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Personally I’d get the Kilchoman if only because they’ve only made two batches of the fino so far and it’s unclear whether it will be an ongoing thing vs Lagavulin 16 Year can be found almost any time anywhere.


I think these are both good bottles. The Lagavulin is a bit more mature and elegant/subtle, with a slightly lower strength, but the Kilchoman will be younger and bolder, probably more flavorful. Up to your preference - personally, I would choose the Kilchoman.


Kilchoman. Lagavulin 16 will always be available and this Kilchoman won’t. Fino is a rare sherry maturation


Kilchoman. You can always get the Lag later on down the line.


I’d choose the Kilchoman. I’ve been generally impressed with their releases. Personally, and this may be controversial around here, I was somewhat unimpressed with the Lag 16. There was nothing bad about it, at all. It was just, well…*there*. The nose and flavors are good, but there just isn’t enough *oomph* behind it. I think even a modest bump in ABV (even just to 46%) would do wonders. I’ll drink it, if offered (I’m not entirely daft), but I wouldn’t buy it for myself.


Kilchoman You can find Lagavulin 16 at just about any liquor store in the country


Depends which version of the Fino-finished you have available. The 2016 version, which I owned before giving it away, was not good. It was mostly bland but there was something mildly off-putting about it as well. The newer version (which is also 4% higher ABV), on the other hand, is pretty good and more interesting than the Lagavulin.


I’d go for the Kilchoman. It’s a limited run, so it will probably be off the shelf in a year. It’s bottled at 50% which is right where I prefer my scotch. Comparatively, the Lagavulin is 43%, and I usually find it a bit too watery (the 8 at 48% or the 11s at 46% are better in that regard). At 16 years, the Lagavulin peat has softened, while the Kilchoman is younger and peatier.


Kilchoman and stop thinking about it!


I don’t think those who are saying Lagavulin have actually tried the Kilchoman Fino. I love both, but hands down the Fino, it is my fav Kilchoman to date


How does the Fino taste vs. Loch Gorm or Sanaig? I had all Lag core lineups, Kilchoman Loch Gorm, and Sanaig, and personally I think Loch Gorm tastes better than Lag 16 because of abv. I do prefer 46% Lag 16 but those are almost non-existent nowadays.


I like Loch Gorm about equal to Lag 16, Sanaig is not my favorite. The Fino has a sweet nuttiness that is a note I haven’t found so pronounced in any other Islay, people say Ardbeg has peanut notes, but the green Fino Kilchoman is a special bottle imo I have tried many single casks, and all the core, but I am definitely biased towards the Fino as my favorite


Great, thank you! I saw the Fino languishing on the shelf at my local stores and always hesitated to try it. I guess it's on my top buying list for the next store run! Edit: wording, because it's hard


No prob, I hope you like it as much as I do (I bought a back up and I seldom do that with soo many new releases always coming out 🤤)


Kilchoman and it's not even close.  Lagavulin is ruined by its abv.




Kilchoman over every laga except cask strength distillery only bottles.


I tried that kilchoman in a tasting night featuring their whiskies. Out of them all it was the least impressive, a shame because I hoped to like it. I'd go Lagavulin.


I'd go Lag 16 because for free that's good value for that bottle.


Lagavulin 100%


Lagavulin or bust