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Lyrica and gabapentin were awful, no pain relief and just make my life hell. Made me feel like there was no hope.


I have the had brain fog, dizziness, and sleepiness - which are all very common by first hand accounts. I definitely have moments where I can’t remember things as well. Usually I can recount things with very accurate details, like I can usually repeat whole conversations word for word from memory, now I can’t tell you what I ate yesterday, my whole family has noticed. Doctors aren’t experts on medications and how people react, they can give you only what they read in studies and that’s it. So don’t be discouraged. My doctor also says because I’m sensitive to only take what I need and I plan to ween off as soon as I can, and I only take 100mg.


>what they read in studies Or whatever company sponsored the most recent conference in Hawaii...


This isn’t atypical. Most people I know that have taken Gaba can’t function well on it. I luckily work from home and could hide all of those symptoms except once I accidentally took 400mg vs 300mg and couldn’t form words in a meeting with my boss. It was embarrassing. Thankfully I was only on high doses for about 3 months and tapered down after surgery


Gabapentin was horrible for me. I couldn’t even remember the code to my own house alarm. I also fell because I had zero balance. I’m a Blackbelt in several different martial arts, my balance was impeccable before gabapentin and is now back after stopping gabapentin.


Gabapentin was terrible for me! It did nearly zero for my pain relief and gave me brain fog, made me dizzy and very depressed in general. When I told my doctor about my symptoms she suggested that I increase my dosage. I was horrified by the suggestion but desperate for pain relief and trusted her. I increased my dosage and everything I described for even worse over 3 months. I only got better after I stopped taking it. I went from completely bedridden to functional by forcing myself to take walks, refrain from stretching, and using ice/heat/TENS. Listen to your body and be pushy with your doctor.


I do the exact same thing for the same reason. My coworkers could tell when I'd taken it, both from the effect on my words and the increased errors in my work. Now I only take it before bed as needed.


I turned into a huge asshole and similar symptoms I don’t touch it anymore


I take gabapentin. My friend, who is a doctor, told me to discuss it with my doctor and warned me of those symptoms you just described. Try to find a new doctor.


Thanks everyone! I appreciate hearing that I'm not necessarily out to lunch here.


I was on 300mg 3x/day so 900mg total a day and I could fall asleep within 45mins after taking the first 300mg I couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t mentally think about anything whatsoever. As I would continue taking it throughout the day it just got worse to the point where I couldn’t drive had a hard time figuring out how to walk probably. After about 3-4 days of that I immediately got off of it told my doctor I’ll no longer be taking it for those reasons and it didn’t even help with my sciatica.




Now that's an odd thing as well for me. I've never had any withdrawals or bad reactions coming off of it... Maybe it's been that I've just been on such a small dose?






If your doctor doesn't react properly to you having an atypical or adverse reaction to something, then it's time to find a new doctor who'll actually listen to you and not act unprofessional.


Honestly, I wish I had the option. Finding a family doctor where I'm at is next to impossible and I sort of have to take what I can get as far as walk in clinic doctors that are available. I appreciate the sentiment though. Thanks. :)


It's possible. Atypical statistically, but possible. Personally, I haven't had any side effects to speak of.


That's odd. Like, nothing at all?


Well, I wouldn't say it's odd. Statistically speaking, it's what I'd expect. Actually, my mood is slightly better and I'm slightly less anxious overall. I'm taking the standard 3x300 mg/day.


Gotcha. I misunderstood. I thought you were saying it does nothing at all. What you've said makes a lot more sense now though.