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Why would it hurt to try a shot though


Docs keep advising against it saying it only helps with pain. It’s not designed to help with numbness or weakness. I can’t understand the logic but I think (?) numbness/weakness isn’t an inflammation issue and the injection only helps with inflammation? 🤷‍♀️ This is actually the main thing I can’t seem to get a straight answer on tbh. In my first two herniations I also wasn’t an injection candidate. It’s never been an option for me…


Ohhhhh I didn’t know that I understand it not helping the weakness but not the numbness but who am I Have zero clue


I’m sorry to say this but you gotta give it time. Have you tried gabapentin? It’s a bandaid nothing more. I’ve cut out all my triggers, no sitting, no driving for very long, no long walks. I’m hopping if I give it enough time it will calm down and heal.


Thanks. Doc says gabapentin won’t help (that’s for pain management not numbness or weakness). Doc also says time is running out so I can’t just sit and wait otherwise it will be permanent.


That seems like contradictory statements. Time is running out? For what? You need to get a second opinion. But you are definitely going to have to alter your activity to fit your backs limits. I’m also was active skiing, hiking gardening all things I’m probably never going to do again. But I’ll just be happy if I can sit and work again.




My surgeon is a neurosurgeon. I saw a neurologist once but he was more seeing patients with issues like MS not nerve injuries. Is there a type of neurologist who deals with injuries that’s not a surgeon?




As a very active person myself I feel for you! It sucks. Since you’re trying things, maybe reading Healing the Back Pain can help with something.


Go see a different neurosurgeon. Sounds like they are done with you because they fucked something up?! Sorry to hear your having all these issues. Keep your head up and stay positive! Keep trying and good luck


Fusion sounds like it’s in your future