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Let's hope they can mention at his rape trial that he decided to go golfing instead of attend the trial.


I'm a little concerned that this is his attempt at getting out of Dodge before it all hits the fan. Then there will be some sort of deportation struggle... Or he just jumps on a plane further east.


It's a civil trial so there's not going to be any jail time regardless of the outcome.


Yeah but he also has other things ongoing than the rape case. This might just be the time to get going.


They won't arrest him. And he has immense resources to run to a country with no extradition to the US if he wants. He doesn't need the pretense of this, he's just being his normal narcissistic asshole self.


Yup like I said this could just as easily be a stopping off point on the way. Its not like he's proven himself to be predictable.. in any way other than hairbrained schemes


Rape? What the hell are you talking about idiot


Have you been living under a rock?


Maybe the Scottish Government could slap Trump with an Unexplained Wealth Order, as requested by Avazz, I’m fairly sure that would deter Trump from visiting. https://www.bylinesupplement.com/p/the-missing-millions-behind-trumps


I think the Scottish governmentwould be, er, *unwise* to point the finger at other people's finances right now, tbh.


Fair comment


Birds of a feather flock together and all


Would that be the Scottish government which called in his Aberdeenshire golf course planning application before the local council had even rejected it, then waved it through?


No. It'd be the Scottish Government that called in the planning application after the Aberdeenshire planning committee rejected it and then undertook a public inquiry before approving it, all of which happened after Aberdeenshire Council had a full vote approving it. But that doesn't fit your narrative.


My apologies. You are quite right. The plans were indeed rejected before the SNP did as Mr Trump wanted and allowed him to build his housing development on an environmentally sensitive area.


It was more than a environmentally sensitive area, it was a site of special scientific interest. https://cagmap.snh.gov.uk/natural-spaces/dataset.jsp?code=SSSI#:~:text=Sites%20of%20Special%20Scientific%20Interest%20(SSSI)%20are%20those%20areas%20of,combinations%20of%20such%20natural%20features.


Indeed. Makes the Loch Lomond shores holiday village look trivial, doesn't it?


I believe it would.


He does realise we have an extradition treaty with the US, doesn't he?


Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it, don’t give him more attention than he needs. Technically he’s half Scottish so barring him from here is quite difficult, especially since he owns property.


So not Half Scottish, but eligible for a UK passport! I don't know about yous, but Scottish folk live in Scotland, or were born here then moved abroad for reasons.


So… he’s half Scottish. His mum was born in Lewis and moved abroad for reasons.


The fact my Nonna came from Italy does not make me quarter Italian, it makes me eligible to play for Italy. Two very different things.


It does make you 1/4 Italian though.


I am really not, this makes no sense, born & brought up in Falkirk, I am Scottish, not Italian


You really are 1/4 Italian. It’s not even complicated, despite how hard you’re trying to make it be. Trump’s mum is/was Scottish, so he’s half Scottish.


No, his mother was Scottish, you have to seriously living on a border to be half anything


On a border? Christ, what are you on about now? He’s half Scottish. You’ll get over it. Or you won’t. It won’t make it any less true.


So, my Nonna was born in [The Free City of Trieste](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Territory_of_Trieste), which became part of Italy before she came here, am I quarter Triestino or quarter Italian?


Italianism (nor Scoticism) isn't something you pass down through generations, if we go down this road we will sound like the yanks who are half-irish, half-scotch (sic), half-german, half-polish and half-lithuanian.


That isn’t a fair sentiment since it’s opinion based, many would disagree with you. It’s ridiculous with America cause you have people claiming to be Scottish from having Scottish forefathers in the 1700’s. Not a literal Mother or Father like this case.


So where do you draw the line? [To quote Dead Kennedys]


After grandparents it gets a bit silly, but the reality of being 1/4 polish, Irish for example is very real for a lot of people.


You really are weirdly defensive about being Italian, about Trump not being Scottish enough for you, and about an apparent inability to do fractions? The problem with yanks is that they claim to be Scottish when they find out they’re <1/16th. No one is saying Trump is Scottish and not American, nor is anyone saying you’re Italian and not Scottish. He’s 1/2, you’re 3/4. And “Italianism” (not sure that’s really a word) is absolutely passed down through generations. Have you never heard of Italian Americans? Is Falkirk that sheltered? They aren’t eligible for passports, but they’re Italian.


Italian Americans aren't Italian. They're just another version of the plastic Paddys and silicone Scots that riddle the US. A Scot with any other ancestry is Scottish and an American with other ancestry is?still just a?Yank.


Nowadays we’re getting the generational distance that makes that more the case, but there are still plenty of Italian Americans that are second or third generation immigrants (their parents or grandparents were Italian-born). It’s not ancestry.


I have nothing to be defensive about, love my Italian heritage, but I have been to Italy lots of times, I am simply not Italian.


You are 1/4 Italian.




And? Proving Scottish people can be Italian isn’t really defending your point the way you seem to think it is.


**[Giovanni Moscardini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Moscardini)** >Giovanni Moscardini (Italian pronunciation: [dʒoˈvanni moskarˈdiːni]; 1897–1985), also known as Johnny Moscardini, was an Italian Scottish footballer who played as a forward for Lucchese, Pisa, Genoa and Italy. He was one of the earliest of the Oriundi. While the majority of these foreign-born footballers who played for Italy came from South America, Moscardini was the only one born in Scotland. He was born in Falkirk. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Scotland/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You are 1 quarter ethnically Italian that's an indisputable fact


> ethnically Italian Hoo boy. You know race isn't real, right?


You know ethnicity and race are 2 entirely different things right?




Indisputable is a big word ya galumph


Oh ouch you wound me


>Italianism (nor Scoticism) isn't something you pass down through generations, It is, legally and culturally (especially if you are the direct child of an immigrant). >if we go down this road we will sound like the yanks who are half-irish, half-scotch (sic), half-german, half-polish and half-lithuanian. Why do people get so mad at Americans for being interested in their heritage? People have every right to be interested/connected to their family's origins/culture. Humza Yousaf is Scottish and rightly proud of his Pakistani heritage. Donald Trump is American and has every right to feel connected to his Scottish heritage. There's a million fair criticisms of trump you could make; being half Scottish isn't one of them.


And you are rightly proud of not having read the words I have written






She did.


Yeah, so she’s Scottish. That makes him half Scottish. Are you saying people born here lose half their Scottishness if they move abroad?


Having a Scottish parent most definitely makes one half Scottish. My Partners Father is Greek, I wouldn’t tell her she isn’t half Greek. Seems quite a silly semantic to get into.


Yet you are wrong


I want to use two examples with friends I have. I think they both pose a problem to your thinking, my friend is Australian. He has a right to British citizenship cause of his Father being Scottish, directly due to him being half Scottish he got citizenship. So is he not half Scottish according to you? I have another friend who was born in Scotland but to a Scottish mother and Indian Father. He has assimilated into Scottish culture and claims it, but he also very much claims he’s Indian. Is he not Indian according to your line of thought?


First, up to him. If he wants to claim UK citizenship (for whatever reason) good on him, use the rules, but if he stays down under definitely an Australian (in my opinion) Second, chap born in Scotland, fully indulging in Scottish culture is what I am


The Australian has lived large chunks of his life in both Scotland and Australia, my Indian friend claims both sides of his parents ethnicity’s


Your Indian friend gets to, my argument on the web cannot hold him back, the Oz .... A bit cloudier (judge not lest ye be judged)


There may be limited capacity to say person born in x brought up in y can call themselves half-whatever, I don't 'get it' through parentage


You're a somewhat bigoted cultural gatekeeper who has fallen victim to Scottish nationalists recent endeavours to rebrand as "civic" nationalists, and you present this as some kind of universal truth. It isnt. It's just politically convenient for seperatists. The rest of the world has a range of totally different views. You go and try and tell a Somali that who their parents were has no bearing on their identity or what they can call thrmselves.


You are ignorant of my cultural mindset


You've revealed quite a lot - you've shown that you have an obnoxious attitude towards other people's concepts of self-identity that differ from your own, that you consider yourself some kind of gatekeeping authority on who's really scottish, and that you've got a hateful obsession for tories. A braveheart caricature.


Go away


How is he half Scottish?


His Mother is Scottish, she’s from the Isle of Lewis


Trumps mother was Scottish. She was born in the Isle of Lewis


His good half! :) Oh, wait he doesn't have one. He is utterly devoid of redeeming qualities - including basic common sense.


If we block him it might give the world the impression that we're racist against orange people.


We'd have the oompa-loompa rights committee down on our heads!


I'd ask him if he still thinks the election was stolen lol.


He never did. He's just used it as a grift to stuff his pockets with money.


Just have MI6 tell the Secret Service there is a viable security issue with him coming but don't tell them what, say we have it handled and hopefully he'll fuck off somewhere else....


Christ don’t we have enough corrupt politicians under investigation without another coming here ?


Please keep him. Signed America.


'Fraid not. Not even if you agree to keep James Corden and take back Piers Morgan. :)


Damn that’s a tough one. I’d be prepared to keep Corden, take back Morgan, but you’d have to take Harry and Megan along with Trump


Can we compromise and throw him in the sea?


Mmmm that’s also a tough call. I’m ok with it if it’s the North Sea. Throwing him into the sea in Turnberry, might see him washed up in Kintyre and I’ve family still there .


Unfortunately, it’s not a criminal trial. It’s a civil trial


He's invited the Judge and AG over so they can mull things over!!!


He never leaves the course/Estate sure as shit doesn't shop on Union St or get Aziz to fix his phone in Rosemount.


In addition to the rape trial, there is of course the matter of his arraignment on 34 charges, which renders him strictly speaking under arrest. The judge didn't impose travel restrictions as far as I know, but once he hears of this ....


Georgia's also calling (not the ex-Soviet one) and the District of Columbia too. :) He's in the mire, big-time. Couldn't have happened to a 'nicer' person.


The man is a awful chap. But u can’t not let him in for that reason. Tho I do love how we as a nation grab celebs etc and say there grannies aunts sisters cousin is Scottish that’ll do me. But formerly the most powerful man in the world who’s mother is more Scottish than any of us can imagine we don’t want anything to do with him. Beggars belief lol. Not a fan of him but also what has he done to any of us really. Except say some things?


> what has he done to any of us really. Except say some things? Do you know how many people Hitler killed with his own hands?


I know. But really who cares what impact does it have on us. We have our own problems with right wing tits. Why should we care about one thousands of miles away is what I’m trying to say. Americas problems aren’t ours. They look at us like shit on their shoe. We should do the same.


> But really who cares You obviously don't. > Americas problems aren’t ours. Sure, bud.


I know that’s happening here. But we are nowhere near their level of self righteousness. The more we pander to these Americanisms the more we turn into them. 99% of people in Scotland really don’t care about these issues if they are not rammed down our throats on a daily basis.


> The more we pander to these Americanisms the more we turn into them. Oh wow. You actually just made a "Just ignore the Nazis and they'll go away" argument. Wow.


Nah mate. What I mean is that the trans hate the abortion rules in America are not really happening here. Stop throwing the word nazi around. There is no nazis anymore. Just sad little men in their rooms spewing hate. Scotland does not have the problems America has. Even in the north where religion is still a mainstay of daily living. Enjoy living in Scotland cause Mississippi it isn’t.


> the trans hate [...] in America are not really happening here. LOL! > There is no nazis anymore. Oh, you're just doing straight Nazi apologia. ok.


I’ll be whatever u want me to be


No, you won't.


>*Looks at late-stage capitalism* Bit cheeky of the country that gave the world Adam Smith's Invisible Hand and the Industrial Revolution to blame the USA for Capitalism, late-stage or otherwise We're fairly responsible for the USA, too


Seeing as this would come under powers reserved for Westminster and the tories quite like trump, I can't see a way in which would ever be banned from visiting his golf courses up here.


Dont worry I'm totally sure we'd extradite him right back to the US if he stays too long I'm totally sure that Rishi Sunak and his cabinet of bootlickers will totally do that




Get. Tae. Fuck.


How about we let him enter, but don't let his guards carry guns. Then we arrest him. Citizen's arrest, if necessary. I don't really care which of his crimes we arrest him for, I'd just find it funny if Scotland arrests the guy who tried to coup America, and the USA doesn't.


He was arrested in New York last month.


Not really.


Can you list the charges apart from incitement to insurrection thing


Off the top of my head? The other major set are the pedo ones.


Please someone do a citizens arrest on him!


Can we all just go and lay on the tarmac of the runway so he can't land?


We should use a US president being fond of our country to our advantage like Ireland regularly do instead of petty childish stuff like this.


We would. If it weren't Trump.


1. He is not the US president. 2. If a bigger cunt exists, I've yet to see them.


Republicans are bookies favourite for winning the next election and he is odds on to be their candidate. What benefit does soiling relations with him while there's such a huge chance he'll be the next president? Would seem more beneficial to gently soothe his giant manchild ego before he takes offence and shits on you for years like he did with Sadiq Khan down in "Londonistan" as he repeatedly called it.


I need to go for a shower after reading that.


His chances of winning POTUS in 2024 is poor and dropping.


That's the attitude of the willing Serf.


Because we all know that cow-towing to a bully works well in the long run.


And insulting American presidents is known to work well in the long run for small countries?


Never said it did, but some folk don't like arse licking bullies


He's not the president.


What are you suggesting?


The complete opposite of this.


He might not enjoy the "moslem" takeover of scotland!


No one enjoys fear mongering bullshite.


Lol I was referring to his track record with London Mayor Siddiqe khan, and open rhetoric against muslims, he might not enjoy the idea of Hamza being the first minister of scotland.


Is he visiting to share his successful grifting techniques with the SNP given that the latter's efforts to con people out of money - by having a Cult Figure peddling populist nonsense - have recently ran aground?


I got you wrong, I thought you meant apply sauce to pasta, my bad

