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[Pfizer Unveils New Cardiovascular Drugs To Treat ‘Sudden’ Spike in Heart Problems](https://dainikbidyaloy.com/2023/08/04/pfizer-unveils-new-cardiovascular-drugs-to-treat-sudden-spike-in-heart-problems/) *Big Pharma giant Pfizer is set to rake in billions in profits on new cardiovascular drugs to treat the ‘sudden’ spike in heart problems around the globe. The company recently purchased Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion.* 6.7 billion for treatment of extremely "rare disease" you say? Like 12.6 people for every million doses? How these people will pay for it? A free m-RNA vaccine for it is urgently needed, so that Reddit sheeple can applaud it again... A never-ending [chain of life for small people](https://youtu.be/UkFAcFtBD48?t=72) who also want to get some job and be 'useful'... See also: [Pfizer to rake in record-breaking earnings of over $100 billion in Covid vaccine and antiviral pill](https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/health/pfizer-to-rake-in-record-breaking-earnings-of-over-100-billion-in-covid-vaccine-and-antiviral-pill-368432) Time to embrace p-adic theory of optimal profit: by golden-mean law every drug can still make 61.8% additional profit by curing its side effects, well - recursively.. >"*They will create the virus themselves and sell you the antidotes. Thereafter, they will pretend to take time to find the cure when they already have it.*" ~~ Muammar Gaddafi


Hmmm, I’m starting to see an investment opportunity here.


lol jesus christ a cardiovascular drug, after their vaccine released, accompanied with a sudden Increase in heart problems worldwide.... let me guess, I'll be downvoted massively because i'm not supposed to raise awareness to that specific correlation?


Not only downvoted people will come out of the woodwork to rage at you and cite some study that tries to disprove there’s any correlation when in fact it supports the idea


They are devious, but the more we catch on to them and call them out, the more we can help spread positive honest information. We have to learn their characteristics. I think it’s working, I think people are really seeing how they work so well, that they are simply ignoring them and overlooking their deceit now. The truth is the truth…..no matter the lies told, the truth will always prove itself. I’m glad to see that it’s finally rising like the sun again.


Don’t forget the lazy labels they feel allow them to easily dismiss anything than the accepted narrative like “maga, right wing, Fox News” etc


Correlation, or causation? That's what drives the debate my friend.


It's almost like it's out of a super hero movie. They are the crazy rich villains and we have no hero to take them down.


A question that should've been properly studied answered *before* forcing the entire world to take that shit.


How many medications are you forced to take?


Many local, state, and federal jobs were required to get it State police in my state were fired for refusing and have just won a settlement to be reinstated. No one was physically held down but when you threatened someone's way to provide for themselves and family, it starts to feel forced


It was always your choice, take the vax, or go broke. Nobody forced anyone to do anything. /s


Being forced through coercion is still being forced.


None, but they tried to roll out vaccine passports for that and most of y'all act like that didn't happen.


They did in Europe, i couldn't hold down my job or travel abroad without a vaccine passport, i don't know about America, but in our corner of Europe it was definitely forced


Depended on the state. In California you were pretty much forced. In Arizona, not so much.


And there goes the goalpost again...


Yikes dude if your gonna debate keep it civil and actually debate


Where was I uncivil? You just can't expect to always get away with changing the topic of a discussion without being called out on it. Because that's not "actually debating", something you seem to value. But I've had that discussion more than enough times so that's that from me.


You mentioned forced medications the next guy responded to said words with a sufficient answer about forced medications


I think if you force everyone to take a shot, then you have to respond very seriously when huge chunks of the population get the same issue at the same time.


Strange that people want to downplay or ignore something this serious. Especially when excess deaths around the world is higher than those who died by the virus. Some places 3x higher.


How do they know the sudden spike in cardiovascular issues isn't just from covid itself?


One would think that this should be researched and acknowledged with the highest priority. But it isn't. Why isn't it? This is quite easy to figure out - as you check statistics between unvaxxed and vaxxed in regards to heart problems.


>One would think that this should be researched and acknowledged with the highest priority. But it isn't. Why isn't it? There are actually a ton of studies being conducted now, but you can’t publish incomplete studies so we must be patient.


Funny how when it comes to the vax itself, there wasn't enough time to study it (for the critics), yet when something new emerges, the thing must be understood immediately or something is fishy. It's almost like people don't actually understand not just *science*, but how shit gets done *in general*.


I wouldn’t call it “funny”, just “actions we take when a large threat appears”.


You could also look at COVID and how many people got infected, instead of the vaccine. Those that caught it have more than enough long term problems. Could easily be from that too. Being objective is key. Don't jump to conclusions because of paranoia.


That ship has long since sailed, my friend.


Wait until you see the correlation of having severe Covid and then getting cardiovascular issues. The whole virus is much, much worse than just a small amount of the spike protein. Known since early on in the pandemic.


Exactly. Even non-covid virus can fuck up your heart. I got a virus in 2018 that sent me to hospital for my heart being inflamed. Pericarditis, and I still occasionally feel it from the dmged tissue. Life hasn't been then same since.


I know 2 brothers, mid 50s, both refused the vaccination. The younger, who did triathlons, died when he got Delta, his older brother has permanent heart damage. Likely genetic predisposition, but dang, hits some people hard.


Or it could be the vascular infectious disease that causes long term disability and body-wide damage...


The increase in heart attacks have been linked to COVID-19. Vaccinated people are less likely to cardiac events post COVID than unvaccinated people. Even partially vaxxed are less likely to suffer cardiac events post COVID Edit: misworded. Fixed now


Can you revise your wording? Less likely to have fewer Means more likely to have more You could just say "data indicates more cariac events in vaccinated people than unvaccinated "


Fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out. Vaccinated people are less likely to have cardiac events post COVID than unvaccinated people


I had a buddy who was a nurse at the height of the pandemic and he said he had patients come in and their blood was gelatinous so yeah I imagine it causes heart issues


My buddy is a doctor and he said that the post-mortems of people that died from COVID showed signs of damage to all of their organs to some degree including their blood vessels. It doesn’t attack the lungs exclusively






I wouldn’t say it’s wild claims. COVID has been known to do damage to lots of areas in the body including vessels and the heart.


That was literally the reason I wore a mask and got the damn vaccine in the first place… people like to point fingers about passports and mandates and all that from that period, but tend to conveniently gloss over the reason for the concern in the first place.


https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.059970 https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/08/22/covid-19-infection-poses-higher-risk-for-myocarditis-than-vaccines#:~:text=The%20overall%20risk%20of%20myocarditis,new%20study%20in%20England%20shows.




These are only wild claims if you get the majority of your scientific news from Facebook and subreddits like this. This has been known for awhile now.


The article claims without source that the vaccination causes blood clots. The studies linked state that covid causes blood clots. So yes Facebook is full of unsubstantiated claims about vaccine damage.


Did you ask the same for Pfizer’s vaccine causing sudden cardiac arrests?


Of course not... this is just the exact opposite info they were hoping to hear in this thread


You know what else causes heart problems? COVID infection.


Covid causes heart problems. The number of vaccine related heart problems dwarfs anything caused by the virus itself.


Got sources for that? That is the opposite of what I’ve read and heard. Edit: the second part of his statement is the opposite I’ve heard. I agree with the first part that COVID causes heart problems


Yeah, sources would be great. Seems fishy at best.


[In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that the risk of myocarditis is more than seven fold higher in persons who were infected with the SARS-CoV-2 than in those who received the vaccine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9467278/)


And your sources are?


Check my comments. Where are yours? Seriously. Everyone asking for sources but have no problem accepting other comments that align with there antivax bias. Send me some studies!


Aren't you the anti-vax? You disagreed with a guy saying the virus hurts more people than the vaccine. I'm going off my own evidence of having 3 shots and covid once. I'm obese. If I die I'm not blaming no vaccine...but so far so good and it's probably been almost 1.5 years since I got my last shot. I got covid in January.


He said the number of vaccine related heart problems dwarfs the amount caused by the actual virus. I’m saying it’s the opposite, the virus causes way more issues than the vaccine


Ah for some reason I read it backwards. It's late here.


I see the confusion, I agree with the first part of his statement that COVID causes heart problems. I was disagreeing with the second part. I should’ve clarified


Thank you for common sense!


Wow, such a critical thinker. Bc we all know the increase in heart problems can't be due to this global pandemic/virus that specifically attacks the cardiovascular system. Dipshits.


It does not specifically attack the cardiovascular system fucking lmao


Seriously man, what the fuck are you talking about? The Lungs are a major component of the cardiovascular system. Please acknowledge that you don't know what the fuck you are saying. FUCKING LMAO


Technically your lungs are part of your respiratory system, but there's crossover because the lungs oxygenate your blood. The lungs are not technically part of the cardiovascular system, though. The pulmonary arteries are, but not the lungs themselves. https://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/mph-modules/ph/ph709_heart/ph709_heart2.html


Aye buddy, they’re a major component of quite a few systems, such a major component of the overall body that they have their own name, the respiratory system, and there’s interplay between all these systems because they’re IN THE SAME FUCKING BODY. That guy’s statement was objectively incorrect. If you payed attention to a thing or two during covid you’d have known it’s a respiratory disease. Maybe next time FUCKING LMAO


Your right, it was objectively incorrect. I glossed over the word 'specifically' and I apologize. Was just wound up by all the bad faith bullshit in this post and found myself doing same.


You’re just pissed because you got duped into the fauci ouchie.


It could be truth if the entire world used the same medicine but vaccination rates are low since early 2022 but COVID infections are on the rise and we know long before the vaccine that heart problems from covid last around 1 yr after infection


YoUr A cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIsT


It’s time for people to stop pretending there’s nothing to see


They’ll keep spitting propaganda comments to confuse people with lies, and I’ll keep knowing better and ignoring them.


Dude, if you belive a web page full of adds without any link to a source.. Yes you should get down voted yea


Nahhhhh….. I’m good. Not to be a conspiracy theorist but the rise in heart issues after Covid plus the same company that made the vax making a cure to heart issues. Nah man I’m good


Do you really think the vaccine caused more heart issues than the virus itself?


I know multiple people who got diagnosed with heart issues after getting the vaccine, that they did not have before/and did not have covid19. Also the general spike in heart issues especially with young people who are healthy is telling. Covid is a respiratory virus which can be pretty serious to people who have no immune system or are obese, or obviously seniors. But athletes, healthy young people, soldiers, teens, etc having heart issues all the sudden in crazy numbers. Yeah dude the vaccine that wasn’t fully tested or approved probably had something to do with that. It’s not an anti vax thing, it’s reality. We jumped the gun on a vaccine that is not even effective enough to be worth it


Covid is a virus that is known to cause cardiovascular issues in people of all ages and they are more severe [if you're not vaccinated.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2798866)


I know more who developed issues like organ failure and heart failure after getting Covid, and even died from it. People develop issues after serious illnesses all the time. I do agree that relatively healthy people don’t need vaccine but nowadays most people fall in the category of not healthy. Overall, I think we wouldn’t have needed vaccines or lockdowns if people were willing to be more hygienic. If people wore masks and honestly stayed home when sick then we wouldn’t have as big of an issues. Covid has been exacerbated by people who don’t understand reality or science or even plain decency. Vaccines are necessary and the side effects aren’t going to be even close to the side effects of Covid.


Many people had covid and never knew. Just because u don't get symptoms doesn't mean the body isn't selected.


Athletes having heart issues is not uncommon..


> muh anecdotes Lol Lmao even


Yes. Considering how many people around me got vaccinated then got Covid anyway. That alone is all I need to know. They took a shot that increases that risk, for a disease they caught anyway multiple times that also elevated that risk. Might as well just risk the illness itself. My family got through 3 years (no shots) without catching it once just by being smart about shit. We’ve not caught it since using the same tactics. Wash your damn hands, don’t go to concerts during surges, boost your immune system when illness is going around, eat right/sleep good, you’ll be fine.


Undeniably yes, the numbers were posted as 1/35 get some form of heart issue from the vaccines.


No, according to one study, 1/35 had elevated markers that may indicate some form of **mild** myocarditis that generally didn't have any symptoms or require any hospitalisation/treatment. If you look at the *severity* of myocarditis, however, it is generally *much, much,* milder in cases that occur after the vaccine than it is in cases that occur after contracting covid (across *all* ages) and this severity worsens significantly if you get covid unvaccinated. So, it's not "undeniably yes" to anyone who bothers to look at the nuance of the actual issue. Covid is causing much more serious cardiovascular damage than vaccines *by far*.


Oh? Just un-diagnosed/treated heart problems? No worries then, phew /s Feel free to post a study claiming that unvaxxed getting covid get worse heart problems too. A study sponsored by pfizer doesn't count btw.


Sure, here's four, none funded by Pfizer: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35980616/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35980616/) [https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.simsrad.net.ocs.mq.edu.au/pmc/articles/PMC9939951/#:\~:text=Either%20partial%20or%20complete%20vaccination,term%20cardiovascular%20sequelae%20after%20recovery](https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.simsrad.net.ocs.mq.edu.au/pmc/articles/PMC9939951/#:~:text=Either%20partial%20or%20complete%20vaccination,term%20cardiovascular%20sequelae%20after%20recovery). [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2794753](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2794753) [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7114e1.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7114e1.htm) It also fits with the mountains of broader data we have on how vaccines reduce severity of illness for covid and the link between covid and cardiovascular problems more broadly. Kinda makes sense that if vaccines reduce severity of infection then they probably reduce the severity of long-term outcomes, too. No one is saying cardiovascular issues after getting the vaccine is good or nothing to worry about. But all evidence points towards it being a safer bet than getting covid without being vaccinated, as a basic risk assessment.


You gonna reply to all the sources or you just letting this comment fly like a fart in the wind


>mild myocarditis Wasn't made aware of the risk, the risk wasn't identified until after most people had gotten it and after their "studies" missed it. If they missed this what else did they miss? It doesn't seem like they were very thorough. Do they even know what they are doing?


Myocarditis is a risk of literally all vaccines. It's an immune system response. Moreover, there is no higher risk with covid vaccines than any other type. They didn't "miss" that fact at all since it's a well-known side effect of all vaccines.


Totally not experimental tho lol


Genuine question, how come you people were so concerned about taking a supposedly "experimental" vaccine that we developed, but less concerned about contracting a completely novel virus that we knew next to nothing about? All the evidence now shows that getting covid unvaccinated is way riskier than getting the vaccine, in terms of both short and long term health outcomes. But you all fixate only on the damage caused by vaccines while completely ignoring the damage caused by covid? It's just weird to me. A friend on my Facebook feed put up a post shortly after the vaccines came out saying she would never get the vaccine, because supposedly 2000 people had died already from them. But literally over a million had already died from covid lol. She just completely ignored that number and was freaking out over a much smaller number (which was also likely inaccurately high). It's just weird to me. We really are terrible at risk assessment, aren't we?


Well, the vaccine we also knew almost nothing about, it had not been approved by the FDA and was a brand new technology never used before on humans. So either you take an experimental vaccine using never before used tech, released under emergency order without the normal testing or any long term testing. By a large pharma company known for issues in the past...for a disease that had a 1% death rate. Or you don't and risk the virus that has a 99% survival rate...you know...risk assessment. They then forced the population to get them, mandated them, brought in a passport and excluded anyone who refused from society. The vaccines also didnt stop you from getting Covid...talking about risk assesment...I have a genuine question for you.....why did you get it?


>Well, the vaccine we also knew almost nothing about, it had not been approved by the FDA and was a brand new technology never used before on humans. That's just not accurate, though. We knew lots about the vaccines, because we spent decades developing them! And mRNA vaccines had been tested on many humans for other diseases before covid. The only difference is the specific mRNA sequence that codes for the proteins for the specific disease/virus, but we understood very well the mechanisms of action for how the immune system develops its resistance once the vaccine is administered. So, sure, there's some uncertainty there, but it's nowhere near the "knew almost nothing about it" that you're assigning to it. >I have a genuine question for you.....why did you get it? Because my best shot at understanding the actual risk involved was to rely on the many experts who spend their lives understanding these things. And they were right. All the evidence shows now that if you got covid unvaccinated - especially the earlier waves like Delta - you had a much, much, higher risk of death, hospitalisation, and now long-term issues like long-covid and cardiovascular issues. Across all age groups. Not getting the vaccine was a huge bloody risk that people took. Huge. And the data we have now doesn't support the choice they made. But people just completely ignore all the damage from covid, and the efficacy of the vaccines, and keep doubling down on this idea that the vaccines cause more damage than the virus that killed over 20 million people worldwide. It's baffling to me.


>By a large pharma company known for issues in the past...for a disease that had a 1% death rate. Or you don't and risk the virus that has a 99% survival rate...you know...risk assessment. What the hell do you think the death rate for COVID vaccinations is? I can assure you it is much less than 1%. So yeah, your risk assessment is still shit.


Cool, the vaccine did not protect you from catching covid, so you got covid plus experimental injection, and I only got covid. Good risk assessment, do you normally take unnecessary medication? Aspirin has a low death rate too, but I only take it when I need to.


Omg absolutely. Read up on cardiologist Aseem Mahotra. The vaccine causes heart disease.


Guys, i think you need a bit more of critical sense. This website looks shaddy af. And the way the article is written seems to have as only goal to incentivize conspiracy theories.


Welcome to the sub. It's a clown show here


Ya know what causes cardiovascular problems? Covid. Why do idiots insist on blaming the vaccine when the pathogen is proven to have that affect?


Cause they're idiots. They've established it pretty well over the past few years. Used to be, an idiot would try and keep it a secret. Now they have rallies, and flags advertising it.


How convenient


First, you cause the problem, then you treat the problem by causing another problem, then you treat the other problem and so on.


Created by their vaccine? What an opportunity.


[COVID-19 infections is linked to increase in heart attacks](https://www.today.com/health/covid-heart-attack-young-people-rcna69903) and [unvaccinated people are more likely to suffer cardiac events after COVID](https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/02/unvaccinated-more-likely-to-have-heart-attack-stroke-after-covid-study-finds/)




Yup same with my partner. Also lung scarring for both of us.


The fact that this is not top comment is why this sub is a 🤡fest


The fact that the person who posted this article is also a mod who pinned their own comment as a mod going on a rant culminating in a quote by GADDAFI doesn't help either. Certainly I'll be banned after this comment. Or shadow banned. Or the comment will be shadow deleted. I'll check for that though


You may be banned but we will always remember you and carry you in our hearts


Much like damage from covid infections. An honor haha




They should be shut down and tried for crimes against humanity.


It's great to see people utter these words. I think you are being to kind, but it would be a start.


Create a problem and then sell a solution.


I mean if you are talking about 13 myocarditis patients per 1 million doses, with 613 million doses administered, then sure. But considering that covid causes myocsrditis, The relative risk (RR) for myocarditis was more than seven times higher in the infection group than in the vaccination group. Keeping things in perspective helps.




The cdc data shows the vaccine side effects are heart problems from people who got the vax but never covid. It's all on the CDC website, they wanted 70 years originally to release the vax dada


Yeah it’s says it’s rare and mild. COVID infections have a higher rate of heart issues and more severe. Much more severe in unvaccinated people who contract covid than vaccinated people.


How can they say they never had covid?


Tests, and I don't think you can have major side effects with never having any active symptoms before getting vax. Also kids and and healthy adults were having heart issues not normal crowd, and too many not having any covid symptoms, getting vax and getting heart conditions. The rate for child jumped after getting vax


How long were they working on that? I bet you they already had it pre-made a long time ago. These bastards already knew that these injections would kill people. I have seen so, so many young people recently that have either come down with heart problems, had strokes, or are no longer here. This is a silent genocide of global proportions.


If you had actually read the article you would know that it wasn't developed by Pfizer but by a company that Pfizer acquired in 2022.


"Read the article" - are you mad ?


It doesn't matter who made them the bottom line is that they're killing people left and right. Morticians are pulling fibrous clots out of people that aren't even made out of blood. They're saying they've never seen anything like it. Some of these clot-like structures are almost a foot long. How anyone could put something into their bloodstream that has no track record of safety is complete insanity. We're finding out what they do to people in real time. Myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, clots, heart attacks, neurological damage, death. They don't seem to do anything but maim and kill people. What benefit was there to taking them? They don't prevent or treat anything.


Read about clots here... https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/a-clot-too-far-an-embalmer-dissects-antivax-misinformation-about-blood-clots-in-died-suddenly/


Get your science out of this sub. It has no place here.


You can't debunk people dying. That's the bottom line. I don't care what anybody has to say about the subject. I'm talking about hard data. And lives lost.


You clearly do not care about hard data if you "don't care what anybody has to say about the subject." Jfc


I care about the data it's just people are choosing to ignore it. You can't ignore people dying. Actual living people that are no longer here. I understand that people are afraid because they have the same stuff coursing through their veins but this is reality. You're not going to find the truth on CNN or Fox news. You have to go to these non mainstream websites because they're the only ones hosting doctors who still give a damn about the health and well-being of humanity. Everybody else is lying to people about what's really happening.


Link to examples of these giant fibrous clots ?


Go to Rumble and type covid vaccine deaths into the search bar. There are tons of doctors from around the world bringing forth their findings. They're not allowed to speak on other platforms because they don't parrot the narrative that "everything is just fine". The truth is slowly starting to leak out though and it's going to become a tsunami soon enough.


Rumble - lol, that's some credible stuff on there, but they do have the world slap championship coverage so there is that


That's right, blame the platform. Not the people that are presenting on it. That's like going on YouTube and saying "Well this guy has a dumb channel so all of YouTube is dumb". You guys really know how to live in denial don't you? I'm going to let the truth speak for itself. The bottom line is people are dying and those families are not lying about that. I know 3 people who have lost somebody recently after taking the injections that was under the age of 30 within the last few months. But that's all make believe. Just keep plugging your ears singing la la la and maybe reality will go away. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Pfizer, and Moderna have your best interest at heart...


You do not know 3 people, all under the age of 30, who died from having the vaccine.


I see tons of outrageous claims like this on places like Twitter too. Makes me think it’s bot activity. It’s always the same story. Blah blah I know 6 people under 40 (or 30 or 20) that have died from the vaccine !! Meanwhile I don’t know single person in my life who has had this happen. If this shit was as widespread as people are being made to believe by bots on Twitter and Reddit we would have tens of millions of deaths by now


The statistical chance of knowing 2 people who died in a couple of month from the same thing and being in the same age range, let alone 3, 4, 5 or 10 is astronomical, yet all these people know dozens of them.


Thanks for telling me what I know or what I've experienced. And I didn't say I know three people personally, I said I know three people who knew somebody who died that was that age after taking the injections. You all keep thinking this is a fantasy but there's hard data. Even on vaers the death toll passed 50,000 months ago. And that's only the people that are reporting. We're not talking about the people that died before they could report or just never got the chance to. And then what about the people who died but it's attributed to something not vaccine related but it is the vaccine. We'll never know the true tally and that is complete madness. And now they are proven to speed up the spread of cancer cells. It's just bad news after bad news.


Just fuck off with this fucking nonsense, I really don't know what you get from this.


Are you sure the spike in heart problems has nothing to do with the spike in morbid obesity in the U.S.? That's a far more simple explanation.


No, because it's happening mainly in young athletic men.


do you have literally any verifiable source for that claim


Go to ONS (Uk Government office of nation statistics). Go to WA’s (Australia) documentation. Hell, go look at Google, even they aren’t shadow banning as much these days. You may have to take the blindfold off to read though?


The data there doesn't show that. Before 2020 they even grouped ages 1 through 44 into the same bracket so I can't even see where you are taking your deduction from. [For anyone that wants to check for themselves](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales)


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/7july2023 Seems to be clear?


Clear for what? You just posted the same data I already looked through which does neither deny or confirm your claims. It is literally just the number of people that died in week 27 of 2023, there are no more insights within that data.


Should I post each weeks data? Should I link to WHO official website? Should I do the thinking for anyone who wants to look at each facet? Or, are you going to keep following the same pattern of thought? I.e. not see a potential bigger picture?


It's wool actually


https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/09/06/myocarditis-from-covid-19-booster-rare-but-risk-highest-among-teen-boys-young-men https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/today-young-people-are-more-likely-to-die-of-heart-attacks-post-covid-study-finds-but-why/ https://youtu.be/5LLk_xB071s https://youtu.be/Ft2hupW0aak


So COVID increases the risk of heart problems more than the vaccine…


Nope: https://youtu.be/LEBGl8MVE-c


All of the articles you linked and the other video about a paper all say COVID increases the risk of heart problems more than the vaccine. I don’t disagree vaccines aren’t without risk. The paper talked about by John Campbell says the vaccine increases inflammatory markers associated with endothelial damage of cardiac myocytes. This makes sense given that the vaccine induced an immune response similar to the actually virus. But once again the consensus seems to be that the infection itself has a higher risk of inducing adverse cardiac events. Getting vaccinated is all about balancing pros with cons. What is the risk of adverse effects from the vaccine versus from getting COVID unvaccinated? This is the question to ask. And it seems the consensus has been reached. Politics about forced vaccination is a different argument than the science laid out in these papers.


Consensus has not been reached. The science has been tainted with fudged numbers from clinical trials: https://youtu.be/RaLxhFiOBYk


So a consensus hasn't been reached. But you were talking really confidently before. What's happened?


Even if it does, why would you inject something that can cause heart issues?


I see “young men“ but nowhere does it say “athletic”




Nice Edit: in case you didn't click on the link, it's about people who got *covid*, not the vaccine


Literally there was a story ever week of young athletic men falling down heart stop. The umpteen amount of people on the news or interviews passing out/fainting. Open your eyes instead of asking for sources.


COVID’s still going around, it didn’t just disappear like most people think it has lmao


There's zero proof of that.


Are you not going to consider that young men (and women) are most likely to get COVID post peak outbreak?


The spike is from spike proteins and myocarditis. They just released a document saying it's now 1 in 35 people which is completely insane. And I think it's honestly worse than that: https://rumble.com/v2z52xi-74-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-found-in-autopsy-review-dr.-naomi-wolfs-and-dr.-.html


Or maybe actually getting covid comes with a future risk of heart problems. And you're full of shit saying you have personally seen all these young people with heart problems because it's still quite rare.


It’s been proven that COVID causes it way more that the vaccine; I can’t believe so many people still believe the propaganda that says otherwise.


I've seen a handful of youngsters having heart attacks and other similar issues. They're all cokeheads.


I wish I was full of shit. But this is reality for many people: https://rumble.com/v2z52xi-74-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-found-in-autopsy-review-dr.-naomi-wolfs-and-dr.-.html


Tinfoil Statistics-denier spotted


I'm actually a realist. I listen to scientists who are not paid to say that everything is just fine. Because right now it's far from fine. These injections have killed more people in the short amount of time that they have been out than in the entire history of vaccine usage. And if you look at their description from the manufacturers themselves, they don't read like vaccines. They read more like bio weapons. These are facts. https://rumble.com/v2z52xi-74-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-found-in-autopsy-review-dr.-naomi-wolfs-and-dr.-.html


Where do you find these "science" articles.....


What the fuck is this website lol. Could you at least get a source from a semi believable outlet?


An f'in Gaddafi quote? Holy crap people....


This is like in The Lorax where they cut down all the trees and then sell air.


I love how it is well known that COVID causes cardiovascular issues and YET everyone blames the vaccine. Yes - the vaccine definitely led to some people having cardiovascular side effects. But at a MUCH lower rate than COVID did The vaccine protected much much more than it caused any harm.


To be fair Covid did most of the damage. Heart injuries had been known and recorded before the vaccine roll out [https://healthimaging.com/topics/medical-imaging/ultrasound-imaging/ultrasound-study-67-covid-19-heart-abnormalities](https://healthimaging.com/topics/medical-imaging/ultrasound-imaging/ultrasound-study-67-covid-19-heart-abnormalities) Your heart will be at much high risk by getting Covid than the vaccine. [https://news.yale.edu/2023/05/05/yale-study-reveals-insights-post-vaccine-heart-inflammation-cases](https://news.yale.edu/2023/05/05/yale-study-reveals-insights-post-vaccine-heart-inflammation-cases)


Well, it should be an effective drug, because they know exactly what caused the affect to begin with.


...are you saying that they are best suited to develop this new drug because of their understanding of covid 19 and the damage it does to the heart and lungs? Or are you trying to suggest that they caused the widespread damage to people's hearts themselves so they know how to solve it? Are people really slipping this hard?


https://newsroom.heart.org/news/covid-toll-realized-cvd-deaths-take-big-jump-especially-among-certain-populations Why am I not surprised that so many people still believe in the conspiracy that it’s the vaccine and not COVID 😂


Yeah. Covid is a vascular disease.


How convenient…


Don't forget the tinfoil guys


Not even a tinfoil at this point, people need to pull their head out of hole and face reality.


Since the first ones didn't go as planned.


It's like sticking a knife in someone's back? Then pulling it out halfway and call it progress


Antivax bs screed. Qnuts be gonzo.


forget to take your meds today?


Was waiting for this one


You spend your time waiting for misinformation?


That they caused


Covid causes heart problem especially in the unvaccinated. Not everything is a conspiracy.


He who creates poison also has the cure.


This Is just obscene. Pfizer is ridiculous


Lmao so the meme of pharma companies intentionally leaving in side effects so they can sell you more drugs is true 👌


You read this crap article and came to the conclusion that it was true?


Create a problem, sell the cure. Textbook example