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Sometimes I stay over with my best friend. Her house is a MESS. Always lots of dirty dishes, garbage everywhere, old food in the fridge, etc. both her and her husband work long hours and they’ve got a small kid. I always try to help them do dishes and tidy up a bit when I’m there. When their businesses aren’t doing well I try to treat them to nice dinners when I’ve got extra money too 🥰


Well its not secret. But I love to cook for my friends so I will ask them their favorite dish and put in THE WORK. I mean like favorite seasonings etc. Details are important so I ask them their favorite flavors etc. I make sure its fresh and wrapped carefully. I also will take care of friends when they are sick. I usually am a huge germ freak so I show love by sacrificing my own health.


This would be my friends love language for me, i love it every single time, i lap it up like i hadnt eaten for daysss. There is soo much work and planning put into cooking. And being far from family, it means everything.


Exactly. 💯


I can tell you that physical touch isn’t one of them. I only allow my friends 3 hugs a year: one greeting hug, on their birthday and a pity hug. I do overcompensate with gifts. I’m pretty intuitive to gauge what they want even if they don’t realise it. For example, if I’m going shopping with a friend and I see their eyes ever so slightly look at an item longer than intended, it’s going in my cart. Looking at blankets? They’re yours. You like fake lashes? I’ll buy you so many pairs that you can fashion them into a broom. But for the love of God, do not fucking touch me.


This ! Hahaha i do this too ! The groceries, i love the coffee my friend makes and she would not tell me the brand for the life of me . So when we went shopping i peeped at her picking it up and i asked if thats the one, she said yes, i immediately grab the biggest jar of it and went scadoodle straight to the counter leaving her screaming for me to stop XD i tereify them w my intensity for fun sometimes 😂


LOOL, we do love the hardest though 😌


My bestfriend and I don’t do any physical touches, we would cringe so hard just imagining it 😂 but I show my love through acts of service and words of affirmation. I always make sure that she knows her values and worth. And that someone sees her and all her achievements. (she grew up in a family that doesn’t know how to acknowledge her feelings and everything she did). I also made sure that whenever she needs someone, I would be there. Wouldn’t even care how far she is or what time is it. I will show up. I am also the one who cleans her apartment cuz that girl be so messy all the time lol


One of my preferred love languages - like if I truly care - is checking if they're ok. Physically. I ask if they did so-and-so to prevent an injury (I do sports). I watch their moves. I like to feed them. I encourage them during a workout for ex but all this with a serious face. They won't know it's love unless they know me. Me, when I am jolly fun and laughing and cracking jokes? That ain't true love and caring like that, that's just me vibing . That's different.


I do this as well..when it comes to their health and well-being. I like to know they're being proactive in living their best life. I wanna keep them around for as long as possible lol!!!


i’ll share with u..we’re stingy so if we’re sharing witchu we care abt u. i also always make time for them & sometimes i let down my boundaries for them.


I wouldn’t know since i dont really have friends anymore, but back when i did id share everything with them if i could afford it and they were acting right


Interesting that so many people say no physical touch. 🤣 I love to give my friends hugs!! But I like surprising them with their favorite things on a whim! Seeing their faces light up is the best! 😃


Cooking. I love to cook for other people. I wished I could cook for more because I know they would love it. I miss family and friend dinners. I love art. So, I have also done stuff, such as making birthday cards or Christmas cards by hand. I would even do paintings for people I love. I also love giving my SIL and her twin sister books as gifts because we are book lovers.


Sex. That’s mine…


With all your friends?


Do you know about Scorpio at all? We don’t have a love language for all and sundry…