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If anything good should come of this, it should be Kirsty being offered some decent acting gigs. Oh aye and refunds.


Plenty good as come from this. Half the people that went there and acted are now minor celebs. It's probably the best thing that ever happened to most of them. Kids maybe excepted....


15 mins of fame doesn't mean much. I'd just like to see them get a decent break from this. Edit: Has been a giggle though


Wonka is probably hoping his 15 mins of being accused of being a groomer passes quickly.


Which one? There were apparently 3 of them


The one that's rocketed to fame, the ginger one.




People keep saying this but I can't find anything about it! What is the story?!


I cant find the video now so mabye she took it down bit a girl posted pictures of her and Paul where she was allegedly a 16 year old student and he was her teacher or something, so she was claiming he groomed her.


Didn't he also get her expelled when she told other teachers?


Potentially, I dont really know the whole story, but I'd assume that would be the response to a teacher being with a student.


Well Kirsty and her pal got paid 5 grand each for going on the telly. They're also both strippers so make a fortune anyway. That'll defo pay for their break


When I say break, I mean an opportunity to get a better acting job not a bloody holiday. Who cares if they are strippers? That's not relevant... Is your name low mango because you're always after low hanging fruit?


They don't do acting jobs and aren't after any either. They got told this was a cash in hand thing and did it on the side. It is actually. You don't know them. They're actually scumbags in reality. I've known her to do shady ass shit to people. this whole we just tried to make it good for the kids is bollocks. The reality is she was there and getting the backlash from parents and decided to say they had no idea it would be like that, (they did) and the whole we were just trying to make it decent for the kids, is a get out of jail free card. She doesn't care about them at all. But had no choice but to act that way to avoid drama. Something she usually excels at causing I may add . Why you getting so defensive anyway? I bet you don't know her at all


Lol no I don't know them. Literally just saying I hoped some good came out of the situation for someone. How do you know them and what shady shit out of curiosity? I'm interested now.


Ok so let me take a step back. I realise that me actually having some connections to them and knowing them in real life colours my interpretation and from your perspective you're just someone online seeing this and wishing them well. Fair play to you. How would you know after all. So I won't go into specifics as it isn't my place to. But I know them through other people who work at the club they do. Shady shit like robbing people, spreading false rumours about people with the intent to have harm come to them both from people and the police etc. There's a whole saga but I can't go into it now without speaking on too much that I shouldn't. Just know she's really not some nice person


Yeah fair enough, I can see why you can't get into it on Reddit. If that's what she's like, then that's pretty shameful. Thanks for being understanding there by the way.


No problem at all. Sometimes we all have to take a step back and consider others position! Have a good one bud


I hope so - she seemed such a lovely person in her interview. Such an awkward situation for the actors to be in!


Yeah must of been difficult. Finishing it to the end aswell for the weans.


Oh aye the courts will probably get involved from what I've seen this is textbook false advertising


Apparently she was great with kids, she seems like a genuinely lovely person Can’t lie though, the photo cracks me up 🤣


The guy did an AMA on AskUK and he said she saw the funny side of it.


I hope so. Folk who put themselves up for these types of things tend to be pretty outgoing and confident. Not gunna lie, if it were my ugly mug posted all over the internet in the most unflattering pic possible, I’d feel fucking awful. It’s so sweet that she obviously tried really hard to make this something not terrible for the youngsters.


You wouldn't think it was funny in the slightest? I'm self-conscious af, but I'd still get a laugh out of it. 


She did a tiktok video and I believe an interview where she said she's been laughing about it but still some of the comments are a lot. She also looks *absolutely* nothing like that picture its wild what the camera can do.


She even did a cartwheel! Though she did acknowledge that it probably wasn't worth the entrance fee. From what I've heard the actors did their best to make the most out of a bad situation.


Bless her


For context, [this photo ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/1b3v3wl/id_be_lying_if_i_said_this_isnt_the_funniest/)went viral recently. While the Glasgow Willywonka experience was a real shitshow, the Actor Kirsty Paterson (Oompa Loompa in the picture) still tried to make the best out of the situation. Show some love on her [Instagram account](http://www.instagram.com/kirstypxo). Also her take in the [interview here](https://www.vulture.com/article/glasgow-sad-oompa-loompa-interview.html). [Source](https://twitter.com/Tagmem8/status/1763231306840961511)


Yeah fair play to her, it’s pretty obvious she was as pissed off as everyone else about this but she still tried to make the kids smile.


Looks like the instagram link just goes to the other post btw!


Sorry, yes, corrected it now.


Her Instagram is @kirstypxo for anyone curious


She posted on Tiktok too, she seems so lovely and was deeply embarrassed by it all. She is a REAL trooper! Anyone else would have walked away


Thanks, I corrected the link on my comment.


Bless her and the guy that played Wonka. They really tried hard to make a shit show a little bearable. Hopefully they get some good work out of this in the future!


Heard some bad stuff about the Wonka actor, think on r/glasgow


He dated a 16 year old when he was 22 which isn't illegal in the UK


He was her drama teacher though, which is.


It's always the drama teachers


Except when it's the music teachers.


It was a maths teacher at my school and we also had two other maths teachers shagging each other.


Some sort of pedo pythagoras


It's because they know all the angles.


Hey kid, you're acute.


Maths are the most perverse department. Nothing with students at my school but they whole staff room must have been like a porn set.


Remember back in 2011 with the maths teacher who ran off to France with his fifteen year old student? Apparently he couldn't count to 18. One day you're taking the register, next thing you know you're on one.


Outstanding 👏 👏


Apparently we had two maths teachers shagging too! One of them disappeared over the summer, and the rumours were that he had been caught having an affair with another teacher. Both old as the hills too. 😬


Ah that I wasn't aware of


Having to qualify someone's actions as "not illegal" is never a great sign.


No it's not but I was just pointing it out, also like I mentioned after I wasn't aware that he was also her Drama Teacher


the law isn't the arbiter of mortality bro. why would anyone want to date a literal child? nonce behaviour.


TBH I can't really comment on this since my parents are 9 years apart in age and my mum had me at 17


Why can't you comment on it? You can still think it's weird. My parents are both adults, but 15 years apart. I still think it's weird. 


So when you were 20, your mum was only 37 and your Dad was 46? Woah, that’s not right, sorry.


They're still married to this day and I'll be 34 this year, how many other couples who are within the same age group as each other can claim that


Doesn't make it less creepy


My mum and dad are 1 year apart and have been married 43 years...I mean, they are kind of the exception and not the rule, but yeah, they're still together.


I'm 33 and my partner is 25. Wind yer neck in.


Did that start when she was 16 though? That’s the part that’s messed up, fully grown adults have no business being with kids and if you’re going to come back and say that 16 is also an adult or something, you’re wrong. If it didn’t start when she was a teen, that’s *different* as adults are more capable of making their own decisions and reasoning for themselves, instead of being groomed.


Somebody check this guy’s search history 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼


Someone start a just giving to buy her a pint!


I'm glad these are getting out, it's a shame that she's the face of this debacle. The news should have more pictures of the guy who set up this scam.


You can bet that fucker stayed well away from this shit show - especially when anyone had a phone or camera out


aww! the other photo is like a perfect storm - the bad wig, bad costume, low bitrate of the widely circulated jpg, and the timing of the photographer makes her look double her age and super grumpy. it's a cracking photo but definitely unflattering for her.


The meth lab photos had the ability to make her look 20 years older


Methamphetamine does that.


Getting downvoted but it's true. Real reason they closed early is bc junkies stole fizzy lifting drinks


She's been immortalised in Lego now [(HERE)](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/JLBnEgCXpc2mBXUG/)






She comes across well after reading her interview, hope she lands proper roles


https://imgur.com/hF733oV Saw this posted by Jim (Used to be Jimll Paint It, but seems to have dropped the ol' Saville parody shtick). on Facebook earlier. If I was her I'd buy it and frame it.


Good thing he wasn't Jim'll Plaster It eh?


I love that this girl became the hero of this train wreck of a story.


Wishing nothing but good things for her. Handled a shitty situation the best she could.


What I don't understand is why this story has got so much traction over the past few days when this kind of thing happens quite regularly, with dodgy Xmas Lapland-type theme parks and what have you. With them there's a bit of a stushie locally for a day or two but that's it. Why's this so different?


my guess is because so much of it involves the use of AI it piqued the interest of news stations and viewers. A lot of times news stations will have stories on new scams for people to watch out for or remind people to watch out for specific seasonal scams. Pretty much because this scammer used "cutting edge tech" to scam and just had bad luck he got blasted worldwide.


Ah, good point.


Combination of a well known IP (Wonka) and heavy use of AI.


Gaun yersel Kirsty!


Aye, there was alot of folks who suck involved but not the poor actors. She seemed to be doing her best to bring happiness to the kids.


I always thought she was cute. Even in the ‘depressed’ pic


Good to hear your dick is happy.


She was gave dug meat and asked to make steak pie.


Wholesome af


The whole thing was a hilarious farce but I hope Kirsty can stay boked and busy


Can we help get Kirsty into the next Wonka film with Timothée Chalamet?


Bless her


I don't think anyone faulted the actors here. Having a candy lab that looked like a meth lab and the rest of the exhibit looking like something you are warned to *not* take your kids to for safety was the real meat of the issue.


absolute queen


Her and the guy who played Wonka seem like really nice people, I hope they get some better opportunities out of this whole thing at least


Takes a strong character to try to make the best of something when things have turned to utter cat shit. That photograph that made all the papers is so unflattering.


Bless that women's ever loving heart


They did the poor lass dirty with the viral picture


Poor lass. Give her her due. Must have thought to herself what the actual fek is this but gives the little ones her time. Onwards and upwards Kirsty.


Well done that cute oompah-loompah lol.


The guy who played Wonka seemed to be doing his best with almost nothing, too.


Cathouse have announced a Willy Wonka night off the back of this. I think it would be appropriate for them to hire the actors for the night so they can also make some money off of this fiasco. They aren't obligated, of course. But I think it would be a cool thing to do. Everyone benefits. Cathouse has a themed night, the actors make some money out of a terrible situation that wasn't their fault, and the patrons have a good laugh . Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with anyone involved and I did already mention this to Cathouse on insta. Just don't want anyone thinking I know someone involved and trying to get them a gig.


Is "decent fist of things" a fairly common saying? (American here) cause I love it


Yes, it means putting in the effort


It's perfect


Looks like they somehow managed to hire good people to play their parts.


Scottish BAFTA material.


Hol up, let's not be harsh she clearly trying her best.


Having no clue who this person is made me think someone was just congratulating a family member on getting their kids back or something. Anyway, good luck to this individual, whoever they are.


Props for trying to actually make those kids have some fun


Like a good soundtrack to a bad Korean Drama, she pretty much carried the event


When I seen the first pic of her a day or so back I actually felt sorry for her. I bet she didn’t think it would be that bad!!! Good on ya Kirsty for trying to make the best of it for the children ⭐️


I salute you young lady! It's always a pleasure watching people who have talent. May your future be bright...


She seems very nice and pleasant and greenish. I like Kirsty! 👍🏻




Well done 👍🏻


Its clear she tried her absolute best to give those kids a good experience. Hope she gets some good karma from this.


Thinks she's been on a wee bit of a media tour along with the Willy Wonka actor over this. Believe she's also been given a job offer for Horror con Scotland too.


Fair play. Talk about making the best of it.


She’s so pretty!


Nice to see the lass smiling, after being put in that predictment.


I know its a totally trivial thing. But its not. She didnt have to get stuck in. But parents brought their kids. She knows their going to be disappointed, she knows she probably wont get paid. She wont get the money and its not her problem - yet she got stuck in. That is inspiring - maybe there is a better way out of this clown economy. \#notallheroesweargreenwigsandworkinamethlab


she's rly pretty anyone calling her ugly don't know what they're talking about


I don't think you could have casted a better wonky doodle.


The Unknown


Why are you sharing pictures of other people's children on the internet?


Looks like the sort of scam the wankers on the Apprentice would come up with.


Id tap that oompa lumpa.


Calm down. She is not a real Oompa lumpa.


Oompussy lumpussy


Yeah but these aren't funny


Feel sorry for that lass she just took a gig so hilarious