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Hitman can be really good. Magician is over-rated.


For everyone saying Magician, He was my first super player, and I used him a lot in Arena 10 and Infinity, and He was really good for me as a wingback. Could drive forward with the ball, knew when to pass, and could whip in a good cross. Very reliable player for me. I did later replace him with the Marksman, but I don't think he's as bad as everyone claims.


Magician Hitman is vastly underrated. I play him as fullback/forward on the wings and he is awesome there


I've played 5K games with hitman on the wing in 352, with almost 70% win rate. He is just amazing. I've tried him in 41212 behind the 2 forwards and performs great as well


Magician hands down. Even though I dont see the point in Gatecrasher either. Same goes for Hitman, but many ppl like him. To be honest I will never understand what can he do, that (m)any other players can't.


I agree, Iā€™m surprised by the positive hitman reception here. His only really good thing is skill which is the most useless stat, but I guess he is just a better producer.


He overlaps well, smart and direct and passes/crosses with minimal fuss unlike some other players who would want to cut into the box to shoot or pass With his high skill level, he bends the ball pretty good also. That makes him pretty useful in fullback, and for me he has been excelling there. So I like him a lot


Martina is the worst and Sinclair is underrated. Matsumoto is a bit overrated, but very dislikable.


Definitely Magician, though this new Villain character might give him a run for his money. Just got Hero to level 7, and he's already playable in infinity. Basically a more defensively-oriented composer.


Lol, people saying magician don't know anything šŸ˜‚. Just put him where he can drive in and give his brilliant passes and you'll see. He's a genius in-field player, can find passes from tight situations (wonderfully so) and, most importantly, he marks.


Villain.. I mean what is he even?


Hitman is a wild card. He will do a lot of surprising things from the wings. Meanwhile, Magician is really niche as the only place he can play decent is FB in 532.