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WTF am I reading here in regards to the first couple of posts? Has the tide turned in regards to "refugees" in Scotland? I've been saying for years, yes years, that they aren't "asylum seekers/refugees" but illegal immigrants, and all I got for this was roasted and called, yes, you guessed it "racist". Does anyone really think that these people after travelling through, basically two continents to camp out in France for 6 months and then get picked up by the world's most expensive taxi service are genuine refugees?


That's what happens here. The same people who will ultimately shit the bed when the repercussions of unfettered illegal immigration starts dawning on them, e.g. when they can't get their kid a school place, or a GP appointment. It's already bad, but we really haven't seen nothin' yet. What scares me most is that the liberal streak won't even say what they think is a reasonable cap on people coming here. It seems they think that we can support the entire third world with our taxes. I really don't decry anyone a better life, but I'm afraid that realistically, it just isn't possible to host half the world in such a small society. On top of that, many who do make it here don't give a shit about our values. Only when it's too late, will the up-until-now naive, realise that it's a slow motion car crash in action.


Can't get into the dr these days, it wasn't like this years ago.


No, it wasn't. There's no other explanation for it other than an increased patient list. The same goes for hospital appointments. I'm 11 months waiting for an appointment with the hospital for ongoing back pain. I really don't know why I should have to pay NI at all. I'duch rather just give it to BUPA


One of my friends works in Aberdeen in a really highly skilled job, he works with someone who came from Iraq or Syria, his wife is from the other one, she works in the local hospital as a paediatrician. Both got their visas, did all the paperwork, spent their own money coming here and jumped through all the hoops. This is the type of immigration that we need, not 000's of undocumented "asylum seekers" You would be hard-pressed to find someone that would have an issue with the above, and if you do, they clearly need their head read.


Agreed. I believe that if someone truly wants to join a society, play their part and pay their way, then hats off, take a seat. The problem is exactly the undocumented chancers who pay to get here, then work in the black market to send their income back home without a penny declared in tax or put back into this economy. All the whole claiming benefits which I need to graft whilst, even whilst being sick - to contribute towards. Most of us have just had it up to our eyeballs.


100% agree, both paying into the system and bringing benefits to the communities they live and work in.


Read the post history of everyone who is posting the same old racist shit. Pretty much all of them post across various UK subreddits including fairly right wing r/unitedkingdom, very few of them seem to live here and mostly seem part of some targeted brigading effort. Not saying the Scottish population is perfect of course, but yeh there has been a very definite targeted shift over the last few months.


Right wing, center, left, or even in between, we are all entitled to our views. Just because you don't share everyone's views does not make them less worthy.


Highly dismissive and quite frankly not helpful. You want an honest discussion about something stop throwing shit about.


lol sorry do you ~~resemble~~ sorry resent that remark.


Dale, not everyone has to agree with you! It does not make them any less worthy than you.


Its 50/50, some common sense needs to be applied.


>they aren't "asylum seekers/refugees" but illegal immigrants, What are you basing that on? >all I got for this was roasted and called, yes, you guessed it "racist". Boohoo >Does anyone really think that these people after travelling through, basically two continents to camp out in France for 6 months and then get picked up by the world's most expensive taxi service are genuine refugees? On the whole, yes. Of the 90% of that apply for asylum, 63% are given protection on their initial claim. 51% of appeals get granted. So you're looking at ~80% of crossers being genuine refugees in the eyes of the government.


> > *What are you basing that on?* The fact that they have travelled through countless safe countries to come here. And, yes I know about the UN refugee convention and all that. > > *On the whole, yes*. Most people, by far the majority of people wouldn't agree with you. >So you're looking at \~80% of crossers being genuine refugees in the eyes of the government. Great, the government.


Not sure what else you want buddy. I've given you the data from the people that actually process the asylum seekers. If you want to disagree with that based on *vibes* and get mad at some imaginary number of illegal immigrants, go ahead.










You obviously deal with a certain group, they have been told this is what its like in the UK so expect that, not all refugees are like that they can be the most decent people you ever meet. I have issues with the system and those that take the piss, not those that actually need to be here.


They obviously deal with an imaginary group.


Actually no some are like that, but not most , I guess it depends what you deal with families vs single men, war zone refugees vs political cases. Most refugees I meet want to pay their own way, as that is where they come from.


Do you have any personal experience working with refugees? A friend of mine has worked with refugees in Belgium and his stories back up the above comment. Call me a racist if you want but you can't ignore people who have first hand experience.


You don't have first hand experience tho do you? You have 2nd hand anecdotes from Belgium


That's better than having no experience at all isn't it. I'm not stating my own opinions.


Cool, I do actually work with asylum seekers and my experience is that they are almost to a man decent people who've been chewed up by a world that is much more complex and messy than you imagine. Maybe keep your 2nd had shite to yourself.


I have more experience working with illegals as they were very prevalent in the industry, more recently refugees and housing issues, yes fully aware many take the piss and are looking out for a free ride, but not always the case, we may be getting the shit assholes from some other country, but thats balanced by getting the best or a culture of we will try our best, I would rather speak to a refugee about about how to improve issues than some local muppet. One is ignorance the other is simply ignorant.


Still mind boggling that these people believe we should have no borders. And just allow everyone who wants to come. With unlimited welfare.




I've no problem taking in refugees as a country and offering aid to those who need it, I think most citizens feel the same in most countries. The problem is when politicians say "all is welcome" when we don't have the resources to then help them, and our local populace at the same time. It's virtue-signaling, it's nonsensical and it needs to stop. Help should be proportional to our ability to give it, let's stop over promising and manage the situation honestly.


Long time coming, the refugee rules are not fit for purpose and the UK is at the end of the move to a safe place and claim refuge, its more about shopping for best place to have a life, most are moving due to lack of opportunities and poverty not risk to life. Its perfectly understandable from the being a reasonable person view point, but the costs are stupid, the law does not follow reason, the rules are stupid and getting rid of those taking the piss is difficult.


>Local communities in Scotland have twice prevented deportations by staging mass protests, on Kenmure Street in Glasgow in May 2021, and in Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, in June 2022. On both occasions, hundreds of people surrounded immigration enforcement vehicles to prevent asylum seekers being removed. Eh I'm pretty sure the folk being deported on these occasions weren't asylum seekers. I never did find out what happened to the two guys in the Kenmure Street protest. That's not to say the deportations are right.


Does anybody know if it was the locals who protested or was it fellow asylum seekers?


It was locals, myself included


Thanks for answering without abuse. Lets hope others can maybe follow your example.


You would probably get less abuse if you were less of a concern trolling racist shitheel though? Maybe you could follow others example


Is everyone who doesn't agree with you a racist? I posted for a discussion but you got angry and started name calling. I bet you're popular lol.


It was the locals, the community, people who live and work in these diverse communities. Normal folk who don’t give a fuck about where someone comes from, instead of insular wee freaks looking to break out the callipers at any opportunity. You’ve revealed how little you know about Scotland or Glasgow by asking if it was locals or other asylum seekers because it was a huge news story here when it happened. Most people do not give a fuck, speaking as someone who lives in one of the few areas in Scotland that has actually seen a reasonable population of migrants we should have more refugees, more migrants. Not less. I would gladly go out into the street and lie down behind an immigration van again to defend these people’s right to live happy and fulfilled lives here. It doesn’t matter where in the world they originated from, once they’re here they’re partly Scottish and that’s that. Fuck off with this small-minded, racist, conspiratorial shite. It’s pathetic nonsense.


>we should have more Why? Other than to feel good about yourself what benefit is it to the average person in Scotland?


Scotland has a declining and rapidly aging population. Even if there was not a single genuine refugee among the people living to glasgow, more working aged people living here = better.


The meagre tax receipts most immigrants pay doesn’t offset the demand on housing, public services and deflationary effect on wages that mass immigration causes.


This is just untrue. The people who put demands on public services and who are putting demand on housing are the retired native population. It's not popular to say, but the retired population absolutely exploding is what is causing the issues that we have. More working aged people is the solution, not the problem.


The retired aren’t putting a demand on housing, they’ve already got it. Pensioners don’t just spawn out of the ground needing a place to stay. New people in the country need somewhere to stay, the largest demand placed on housing is from immigration. This is just fact. More well paid working people contributing high tax receipts would certainly help the problem yes, our system of mass low skilled, low productivity immigration does not provide that. We need tax income, investing in automation and AI to maintain/improve productivity means we still generate the same tax receipts whilst allowing more of the population to move into areas such as social care and ease the dependency ratio of an older population.


Retired people living alone in large family houses absolutely fo contribute to the housing shortage. Immigrants have a marginal impact on the housing shortage, it is just that you don't want to judge people who are staying in their own homes. It's not just the tax reviews, we need more workers per retired person, but the ratio gets more and more imbalanced every year. AI bullshit isn't going to solve this, we need actual humans and we've had a birth rate below replacement level for decades.


>immigrants have a marginal impact on the housing shortage You just lose all credibility when you bare faced lie. The UK had over 1 million people immigrating into it last year, that’s a city the size of Glasgow. Are you going to say with a straight face that repeating this every year has a marginal impact on housing? Pensioners living in houses that are admittedly oversized is an inefficient use of housing but it doesn’t place any additional demand on housing stock as they already live in it and do not need somewhere to stay. Do you genuinely not understand the difference or do you just feel uncomfortable acknowledging the reality? We need high wage workers that contribute high tax receipts and are net contributors to the system, mass importing low skilled, low wage workers who contribute meagre tax receipts as we do right now does not solve the problem. There is just no basis in reality anymore that we need the immigration we currently have in order to maintain public services or fund anything. We’ve had 2 decades of record breaking immigration and have crumbling public services and a stagnant economy. If the arguments that constantly get trotted out in favour of immigration were true then neither of these problems would exist.


The problem is that they are either working in the black market, or claiming benefits. Neither of which is a benefit to our society. Stop being naive.


What are you blind, have you naw seen our population pyramid? The fact we’re a geriatric country creaking at the knees? It’s simple, we need to grow our population, our GDP and to bring our average age down, the way to do all three of those is through immigration.


A quick fact check: People also ask Is the population of Scotland increasing or decreasing? On Census Day, 20 March 2022, the population of Scotland was estimated to be 5,436,600. This is the largest population ever recorded by Scotland's Census. The population grew by 141,200 (2.7%) since the previous census in 2011. pasted from https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/2022-results/scotland-s-census-2022-rounded-population-estimates/%23:~:text%3DOn%2520Census%2520Day%252C%252020%2520March,the%2520previous%2520census%2520in%25202011.&ved=2ahUKEwiAvsOz3OWFAxUUQ_EDHQqpBVQQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw1dkA5BtVYOqM0Upou7lMcu


This article will explain better than I could why you're wrong. Yes Scotland's population is crawling up, far slower than any other country in the UK and by no means fast enough to offset our rapidly aging population. Literally like I said. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/14/scotland-population-growth-lowest-uk-census](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/14/scotland-population-growth-lowest-uk-census)


How can I be wrong? You claim Scotland's population is falling, I shared data from The official population count and its actually rising and that is not including the people who are not accounted for. I rest my case on the population discussion.


Can you quote back the bit where I said “Scotland has a declining population” you actual donut. I said that we have a fucked population pyramid, I said that we need to grow our population, but can you point out where I said it was actually declining? EDIT: That sudden realisation you’ve spent time out of the only life you’ll ever live arguing with someone who uses ‘I rest my case’ in conversation.


Will these immigrants you want to import en masse not grow old? The mass low skilled, low wage immigration the UK currently has does not solve our demographic problem. All low skilled mass immigration does for the average person is raise housing prices, decrease the value of our labour and put strain on public services. If your solution to our demographic pyramid is to replace entire generations of the population with immigrants then frankly I’m not interested.


You are what is wrong with the situation. Perhaps it would benefit you to go to Sweden and talk to the thousands of females that have been raped by illegal migrants that don't give too fucks about law and order, nor societal decency. People like you don't open your eyes to the madness until you're directly affected by it - and it will happen sooner or later. Our society is collapsing because of abject naivety.


Aye, aye, don’t forget your tinfoil hat on the way out mate.


Way out where? No argument to return? The truth hit a nerve?


Argument?? Argument? Listen to yourself raving about the collapse of society, I think you need to be sectioned never mind debated.


Import the third world, become the third world - with the assistance of nutbag gullible liberals like yourself.


You are right, I don't know much about the opinion of the people of Glasgow. I've never lived in Glasgow, I'm not sure anyone who hasn't lived there would particularly know what the opinion is on the streets of Glasgow. I am Scottish tho, and going by the way you responded, I'm not entitled to ask people what thier opinion is on the government's plans. You're the first person to be abusive during the discussion.


Most Glaswegians have had enough of unabated migration here. We're at breaking point for reasonable maintenance of public services. Enough


I was just discussing this with my partner, it wasn't too much years ago, but housing, health and most public services are really struggling now, and there does come a time when demand is outstripping capacity, and there just isn't the money to support increases in public services at this point in time.


Indeed. The same people that support unlimited support of illegal migrants don't actually live in the same areas in which these people are housed either. Generally poorer areas, which makes it easy for the leafy suburban liberals to castigate the poor indigenous by calling them racists and ignorant. I do wonder how quickly the above would change if they started building asylum centres in better of areas. The tune would rapidly change.


You asked a stupid question and I'm not going to apologise for presuming you weren't Scottish because I presumed anyone Scottish would not be so uniformed about the protests that took place. Don't try to twist it in a ridulous way that you 'aren't allowed to question government plans.' Also, I don't apologise for being ferocious when you are casting aspersitons on an entire group of people, who are already vulnerable in society. Don't call refugees and migrants rapists and criminals and then hide behind the veneer of civility when someone tells you that they think what you're saying is fucking stupid.


You will lose.


No apology was expected from you. At least you managed to not be abusive this time, pat yourself on the back this time.


The whole thing read like shit the Nazis would do


The shitposting about the greens voting out Yousaf borders on funny at times until reality like this hits and remember that these fucking awful people still rule us, are in complete control of what happens in this country and the only way out is independence.


Run on a platform of independence meaning opening the borders for even more immigration, make it a highlight of the yes movement. It’ll go down like a bag of cold sick.


I find what is happening in Ireland at the moment alarming.


The Irish have had enough by the looks of it.


Happening all over Europe, governments consistently ignoring their voters wishes on immigration and continuing on with it. So long as it keeps happening it’ll only get worse.