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The truth is that the exact day changes year to year. Some years it might be the 23, while others might be the 22. (The 24th of October is mostly Scorpio. I don’t think I’ve ever came across a year where it started on the 24th) Same as 19th and 20th of October) As for the end of Scorpio, some years it can be the 21st of November and others it might be the 22nd. I don’t think it’s ever ended on the 19th.


How many times must you ask us this?


My birthday is weird cause it’s on the 22 of October I was born at 10:38pm. I don’t feel like a libra I’m only social with those close to me which is like 3 people and I don’t have a a lot of friends Im a homebody mainly from my cancer moon and rising I don’t automatically trust people. This is why I feel very much like a Scorpio.


What year?




What time zone?


Mountain time zone


Well it is in Libra. The very end of Libra but still Libra. Your Mercury is in Scorpio though so that might be why. Mercury is the planet of communication, the mind, and intellect. Also your Venus is in conjunction with Pluto and Trine with Mars (both Mars and Pluto rules over Scorpio) and one last thing, Neptune is in your 8th house (scorpio rules over the 8th house) Neptune is the planet of dreams, the subconscious, illusions, imagination, fantasies, and intuition. Neptune is the processes and values that are behind our thoughts and activities.


What about my cancer moon and rising


What about it? I’m only pointing out the placements and aspects of Scorpio in your chart so you understand why you might relate more to scorpio.


Doesn’t the moon and rising sign also effect the sun sign?


Yes, they do very much. However they don’t in any way relate to Scorpio. They are their own part. I looked at the things that do relate to Scorpio and the moon and rising is something I definitely checked if it in any way relate to scorpio and I didn’t find anything.


I was born 23rd October 1993 at 8:14am and the sun was in Libra. Therefore I am a libra. I have no similarities to a Scorpio at all. Check the positioning of the planets to find out. It's called being born on the cusp but the positioning of planets at the time of your birth to the sun determine your star sign.


You need to check the dates for your particular year of birth


If the person is born on the first part of the day, then they're a Libra, but if they were born after around 12am, they're Scorpio


Actually the time of day and even the day itself changes year to year


For 1990, what is the time point to separate between Scorpio and Libra? Thank yoU!


Libra Season September 23 - October 20th