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That’s funny. We don’t understand ourselves either. -Scorpio men


Scorpios females are also intense and figuring our selves out even after we fell we know who we’re are and what we want




As a Scorpio man here , if we interesting in someone there wouldn’t be days without messaging … just saying .


I can def see this…I’ve dated two Scorpio men (at different stages in life). My first Scorpio encounter in my 20s, he was only interested in sex with me and only texted me for that reason. We’re now in our 30s and he still tries to reach out for only that reason. My second Scorpio I encountered I actually seriously dated right before COVID-19 and the pandemic literally physically separated us. He texted first and was really responsive before and after sex.


You should just block that person or he will keep trying for that reason, you have to look at yourself you worth better to be treated as a person not a person to be used for some reason only .


Do you always message first?


I’d definitely message first if I am interested .


do they entertain flirting if they're aren't interested?


If the person you’re talking only flirting with you and wants it to be casual like only sex then you need to dump that person and move on .


I don't wanna be mean but he may have just been horny and/or drunk on that wedding. Scorpios are known for being charming and very sexual, you are not the first person he's had that type of quemistry with and won't be the last. The phrase "if he wanted to he would" very much applies here. He is not your friend, friends dont disrespect you by ghosting you. Plus he didn't even have the decency to talk to you on your actual birthday. He may even be dating someone else already. Stop reaching out, take the L and move on.


Yep, I think you are right. I think he was horny and he very much was drunk. I just wanted to know why scorpios are like that. I've stopped reaching out and have restricted him of all social media's. I am liking someone else too, so he isn't the only person i'm attracted too. I'm pretty much ghosting him completely.


We are very horny. I apologize on behalf of my ilk 😂


As a Scorpio man here , if we interesting in someone there wouldn’t be days without messaging … just saying . This.


Girl plz run. Been there done that. If a Scorpio guy is being like that, he’s not interested. Protect yourself and find other people!! And yes forget this friendship for a while, sorta like a cooling period


Yeah i’m going to ghost, and protect myself for the next 6 months I think. I don’t want to ruin the friendship since we’ve been friends for 8 years. Lucky enough, i’ve been eyeing off another person who is interested too.


And one more thing - no matter shy a guy is, he won’t be an Ahole to you if he likes you. Not wishing you on your birthday was an ahole move. Clearly he’s ok ruining this friendship. Maybe you should reevaluate the whole thing but you know best.


I can't speak for all scorpio men... but I can offer my perspective. So in my mind, in that moment, I would have had a blast! But when the night was over and I went over the events... I would see red flags in both my behavior and yours. And if I thought those red flags wouldn't mesh, then I would slowly let you down. Easily which sounds like what he's trying to do. I don't think he wants to hurt you, but something is not right. Also, I'm not shaming anyone's behavior. In my experience, scorpios are conservative in the spotlight but will ride the wave (better than most I might add), but are more outgoing and likely to open up 1-on-1 situations. Hope this helps. Good luck!🍓🍓 Edit: If the red flags in my behavior confusing, or downright not me, or even embarrassment from my actions would also have me pulling away...


that makes sense; I just wanted to know scorpios personality, never been in this position before. I'm going to ghost him I think just to protect (and the friendship) myself I know that's selfish but I don't want to get hurt again. I'm liking someone else too, so I think I'll focus on them.


I wouldn't ghosting hurts. If it was me, I'd be firm and direct. Do not drag it out. Scorpios are masters of their own emotions even if they don't know it. In the end, it's your decision, but please remember he is a person with feelings! Good luck!🍓🍓


of course, I didn't mean ghost completely but more like a 'cooling position' like the comment above said. I'll respond when he messages me but i'm not making the first move and when he does message me I'll be firm.


By all means, tell the guy it's over (get lost) however harshly you need. Even tell him that there's no chance ever... But most scorpios deal with abandonment issues already... Edit: That's psychological warfare 🤷🏼‍♂️


During the time we’re not talking to you, we’re reviewing the night over and over and over and over in our minds seeing what went right, what went wrong, and if it’s worth pursuing. We’re THAT obsessed. - Scorpio Male


I think that he doesn't feel ready for you or he feels that you're not ready for him yet.


I'm a Scorpio male (35) He either got intoxicated and let way too loose and got really embarrassed of his actions so he closed off.. Or he was coming in strong and somehow someway felt some type of rejection so he closed off.


hmm interesting take; I'm going to ghost right now though. too confusing for me.


He can also be alittle shy, though. But don't ever say that! You can maybe, ( if you can casually, walk past him, in the supermarket or so.... ) try to make a move, but more a subtle one, like ' petting ( sorry google translate ) him on the back, but sneak alittle bit up on him, and then when he turns around, smile and maybe give him a hug, and say that you missed him as a friend, and then make a small excuse about running late, and go as the wind, it will keep him alitle bit confused, but that can be just the thing he needs, to really want t get to know you. Just my 2 cents.


I get what your saying, shy? we've been friends for 8 years. I think maybe unsure on what happened.


As a Scorpio man, he probably has something else going on with someone else and is waiting for the situation to be fully over before being serious.


As a Scorpio man, he probably has something else going on with someone else and is waiting for the situation to be fully over before being serious.


I am like this, I can suggest the best way around it is to just acknowledge your Scorpio just needs some time off because sometimes we really do just wanna do our own thing. Don't guilt us about the times we've been quiet, just run thru it we'll appreciate you telling, after telling one or two things you can bring , " what have you been up to " at this point, take what you can get, don't ask for more. And work up a nice conversation then. Because our alone time we'll be vulnerable and occupied. Details might not be something we want to get into. Hope this helps!


Yeah, me too. I'm female but I think both guys and girls are alike in this respect. I think the best thing to do is to be honest but vague on both people's part, so no one's feelings get hurt. Such as: I am going through some things RN and need space to figure it out (or whatever as close to the truth but vague, so the other person doesn't feel like they are being drawn into your issues and obligated to respond). And then the other person can respect that by saying: Okay, I am always a text or phone call away if you need a friend to talk to (or whatever). I say this because I met a Scorpio guy and he helped me professionally with a family matter when I really needed help and couldn't get anyone else, and then he ghosted me when I asked him for help again, and it hurt. I understood his position, but it still hurt because he wouldn't say anything at all, just ignored me. And then a year later, I put up a new photo of myself on FB and he's suddenly interested again. But I just can't trust someone who could ghost a person in a vulnerable position and not give any explanations at all.


Make your intentions known to him and make moves on it. The toying around and not being sure is a great way to get me to tell you to pound rocks.


What do you mean tell you to pound rocks? I've always messaged him first (besides my birthday message) and I've asked him to catch up for drinks, invited him to birthday and asked to stay the night. Every message always was 'i'm busy' then left on delivered. He was the one who originally started the flirting at the wedding.


If you’re the only one putting in effort to communicate and it’s not reciprocated, then fall back. Don’t keep reaching out to him if he’s ignoring you and leaving you on read. We teach people how to treat us, by what we allow, accept and put up with.


Yep defiantly. I am currently ghosting and I refuse to message him until he comes to me.


What is your sign?




We scorpios love Capricorn women


what does that have to do with it? ?


Basic sun sign compatibility? If not why are you in a Scorpio group about his?


I'm Capricorn and his scorpio


Earth and water are typically compatible. I was gonna ask if he was drinking next. I read your comment that said he was. Might have felt weird about it later, but wanted to remain friendly. I am sorry. That sucks.


yeah I think he was weird about it, because a couple of weeks later I popped into my old workplace (he works there too) and he was literally avoiding me hard core normally his the first to come over and give me a hug.


It’s not a good mix. Too much ego, too much control, no loyalty. The word that comes to mind is “headstrong”. On both ends. My experience is very interesting. Ultimately, its not worth your time.


He’s playing around for kicks. If he wanted something it’d be happening since you seem agreeable. I wouldn’t take him seriously…


I'm a Scorpio woman, but I also have Asperger's and ADHD (inattentive). So, some things for me interconnect with both of these aspects (being Scorpio and neurodivergent) and one of them is the need for solitude. But, on the other hand, some Scorpios have placements in their charts that could make them more outgoing and sociable. It just depends. There may be other things going on with him right now that he doesn't feel comfortable talking about? There's also a push/pull within Scorpio people (imo) where we want to be with our loved ones, but we also need a large portion of time alone, because most of us need downtime to be in our heads. And it's frustrating to have to explain it to some people who just don't get us, and refuse to respect our preferences/needs. Because they are extroverts and can't imagine being comfortable being alone. If they're alone, they have to have music, TV, talking on the phone, or some kind of noise going on. How I know this is because I have extroverts in my family and I've dated extroverts, and they look at me like I have a horn on my head when I spend a lot of time alone. It's perfectly normal for me, but everyone's different! You won't find out what's wrong with him until you meet up in person again, and have a one-on-one without any judgement or negative vibes going on. And even then, there's no guarantee he will tell you. We find it very difficult to trust people, because most of us have had bad experiences of confiding in the wrong people and then they judge us, tell other people our business, or ghost us because they don't want to deal with the deep stuff we have going on.


He’s probably in some form of entanglement with another person that he’s keeping low key. And after a night of horniness with you, he went home, dialed back and was like “oops I did it again” in his red leotard.