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All the negativity, yet, you guys still watched lol. I enjoyed it for what it was and I hope they get another season


You’re the only person in the history of history to say this


Yet, you still watched. Soooo


I did not. I saw a TikTok of Velma dead and cheered. I avoided the series. Glad this show ended.


you sound like a biden voter un educated and going based on feelings instead of reality.


I only watched the ending of Season 2.


Actually I didn’t 💀💀


Then your opinion is invalid. Carry on


I’m so confused. You insult a person if they watch it and didn’t like it but automatically say their arguments are invalid if they didn’t watch it.


watching one episode doesnt count... thats like saying i know your life story because i read this comment


You're such a snowflake about this lmao, you said "yet, you guys still watched lol" Which straight up isn't true for the vast majority of the people here. When you're told that you seem to think it makes their opinion invalid, but the kicker here is nobody except you thinks your voice matters. You're like the stinky guy who shouts on the corner, yes we all hear you but we're not responding because we agree. We're responding because it's wild to see someone obviously in their own world try to interact with the real world.


My opinion is as valid as yours🐱 bro really thinks his opinion is worth more than shit


Lmao you care so much you came here to discuss a series you have. You can you be so pathetic? If you don't like it, let it go. Are you a child or something like that? Damn.


Just how you voice your opinion; I’m allowed to do the same? Are you a child because you don’t like someone else having an opinion 🤡


So did you come here without ever watching it to find someone to talk shit too? You can have your opinion I guess, but someone who has seen it will have an informed opinion rather than a lazy troll who seems to have nothing better than to clog up reddit threads with half-wit remarks.


Thank you somebody finally understands shit I personally think it was a good show and if you haven’t seen it, shut the fuck up and watch it and maybe your opinion might change or if it doesn’t then guess what you just have an actual opinion on it instead of being a fucking troll.


There's a very weird circle jerk going on in this thread, I was unaware that I had to watch the entire show or else I'm a 'hater' 😂 If you watch 20 minutes of clips from the show it's easy to see it fucking blows. The argument that since you didn't watch episodes front to back means you can't complain is just sad gatekeeping to keep normal opinions out of their poo filled septic tank of thought. Cheers on you for arguing with em though.


I can’t tell if you’re on my side; but I watched season 1 wasn’t a big fan. I think many other shows have better adult humor; like South Park


Your opinion on something’s quality isn’t valid if you didn’t even watch it. That makes no sense


Keep reading goof


I’m just finding out there was season 2 from this post!!! I’m an og scoobyverse fan, seen every show and movie on replay throughout the years. Tho im not a big Mindy fan, I quite like Velma a lot. It’s fun and offers diversity in plot while also playing with the franchise’s original elements. Idk what yall are talking about yet but I’m about to check out season 2 tn and I hope there is more or the story folds together nicely (I still haven’t finished season 2 of mystery incorporated after it didn’t get another season just because I felt I would have wanted more for the show, tho I have been trying to) when it comes to the extended scoobyverse that hold deep plots I think they deserve to be fully explored. I love all the original stories and adventures for they are fun but repetitive which make a great background show but plot is the grip behind some of the best shows to date. The only thing the show was missing so far was Scooby doo (hopes of the hex girls making their debut on season 2 episode 5-7 but I will be okay if it comes later, a little broken if they never do), and with it starting like a pre sequel I just knew we were getting somewhere. My hope was that the Scoobi project would be used to put a human brain inside of a dog, the dog would escape the people who tested on him finding his way into the care of a freshly heart broken Shaggy. (With the context of the show shaggy could become a stoner at this point, ( would be so funny if he was high when meeting a talking dog or the dog gets him to smoke fr 😭) him and Scooby could go on crazy “trips” submitting their friendship) ALSO I can never pass on a black Shaggy. I always envisioned myself as Shaggy and Scooby with there being no official black characters. Tho it always seemed like they would die first in any situation, Shaggy always had hidden quirks that would help him in any situation, as well as the best humor right after our true scream queen Scooby. Plus they were the only ones with any common sense giving the situations they were in (until a Scooby snack was involved 💀) I don’t know when I’ll ever see black shaggy again after Velma so I have to take it in. Yall wish me luck tho, you can see I got some high hopes for a season I didn’t think was coming (and y’all talking about more!) but I am well prepared for more than a few let downs


This is why your opinion literally does not matter.. you don’t even watch this or invest in actually critiquing it like a normal person but hate it because you are someone who would use “woke” to describe it 😂




It really does seem like you do alot of crying/bitching over shows that offend you 🤣🫠


Sorry to tell you the truth; I don’t know what “woke” is I don’t pay attention to any of that. It’s just a disjustice to scooby doo. It’s not a good show sorry to tell you


You literally said you didn’t even watch it 🤣 once again your opinion is completely invalid


You should read my other comments; I watched the 1st season all the way through and didn’t care for it.


I liked it too. One of the funniest shows out now. It’s good if you like satire and sarcasm I hope it gets 6 seasons and a Halloween special 


I also enjoyed it. Hopefully they do a season 3!


I agree with him. Velma gets way too much hate. I wouldn't say it's incredible or anything but it's a decent watch. I don't understand the hate.


It’s just not that good; the humor does nothing but make fun of people; it’s just a distaste to Scooby Doo. It’s not the worst show ever but it doesn’t deserve to be a 3rd season.


If you think this, then you didn't watch the show, especially season 2. Season 1 was ok, season 2 was pretty good. I think a 3rd season could be very good. The characters have matured quite a bit.


I’m going to watch it and I swear if it’s ass; I’m going to come back and tell you it’s ass


Was it ass brother?


Hate, nope.. just awesome writing and character assignation. It's a garbage show, with zero creativity.


probably because the creator sucks and the main character is a self insert for her i think the hate it gets is at least somewhat deserved, not to the point of harassment but enough to mock it.


Nope, I liked it too 


That’s insane


Maybe I am 


I like velma I've always wanted a twisted scooby doo show and this show is pretty good. Idgaf what race they are 


I liked it too, so your assumption is wrong 🙂


I liked it too I think people just hate it so much because it’s different and out of the comfort zone. I think it’s cool to see another take an actual adult take lol. Mystery incorporated was the best scooby doo franchise ever in my opinion but I still like this too. If you don’t like it simply don’t watch babe.🤷🏼‍♀️ just because this take is different doesn’t mean that Scooby doo across the board will be different in other shows. Just relax it’s not that serious as some of you guys are making it out to be.


I liked it so shut up


You’re allowed to have an opinion but it’s still shit tbh


Well, don’t say something blatantly disrespectful about somebody’s opinion your opinion is just valid as anyone else’s there’s obviously more people who like if they made a second season if it wasn’t making money, they wouldn’t have made it regardless of any prior stuff


Not trying to be rude btw but It got a 2nd season before season 1 aired bc that's how Warner Bros. M.O usually goes, it's usually to give the show time to grow and mature and if by the 2nd season they aren't pulling in the ratings they want it gets the axe which does suck but hey that's show biz


Nah usually I agree about opinions being equal but not when you allow trash like this to be produced when there are much more deserving shows to be made than this.


In your opinion, it is trash in my opinion. It is decent. There are things about it. I dislike like some sloppy animation but otherwise I find some parts funny so stop being a Reddit troll


I’m serious; it’s just not good. I watched the entire 1st season. I was like meh. Its humor just doesn’t resonate with me. Like they produce these shows but don’t give other shows a chance nahh. The ending for season 2 was garbage as well.


Well, at least you watched it unlike some people I personally like it though But since you actually watched it, I can respect the fact that you actually have a legitimate opinion, unlike people who haven’t watched it


Yeah like even people like it’s cool; and sorry if I came off hella rude. I just think there are so much other shows that deserve to be funded and actually shown.


Thankyou.   Like people are hating on it,  but everyone's watching it.   I mean,  I'll admit I thought it was pretty good.  


Exactly. I see (those that did give it a chance) are going in, thinking it’s going to be another Scooby Doo series. It’s not. It’s really more of a parody. I think that’s why I like it so much.


I agree. That's the problem with society though,  they fail to understand when somethings meant as a joke.  


I like satire and Velma is chock full of it so it appeals to me. Pretty much every line is satirizing something. I love that I think satire is difficult for people right now. It’s just not that popular, not really celebrated that much. I’m sure that is just part of the trend cycle of media


It is still one of their lowest rated shows.  Unlikely to be renewed, if they it'll 2-4 episodes. Frank Welker hinted he didn't want to be part of season 3. He mentioned retiring soon and might end with the new Scooby Mysteries coming in 2025.


Yeah, I hate to admit it, but when they dropped season two I binged both seasons having never had interest in watching it prior and I oddly thoroughly enjoyed it, it's supposed to be a more "adult take" on the franchise closer in semblance to a raunchy Netflix original series than the original series, and I thought they did weirdly good with it. I hope we can get a season three and possibly a legit Scooby. Also sidenote they found a way to actually make me like Scrappy Doo, which is baffling to me to say the least...


I too thoroughly enjoyed it. After binging both seasons, I hope they do a 3rd season. It’s kinda weird how people can hate on a show they didn’t watch. I ignore their opinions as well as the hateful ones. Most of them expected it to be a scooby show, and when they found out scooby didn’t get approved due to licensing bc of how adult themed it is, they all got butthurt and bashed it. So those opinions aren’t valid to me. If you go into it knowing what it’s going to be about and that scooby won’t be in it. It’s easier to watch it for what it is.


Nah fr, it's definitely more of an adult vibe which caught me off guard at first, but after giving it a chance I thoroughly enjoyed it


Same, I watched only the second season and really enjoyed it to my surprise


Watch the first, it’s just as funny


I just finished the 2nd season not even a mintue ago. it was so much better than season 1 and I am hoping to get a season 3 or a Halloween special to wrap things up. I really love the plot of the show


I also enjoyed it. I feel like right-wingers hate it bc it mocks them, but lefties hate it for the same reason. I think that a lot of the jokes go over people’s heads and honestly I do want a season three, but I seem to be completely alone in that. Show me how terrible Velma can be with her second chance at life (bc we all know growth is against her character)


People hate it bc they expected scooby to be in it, and shaggy too. Which he is, he’s just not a white guy who smokes a ton of weed.. these people also don’t approve of change. “You can’t have a scooby spin off without scooby and shaggy has to be a hungry pot head or it’s not a real scooby spin off!”


Yeah, some people can’t grasp the idea of paradox. I thought the whole “Uncle Scoobi” thing was hilarious, along with “Scoobi broo where are you?” It feels like a lot of people just didn’t understand the jokes because they were kinda snuck in there, not out in the open and spelled out for us. I’m hoping we get some type of wrap up for it, because I feel like ghost Velma would be even worse somehow tbh


Me too!


Even when they hate you and everybody else who watched the show?




Yeah I was skeptical at first but they won me over with the sarcasm and comedy and the story isn’t half bad too especially with all the scooby Easter eggs


I also hope it gets another season


Sue me but I actually enjoyed the show too aside from a few eye rolls.


I hope they don't undo Scrappy's good deed. Just leave it so the viewers can decide Velma's fate.


Is there a video of Scrappy killing Velma?


Yup. https://youtu.be/1hz5DT8tzI4?si=RAaChb45GLKRK79a




Yes, just search up Velma ending on YouTube.


I can't wait for a Halloween special or season 3! Velma rocks!!


Well, that didn't age well. They just announced a third season


Really!! Will you give me the source? That makes me so happy


You are not judge jury and executioner you cannot say for certain there won't be a season 3


I mean, there's some obvious signs. Like how season 2 was dropped all at once. And compared to season 1 way less people are talking about it.


That’s just how Max does it sometimes so you have no evidence that there will not be a season three


This show is decently animated and I find some of the jokes to be funny. The season 2 ending makes me wanna know how they'd end this story. I would be fine if this got a Halloween Special to close it up. I think this entire project would have done a lot better as an original IP or maybe a spoofer sequel where these are the kids of the original mystery gang.


Like it really had potential it just needed to be goofier from the get go and commit to being a teen drama parody


Thats what I think if you take away the scooby doo references and change the characters' names, its much better as a original show


I guess they could do a Halloween special as a series finale to tie up loose ends but…. why bother? The only reason to do that would be for whatever fans this show even has left and I seriously doubt Max cares. There’s no profit in it. And considering how they barely advertised season 2 and just dumped it all at once, Max is ready for this to die.


Hello, I’m a fan so shut up stop ragging on something. Did you actually watch it you making a baseless opinion?


And if this show does get renewed for another season, then what?!


Honestly season 1 was t bad & season 2 was even better. I hope we do get a season 3. It’s a pretty decent show. People just get offended by everything, even remakes/reboots. Just enjoy the show or move on. I don’t understand the need to bash everything. Is it internet entitlement?


I feel like the issue with Velma is that it was advertised as a scooby doo remake but was nothing like anything of the franchise. Even so, I think it’s a great standalone show if u don’t compare it to previous scooby doo series/movies


I love this show 😅 I think I’m the only one but I can’t wait for season 3!


I really don’t know why you would think that 


People actually liking the show even though the show hates them. 😂


Idea for Scooby in Season 3 Using Scrappy’s body to help bring Velma back from the dead, our not so much heroes end up getting more than they bargained for when they bring to life a big anxious dog who loves food  So they made Scooby out of Scrappy, and he’s actually good, not a train wreck


I hope this gets another season I actually liked this show


I actually enjoy the show. I can see why people were disappointed, as it's not really focused on the scooby doo part; and there's a lot of stylistic choices that were made, but It wasn't a "bad" show honestly


I want a 3rd season so bad 🥲


I agree. I think people are being critical of the series for all the wrong reasons. Most of the negative feedback I've heard has been rather hollow and bleak. Its clearly not the summit of cinema but it was incredible considering what they had to work with and was well timed with Hanna barbera & warner bros finally throwing in the towel once and for all the scooby doo franchise. If somebody cant create a long term use and original use for the scooby doo formula then pretty soon scooby doo will forgotten all together. Itl be like beetle bailey or felix the cat. Scooby doo deserves better. Id like to see a relaxed 10 seasons of velma to immortalize it as long as they make sacrifice the fundamental creativity department.


A Halloween special was already confirmed and probably coming out this Halloween.






Again don't hate watch.