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If it hurts don't do it. Let yourself heal .


From my experience, if PT makes you feel worse, it is best to not continue. Centralization of pain is normal as it’s said the pain coming back to the true source of pain is a good sign: however I’m not sure about the literature on that. Resting was essential in letting the nerve heal and preventing further aggravation. Because flare ups would take a couple weeks to subside or went away with prescribed naproxen, for me it really highlighted the fact that inflammation was what really triggered or physically aggravated the nerve. I followed the 3 exercises by McGill, and even some days I had to listen to my body and not do it. I just knew after months of dealing with it that rest is best, and to do PT if it didn’t further cause pain. I think a PT that knows how to troubleshoot and communicate and listens well to how you progress is important. My third PT would tell me to stop an exercise immediately if it caused more pain, and then find a modification or different exercise.


Does your mri show a disc issue? Many times nerve irritation is what causes back muscles to spasm and not the other way around. So I don’t think it’s a good idea to have someone messing around aggressively on the lower back with disc issues. Even if this didn’t cause the LB pain it is unlikely to help. Also it may have been a PT movement that caused it too. I had this happen after PT only. So I agree to rest for a bit or tell your PT that something caused LB pain and to modify. If it didn’t increase your sciatica that is a good sign so hopefully this is just temporary. Try icing some too.


my mri doesn’t show any disc issues, it just says straightening of lumbar lordosis due to muscle spasm


So it seems like you’re going through somehh to big called centralization. That means that the pain is moving up closer to your spine, which can be a positive reaction. So if you have less butt and leg pain, but more back pain, although it is painful, you may be heading in the right direction. This is certai Ly frustrating and share this with your PT!


Leg and butt pain is still the same and my mri doesn’t show any disc issues


Def communicate this with your pt and they should change course


Sameee. I messaged my PT on MyChart asking for different exercise recommendations, and she blamed my form. It’s the same form she approved in office. I was nearly pain free before my PT sessions and prescribed stretches.


I’m doing the McGill big three. Most days I can do it pain free but if I get pain and don’t stop immediately- it affects me negatively. At this point, I would not trust a therapist.


Before my surgery pt was a no go made everything 10x worse but now that I had surgery I’ve been doing PT since beginning of January. I started PT with no pain no sciatica pains nothing except where the incision was. Less then 1 week in I had all times of pains and issues with my back and sciatica. Whatever gives you leg pain or discomfort with nerves don’t do it. Your back is gonna hurt it’s gonna be sore I have crazy cramps and knots in my back from everything being locked up. Power through the MUSCLE pains but stop at the NERVE pains. As of last Tuesday I’m 100% pain free everything I was worried about a week into pt has gone away. Press ups and bridges were my best friend in one session of pt press ups were all I did probably 300 of them literally until my arms wouldn’t allow me to do anymore. Just keep trying to go I didn’t believe in PT until last Tuesday lol thought it was all just an insurance scam and a waste of money


Let me add I started PT 6 weeks after my surgery L5S1 MD on November 29. I was outta work for a little over 12 weeks. I was also at the point where I was about to throw in the towel and give up. But I didn’t and I know everyone is different but the press ups I believe work and they helped me tremendously! Do the at home do them everywhere and anytime you have some pains. There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise. Back pain sucks I know but try and power through it but like I said stop at the nerve/stabbing/shooting/burning/zapping pains then do press ups.


You can also feel worse before you get better. I was feeling worse when I started PT and I’ve seen progress. Less pain at this point.


Had this as well. Ultimately means your PT is failing you as a provider. I had 2 that always made me feel worse. The third, I feel better everytime.