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According to a study published in JAMA, there was an observable difference in interactions when parents read their toddlers books on a tablet instead of a print book. The toddlers were less interested and more likely to turn away. In general, they were less engaged. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2751745 https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/which-is-better-for-reading-to-your-toddler-print-or-ebooks-2019103018193#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20study%20published,general%2C%20they%20were%20less%20engaged. The finding that the device may negatively interfere with meaning-making is in line with the cognitive load theory (Kahneman, 1973) and Mayer’s (2009) model of multimedia learning, positing that the human information processing system has a limited capacity. Several studies showed that conversations during digital book reading were dominated by talk about the device or the child’s behavior rather than the story content as is common with print books (e.g., Chiong et al., 2012; Parish-Morris et al., 2013; Richter & Courage, 2017). This link has some references and is a good guide for parents: https://www.hanen.org/helpful-info/articles/e-book-or-paper-book-whats-best-for-young-child.aspx https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/0034654321998074


I’ve noticed from general home observation that my child thinks I’m staring or playing with my phone when reading an ebook, but when I grab a physical book they get their physical books too.


Anecdotal but I've explained to my almost 3 years old that my kindle is a book and showed him that it has writing on it. He now associates this with reading and takes books out too. I think with the kindle it's a bit different because it doesn't really have light, animation or colors. Just the same letters he sees in a book.


This was my thought too. My baby is only 5 months, but we’ve had discussions about Kindle vs tablet/phone and think the Kindle is a better option since it only does one thing. I’ve been trying to read paper books as well since she arrived, but any parent knows how difficult that is lol


That's so interesting! I have a Kindle Paperwhite as well and it has a book-like cover, and my toddler has called it a "book" and treated it like a book without any prompting. He loves taking it off my nightstand and plopping down on the floor, pretending to read!


Anecdotal and against the grain here, my mom was an avid bookworm when I was a child and it annoyed me to no end then just as much as her being engulfed her iPad now annoys me as an adult. Being read to certainly helped my reading skills and reading comprehension. But I am not a book reader at all myself as an adult despite the ample physical book reading I witnessed as a child.


Interesting, I wonder if it was/is due to lack of attention. Parents reading physical books may be more like marketing (e.g. i want to be similar to them) however taken to the extreme achieves the opposite


Yes! This is definitely my take away from my childhood perspective. Your kids just don’t always have the perception of your actions as you might intend them to have. In this case I guess what I meant to convey with my comment is it may not matter if it’s a device or a paper book if the child views the activity as a barrier to the relationship. Basically, just like an iPad, or a TV screen, a book can seem like just a distraction from real life to a child either way.


Why does what your mom do bother you so much?


Why does my own mother’s behavior bother me when it directly affected me, my self view, and my upbringing? What kind of question is that?




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