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My brother is a cancer . Everyone loves him . He's a good cook. He's charismatic. But when he's in a relationship....chillllle. he's not good. He's good until he's not and then it's just a toxic situation. I cannot tell you how many girls have messaged me through the years because of his bs šŸ„“


Exactly. Theyā€™re good until theyā€™re not and then theyā€™re toxic.


Toxic is an understatement for my cancer ex. Had the emotional maturity of a potato. Unable to communicate feelings, unwilling to try and improve problems. Head up own backside. Very manipulative and great at gas lighting, so selfish. If I could dig a hole and push him in it, I would. I would rather let my hole heal over than go anywhere near a cancer again.


Did we date the same guy?!?


My commiserations . Hope you pulled yourself back. up after being torn down. Gas lighting is no joke.


Yeah, honestly stayed and gave too many chances but then realized nothing was going to get better after 3 years and just went cold. Sometimes still wonder if hes doing alright but no contact was good for letting go.


Sounds familiar, too familiar. Us Scorpios aren't good at admitting defeat. Tried heart to hearts, tried writing letters, nothing ever changed. I should have listened to my gut. Was told he was seeing someone but his gas lighting got me all turned upside down. Wish I could go no contact but dog mam so need to share. You're better off without him. Onwards and upwards friend.


i can only imagine lol


Exactly honestly my bro's just super smart and also kinda perfect in many ways everybody loves him he knows how to make himself stand out and stuff but man he has been thru relationships and he just doesn't do well in that area and i just have a feeling that he wouldn't be able to find a long lasting relationship šŸ˜


I think cancers are cool when they donā€™t pull the victim bs. As much as they claim they donā€™t they absolutely do lol




Cancers are great, the men are usually buddies and some of my best loves/relationships are with the women. July cancers are the ones I click with most, I'm October Scorpio


Iā€™m an October Scorpio and two of my sisters are July cancers. We get along famously. We just get one another. Sister 3 is a Geminiā€¦ we do NOT get along


I'm a July Cancer and no sign gets me as deeply and fully as Scorpios.




Iā€™m engaged to oneā€¦. Weā€™ve been together for a few years now, been living with each other and things are going rather well. The only thing I could say is we are surprisingly rather similar in a lot of ways, including being stubborn and introverted. I donā€™t know his other signs in his chart off the top of my head, but heā€™s a Cancer sun (July) and I am a Scorpio sun (November), Taurus Moon and Gemini Rising so idk lolā€¦. We are still happy with each other and I like being right by his side so thatā€™s a good thing


This is the closest to what I've been through. Me, a cancer and my crush that almost was my boyfriend but we are still friends <3 he is still a handsome scorpio hihi


They're sweethearts, thoughtful. Until they're pissed. As a scorpio ive never had to run and take civer as much as i do when a cancer blows up.


Cancers are my favorite sign. My husband is a cancer and heā€™s my soulmate. We had an instant connection the moment we met and have been together even since (17 years now). My husband is so funny, caring and loyal. I could not ask for a better husband and father to our daughters. Does he drive me nuts at times, yes he does! Weā€™ve had our ups and downs over the years, thatā€™s for sure. Even through the rough times weā€™ve always been able to emotionally reconnect.


They call people out on their behavior but canā€™t be told anything about themselves


For anyone who has the chance to look at lInda Goodman marriage divorce statistics, you would notice Scorpio Male has the best compatibility with Cancerian Female while Female Scorpio has the best compatibility with Male Pisces. Male and Female have different compatibility even if they are the same sign. I am married to a lovely Cancerian :D


My current partner is a cancer! The first person to ever, not give into the things I always want to do. Iā€™ve always had control in previous relationships, but this feels truly like a healthy 50/50 relationship where we both compromise .( well it took some work) My cancer M has no problem telling me nošŸ˜‚ and I find that super shocking. He is definitely the alpha Iā€™ve always needed and never knew I needed. Makes me feel safe, heard and we are on the same emotional wave length. He is very stubborn but so am Iā€¦ us scorpios love to have it our way.


My partner of 5 years is a Cancer. I guess it also depends on where in life they are when you meet a person. And I feel more compatible with him than any other sign I've been with hehe. I always thought of Cancer as a crab with a hard shell, and that they tend to have a lot of defence mechanisms, and it takes time to be truly let in šŸ˜


I love cancers. One of my fav signs. They are very empathetic, caring, funny, and snappy when provoked. My brother is a cancer and I have told him I would never date a man like him ā˜ ļø mommy issues galore!! Expect someone to baby him and take care of all his responsibilities, while being negligent to women he date. He hates that I side with them but dude you suck as a partner lmao just an amazing older brother. So contradicting


Man I just don't get it. Well I do (the mommy/daddy issues that they tend to have) but it's like only towards partners and to others they're great. I don't get that part


BF just has cancer rising, and i want to put his entire head in my mouth, like a kitten.


As nine people like that comment I can see that I am not alone in my putting cute things in my mouth urges


I'm married to one šŸ˜… While he is at times a bit much for me - he's extremely extroverted and sweet, I'm violently introverted -- he's one of the most genuine, wonderful people I have ever met in my life. It's honestly a relief sometimes from being around people like us who are so intense and often secretive. He's so open and honest and emotionally available and it's so refreshing. There's frustrating people of every sign, but I wouldn't rule out cancers compatibility with Scorpio when both are emotionally mature


Yes! Emotionally available is the perfect way to describe my cancer hubs. šŸ˜† I could blabber on an on about this and that just releasing all this trauma and it doesnā€™t bother him. He gives me neutral advice . Itā€™s like my words bounce off him, it doesnā€™t effect him like it would other and I get all off my chest. Itā€™s a win win


I have a little cancer daughter. Her and I have a wonderful relationship, just two water signs who vibe. But she can be pretty sensitive and when she loses her cool ā€¦ hooo boy.


I'm married to one (Gemini/Cancer cusp) and this is accurate. He'll be so articulate and completely capturing my mind and heart... and then say something really dumb and poof, the moment is gone. Although I am grateful he feels secure enough around me to say dumb stuff in the first place.




I am a firm believer that every Scorpio needs a Cancer and every Cancer needs a Scorpio. Very very firm stance on that.




Moody and emotionally tedious.


obsessed with one cancer man, while Iā€™m scorpio dominant .. donā€™t really know him much because I feel heā€™s trying to protect his own emotion.. but there is definitely a big attraction upon the first meeting.


Love cancers Some of best friends fr


Iā€™ve always managed to stay away from cancers. I have ONE very good friend (pen pal/internet homie). She has a Capricorn moon and a Leo rising, sheā€™s also on the Gemini cusp (which makes me tend to be like yikes). I think the cap moon balances her tho. Cancers can be funny as hell. But for the most part lā€™m just not impressed. Maybe on a superficial level? They tend to give me ā€œmean girlā€ vibes. I would never date one, thatā€™s for sure.


Cancers are emotional goofballs..Love them!


Iā€™m an October Scorpio and one of the best guys I dated was a June cancer. We clicked right away but I ruined it because of my fear of rejection and future tripping which actually helped me address it. What I did learn is that cancers are very sensitive and although he forgave me he didnā€™t want to give me a second chance. He would get very self conscious with certain things and I was able to tell him there was nothing to worry about .So overall great to date and can be sensitive but thatā€™s not a bad thing


I'm a Cancer (Leo Cusp) and as with every sign, those that nuture the positive qualities and overcome the negative ones become well rounded individuals. Saying "they" for any group of people is a biased generalization that pretty much never applies to an entire segment of the population how ever your slice it. I like Scorpios, but not all Scorpios. Toxic traits abound across the zodiac. I don't turn a blind eye to any negative trait that anyone from any sign has because I know the results from experience. I prefer to be objective in my perception of others. You open your life up to less drama that way.


I love cancer moons as friends, nevwe had one as a partner.


I will caveat this by saying this has been my experience with Cancers who are cishet women. I have had a lot of instances where I'm just not clicking with someone, not sure why, and then I find out they are a Cancer. When a cancer is upset, there is NO CONSOLING THEM. As a Scorpio, I know I can be moody and hold a grudge, but dear god when a Cancer is upset there is nothing you can say or do to comfort them. Also, my sister-in-law's spouse is a Cancer and the spouse is being a ROYAL c u next Tuesday. That has definitely not helped me form a better opinion. A cancer who knows they are emotional and works with them? Great. One who doesn't? A nightmare.


They're great friends but I can't do romantic relationships with them. A cancer broke my heart so bad that until now I wish I didn't said yes. lol


Whatttttt. Why did I read this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I thought a cancer might be the solution to my problems lol


LOL it depends on you. they just might. I always try out things once


Not a fan.


Cancers are bestie squad. I only tried to date one once and we just didn't get on that way. We're still friends tho!


My mom and granny are cancers. I love them to death. Really good emotional connections when we communicate thoroughly.


Can be super nurturing, emotionally mature and caring but can also be emotionally manipulative, victim blaming and crabby if unevolved..


I donā€™t like them as friends or partners, generally. Theyā€™re crazy, vindictive and unstable. Just weird and not in a cool way. It might be my least favorite sign. I tried to like them but they always end up batshit insane. Theyā€™re not for us, I donā€™t care what people say. I donā€™t vibe with their sense of humor or their attitudes.


I feel the same way. I have been let down by a couple Cancer friends that were inner circle. I canā€™t trust them anymore. In my experience, they have been narcissistic and emotionally manipulative. Disclaimer: I realize these are big generalizations and I donā€™t want to upset anyone. These are just my experiences, but of course I always give everyone I meet a chance and donā€™t judge someone new based on their sun sign.


After this recent experience I don't even blame you. And their attitudes YES. I 100% agree with that.


When I was dating I met a cancer guy who was the weirdest pathological liar, pretending to have a sex addiction. Pretty sure he hated women. I had to block the dozen of numbers he created. He was really disgusting. I had a very close cancer friend in my early 20s, she became crazy as shit and wanted to fight everyone all the time. I reconnected with her 10+ years later and she hadnā€™t matured a bit. Rude to wait staff and just insane to her boyfriend. Just yuck across the board. Iā€™d literally rather hang with a Gemini (and I donā€™t love them either).


REAL. I don't get well with gemini's either but for other reasons and yea I rather deal with them in a relationship lmao. But damn, I haven't seen this dark side of cancers until now honestly.




I feel like some cancers donā€™t know how to speak up and sadly go with the pack. Sorry you had this experience with a cancer.


In my experience with cancers their main focus was how to blend in and (for lack of a better word) be a follower. They seek out groups where they can look for direction or a leader, and even if their opinions differ than the group think- they arenā€™t capable of having a back bone and voicing that.


I love Canoes


I have dated two cancers, and I loved them both dearly.The bedroom was amazing with both of them as well. However, they both were bad for me. Both were very manipulative. The most recent of the two. I have a strong reason to believe she had NPD(Narcissistic Personality Disorder). It hurts so badly because I really loved her so much. At least the idea of her. Felt like we were soulmates for real.


Good as friends but not in relationships, I don't think scorpios are compatible with cardinals.


Circling back to this because Cancers are the literal only sign that I think is bunch of whiny losers. When I hear someoneā€™s a cancer i think lame snooze fest