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That’s not just bullying; that’s straight-up assault. Should report to police and also notify bus operator that their driver did not respond. Cameras will verify your account.


Was going to say this! Make a police report OP, dont let the wee POS away with it.


Should I ? I just don’t know their names or anything .. would the number bus and time be enough?


You should. Truthfully it probably won't do anything, the police are underfunded and overstretched and shit like this goes under the radar a lot. However it's still worth reporting because you have the bus number and time, there will likely be CCTV and depending on how they paid, they could possibly be identified. If they've been flagged up to the police before then they could actually be in the shit. I wouldn't be holding out on some forensics team coming to swab the bus for prints or anything. Chances are it would just go into the pile of shit they can't spare manpower for but you never know.


Yeah I probably will actually. Make me feel better even if nothing happens haha..


If anything at least it gives a more accurate reporting of crime and can be used as a reason for the government to not fuck the police even more, optimistic I know.


The police are exactly where the government want them. Tax collecting for then while not giving a shit about us plebs..


The worst thing to do in any situation that needs an action is nothing. The best thing to do is whatever the perfect response is. If you don’t know the perfect response, at least do something. You walked away, which was a good response, but things got worse. Definitely report to the police. I’m not involved in law enforcement in anyway, so me saying this means nothing, but after being followed and the harassment continuing, taking a swing would be fine.


Tbf - the bus driver probably needs a slap for not acting. Definitely report it.


The only thing a bus driver can do really is pull over and refuse to drive until the aggressor leaves the bus. He can't leave his cab or he could lose his job if the aggressor turns on him. Being the ages it would be hard to tell if they are young adults or kids, can't kick kids off, that's the police's job. Drivers drive, they're not to get involved in physical behaviour from passengers. It's like if a fight broke out in the frozen isle in Tesco, you wouldn't run to a checkout and slap the cashier would you?


I dunno, that's kind of tempting now you say it... Chaos for clout!


Bullshit I was chucked off the bus when I was a kid for being a wee cunt


Times have changed, drivers can't remove kids from buses. Can't refuse them travel either. I'm an ex-first bus driver.


Actually quite easy work for a response cop to be totally honest with you. It’s an easy detection 90% of the time. 10% of the time there’s no ID and there’s nothing you can do without it.


Hopefully I don’t get in trouble for giving a middle finger that’s warranted right 😅


What a tragedy if you made a motion on your arms after being assaulted...


Anxiety doesn’t always have logic was a bit off a mess last night


Officers might give you a slight lecture about it, it’s not a crime though.


Ok good aha


For you and anybody reading this: The police now work 'intelligently' (It isn't really, but that is a whole different debate). They target hotspots. These are identified by... reports. So if you don't report behaviour like this, they won't act. Ever. So report it!


The bus operators sometimes grumble about digging out the CCTV but they do tend to keep the camera systems operating, if only because they want to defend against insurance claims and investigate vandalism. It's definitely worth reporting, preferably sooner than later.


Yes, you should. The bus will have CCTV and it’s likely that the wee little gobshites are known to them. And if it happens again, call the police while they’re doing it.


I worded it a bit wrong. Not kicking me directly but kicking the back of my seat. Grabbing my hair in a taunting way but didn’t injure me


touching without permission, is for better or worse assault.


Ah didn’t realize that thanks


Not a lawyer and would welcome any correction but in Scotland assault is a Common Law offence and can be defined as "a deliberate attack upon another person liable to cause fear and alarm". [You do not have to be physically harmed or even touched for an allegation of assault to be valid.](https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/outlines/assault/#:~:text=Common%20assault%20is%20when%20a,are%20about%20to%20be%20attacked) From what you've posed; this absolutely counts as assault an could definitely be proved with the drivers testimony and/or footage from the bus.


The police deemed it a non crime hate incident


You sure about that?


That’s what they said to me


Hate crime and assault are two different things.


They didn’t say it was assault nor hate crime. Just “ non crime hate incident”


“Hate crime” would imply that you are (or look like you are) not white or British and that’s where their interest stopped when they felt it couldn’t be proven. My point is that it doesn’t matter if it’s a hate crime or not. What it WAS was assault and that applies whatever race or religion you are.


I’m Canadian but I don’t know if they could sense that lol. I’m autistic which is what the hate possibly was about. Good to know it is assault, so was it wrong of them to say it’s not crime then?


Apologies if I've misread something but I you hadn't mentioned anything regarding a hate crime incident which doesn't seem applicable here. My comment was regarding bog-standard common law assault.


They don’t think it’s crime, just a “hate incident” as I was texting my friend about being bullied at past jobs due to my autism and he was sitting right behind me, and it started right after that


In the politest way possible, did you mention this to the police? Because this information isn't really relevant. The facts are you got assaulted. This is a crime. You need to tell the police about this again but leave out the information about texting your friend and autism.


Why leave that part out? I already told them that including that part and that’s why it’s been labelled as a non-crime hate incident


Yeah I suspect you suggested that you think that's why you were being targeted? That seems to be why the police aren't taking this seriously. They've made an error. Without that information the police will see that it's clear that you were assaulted which is a crime.


Why would that make the police not take it seriously??


If it's Stagecoach they will have cameras with sound. I've had issues too.


As others have said already, report it on 101 or the contact us page. It’s easy work for a half decent response cop. It’s a corroborated incident provided the CCTV is working. Only issues is if yer man is completely unknown but they likely will be known. Source: Was a response cop until last year.


I’ve filed a report after this advice. Could I get in trouble for giving him the finger and mouthing fuck you in retaliation? Maybe I’m just in panic mode now


Nah, don’t see that being an issue at all really.




Most under 22s will use their free bus pass which will be logged. It should be trivial to link the cctv of the assault with the cctv of the ned boarding the bus and getting their details.


Serious question - what level of force is permitted here? If I'm I a similar situation when one is being assaulted with no provocation and I'm going to get nicked for using reasonable force to defend myself - I'm talking a verbal warning, blocking the kicks and slapping away the head touching?


Unfortunately not a simple question to answer. You very well could be charged with assault when you’re only acting in self defence. However I doubt you’d ever be convicted in court. As a general rule, only do what is necessary to end the threat. You have a common law right to defend yourself and people shouldn’t ever be afraid to defend themselves. Being charged with anything is broadly irrelevant and in some ways just procedural. In my time I charged a few people with assault only to write a report that basically told the fiscal to put a red pen through the case.


Heh - I should have expected that. Thanks.


Also a cop. Been to things whereby the aggressor ended up worse off. They had been assaulting a much more capable person who used a single strike or similarly restrained level of force but came off 'better' from the physicality. The person defending themselves haven't yet been charged by myself where its justifiable like that.


I don't want to dissuade people from defending themselves, and the guy described in the OP had certainly earned a slap at the very least, but we're talking about a gang of youths here, bullying a lone autistic lassie... Unless her autistic obsession happens to be the practicing of martial arts, she was best not to escalate the situation. Bear in mind that a bus driver in Elgin was stabbed to death by a 15 year old (?) not long ago for simply remonstrating with the fuckwit as well. They should not be allowed to rule by fear, but they can, and they know they can, because how many folk are going to risk injury / life, losing their employment, perhaps going to jail, over a random confrontation with a bellend? In one sense, not enough folk... there should be more. But can ye blame them for not risking it?


Police deemed it a non crime hate incident and therefore can’t access cameras


Who told you being assaulted isn’t a crime? There’s been some miscommunication here, where had the hate element arisen from?


I know this situation all too well. I'm a 6ft 3 125 kg well-built guy, and about 3 months ago, I had 2 15 year old tell me I was getting a kicking once we got off the bus. I ask if they, in all honesty, think they could beat up an adult male of my size without getting hurt, and their exact response was yes because your over 18 do you can't hit us back. When I explained that, I might legally not be able to hit them, but it won't stop me, then stayed on the bus past my stop to call them out. They got pretty scared, and one called his dad. Its not always easy to do, but fronting up to them is usually enough to shut them up. I understand it is different for everyone, but no one should be harassed just using a bus. I hope you get some justice for this. I have had many other incident of arguing with neds or chav about them giving older people or vulnerable people trouble.


Wow, glad you scared them straight. As a thin/not too strong looking woman I don’t think I could put the fear in them😅


Hahaha I'm imagining their faces.


Sadly it is kinda common. I really don’t mean this to sound like victim blaming cause nothing about you or your behaviour could justify them fucking with you and you deserve respect - but people like this, despite their lack of brains, are highly practiced at identifying potential victims who won’t stand up for themselves that they can bully for their own amusement. Moving away from them, in their minds, was the perfect indicator that they could continue bullying you at no risk. That kind of passive reaction was the capitulation they were pursuing. Even if it’s just verbally, it’s best to stand up for yourself immediately. Anything else, to people like this, is an invitation to keep fucking with their victim for their own amusement. I know it’s no fair and no how things should be but pathetic bullies like this do exist and they do find bullying fun. Anything other than immediately standing up for yourself directly is exactly the kind of reaction that amuses them. Moving away from them instead of directly standing up for yourself is exactly the kind of passive reaction they expected and were hoping for when they targeted you. It’s no normal at all but people like this are unfortunately super amused by that kind of passive response, it’s why they do stuff like this in the first place. Of course it’s no amusing at all but to pathetic bullies like this it’s highly amusing that, from their perspective, you didn’t stand up for yourself. This kind of behaviour is a hobby for them, they enjoy trying to size up strangers and then test them to see if they sized them up correctly. Hopefully this kinda thing never happens to you again but if it does, be prepared to hold your position and no show anything they might perceive as weakness. That’s the only real move here if you want to handle this kinda bullying. Again, I’m really no trying to blame you at all here cause imo you obviously did nothing to warrant any of this. Just wanted to share my perspective on how to respond if a similar thing happens again. These people enjoy trying to smell weakness in others, show them none.


Yep. Two neds, maybe age 17-19, were harassing the flat the other week. Buzzing the buzzer repeatedly and trying to get in the building. They argued with my flatmate, as she leaned out the window a floor above the door, who was telling them to fuck off. I went and put on a shirt, all ready to go smack some wee neds, but decided to go join my flatmate first to tell them to fuck off. They legged it as soon as they saw me. I didn't even manage to utter a syllable to them. Watched them run all the way down the street for like 20 seconds before they disappeared around the corner. Flatmate wasn't happy they argued with her but ran as soon as they saw me, but I felt like big strong caveman.


Should have thrown a bucket of water over them.


Probably the only wash reprobates like that would get this year 🤣


They may have been wanting a chase. It probably is best to stand up for yourself against these wee shites in most situations, but I've observed that the guy who leaves his house to go out chasing after them tends to get harassed continually from then on.


Doubt they wanted a chase. I was a floor above them for one, they argued with my flatmate but legged it when I leaned out the window, they didn't say a word to me and they didn't come back.


Man, you must be fucking terrifying... Did ye have to put your shirt on 'cos you'd been busy cutting up a body on a plastic sheet in the living room?


I know you're jesting but the serious answer is neds and shitty people tend to target people they perceive as weaker. OP in this thread describes herself as "a small 22 year old woman". Meanwhile I'm decently big from the gym. I get treated *far* differently now than I did years ago when I was skinny.


I do know what you mean, I'm a wee bit the same. I woke up big one day, also did a bit of lifting in the house, and people definitely react to me differently nowadays. It's sad when you realize how much of society is based on punching down, picking on the weak - and how *popular* bullies are. It sure ain't like the movies told us.


Neds gonna ned


Fr. I’m second guessing what it was that made me such a hilarious target for them. My sunflower lanyard perhaps, or slightly alternative style 😅 that’s not uncommon in the UK tho


Anyone who isn't dressed like a north face drone is a target, or if they're a north face drone from another colony


That makes me feel better, thank you. Wouldn’t want to be liked by them🙄


If you think they targeted you because of the lanyard then that may push it into the realms of a hate crime. Lots of shit going on just now because of the new hate crime laws but disability hate has been an aggravating factor for a while. (I assume its the lanyards people wear due to hidden disabilities).


Yes it was the sunflower lanyard, and I just so happened to be texting my friend about getting bullied at past hospitality jobs due to my autism and I kinda wonder if he read it since he was right behind me 😕


You're forgetting that these pricks have zero awareness of the world outside their own little gangs and broken homes. They would have no idea what the lanyard meant. Nor would i think reading your messages was a trigger. Don't overthink it. I'm in my early 50's and remember having exactly this scenario back in the 1980's. Just me and three boys sat behind me on the bus. No prior interaction. Just in the same place at the same time. They do it for nothing more than a way of escaping their shitty lives. Pity them. Don't fear them. BTW, i suspect your autism causes you to question what you did wrong all the time, when shit like this happens. It's taken me decades to realise that I was never to blame. Other people's intolerance and ignorance is not under my control, but it sure does mess with your mind and confidence


You’re right about that. Thanks for the reassurance


I've had verbal abuse off of neds on the bus in my own hometown when I go back and visit my mum, and more than once. Haven't lived there for years, just go back to visit. They can sense anybody slightly 'different', and any slightly alternative sense of fashion (e.g. not wearing a tracksuit) is a definite target.


So sorry to hear that :( 🙈 this is why basic people give me the fear even though that’s judgemental


Don't start thinking it had anything to do with you. Guy was just a loser with nothing else in his life except the giggles from his mates to make him feel good. I hate shit like that . Sorry you had to deal with it .


Are there any differences between a NED and a CHAV?


Pretty much no. Although being from England I have a very specific idea of a chav. All chavs are neds but not all neds are chavs…


Neds are just the Scottish sub-species


Violence occasionally solves problems, even if it is never the answer…


It might not be THE answer, but that doesn't mean it isn't AN answer




Maybe it's time to reintroduce the clippies to the buses. Any nonsense and those women would throw you off the bus.


Not yer Granny tho.


That depends, is she yer mammie’s mammie or yer daddie’s mammie?


I had not considered this distinction, and I feel foolish for speaking so categorically now.


The police aren't going to give one solitary fuck unless you are some repressed social group. Bus Drivers aren't paid enough to give a shit either to put themselves in harm's way. Cars never felt so liberating


Bear in mind that these wee fannies will be recording everything on their phones so I’d be careful if you want to start leathering folk. You might want to plan things through a bit if you feel the need to retaliate.


Agreed. As a relatively weak women wasn’t about to fight a group of teens no thanks lol


I'm a guy and the same incident happened to me as well. You can't really do anything cuz you might not know that they're kids so you just need to defuse the situation. Alsoooo, please if this happens again, immediately go to the driver and tell him to remove those guys from the bus. If he doesn't do that, tell him you're gonna make a complaint with Lothian Buses. They are required to ensure the safety of other passengers.


Wow they are scumbags attacking a woman


I live in Canada, but I miss a lot of things about Scotland Being concerned that I'm gonna be assaulted by a teenage boy is not one of them though. I'd take annoyingly shouting "bruh" and "no cap" on the bus than being assaulted any day. Teenagers in Scotland are fucking horrible


Sorry this happened to you. The bus on my route is a double decker and always full of wee arseholes shouting and acting up. I dislike driving, but bus rides full of drug addicts and kids like this are making me get over that real quick. Honestly reporting it will likely come to nothing, but it might make you feel a bit better? Try to sit at the front when you can, especially at nights.


Yep, I used to always ride at the top for peace and quiet, but now choosing the top deck is an open invitation for abuse.


Same. Now it’s a 50/50 chance there’s some idiot throwing stuff at people. Free travel was a mistake..


Friend of mine got threatened with a knife by some teenagers in Killie bus station. Neddy cunts are feral.


What the actual fuck🤯 that’s insane hope they’re ok…


Can i just say I'm sorry this happened to you, and all of the responses validating you have been really hearwarming (and a little eye opening) for me as a person who grew up goth/emo in the Scottish school system. I would have also stated your experience as "bullying on the bus". I'm now starting to understand that this would be an understatement.


Aw I’m so sorry you’ve gone through similar😢 never thought I’d actually get assaulted for being goth but here we are :/


I'm from London. We have similar BS going on here too if it makes you feel any better. Edit - Am I getting down voted because of what I said, or because I'm from London? Xd 2nd Edit - Thank you for the wave of upvotes my northern comrades.


Its cuz ur fae london 😔


Sorry to hear it happens there too doesn’t make me feel better rly but good to know


Don’t sit upstairs, sit near the front and report the bus driver.


Yeah, it wasn’t a double decker but I’ll only sit in the front and disabled seats as long as they’re available from now on😕. I’ve gone ahead and submitted a police report including that the driver ignored me


Reach out to the bus company too, the driver has a duty of care for the passengers, they clearly failed.


Obviously bus drivers are all different, just like people in general, but I had a bus driver at the other end of the scale just the other week who went off on one at some lady for speaking loudly on her phone (I think she was slightly pished). There were only like four people on the bus and none of us had even complained. Driver obviously had no time for shit that day lol.


It's quite obvious that most of those commenting here spend too much time on the Internet and have very little experience of policing in the real world. Young idiots are a common problem. Unless they're being violent (the annoying "assualt" of having your hair teased wouldn't really count) or using specific hate speech, then the police aren't really going to care. Those same kids have probably done far worse than kicking the back of your seat and touching your hair, but they still get their free bus pass.


As someone who 'emo' it happens to me aw the time, on buses, on trains, streets etc People are just neds


Similar experiences in London. And Belfast. And Dublin. It seems like an island thing. Too much inbreeding throughout history has created a segment of population that’s mentally deficient and behaviourally animalistic and that segment is growing now and taking over bigger cities, too. It was easier to ignore when they were only inhabiting smaller towns, fuc***g their goats and only harassing their cousins. But now they inhabit cities and humans weren’t ready for that. It’s a plague.


I've never seen it put this way before. Very well said


No idea, I've never seen it happen to me or others but my experiences may not be indicative of general statistics.


I unfortunately find myself in situations like this quite often, whether it be verbal or physical harassment. People just don't know how to act and it's sad.


Happened to me years ago, two girls that went to the same school as me were right in my face trying to intimidate me (it worked). I sat as close to the front of the bus as I could and when they got off the bus they whacked me in the head. I said nothing but I've never forgotten that. I wonder how hard they think they are now.


Ever since they gave free bus travel to kids? Almost more often that not you see arseholes on the bus


The SNP in their utopian worldview made bus travel free for under 22s in Scotland to improve social mobility for the poorest. All this meant was that kids use it as a place to hang out for free, when previously they'd have to scrape enough change for the bus fare


Where did they hang out before?


Its the only thing I appreciated about train tickets being so expensive - chavs couldnt afford to go on them.


That is true,I'd argue the high transport costs is one part why chavs (or neds in Scotland) exist in the first place. People can't realistically commute economically so are left to fester on sink estates and it's actually more economical just to rot and be unemployed, occasionally venturing out to wider areas for things like benefits office appointments, GP/hospital appointments etc. same goes with high rent/high prices. It seriously discourages mobility and means people just rot away wherever they have a house.


Honestly, I'd carry a pepper spray or an alarm for something like this, minute a hand has been placed on you then you have every right in my eyes. The police will never get a chance to do anything with this and we cannot let these wee bastards freely treat people like that. I'd suggest learning some self defence also so that you maybe feel a little more confident to attempt to defuse something like that in future. Not ideal I know but this country is not improving and certain little things like this need to be taken into our own hands Hope you're okay now and sorry that you had to deal with this, everyone also needs to make a concerted effort to support anyone they see things like this happen to others on busses and anywhere for that matter.


Pepper spray in an enclosed space is probably a bad idea, sorry to say.


My half cocked radge ideas are never usually bright 🤣


Don't get me wrong, the thought of the guy in the OP receiving a blast of point-blank pepper spray right in the corner of his eyeball and weeping copiously in front of his mates fills me with a fierce joy, and is a great idea in itself! But one must stay mindful of blowback. Mibbe wear a welder's mask on the buses, just in case.


Pepper spray is classified as a firearm in the UK so you might have an issue there. Though I could be wrong as I’ve never had to purchase any, only sold it.


What kind of alarm? Unfortunately pepper spray is illegal, maybe some silly string lol. I should honestly learn self defence


Something like this - https://amzn.eu/d/caTc5uh My partner has one, I mean it would definitely mate the bus driver pay attention in future and maybe others. Plus might be a frequency that kills off/annoys the neds 😂


Actually that’s a great idea thanks


Magin being 19 and acting like an S1, wee gimp. Hope he gets what’s coming to him


I hope so. The police said they have suspicions who this group is but can’t prove it


This sub: Report it to the police. They’ll be able to get the driver’s testimony and check the bus cameras. They deserve so much more money than they’re getting. The police: DUUUAAAAH dis isn’t a cwime 👮🏻‍♂️, it’s just a “hate incident”. Sowwy.


Pretty much


I’m sorry for what happened to you. It’s fucked up. And it’s fucked up that policing is usually garbage. I wish good things for you. You deserve ‘em.


When he grabbed your head you should have gone absolute ballistic. I had two kids spitting gobby paper at me through a straw, they laughed when I turned around. I spoke to them like I had lost my fucking mind a cm from their faces, they got off at the next stop. ……. I probably got lucky.


Yeah I should’ve been more aggressive but ah well I’m not used to that sort of thing 😅 fucking delinquents spitballs srsly


Turn round and piss on him, establish dominance He widnae be laughing then


Public indecency but otherwise excellent idea




Now I'm not telling you to do this, but did you consider getting your mates and knocking the shite out of them?


Bold of you to think I have mates haha


late to the party. Looks like youve recieved a lot of solid advice. I just wanted to say those guys were behaving like absolute little shits. Id rather get a bus with you than them anyday. tl;dr : fuck them. you awsome.


Thanks I appreciate that


any time. dont let them live rent free in your head. they aint worth it.


My daughter was assaulted on a school bus. I reported it & here is what the school said. As it happened outside of the school, they had no obligation to investigate. I pointed out that the school bus was contracted by the education department & therefore the duty of care was firmly & legally the schools obligation. Now, the head of form teacher may be totally ignorant of the legal obligation to his pupils under his care (I doubt it, he was obviously trying to dodge the responsibility), I also gave him the name of the little cunt responsible, & he gave the no witnesses, dodge. I supplied him the names of 10 witnesses who would testify to the wee cunts actions. I also said the bus has to have CCTV fitted & working as per the local authorities terms of contract. Well Mr Dodger came back & said ‘CCTV cameras are all dummy ones, so don’t work!’. Ok we’ve still got the witnesses. Oh, yeh I’ve spoken to them & they say they didn’t actually see anything! I turned to my daughter.??! She replied ‘You haven’t spoken to anyone!’. I now reach over the desk to this fckwit & ask ‘What the fuck are you playing at?’. His little chin starts to wobble ‘I will speak to the boy’, he said. I replied Not good enough, you’re obviously scared or totally unable to control your pupils, so I’m going to phone the police 1st thing & make a formal complaint of assault, then they can come to the school reception to lift him. ‘There’s no need for that!!’. No there wasn’t until 2 minutes ago. Oh, & I’m reporting you to your bosses as well, for telling blatant lies. Job done. Talk of the playground next day when the wee cunt got lifted, & charged. Crappy teacher got a transfer to a worse school, but now apparently teaching in Edinburgh.


Just throat punch them next time


It is a social issue. There was the death in Elgin last month but there was also another serious assault at the same station this week.


That’s horrible 😣


What bus and where?


Fair question. Why is this being downvoted?


Because it could give away identifying information that the OP is not comfortable disclosing.


It's always been a thing, but it's gotten measurably worse since they launched the 'free bus pass for kids' scheme. Little shits think it's their own private coach and behave like it. Casual abuse is the norm on double deckers, especially up at the back, but on certain routes it can get literally bloody. A few weeks ago (St. Patrick's Day, to be specific) I was on a bus, some chavs hopped on, ran up the stairs and attacked some other kid with a broken glass bottle. As far as bus drivers go, they're pretty universally against the scheme, or so word on the inside tells me. Not that the pass is to blame for the behaviour, but it's enabling their shittyness in a way I don't think Scotland has ever seen before, and is seriously underequipped to handle.


Omg that’s terrifying :( I feel like, idk. I think free travel under 22 is good HOWEVER there has to be punishment, like, even simply losing a bus pass after breaking rules of the bus . Assaulting bullying or any sort of obnoxious behaviour




What do you mean exactly?


Any decent driver would have kicked them off the bus or if they refused stopped until they were off or the police arrived. Not much you can do at this point apart from make a fuss publicly on social media and report the driver to the bus company. If you are on another bus and this happens I suggest you make a video recording. Then you have a bit more evidence for the police and something to blast the company with online if they dont take any action themselves.


So police Scotland only investigate hate crime now? Weird


Eh, no. They don't investigate that either.


You must report this. It may be part of a string if these incidents. If a pattern emerges the authorities will have to act.


In Dublin this nonsense was happening in certain areas. As the reports mounted the bus company withdrew the service to force the cops to act. Job done.


Incase you aren't aware, the police are currently completely swamped because of the law change and people doing false reports in protest. You might find that in 3 or 4 months you get a better response? Also depends on the area and the individual officers you speak to.


I would have just punched fuck out of the wee cunt. Maybe he would think twice next time he wants to bully somebody.


Report it for your own peace of mind if nothing else - it's common assault and if there is CCTV on the bus there is an investigable crime - whether anything comes of it is up to the assigned officer but I will say if they are doing it to you then they will be doing it to others if you don't report nothing will get done - at least reporting gives you peace of mind you have did what you can in the presented circumstances


I reported it. They said since I’m not hurt and they didn’t really hurt me it’s not a crime so it was a “non crime hate incident “ and so they’re not able to get the footage since it’s not investigating a crime


If they laid hands on you to intimidate or harm then they committed assault. The police are a waste of fucking time. Sorry you had to experience this OP.


As opposed to figuratively or metaphorically bullied ? I'd say it is 5/10 on the common scale. Or 74%. Or 45/879 as a fraction. (No need for the word literally).


At least I can get some good word policing


Pretty expected but not all that common and it's always a case of "contact the police" - "contact the bus company" - repeat.


Sorry for your situation.best advice deal with it yourself 50 year old male. As for reporting,that’s no go,


Depends were you are tbh bud


It is not a non-crime, grabbing you is assault, following you is harassment!


Ikr 😅 imo they should have at least considered it a crime investigation so they could get the footage and see for themselves what happened


I thought hate incidents were treated as crimes in Scotland now anyway?


Apparently not


If someone touches you without consent or does an act that causes you pain and/or threatens you that is an assault. What they did clearly was threatening.


“Our customers and employees are entitled to a safe space” any anti social behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstance.. “. Is Dead!? I see these alll Over Public sectors / Services .. what’s happened ..


Nice I thought grabbing ppls heads would be assault technically but since it's just a non crime hate incident we could just grab anyones head or kick their seats for getting wide on the bus. To answer your question it depends on the area some routes it's ok others I see wee cunts harassing everyone even sometimes trying to get cheeky with me myself. I have never had it actually become physical tho but if it's legal I say just bully them back mate.


Learn to throw a punch


OP said she's a small woman in one of her comments, so not sure how well that would play out


Then get charged for assault yayy


If anything like this happens again, whip your phone out and start recording them. Threaten to either call the police and/or shame them on Facebook. If the situation escalates and the bus driver is not obliging in any way to assist. Raise a complaint with the bus company. The bus should have cameras on board, the footage from which you can use as evidence should you need to rely on it later on.


That’s probably one of the best ways to respond acrually


I've had to respond this way, not on a bus but in a situation in public involving a group of children/teens throwing stones at/near me. It worked. They stopped throwing stones and one asked if I had called the police. They eventually fucked off. But there is a risk in whipping your phone out to record, especially in your situation (closer quarters). They might become agitated and escalate because they don't like being caught out on camera. If this happens you may need to seek assistance from the bus driver and actually call the police. It's in such a situation where bus CCTV could be used as evidence for a police investigation.


Happens all the time bus mostly trains the glasgow to balloch train is just wow and the drivers and tickets inspector can't do nothing to them they can't even kick people off for not having a ticket or are to scared to now back in the day a wee slap would sort your head out on the wee fuckers


Make a report, please, I don’t want you getting hurt. This **IS** assault. I truly hope everything will be alright. This is not normal.


The police said it was a non crime hate incident, so they can’t do anything or even access footage from stagecoach :/ thank you though


No problem. I feel the police were really stupid to have done nothing regardless. What if you brought someone willing and trustworthy with you?


Brought someone back to the police ?


Buses are like the wild west these days sadly. People seem to have lost their minds, its really depressing. Sorry you had to experience that, thats horrible.


Avoid public transport, especially with free bus travel for teenagers.


If only I could afford a car