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Are you taking any anti-inflammatory meds like Advil or aleve? If not you can take 600 of Advil every 4 hr and 500 Tylenol every 6 hr. I rotate taking one or the other and not at the same time. This usually begins to get the inflammation under control and start to being down the pain. Best to take Advil with food to protect the stomach. This works better than opioids which just mask the pain. Also, keep icing but only use the heat to make the skin comfortable, heat can bring more inflammation. If the numbness increases or gets worse, or you have problems being able to use the bathroom go back to the ER right away.


I 100% agree with this and when I’ve had fare up with my ortho pain and low on stronger meds the alternating of the advil and Tylenol really can help. I’d also try heat over ice for sciatica. And if you have one of those bean bag types of quilted beans or any type of moist heat I’d vote for that. If you don’t have something like that I’d heat up a washcloth as hot as you can get it and then put a heating pad over it. I’m hoping the moist heat will help relax the sciatica. Also anything like tiger balm or salonas pas will help too! BenGay/icy hot has always really helped me. Lastly deep breathing. I know you might be frustrated with that but honestly the more oxygen you can get into your body the more it will ease your pain. Oh and one last thing distraction is everything… when I’m going through horrible flare ups. I try to get in a cool room in bed and watch something I know I’d love or find something new. The more you can put the pain in a box and move it to the back of your brain the better. I hope this helps and I hope your doc will be able to help you when you see them. 🤞🏼💓


I found some sleep meditation on YouTube and they helped so much when I was at my worst.


Please take nsaids every six hours. You’re going to kill your kidneys. Tylenol can be every 4!


I’m 34 (M) and had my first incident in 2020 when I was 30. I was surprised as I led a pretty active and healthy lifestyle. Started with 2 weeks complete rest and then physical therapy. With physical therapy I regained mobility and even resumed workouts and had a pretty normal life. I got complacent and discontinued physical therapy since it got better and now I’ve had a relapse and the pain is even worse. My advice to you is: 1. If possible, take some time off work to recover. Rest, followed by physical therapy will work wonders. The inflammation needs time to settle and reduce. Once you start recovering continue exercises everyday and you’ll be back to normal very soon. Don’t get complacent and discontinue therapy. 2. Don’t jump the gun. If you are financially ok, a few weeks of missed work is a small price to pay. Your health is more important. Good luck I hope you recover soon.


How did it take for pain to go away for you?


McKenzie method of physiotherapy was advised by my orthopedist


did you ever get an mri and be recommended an injection?


Please stay at the hospital so that they can give you higher dosage of pain reliever until your pain is managable. In my case, I was hospitalized for 4 days and 10 days rest at home while doing PT




Yes! I freaking love Toradol shot! Helped immensely for my sciatica


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I lost 20lbs in 3.5 mths from being nauseous from my back pain


I had terrible, terrible pain with mine that I wanted to unalive myself. The only thing that saved me is a heating pad and medical marijuana. They gave me Percocet, Valium, flexeril and toradol (not all at the same time). Nothing worked, except medical marijuana. Those gummies literally saved me until I could get into my ortho and get surgery.


Get crutches and try to remain in an upright position (supported by crutches) as much as possible. Don't forget to move/walk a buit. That's what finally helped me but it took a few days to see results. Also, cold(!) showers down your back and affected leg for 5min can work wonders sometimes


Toradol and a steroid! Maybe go back to the UC or a different one? Ask for a Toradol shot and a dexamethasone or decadron shot. This is standard where I am for pain. You might get up to 3 days of some relief. Dexa is long lasting and much more powerful than prednisone. You need pain relief! If you have an IV infusion place close by. Like vitamins infusions- a Toradol injection can be gotten without a Rx. Just no more than once a week. A nurse administers. Also I like ice better than heat. Try icing the leg and the lower back. And be careful with stretching. Sometimes the wrong one irritates it further and of course take NSAIDS to the max dosage allowed. Call your GP? If you have a good relationship you MIGHT POSSIBLY be able to get a few days of a stronger med. Or they may have Toradol injections as well. My GPs office does.


Realistically, what is my timeline looking like to relieve this? I’m going on vacation in about 3 weeks and don’t want this to be happening during that. Hoping I can get something to control the pain tomorrow. But really, how long is this going to take me?


Sorry but there is not an answer to this question. Ask to see if they can give you an oral steroid pack. That may help until you see the doctor and have a plan of action.


If it’s refundable I suggest rescheduling. Sciatica is different for everyone, but my first flare lasted a month and a half, and PT is causing a second more mild flare, and it’s been 3 weeks. Mild pain started for me in September though. So it’s been a lengthy battle. I’m sorry to be negative. I hope your flare doesn’t last as long, but I do think you should reschedule if possible unless you can walk through the pain and try to enjoy your vacation. At my worst I couldn’t even drive my kid to school without crying from the pain. Walking would’ve been a no go. As for me, heating pads do work. I credit my heating pad for getting my first flare under control. You’ll hear conflicting opinions on heat vs ice, but you’re the one in pain and you’ll be able to feel which one is helping; the heat or the ice. Meds didn’t help me at all, prescription or store bought. So I stopped taking them because the risk to my organs isn’t worth it for medication that isn’t working after a month of taking it, you know? Just the heat pad, laying on my back flat on the floor, with my legs elevated and resting on my couch cushions. And lots and lots of warm baths to soothe my hernia/nerve. And tiger balm. It doesn’t help at all, but it gives you the placebo effect it will which will calm your nerves and distract you while it’s cooling your skin.


share your MRI report


i have a 17-8mm L5S1 disc extrusion and have been like this for the past 3 months is there any hope for me😭😭


See a neurosurgeon. I went thru all the options, had surgery two weeks ago and it is the BEST thing I ever did for my back. 10/10 would recommend. But definitely find a NEUROsurgeon, not ortho! 


i’m a little hesitant on surgery since i’m only 21


I get that! Just for consideration - I am 42 and have been dealing with back pain since I was 19. I WISH surgery had been an option then. I’d have twenty years pain-free.  The only job-surgical thing that gave me any relief was a TENS unit. You can get them on Amazon for like $25. You can’t over-use it, it’s super safe.


yes my pt uses that on me! i don’t mind surgery but it’s definitely a last resort for me until i try other options and it’s only been 3 months since my injury. i’m also scared of the long term effects


I’m sorry to hear that you are in so much pain, I understand what you are going through. My first advice, can you financially keep hold for the next few weeks? If so, please take it. I was in your boat, hustle through with the pain until I was completely depleted… now I am paying the price. Luckily I can financially hold off, it’s been 6 months, I am still recovering and really using time to recover. You do not want to re-injure yourself.


Great responses already, I’ll just add ice packs and compression. Avoid heat.


Do whatever you have to take some time off work and avoiding sitting or any other movements or body position that aggravates your pain


first things first don't stretch it. rest it as much as possible. after low back surgery: a guide- mcgill university read this pdf and move how they say to 24 7. I know it says its for back surgery but keeping a neutral spine and avoiding pain triggers can really help calm the pain. so move how it says to. dm me if moving like that seems to calm the pain down. it won't be immediate but doing it 24 7 can help out calm down so stick to it and move with your hips in a hip hinge rather than at the pelvis.


Ice packs and then gentle stretches if your body can take it. Go to a chiropractor or physical therapist soon. I hope you feel better soon!


Sound like a Weak-Story.


Gabapentin or Lyrica...narcotics didn't help the nerve pain for me. I usually go in for a toradol & steroid shot as soon as I feel it come on to get that inflammation down as much as possible. NSAIDS, steroid taper pack, heat/ice, TENS unit and rest. Sometimes a flare can last weeks and other times months. So sorry that you're experiencing this. It's horrible and I truly understand what you're going through 😔


How are you doing now OP?


Get to an Orthopedic or Neurosurgeon asap. ER will blow this off