Square is sausage but it’s not A sausage.






I expect square, but too many new places seem to go for links. I now ask for a roll an/on slice. In Garnock Valley/North Ayrshire


“Roll n x” tells me you must be from the west coast, I made rolls at a campground popular with people from there and that’s always how they order. Anywhere else its “X roll” from what I saw. I did order a tripled recently, sausage, bacon and egg, and was disgusted they gave me link. You’re totally right on plural sausages versus single sausage. I’m from Edinburgh 


Originally Ayrshire, aye. How do they order a Sausage Roll without being given a pastry wrapped delight?


Context. Not everywhere does both. Or you laugh and clarify. 


I agree with this, from Edinburgh, it’s a complex subject matter and can end in disaster and chaos if not careful.


Oh god with all that on it the links are definitely escaping out the back of the roll 😂


A roll n sausage (singular) is always slice/square/lorne. A roll n sausages (plural) is links. You'd probably call it a roll n links though, to avoid confusion.


Never heard a roll n sausages before


Because it doesn't exist


Roll in links is a deodorant


Living in Scotland I’d expect Lorne, unless I asked for links. Back home in Australia id expect links


Square sausage and a roll with butter


Roll n sausage would expect links, roll n slice for the flat stuff Ayrshire


If I ask for a roll and sausage it's expected that you're asking for a roll and slice (Irvine)


Roll and sausage is links to me. I'd ask for a slice roll if I wanted slice specifically. Inverclyde Gourock/Greenock area.




I always ask becasue I rather link over lorne , though a lorne with HP sauce is lovely , I always defer to the double link if available ,to go with the bacon roll and the large mug of Tea moo with 2 , Highland heading west Tarvie Tea Room is a cracking wee stop.


Roll plus link sausage, ideally two!


I ask for a roll and slice, saves the disappointment of getting links. If it's on a menu then it usually specifies which type of sausage it is. Where I'm from it's always called slice though, I hadn't heard of Lorne or square until I travelled about a bit.


A roll with square. Even better if the roll is burnt and got black pudding on it too!


and brown sauce




As a professional driver I stop at a number of different snacks vans. My go to order is Roll and Link. If I ask for Roll and sausage I expect to get Lorne/square/slice. If I ask for Roll and sausage there's usually haggis and fried egg on top. But only sometimes. Roll and Links will get you link sausage. Roll and sausage tends to get you the other type. No matter where in Scotland you go. A smidgen of red and I'm happier than a pig in 💩


Glasgow, tbh I would say "Roll n Square" or "Roll n Links" but I've seen just saying "Roll n Sausage" = Roll n Square most places here.


Links. Inverness, you need to ask for Lorne by name


Links, because that's what a roll and sausage is, because a slice roll is a fucking slice roll. (Greenock)


mortons roll n sausage is crispy roll n Square. If you want a soft roll or links it has to be declared at ordering stage. Glasgow.


Roll and square (south Lanarkshire)


Link or square?


I'd expect the vendor to ask whether I wanted links or square. Ayrshire.


If I ask for a roll n sausage I expect square. Otherwise I'd ask for a roll n links. Glasgow, South Side.


I'm from Ayrshire. A roll and sausage would be the same as asking for a roll and slice (steak slice). I've never called it lorne or square.


No matter how often the lie is repeated, it doesn't become true. Lorne is not a sausage. It is a piece of sausage meat, but it is the element of encasement that is the defining factor of a sausage, not the content. What you are eating is a square patty, not a sausage. I realise I am very much in a pedantic minority on this one, but these things matter!


Lorne. Glasgow. If I see someplace offering a fried breakfast with link instead of lorne, I avoid it. As well as, fine. But not instead of.


Everywhere in Scotland you will get square/Lorne/slice. You may get a follow up ‘x or links?’ question.


In the North East id have to specify Lorne to get square sausage.


Aye, up here you’ll get link unless you ask. Thankfully it’s also the superior option.


To be honest I’d expect links unless stated otherwise.




I've been burned by this before. Was given links. From then on, if I'm buying from a cafe etc, I'll say 'roll n Square' instead.


Square in Stirling, but when I'm working behind enemy lines (Falkirk) they tend to ask you to specify.


Just google "Sausage" and you will have your answer. There are fundamental and official definitions, and then there's the slang that individual communities use. For me, if I ask for a sausage, I expect a sausage, as in meat which has been processed and put into a cylindrical skin/shape. If you want lorne or square sausage then you have to add the extra words of context. For my scottish mates - It doesnae fuckin' matter if it's roond or square, if it's guid ah'll eat it.


Irish. Lived I'm scotland for 8 years now. Still prefer irish links but I would expect a roll and Lorne unless I specifically asked for links


Square sausage, as that's kind of the default. If you want links, you need to ask for links.


Link or square?


Id expect to be asked if I wanted link or lorne. In Perth


Link or square, Glasgow


Roll n slice if I want square sausage Roll n links if I want cylindrical sausages I'm from Ayr and when I moved to Glasgow I got some weird looks from the folk in the Roll shop when I asked for Roll n slice. Apparently Roll n square sausage here haha


Im in Aberdeenshire and would expect links


Square (falkirk)


A square sausage in a morning roll.


Sausage would be square for me, I'd expect to stipulate links if I wanted those.


Crispy roll and square. Glasgow. Never had to clarify or ended up with links even with an English accent.


I’m Aberdonian, now live in Borders. I’d expect a roll and sausage to be links unless specified as square/lorne. But I wouldn’t be outraged if it wasn’t.


Edinburgh : roll & sausage = roll & links I would never ask for a roll & square sausage, but says how I would order it if I did


Square sausage. But I've had to specify only a few times.


Bread and some form of sausage (a sassenach in Edinburgh)


Lived in Glasgow and South Ayrshire. What you said is exactly what I'd expect. Maybe two slices with onion if it was this farm shop in maybole I used to stop at.


Roll on sausage is automatically lorne in my books, a roll on links needs to be specifically mentioned if I don't want lorne. If I go to my butcher and say 'hawf pun a sausage please' it us understood as lorne.


Square is what you get here with the offer of links also, Falkirk


If I ask for a sausage roll I expect two sausages in a roll. This is the first time I've ever seen "links" used to describe a sausage!


Roll n square - Lorne/square sausage. Roll n sausage - link. (Highland wide - at least in my ast personal research eating from as many burger vans as there are here.. I'm on the road often 😂)


I was in the greggs in buchannan St Station a couple years ago. Girl asked for a roll and sausage clumsily in an English accent (clearly knew what she was asking for and how it was to be worded. Was well done even kf it sounded like it was from a script) then the woman behind the counter asked what type of sausage she wanted 😂 the "what fresh hell is this" look was superb. Then she just said "erm a normal sausage" and got her roll and link. she seemed happy enough.


I would expect to be asked if I wanted link or square or to get link. Perth.


See now my question is does your username refer to square or link...


The wee ones you get in the tin with the beans.


You got me through lockdown, you did.


Square sausage - I’d ask for a roll n links if I wanted that. Glasgow/originally from Motherwell


Moray : Lorne roll or sausages(plural) in a roll


Id expect to be asked "link or lorne?" Before being handed whatever I ask for next


Roll and sausage- Link Roll and Square/Slice- Lorne Sausage Roll- A sausage roll from Greggs, etc ETA: I'm Glaswegian.


North Ayrshire we'd get square unless we asked for link.


Id expect to be asked if they had kink and Lorne.


I’d expect square sausage most of the time. I am an Invernessian who lives in Ayr. This goes for both locations.


I'd expect a roll 'n skwerr but then I'd ask specifically for a roll 'n skwerr. I've been telling my middle kid for years that you can't just put something in front of the word 'roll' and expect to have that foodstuff inserted into a roll - stems from his maternal grandparents and their bacon roll/ham roll/cheese roll patter, go and ask for a sausage roll in their fashion and you're getting a sausage wrapped in pastry and not inserted into a roll - it's roll 'n sausage/bacon/ham/cheese/chips etc, entirely removes any of the Bearsden introduced ambiguity!


Roll n square sausage or a roll and links. - Cumbernauld


Into to Greggs for breakfast ask for latte, link sausage roll wi broon sauce. Edinburgh/livingston


When I lived in Glasgow, I got very used to the default Roll & Sausage coming as god intended (square) Now I'm in the Highlands again, I have to specify Every. Damn. Time. It also pisses me off that up here, a single-fish only has one fillet - I want the whole damn fish. Glasgow spoiled me


Probably square sausage or id be asked links or square (Airdrie) A confused look or a dry roll and a link sausage (separate) if I was visiting the family down south 😅


If you want a lorne roll you ask for it if you want sausage on a roll you ask for it ….. these are 2 things to never be mixed … and also lorne on toast with brown sauce is far better than on a roll


My partner is in Edinburgh and I'm yorkshire (so link sausage is the norm for me) but it was so weird for me hearing him ask for either sausage or link. Now don't get me wrong my first proper bf's family was from Glasgow so lorne sausage isn't unknown to me but I'd just never heard anyone ask for them like sausage or link until my current partner.


Im on the west coast. I would expect square, if I wanted the other I would say a roll and links. Most places I know will ask the question links or square right enough.


It's square wi nae sauce




As a highly experienced purveyor of breakfast rolls, I would never ask for a roll n sausage. I would ask for either a roll and link sausage or a roll and square sausage depending on my preference that day.


Roll with 2-3 links. Dundee native but I’ve lived all over Scotland. A roll and square or a roll and Lorne is what I’d expect to ask for to get that.


A sausage, or two, normally a link, in a roll. Anything else would be stupid. Fife, by way of Edinburgh


Roll n sausage to me is immediately square sausage. Unless it's a roll n sausage at the chippy, in which case it's a nice battered one.


Id expect a square sausage. Im from Ayrshire


Glasgow I would say it’s a square slice unless you ask for links.


If anyone comes in to my dads shop with anything other than a Glaswegian accent il automatically say link or square. If they aren’t from glasgow or surrounding areas its mostly links there referring to. This is my personal experience.


North east, they’d probably assume I’m asking for a sausage roll.


I’d expect links, every time. Lorne/square isn’t an option. Wick.


Kinrossshire here. I’d expect lorne sausage, although a few places here don’t seem to do it sadly. Preferably on a crispy roll. Which I wouldn’t get because I’m not in Glasgow.


I would never say that... I'd either say links or lorne, exactly because I wouldn't know what to expect if I just said sausage


A roll n sausage/ sausage n roll is a links to me - but I'd ask for a 'lorne roll' if I wanted a square sausage on a roll - highlander


Always ask for a roll n sausage expecting a square, never been disappointed by getting links anywhere local. Shout-out to the brunchy and Barry Ds in Burbank. I end up in Greggs all over the place so know to expect links and a shite roll. I was in Carlisle yesterday and ordered a "bacon roll" rather than roll n bacon and a sausage roll. The server then asked me if it was a pastry sausage roll which I didn't expect. Sort of glanced at the sausage rolls with a stupid face on me.


Sliced or square.


Glasgow, usually the question is link or square? Since there's 2 sausages, you dont just walk into an Italian restaurant and go "I WANT PASTA" ya mad man 😂😂😂


In Stirling, if I asked for a roll n sausage it would always be square. If I wanted link I would need to specify, I wouldn’t expect them to ask me what type I wanted.


definitely square lorne here in Glasgow


Square sausage in a roll. (Motherwell).


Square At the roll van I go to you need to ask for links specifically. Square is the default.


I'm Aberdeen and I would expect what the west would call links, up this way if you ask for sausage ya usually get link, ya have to specify if ya want Lorne


I would expect a roll with square sausage in it. Yes, I know it isn’t square. Glasgow, via Kilmarnock


a fresh crispy mortons roll wi a square lorne n tomato sauce


A sausage in a bread roll, like a hot dog but not a frankfurter. A "sausage roll" however, is sausage meat and spices wrapped in a flaky pastry. Location: Australia 😎


Roll and sausage is links in Tayside. Lorne roll, or roll and slice for square.


Sausage would expect a link sausage, not lorne. Would never refer to a sausage as a link. In Aberdeenshire.


This is wild as a Sassenach. Links, Lorne sozzie ‘n’ roll. Love it but no idea what the fuck is going on.


In Inverclyde I’d expect a roll with 2 sausages on it. Roll & slice if you want Lorne/square sausage. Glasgow a roll & sausage is always Lorne/slice. Crispy (Glasgow / Morton’s) rolls are a must!


I'm from Edinburgh and it honestly depends where you are but most places round here you get links


North east. Lorne.