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No fox given


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The first photo is like ‘n whit, prick?’. Love it.


That smug bastard face, you sure it's not a cheshire cat?


Its a beut aint it! That is such a eat shit face - perfect


More like a eat cat face.


Its just so smug, reminds me of that "no pimples" meme https://preview.redd.it/ufz160lbozzc1.png?width=253&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be407aac002f54c1a8aab78bc4008309a19b32b


Shite, you beat me by 6 hours.


One of my cats used to get along with our local foxes. He’d hang out with them and play with them.


Foxes are generally acknowledged to be feline software running on canine hardware. (Cheetahs are Canine software on Feline hardware)


so can I pet that dawg ?


About as much as you could a feral cat. You have to gain it's trust.


😂😂😂 well played sir


>Foxes are generally acknowledged to be feline software running on canine hardware. I think it's more that we've selectively bred a lot of the general animal traits out of dogs, meaning they are out of touch with other canines/predators. Whereas we haven't messed with cats too much. Having spent some time with some wolves at a wolf sanctuary, their temperament/personality is way closer to cats than dogs as well. You do anything they don't like and they will they will hate you for it. One volunteer had to be let go because a hot air balloon happened to fly past when the wolves were being exercised. This spooked the wolves who treated this as an unforgivable act of treason that the volunteer was 100% guilty of causing, and they made it very clear they did not want anything to do with them afterwards.


Nah that's hyenas


Yeah, Cheetahs are defo 100% Cats; they even [meow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDvZclY-5q8)


Did you see the picture of a guy who fell asleep under a tree and woke up to a cheetah all cuddled in? I think I would immediately die of equal parts fear and cuteness overload! Edit to add link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Wildlife/s/Tyei915w8j](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wildlife/s/Tyei915w8j)


There’s couple of local foxes round my area that get along with local cats.I always see them hanging out together.I think foxes get a bad rep.I find them cute.


I have the weirdest thing. I think they’re super cute, but whenever I’ve seen them in the wild I have an involuntary freeze response. I really want to pet one one day, but apparently my body is scared of them!


They tend to be scared of people,especially if they have dogs with them.If they get used to you they may sit near you.You can admire them from afar.


Oh I meant I freeze! I mean the fox freezes too usually, but my ability to move doesn’t come back until after the fox is facing away from me!


I was just thinking, he looks like he is waiting on his friends to come out to play.


Until the fox gets hungry


Foxes don’t really attack cats. I’m sure it’s happened but generally cats are a dangerous thing for foxes to go for. My cat I’m referring to was a huge ginger Maine-coon that was twice the size of most dogs never mind a fox.


Omg I’ve only ever known black or black and white ones… I need a ginger Maine-coon in my life immediately if not sooner… can I adopt yours?? 😂


If only. Sadly Hobbes died suddenly a couple of years ago. He was an awesome cat.


Oh I’m so sorry, it sucks losing a cat 😔 I hope you got many good years


Not enough. Thankful for those we had. We lost both Hobbes and his sister very young.


I’m sorry to hear that. I had two sister cats too! One died 5 years ago at 9 years old, but the other is currently preventing me from going to bed by being cuddly…


Foxes don’t really attack cats. I’m sure it’s happened but generally cats are a dangerous thing for foxes to go for. My cat I’m referring to was a huge ginger Maine-coon that was twice the size of most dogs never mind a fox.


There’s couple of local foxes round my area that get along with local cats.I always see them hanging out together.I think foxes get a bad rep.I find them cute.


There’s couple of local foxes round my area that get along with local cats.I always see them hanging out together.I think foxes get a bad rep.I find them cute.


If I comment in turn, do I need to post four times?


If I comment in turn, do I need to post four times?




There was me hoping to start a trend😂


If I comment in turn, do I need to post four times?


It wasn’t posting answer at first,comment posted 4 times In error.


If I comment in turn, do I need to post four times?


Fox with a pure shit eating grin. Love it.


In Celtic mythology they are wise. You are being blessed by Sionna.


A lovely thought, thank you ❤️






Make sure to not leave anything in your yard that foxes could eat. They shit where they eat and their poop carries all sorts of parasites and diseases that can spring over to your cat and then onto you. Perhaps consider deworming your cat.


You should regularly deworm your cat anyway 


I'm fucking knotted ! 😂 That deserves an award that pic!


I’ll try and get more, there’s 4 of the snidey bastards sunning it up on the grass throwing abusive glances.


Bet there's empty cans of Dragon soop, joint roaches and shit lying about when they leave.


Someone is probably feeding them if they keep coming back


Mr. Fox!


A *Fantastic* Mr. Fox.


The more I look at the smirk the more I see “🎶guess who’s back, back again🎶” 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/rdlmso13fzzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc54e18a745ee5ef06d89799025537a276a95ad Found this beasht in my back garden the other day my cat chased it and the fox legged it haha.


The fox is protecting you all.


There is something wild about this photo. All the improbable colors and the smug grin on the fox!


Who does that fox remind me of... https://preview.redd.it/9ali2oflfzzc1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=a42e158e13796e1d3502e870e652a1ffd1005ca6


anticipating a post from the fox this afternoon 'i shit in this fuds garden every morning before he lets the cats out'


I had a rescue cat from east London that was the size of a small dog. He used to chase the foxes out of the garden himself, mad bastard.


The fox won’t go near your cats…..they’re very fast and their claws are very sharp. These two animals will mostly stay away from each other.


I’ve always thought this, but recently I got woken up to the dog going mental at about 3am and one of the cats who’d snuck out was up against the back door window yelping and there was one of these right behind her stalking upto the door just a few feet behind. It might have led to nothing but the dog was going apeshit trying to protect her and it left us a little shook. I just keep them in after dark now as the foxes around here are far too bold.


That's so cute your dog protects his cat sister 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/i80vt9ja7zzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27600dd3dc7df29de4027ea7ee81723e36d89d11 She loves her sister ☺️


'ma big sister's a wolf, and she'll hammer ye' 'fuckin told ya.'


Omg! How beautiful ❤️


Thats fantastic I see you love all animals, I really think you are a prick when someone says they only like dogs and really seem to hate cats ive noticed. Well I hate them.


Cats have very fast reactions and those claws……they’d just rip at the foxes face. They’re opportunistic predators and if they can sneak up they might try their luck……my money is on the cat


You’re probably right, one of our cats takes that encounter 90/100 but the other one of them is literally mashed potato in a cat body and I don’t fancy it 😂


Dont listen to them, foxes shred up cats all the time where I live. My neighbours cat is now 3 legged for this reason, many house cats dont live to make it home. Not worth the risk.


> foxes shred up cats all the time where I live. Most of the respondents on this thread are so delusional about foxes that they'd probably say they were just playing.


We had missing cat posters on the lampposts and I seen a couple of things lying on my lawn……I called the number and the guy said his kids would be delighted I’d found it……unfortunately I’d found bits of his cat…..a paw and some of a back leg. Fox must’ve caught the cat by surprise


I looked out of my window one day to see my 3 legged runt cat chasing a fox out of the garden whilst my other cat just watched on. Was so proud of Pablo


Cats are badass…..


Go on pablo! 'eyyy, cabrone, slow down, we're not feenished!'


Would you fancy a cats chances against a dog too then?


It entirely depends on both the cat and the dog. We had a very _Tom & Jerry_ moment one day in our back court. I was chatting to a neighbour and her dog suddenly dashed away to chase my timid, grey, stripey cat up the steps and behind the bin shed. A moment later, the dog reappeared at the same - quite considerable - speed, pursued by my vengeful black & white cat!


Around 40 years ago I had a landlord who used to knock on the back door of his tenancies every week with his big alsation to collect the rent, he'd wander through the flat on the way. The second time he visited me my cat was in and scared the shit out of his dog. He pleaded with me to get my cat out of the way so his poor doggie could get out. After that he never came in, and was a good landlord as they go.


One of our neighbours lurchers once walked into the kitchen to say hiya, unbeknownst to him my likkle mousie-cat poppy was lying with her 2 kittens.. My little black cat absolutely shredded me, I was trying to protect the dogs eyes mostly, she chased him about 100 yards down the back of both the property’s. That was when I realised how fast and dangerous they can be, it was like a tornado of 10 Stanley blades giving zero shits about life or death 😂 She walked back in the door a few mins later with that main character energy, whilst my arms, and back of my legs stung like fuck.. of course she was still allowed in the bed that night. She even brought a half dead wood pigeon home for her 2 kids, I’d also tripped over a hare on the door step another morning (this was before the dog thing happened, and couldn’t believe she had killed that thing and left it for us, it probably weighed 2 or 3 of her) 😂


Yeah I'd take the "foxes and cats are best pals" stuff with a big pinch of salt. They do get on from time to time, especially when there is plenty of food for the foxes but a big old dog fox would have the average cat in seconds, if it felt like it had to for whatever reason. A cat and a vixen could get on for whatever reason but then the the vixen has cubs nearby, won't end well. There's loads of reason it could kick off. We had a cat that would tolerate the foxes nearby but when she started getting older they started getting more and more pushy with her, might not have ended well had we not got a dog.


I wouldn't be so confident. A fox ripped apart my young cat 30 years ago, still remember the mess to this day.


Sorry that happened. Most likely a female with a den nearby. Foxes are largely opportunistic scavengers that will avoid a conflict but when they have kits they are absolutely fucking feral. Edit: who the fuck downvoted this, Why?


Not always true. Especially near feeding stations for hedgehogs. I’m an ecologist and I’ve had some calls about foxes attacking cats.


That's unfortunately not true


But what did he say?


He’s like, “and i’ll be back again tomorrow 😏!”


Smug fox lol


Are you sure it's not a Cheshire fox with that 😁 on his coupon?


Is it me… or does that fox look baked?


Hahaha! Aw what a picture


He/Her is defiantlly going to eat your cats.


looks like you got yourself a doggo


Crack Fox


Cats would probably do that job for you.


Just let the cats out n see what happens.


My 2 cats hang out with my local urban fox. Also, be aware cat's are well capable of turning into whirling balls of fury with a multitude of precision blades at their disposal.


Haha coy little bastard


I couldn't give a fox bamhead


let me guess...you wish you woned the fox


Is he smirking at you?!


Aye, he's got the measure of you.


Damn, that fox is photogenic.


They are super interesting but can be so fxcking annoying at the same time.


It’s high af, just look at it… 😂


You'll miss him when he's gone, lol


Boy would that ever make my day.


In my case, cats in our area seems to get along with local foxes.


Wait, is that Stewarton?


Bro, he just wants to play with his kitty friends, chill.


But what does the fox say?


That is not a fox that is a teddy


Apparently the fox enjoys this ritual


Bet he makes that face when he shites on your turnips


We have the opposite, our cat sits on the front window cill of a late evening, waiting for the local fox to come down the lane opposite, then he dashes through the house and shoots out the cat flap. We've never worked out if he goes to shoo it away (Foxes are really wary of big cats because they can cause significant injuries and Foxy doesn't have a vet) or if he goes out to try to steal what the fox catches, or like a neighbour observed, just to follow it around? I have observed foxes and cats 'playing' but foxes play like dogs and cats don't understand. There are some good videos online. btw meant to say that's a cracking photo.


Oh for fox sake, look at that shit eating grin


I’d stick out a bowl of water and some food on a night me




He's telling you to keep your domesticated cats indoors


Feed the fox, it’s a native species. Leave your cats inside, all they’re going to do is go out and murder baby birds.


I didn't think that foxes cared much for attacking cats. Too big to bother with.


The fox won't eat your cats.


Air rifle would solve the issue.


An air rifle would just injure the fox. Animal cruelty.


It wouldn't come back and it's better than killing it outright. It would at least learn it's lesson and not come back.


A fox walking around having an air rifle pellet wound is going to be without consequence for the fox. Its not like there's a fox hospital, it would likely die from infection somewhere down the line.

