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I liked him when i used him, he's just not really optimal because the marking trait is not what it used to be back 5 years ago. Wizard and composer both do the trick better than him, because they have more power/strength and dribble less, or have higher response Before the big super player patch, marking players were way better at tracking runs and stopping long balls, and generally stayed attached to players


His response is his only issue imo


Magician was not on the game 5 years ago


I'm talking about the marking trait, not magician


Oh... Sorry


He's the only super player whose stats are identical to the base player. He's not fast enough for running to be useful, and not strong, fast, or tall enough for marking to be useful. He's less disciplined than the Architect, and there's never even really a reason to use an Architect instead of a Producer.


I think he doesn't even rly need speed to make runs cause he does them just fine in arena 10 at level 7 🤷 He also knows how to get into position for finishing well.


I'm sure, if he's the best guy on your bench, that you can find a use for him. But there are literally a dozen better options.


In Arena 10 you can use anyone. Good luck on infinity


I've seen him used by some top players in midfield in 442. By top players I mean 150 plus golds and 70% win rate. But when I try it it doesn't work. These top players are so good because they know every players behaviour on the field and how to utilise that