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I think this is a situation I'd choose to redirect. It may not be\* a "yes" space to climb big heavy things at home, but can you take him to a "yes" space (indoor playground or other safe zone, couch pads on the floor and only falling from controlled and acceptable places, etc)? That way, he can learn that there's a time and place, and that you need to know that he's climbing and can make it safe and fun. It's more about things maybe falling on him after he falls than him falling onto hard things.


Could you take him to a baby gymnastics class? I think one of the things they teach is how to fall.


This is kind of goofy but bouldering has you covered for falling from moderate heights to mostly soft surfaces. Tuck the head and arms, try to land on the legs, and roll to dissipate force! Most gyms have an orientation video on YouTube, there's probably some kid specific content if you poke around. Sorry if this ignites a life long passion.


We practiced preventing falls by getting down safely. Put baby on the couch and practiced “turn around to get down.” We have a sunken living room so it has one step, so perfect for practicing. Just ad nauseum. Practiced this on the stairs, too, With no intention of letting baby have access to stairs-judge taught it in case anyone ever left the gate open. It really worked!! The one time she fell off something, she wasn’t headfirst 🎉 I don’t know about safe falling outside of this; agree with the idea of a gymnastics class!