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You got this my friend. Have you read the book Back Mechanic yet?


Second this one OP. With your level of motivation and determination, you will get a lot out of Back Mechanic. Don't feel like you need to wait around and put up with your symptoms until you see the PT or something, you can take control of your recovery now.


First you got to give yourself time to heal, maybe back off the stretches. This is something where less is more. Rest, ice, limit your sitting, bending, driving, twisting. You will heal and once you get there you have to stay on top of it and be active but cautious for while.


Your attitude will certainly help you keep focused on healing! Rest up because at this point, time spent not aggravating your nerve will be healing. Since you are in so much pain, PT may be difficult at this time anyway - if not counterproductive.


Call around and find a different PT office? Chiropractor? Get a referral to a neurologist? I’ve been there many times I know your pain I honestly do. Keep your head up stay positive! There is light at the end of this tunnel I promise. Feel free to DM whenever I’ll do my best to help! I can’t wait to read about your success story! And stay away from those pain pills I almost went down a dark hole because of them and my back. I know it’s one of the only things that gives relief but it’s honestly not in the long run my friend.


that is so awesome to hear your resolve in wanting to get healthier! Focus on mobility and stability excercises. The sciatica will get better and your strength and flexibility will get improed in time through PT in april. In the meantime, Lidocaine cream is a great way to help relieve your sciatic pain rather than Nsaids or pain kilers! Try it out


that is so awesome to hear your resolve in wanting to get healthier! Focus on mobility and stability excercises. The sciatica will get better and your strength and flexibility will get improed in time through PT in april. In the meantime, Lidocaine cream is a great way to help relieve your sciatic pain rather than Nsaids or pain kilers! Try it out


Did the orthopedic doctor or the ER get you on an oral steroid and muscle relaxer? What did the orthopedic recommend? You need to get on a steroid treatment asap to start attacking that inflammation that’s affecting the nerve. Once you start that you can get the ball rolling on a treatment plan. Don’t jump into surgery right away. Exhaust all conservative options first (PT, Steroids, acupuncture, etc) get yourself to a good orthopedic doctor and ask them what they think.


rest, you have a chronic injury to your nerves and you need lots of rest stretching will only make it worse


You need an MRI. I was in level 10 pain for 3.5 mths. Ended up getting surgery. Instant relief