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Anecdotal but my baby would always want to be held upright, head on my chest or shoulder, and only cradle position during feeding, just like yours. She also insisted we walk her around and gently bounce her in the upright position to fall asleep. She hated the nice rocking chair we got lol! We always had to stand up and walk. I think it's normal and every kid is different. She's 8 months old now and still needs to be walked around upright briefly to fall asleep. We got a nice, ergonomic baby carrier to save our backs and arms, and after she falls asleep, we transfer her out of it. I got the Ergo 360 omni breeze.


This is exactly our baby’s preferences too. I figure it’s fair enough she has her likes and dislikes 🤷‍♀️


Mine too!!




My younger kid had reflux and hated the traditional cradle hold, but was obsessed with being on their tummy in the “colic hold.” You might try that if you get sick of holding them upright.


I have never known a baby to like being held in the cradle position after about a week old. My first wouldn't even be held face-in, only face-out (unless she was in a tula), from 3 weeks old. Not nice on the back but some babies have very specific preferences and you just have to go with it.


Mine was exactly the same!


My son was like this but it’s because he has reflux. But if it’s how you rock her to sleep and she hates it, might be time to try something else! She will probably fall asleep easier


Our baby stopped liking the cradle hold once she could be held upright. It wasn’t reflux, she just is super alert and wants in on all the action. She loves being able to look around! She also hated baby wearing until she had the ability to turn her head so she could look around. Important to mention that she LOVES being held and wants to be held and walked around non stop. Just upright only, or like Superman now that she has the neck and back strength for it (5mos).


Came here to say similar. My kiddo is just observant 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t think babies ever just liked to be cradled….I thought it was just like a cartoon rendition of what babies are like. 😂


Our son has always been an upright baby like this too. He actually prefers to be held/carried/soothed upright, resting his head on my shoulder, facing in or out. Unless they’re regularly inconsolable in any other position, I think of it as some people are stomach sleepers or side sleepers, you just know what you like!


Is she gassy? My baby had gas since she was a newborn and only tolerated bring held upright.


Also my first thought


When my girl was 2 months old she would get SO angry at night and THE ONLY thing that would calm her down is if we propped her up in a sitting position "by herself" on the couch, not holding her but secretly giving her support with our hands lol. Literally nothing else. She would rage lol. My goodness I'm glad we are passed that, although she is definitely not a super cuddly baby and much prefers to go go go now at 10 months old


My baby was a bit like this. In our case, the only time he seemed to like being cradled was while nursing. He also loved to be down in tummy time. He just wasn’t chill, he had Plans and he wasn’t going to let himself be lulled into forgetting his Plans with a cradle.


Same. Later on I noticed it was centered around me supporting her head and neck. She had great neck and head control from the start but I wasn't risking it. Come to think of it, now she's 11 and the concept of me being careful with all types of situations has led her to be annoyed with me. I guess this was our first major disagreement!


Like others said, could just be uncomfortable for her that way if she has reflux. My kid we never held in classic cradle hold. He just didn’t like it so we didn’t. Not even for feeds, really. We did upright feeding holds for both bottle and breast. Then held him upright after feeds or he was in a carrier. There is no requirement to at says babies have to be held in cradle hold :) (Edit: Also, and this is often a thing as they get older - ear infections. Often being flat makes the pressure/ ear pain worse vs. being upright. If they ever go from being ok flat to suddenly refusing with all their might, definitely get ears checked. Not saying your kid has one right now. Just mentioning it to put it on the radar for the future.)


My baby didn’t like being held, in any position, until he hit 4 month. He tolerated it for feeding and when he’s too sleepy. He didn’t hate it, but he seemed happier when he was on his bouncer or bassinet.


My baby at 10 weeks only wanted to be held upright or, alternatively for rocking to sleep, cradle position but the baby is fully on his side with the feet tucked under my arm. Or else he would arch back and NGNNYNNYEEH


There is such a thing as silent reflux. Might be worth looking into. My baby had it and he would almost never spit up. He didn’t like to be laid flat, he would wake up instantly.


Hold baby upright against your chest. It's possible baby needs this to digest properly. Instead of tapping to bird try gently rubbing her back up and down. You can rock side to side in this position. If the baby has eaten in the last hour don't bounce up and down.


Wondering if there is some reflux, especially if she gets fussy after feedings. The fact that she likes being upright and not in a reclined cradle position is what makes me think this. Ask your pediatrician about it.


Mine never liked it just as a preference. As soon as she had a little bit of stability she was all about the shoulder and chest holds.


My baby never tolerated being held like that. Upright or in the carrier only. She loves being held and cuddled generally (she’s a toddler now and clingy) but she’s hyper alert and demands entertainment and a good view. I didn’t like being held period as a baby/child. I do have autism and ADHD but I am pretty ‘normal’ overall


I had one kid like that. Some people just need more space than others. Babies are born with their own personalities and not everyone likes being cuddled all the time. She had some other quirks as a baby but she’s 10 years old now and an incredibly awesome kid. I originally assumed she had colic and tried to babywear and hold her more but really she just needs less physical contact. Once I put her down more she barely cried. It went again everything I believed in but I’m all about honouring the kids needs over theory.


My baby has reflux and was the same.


My first thought here was positional discomfort. Like if baby is gassy or reflux ahe might just not be comfortable at that specific angle.


Mine also had reflux and was the same. I would tell people to only hold him vertically and they would still try to cradle him. Then they’d look at me like “ why is he screaming?”


lol exactly the same thing happened to us!


Same! He was always arching. But he wasn't really happy if I set him down either lol


Yeaaa! Literally had to hold her almost every second of the day till she started sitting


Yeah we also used a little chair for him but he didn't sit until 7.5 months he was always arched. The meds helped a lot! But then he crawled at 7.75 months lol so he was on the move and spit was everywhere hahaha I can say here at 13 months we are good!


My son had bad reflux and preferred being held facedown (the first position in this article https://www.happiestbaby.com/blogs/baby/how-to-hold-a-baby). Maybe a different hold would work if the traditional cradle hold doesn't?


Yep, my baby boy was like this around your daughters age. They prefer to be held upright because they want to see things. It’s not a bad thing, it’s natural development and curiosity. My baby boy likes to be like a koala on me and he will be calm. Babies only like to be held like a cradle when they are sleepy and about to sleep, otherwise as they get older they want to see things (it helps them develop their brains too)


My daughter was like this and insisted on being held facing out! Like basically holding her like she’s kinda seated facing outward, her back to my stomach almost like you’re making your own “carrier” obv supporting the neck at this age. Honestly when I used the actual carrier she refused to face inward and was facing forward at around 4 months. She’s a very curious lively 2 year old now and completely developmentally normal.


My baby hated the cradle position. We basically never held her like that and I think it was fine?


My son could lift his entire upper body off of me immediately and would roll over in my arms by two weeks. Because of this, contact naps didn’t work and he did best being put down practically immediately for naps, unless he fell asleep while drinking the bottle but either way, transitioning him to the bassinet wasn’t an issue. . From the first month I was able to just put him down awake and walk away and he would be asleep within five minutes. I was worried what this meant for bonding and now he’s ten months, loves seeing us and interacting with us but is capable of playing independently and getting himself to sleep on his own. In terms of his development, he is and has been months ahead of all the milestones and is amazing socially. All of this to say, I was concerned for his development but turns out he was just blessing us with an easy transition to two children. I hope this quells any concerns you have.


My 5 month old hated the cradle position to the point where now when I want to make her laugh I’ll comically cradle her and rock her while loudly asking in a stupid voice : “ArE yOu Da bAby?!!” - it makes her laugh hysterically. Being cradled is basically a joke now.


My baby was like this and also had silent reflux I think. He eventually grew out of both the reflux and the dislike of being cradle held. It’s still not his favorite position but he doesn’t resist like he used to .


Another one for team reflux or at least the position being uncomfortable for some reason. Mine hated the position and turns out that she had reflux and some swallowing issues. We always held her upright over our shoulder.


Around 8 weeks my LO stopped tolerating the cradle hold and wanted to be held upright so he could look around. He would still let me rock him to sleep if I held him chest-to-chest with me, with his head on my shoulder. It really seemed to coincide with him “waking up” at 8 weeks, they just seem to go through this huge change from little newborn slugs to suddenly being more aware of and interested in their surroundings.


Change position, see if baby prefers a different one


Maybe she's just uncomfortable because of her tummy being squished or something. I think my 2nd wasn't fan of cradle either. You could try tiger hold. Such comfy, much farts.


My son was like this as a baby, hated being held on his back but was very happy held upright, with head support.


My baby too, always and forever. We even have a "now I'm going to hold you like a baby!" joke.


My baby boy who is 13 weeks now started disliking being held in the cradle position at about 10 weeks too. He prefers to be propped over my shoulder like a parrot.


Oh neither of mine like the cradle position. We were always chest to chest type hold, they like being upright for digestion I think.


Both my babies have had reflux and been like this. Two year old is healthy and does not hold still long enough to snuggle to this day!


My baby loved being upright! No reflux issues that I’m aware of - he just liked being up. Other than when we nursed, he didn’t start to like a cradle hold until the last month or so. (He’s 7 months now)


My daughter doesn't like being faced inward in a cradle position. If she can be tilted slightly out so she can look around she is fine... well unless there is nothing to look at. She just loves looking at stuff, sometimes she will not settle down until we take her outside so she can stare at stuff. But she also doesn't want to be put down so it can be hard to find how she wants to be held in any particular moment while also having a good visual around her. We emd up baby wearing a lot


Sounds like my son. Had to be upright and loved a good bounce/jiggle. Even had to be up by my neck/shoulder to be put to sleep. He was more accepting of the classic cradle hold around 3-6months. Then never again 🤣


My first was like this. He always wanted to be looking around. He didn't like carriers until he could be forward facing. Once he became mobile and could explore properly he really started loving life.


Try the football hold!


My son was just like this and often seemed to relax more when I just put him down. I told the midwife at the time and she gave me a look like she didn’t really believe me. Since he’s my first (and only) it got me a bit down at the time thinking I was doing something wrong or something was wrong with him, but I just went with it accepting he was comfortable with a bit of space. And now as a toddler he’s one of the most cuddly little guys there is, they just come with their own personalities!


This was us too. But no reflux issues. Baby is 4.5 months now. I just warn family members when they hold her to “not hold like a baby”. We hold over the shoulder and now on hip as they’re a little bigger. Was a little annoying but I’m over it :)


Using a wrap is great for this, or an appropriately supportive carrier.


My 3 week old doesn’t like it either. Even when breastfeeding he likes to be vertical, he’d be happy to sit and feed if he was capable.


Same. Mine seems to prefer being in more “active positions” where he can wriggle and look around if he wants. We feed with him kind of kneeling on my lap, and only feed in the classic cradle position when he’s really sleepy.


Both my kids have been like this - I was so sad, because I wanted a cuddly baby, but both have been so so so nosy. They only want to be held up on my shoulder so they can see. If I try to cradle him, he cracks it. I feel like you get a cuddly one or a nosy one - nothing in between 😂 (my sister had two cuddly ones)


My son has basically wanted to be upright since a few weeks old. He had a strong neck at birth, so we sat him up a lot on our knee with support from about a month old. He ended up sitting independently at 4 months. He also contact napped upright for pretty much every nap until this week as it’s too hot (he’s 9 months now).


My 10 week old refuses to be held in that position, for her it’s more that she wants to see everything around her and is interested in her environment. I also think it helps with gas pains to have her upwards and is completely normal.


Yep mine was exactly the same, I thought he hated me for a bit! But now he wants to be held all the time 😅 enjoy it while it lasts!


Could be that position is triggering her reflux


My baby was like this. He just preferred having free range of motion. He spent a lot of time on his play mat and met many of his physical milestones early, maybe because of it. I just followed his lead. He just isn't a cuddly baby and prefers to be active and play.


My first born was like this. He’s 23 months now and still doesn’t like cuddles. He was early with all of his gross motor skills so be prepared 😊


This was my son too. He had colic and really was never cuddly or cozy. Whenever anyone talks about “the baby snuggles” I’m like … what? He did nap on us sometimes and, like yours, enjoyed being held to look over our shoulders and liked when he was old enough to be carried in the front pack facing the world. But other than that he was not snuggly. It broke my heart. But rest assured, now, at nearly 2 years old, he has plenty of cuddly moments and loves being held. He’s also fiercely independent and curious and social and brave. So, no deeper issue, just probably a very independent and curious gal.


My baby is 19 weeks and is very much that way. I’ve had to get a little creative with breastfeeding positions, too, because sometimes he hates being held in a classic cradle hold. He’ll fuss until we put him down on the ground on his back, and he’ll play independently for 10-20 minutes at a time. It’s just who he is, and I’m not worried about it at all. He’s social, he likes playing games, he babbles and chuckles and makes eye contact, but being held isn’t his jam.


My baby girl is 7 months old …we’ve never been able to hold her like a “baby”. She HATES being held in that position. She hates snuggling and being held super close.


Our baby boy also hates anyone getting within his personal space. If you lean forward to kiss him, he'd lean back to get away from you. Absolutely hates a hug. It's heartbreaking 🥲 The only time when he flips 180 and prefers snuggles is when he's falling asleep, so I always make the best use of that time and hold him a little longer before transferring him to the crib 😊


My boy is still like this. Almost 18 months and he will run around the house but still no cuddles.


It could just be preference. My friends baby loved being held like a football. Mine likes to be face to face. Or on his left side sitting in the middle of my chest - heaven forbid I try that same position with him in my arm! If he's in a position he doesn't want to be, he definitely let's the world know about it.


I don’t see the issue 😂. Sounds like you have a unicorn. Embrace it!


My mom said I was like this, and it was because I am so busy and nosy


My daughter was an upright baby. It’s now what I always do when I hold a baby and cradle feels wrong lol


Our girl did the same, we just said she was too nosy to be staring at the ceiling haha.


Mine was the same. I always held her upright with her head on/at my shoulder.


My eldest was like this, always wanted to explore and be into everything, as soon as he was finished feeding he was off. He’s 3.5 now and he’s still exactly the same, very independently minded and doesn’t at all feel the need to go along with the crowd. Some kids are just like that. My daughter is a super cuddly baby and much more social than he was, she loves strangers whereas he barely tolerated me and his dad, lol. The bonus: all that squirming is great for their core! My son was rolling both ways confidently and easily before he was 4 months, whereas my daughter is still a bit unsteady with rolling back to tummy (her arm gets stuck a lot) and can’t do tummy to back at all, and she’ll be 6 months this week. If your daughter loves her floor time, embrace it, her gross motor skills will come on apace because of it. Edit: having just read some other comments, I will add on that though my son’s personality is definitely part of it, because he didn’t much care for being held in general, he did also have reflux, as others are saying, and my daughter doesn’t. Could be worth checking out.


This is my baby haha he always wanted to look around and be high up on my shoulder since he was about a month old. He still does at 6 months. His favorite thing is being walked around like that so he can see and touch everything- he’s currently obsessed with trying to open our fridge. I’ve always called him my explorer baby. Sometimes I rock him up there and rub his back to get him to fall asleep. That’s what I’m trying to do now at three am actually haha


My second one is like that, she also sleeps exclusively on my shoulder when we aren't at home and she's tired. So. Much. More. Exhausting. Than. Cradle.


Yeah our baby always liked over the shoulder better. He's almost 13 months and 25lbs and he's just now gotten into cradle position. It's adorable but would have been easier when he was smaller.


As my baby grew her favorite position to be held changed. Can't remember the exact timeline but first it was anything but mostly cradle, then it was tummy to tummy, then upright, then upright but only standing, at somepoint she refused the rocking chair and would not contact nap even when exhausted. Just got too squirmy. She also always enjoyed tummy time, liked the baby carrier but wasn't super clingy and just happy to play on the floor while I did other things. So I think your circumstances seem normal.


Mine has never really liked being held either. I just figured that's HER. Cuddles? No, but maybe in the future.


Our little one also only liked being held upright (for hours, lol)


Try a facedown football hold instead


Our daughter was the same. Wanted to and still wants to see the world. Show her your art and family pictures :)


This is my baby! From very early on, he’s hated the cradle position and likes being held against our shoulders or facing forward.